Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 25: Purification


Seeing that Lai En not only did not escape, but blocked the entrance of the tower with the "Sword of Dawn", the woman in the gray and white dress immediately had a bad premonition.

She quickly turned the huge scissors around, clamped her neck, and gently scratched it.

Bright red blood immediately flowed out, accompanied by her sharp scream, and then quickly flowed up, down, left and right as if it had its own life, covering her entire body.

It was as if the woman were donning a bloody full-body armor.

While she was doing these things, Lai En held the "Sword of Dawn" upside down with both hands and knelt on one knee.

With a "puff", he inserted the two-handed giant sword condensed from light into the stone floor in front of him.

The giant sword then disintegrated and turned into spots of light like the morning glow.

They were densely packed and countless, forming a flashing and violent hurricane that swept forward.

Wherever the storm of light passed, the stone floor was thinned, some stairs were smoothed out, and some had exaggerated cracks. The woman didn't even have time to dodge before she was completely swallowed up.

The blood-red armor on her body held out for a second before it was completely shattered and dissolved in the light.

But this time, she left the special environment on the third floor and found herself in a place full of vitality. She could no longer use those pale and transparent faces to move to another position. She could only watch as tiny bloody cracks appeared on her body one after another.

The crack expanded rapidly, and in an instant turned into a hideous wound that cut the woman open.

As her screams echoed, her body was torn into pieces and turned into pieces of flesh, and those pieces of flesh and her soul continued to be ravaged by the storm of light until the hurricane subsided, one became more fragmented, and the other dissipated.

Although Ryan tried his best to control the "Storm of Light" so as not to affect other directions, he was still unable to do enough to attack with all his strength, and damaged a lot of the side walls and the stairs at the back. If Lumian, Leah and Valentine had not found shelter in advance as he instructed, they would all be injured to varying degrees.

“Wow!” “Wow!” “Wow!”

The bird-claw children climbing on the wall were frightened and burst into tears.

This made Lumian and the others' ears buzz, as if they were under a noise attack.

“Go!” Ryan turned around and slammed into the most damaged wall nearby.

With a loud crash, the wall broke apart and a large amount of rocks fell down.

A large hole appeared there, large enough for humans to squeeze through.

When Valentine and Lumian ran over, Ryan grabbed one of them with one hand, lifted them up by the shoulders, and jumped directly from a height of more than ten meters to a tree outside the castle.

Bang! He was in mid-air, and kicked the tree with his foot, changing from a straight descent to an oblique horizontal flight, landing far away from the castle.

Leah jumped out by herself, and with the help of the bulges on the castle's outer wall, she quickly descended layer by layer and landed on the ground in just one or two breaths.

As the trees shook violently, Ryan, Lumian, and Valentine waited for Leah for a few seconds, and then ran to the back of the hill after meeting her, leaving the same way before the other servants caught up.

… …

Less than a minute later, at the entrance of the tower, next to the huge broken hole.

Mrs. Pualis, wearing a gray-blue fluffy dress, stood there expressionlessly, looking around.

The children climbing on the wall hurriedly called for their mothers, accusing the outsiders of their barbarity and brutality.

Mrs. Pualis said nothing, her face was as gloomy as water.

… …

In the woods on the side of Cordu village.

Lumian and the others stopped and looked back towards the castle.

Liya was about to speak when she suddenly frowned.

"I heard a baby crying, very close!" She tilted her head and asked En and others, "Did you hear it?"

Lumian was startled and listened carefully.

Faintly, he heard the sound of a baby crying, but it was not as close as Leah described. It even seemed very far away.

"I heard a little." Lai En said truthfully.

Valentine didn't know what he was thinking of, and his expression changed instantly.

Almost at the same time, a painful expression appeared on Leah's face, and one hand instinctively pressed to her lower abdomen - there was obvious bulging and wriggling there.

Valentine hurried over, stretched out a hand and placed it on Leah's head.

Then, he said in a deep voice an ancient Hermetic word that Lumian had just learned:


Drops of golden translucent liquid condensed out of thin air and sprinkled on Leah.

