Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 236: Invitation card


Just like the previous two times, the silvery-white candle flame condensed into a beam of light and landed on the left chest of Lumian, who was already in pain and confusion.

Amidst the diffuse gray fog and strange black wind, a silver-black illusory liquid flowed out from there.

At some point, Lumian forgot the pain and the dizziness, as if he had become a different person.

He stood in the wilderness, pulled the wooden bow in his hand, and shot a long arrow that shone with a faint blue glow at the prey in the sky.

Lumian vaguely remembered who he was, but he felt that everything was so real and he was experiencing it right now.

The sharp blue arrow pierced the sky and penetrated into the belly of a gray-black vulture.

Intense pain suddenly flooded into Lumian's mind. He saw himself flapping his wings and falling to the ground with an arrow almost piercing his abdomen.

No, how could I become a vulture... Lumian had this thought vaguely, but he was not fully assimilated by the current scene and physical condition.


He fell heavily to the ground, feeling his bones breaking one by one and excruciating pain.

The experience just now was so unreal... It was like being a vulture, a hyena, a lion, and another human being...

...Monette rubbed his aching head and stood up quickly, recalling his subsequent experiences and digesting the missing knowledge in his mind.

The attacker was a strange lion with rotting parts on its body and bloody yellow pus oozing out.

The mouth with strands of bright red flesh hanging from it opened to the limit.

Monette collected his spirits and spoke cheerfully:

"Yes, Mr. Fool's angel's blessing does not have a very low-level anti-divination and anti-prophecy effect. Unless Boros has been hiding around you and has not been thrown off, I may catch up with you again!" Monette was startled and looked around almost instinctively.

I quickly lost my mind and became crazy, with only the desire to destroy all living things in sight and wreak havoc.

Monitor had originally planned to ask for God's blessing after formally praying for the gift, but with the strange appearance of Boros and the existence of the angel behind me, the blessing became a reality, and Thermilumian became more docile and did not make any obvious disruptive moves.

"Lovers' Night

Mine entrance... What does that mean? Holding the carbide lamp, Monitor walked towards the empty entrance of the quarry in confusion.

My spirituality has weakened greatly;

Termilumian replied in his still majestic voice:

It’s not to say that I am an integral part of the contract, and the most important part. I must rely on that to write the rest of the contract and give it to the target creature to "sign".

Frankly speaking, when retreating underground, what Monette was most worried about was whether Thermiporos would take advantage of the ceremony to pray for the gift and try to break it. After all, the power of the gift I obtained was getting lower and lower, and it would really end up endangering the angel of fate. Even if He was sealed tightly, He would find a way to make trouble. It is very likely that He would sit here and wait to be weakened.

Monet, who was holding a wooden bow, smelled a strong fishy odor and saw a lion with two head-like tumors growing on its shoulders.

After a period of contemplation, Monette had a firm grasp of the specifics of the ability to "receive a bond":

Monitor was shocked and finally regained his shattered self-awareness. He found that the hunter's "body" had become blurred along with the vulture, hyena, and lion, turning into simple silver-white and white words and strange symbols.

At the same time, Monitor examined his own changes and the abilities of the "Bound Person":

In addition to the feeling of satisfaction and nausea, Monette's abdomen stopped hurting, and his extraordinary power, which was already close to losing control, was completely stimulated by the poison, causing a mutation.

And just as Monette expected, that ordinary contract was integrated into my body and soul when I was promoted and could not be transferred to others.

My intuition for sensing fortunes has not weakened much, but before I found out that Thermi Lumian could influence my fate and judgment, I rarely used that ability and was on guard against him;

Of course, the main reason is that, but those creatures contained in the mystical knowledge of the power of destiny may not have a certain relationship with the existence named after destiny. Monette is worried that signing a contract with them will suffer hidden influences and cause his own destiny to slide into the abyss.

I have no worse choice: ap.

It’s so disgusting... I’m not that little monster Ludwig... Lumian couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

"One with the crowd" dance hall

But no matter what, the ability to arbitrarily choose a combination of abilities within a certain range makes the lower limit of the "person who is contracted" very low. Of course, the upper limit is also high. If you choose the wrong ability and pay the right price, you may even be an outstanding person like a special person.

When signing a contract, a price needs to be paid. Part of it goes to the contracted creature, and the other part goes to the witness of the contract. The price cannot be life, limbs, blood relatives, lovers, sacrifices, the lower limit of spirituality, partial sanity, etc. The specific price depends on what the contracted creature wants.

Even if that is not an exaggeration, it is enough to show that Mr. Fool has a very strong influence in the spiritual world.

But a small number of those strange creatures are evil and weird, and the price they need to pay is also the same. Monette really wants to choose from them.

The range of influence of "Dance of Recruiting" is now smaller, and the status of the strange creatures that cannot be weakened by it is also lower;

I slowly cleaned up the broken altar, removed the "spiritual wall", took down the calcium carbide lamp, and was ready to leave the empty quarry at any time.

If the seal is slightly opened during the ceremony to pray for blessings, so that the power of fate can flow out, it will give Thermilumian a certain chance.

Yes, it is possible... The most important thing has not been completed... Monette sniffed the elegant and sweet scent mixed with gray amber, and immersed herself in this madness wholeheartedly.

“The first day of each month will be a little later.

According to the contents of the scriptures that Monette heard in the Church of the Fool, that tiny being is the ruler of the spiritual world, and the Holy Spirit angel beside His throne is in charge of the spiritual world on His behalf.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my back and was pinned to the ground by sharp claws.

"Thermi Wang Yuerong, does he have anything to add?"

Lumian nearly fainted when he saw a hyena rushing towards him.

I clearly prayed for the protection of Mr. Fool, the angel, and took several anti-tracking actions, but did I fail to get rid of this strange scammer

He did not completely regard himself as a hyena, but continued to bite and eat the prey in a controlled manner, letting go of the parts that had been contaminated with the poison.

Outside the darkness at the edge of the quarry hole, everything was dead silent, but Monet got goose bumps, as if there were countless pairs of eyes hidden in the air.

The target creature must refuse before the contract can be signed;

In that situation, when Wang Yuerong, who was sealed by Mr. Fool and took Mr. Fool as the object of prayer and witness of the contract, tried to make a contract with a creature from the spiritual world, it was very likely that there would be no big bonus and hidden disadvantages, just like other "contractees" who signed contracts with strange creatures beyond the knowledge that came with the gift.

Wang Yuerong slowly reviewed the knowledge he had just acquired and found that some of the descriptions were very vague, and seemed to contain many possibilities.

Therefore, the vast majority of the knowledge that Monite gained through that gift was the information of the corresponding creatures, including specific abilities and traits and the "rewards" that the other party wanted to obtain. My flexibility from the "Dancer" and my ability to endure more extreme environments from the "Mendicant Monk" have both improved to a certain extent, but it is small;

Those words and symbols connected end to end, forming a ring, and suddenly shrank into the human body.

The number of contracts depends on one's own ability to bear. A person of lower status or very powerful traits may only be able to bear one, while a more special one that is equivalent to one's own level can definitely bear eight. A generally strong one with a high enough status cannot bear less.

"The entrance to the mine."

Warm and smelly flesh and blood filled his mouth, and he found himself gnawing on the body of a gray-black vulture, while the arrowhead with a faint blue sheen had broken off inside the bird of prey.

I clearly remember when I rolled on the ground in pain.

In the midst of my cathartic run, I saw a hunter and pounced on him.

For example, the point that "the target creature must be in agreement before the contract can be signed" does not specify the method of obtaining the rejection. Bribing the other party with sacrifices is an agreement, and beating them until they completely surrender is also a rejection. Similarly, the "reward" demanded by the former should not be negotiable.

Before signing the contract, you cannot choose the desired traits by your own will;

Monette opened his eyes quickly and saw the quietly swaying silver-white candlelight and the half-meter-low stone that served as an altar.

Mr. Fool!

I watched the scene from a bystander's perspective with a slight sense of detachment, while slowly tearing the hyena apart and eating it.

Every time a contract is signed, what is obtained is only a kind of ability, and there is also a certain influence from the contracted creature. The lower their status, the smaller the negative impact;

The "Bound Person" only adds a new ability, which is to sign a contract with the summoned creature and directly borrow the ability of a certain characteristic.

Did you have any when you retreated...Monite's spirit tensed up, and he hurried over. He saw a monocle drawn on the surface of the white paper, which looked almost like a copy, and seven lines of bold, bright red Intis words:

Monitor bit off the hyena's throat with one bite and hid in the bushes in the distance with it in his mouth.

"Invite him to attend."

“Be One with the Crowd” Dance Hall······Monocle······Lovers’ Night·······The image of Polos wearing a monocle in his left eye socket instantly emerged in Wang Yuerong’s mind.

Huh... Before calming down briefly, Monitor confirmed that he had obtained a new gift and became the "contracted one".

In addition, the combination of the two pieces of knowledge, "Contracted creatures will bring certain negative effects" and "their own tolerance is unlimited", ruled out the possibility that Monite relied on the seal of Mr. Fool, the Lord of the Spirit World, to cheat and find low-level creatures to sign contracts with sufficient costs in order to obtain divine power.

For that reason, Monette also intended to use this being as the object of prayer and witness of the contract when signing the contract.

As the yellowish light tinged with a hint of blue illuminated the gravel area, I saw a piece of cardboard cut into the shape of a love letter.