Suddenly, phantom black smoke rose from Leah's body, and her expression was sometimes distorted and sometimes normal.

Finally, her lower abdomen shrank back to its original state and stopped moving.

"Huh..." Leah exhaled, "I almost became the monster's cheap mother. Fortunately, I dealt with it in time and it didn't have time to take root."

She had a smile on her face, and even though she had just experienced something so strange and terrifying, she didn't show any fear or uneasiness.

After sighing, Leah turned to Lumian, Ryan and Valentine:

"Do you want to purify yourself with holy water as well? I'm afraid you'll become mothers without even realizing it."

"Okay!" Lumian agreed without hesitation.

But Valentine didn't walk towards him immediately. Instead, he came to Ryan and put his hand on his head.


It was the same ancient Hermetic word again, and drops of golden liquid condensed again.

As the holy water was sprinkled, there was nothing unusual about Lai En.

Valentine purified himself again, and again no illusory black smoke evaporated.

After dealing with his companions, he walked over to Lumian and reached out to hold down the "hunter"'s head.


As the ancient Hermetic word echoed and as drops of translucent liquid fell, Lumian suddenly felt the pain.

The pain came from his heart, as if there was a snake drilling around in there, trying to leave.

Every time it drilled, Lumian's heart beat faster or slower, which was extremely uncomfortable.

The next second, he faintly heard the mysterious voice in his ears, which seemed to come from infinitely far away and yet seemed to be right next to him.

Fortunately, this was not as clear as the dream, so Lumian did not go directly into a near-death state.

Just when Lumian was about to give up, Valentine stopped the purification and nodded grimly:

"There's nothing wrong with you."

Huh... Lumian let out a breath quietly, feeling as if he had danced on the edge of death and was pulled back.

At this moment, he roughly understood what had just happened:

According to the mysterious lady, he was a person who had been severely polluted by a hidden evil god, and was able to maintain his normal state only through the timely sealing by that great being.

For someone like him to accept the purification of holy water is like a demon ghost embracing holy light; there will definitely be problems.

To put it simply, he himself is an evil pollutant that needs to be purified!

Fortunately, fortunately, if Valentine had held on a little longer or been a little stronger, even with the seal of that great being, I would have revealed my abnormality... I can no longer be purified, and I can't even find someone to exorcise the evil spirits. I am the evil that needs to be exorcised... Lumian was relieved and didn't let the remaining pain appear on his face.

Seeing that his companions had been purified and the hidden dangers had been eliminated, Lai En immediately said:

“We’re going to the edge of the village now, where the loop will be triggered.

"If Madam Pualis finds a clue and chases after us, and we can't defeat her, we can try to escape and restart the cycle."

Seeing Valentine's obvious confusion, Ryan added:

"I'm worried that if I die once in the loop, there will be some problems after the loop ends, so I'd better try not to die now if I can."

"Okay." Leah agreed before Valentine could make any fanatical remarks.

Seeing that his two companions had reached the same decision, Valentine could only nod.

At this time, Lumian glanced at them and waved his hand:

"You guys go ahead, I'm going home!"

"Aren't you worried that Mrs. Pualis will look for you?" Ryan frowned in confusion.

Lumian smiled:

"I'm not like you. After I entered the tower, I kept avoiding the sight of those monster kids and wasn't seen by them. The midwife who saw me was completely killed by you. It seems that she can't even communicate with spirits. How could Mrs. Pualis guess that such a high-end and powerful infiltration team would have an ordinary person like me

“Think about it, before you came to Cordu, no one tried to sneak into the castle. As soon as you arrived, something happened immediately. Who else should we suspect if not you

"If I run away with you, I will be dragged down with you!"

Ryan, Leah and Valentine were speechless for a moment.

This was clearly an action planned by this guy, so why did it seem to have nothing to do with him in the end

Are we and others going to bear all the "crimes"

“Goodbye! If Madam Pualis doesn’t dare to deal with you official Beyonders and the cycle is not restarted, then we’ll see you at the old tavern tomorrow!” Lumian waved his hand and reminded the other party as he ran to the edge of the woods, “Take care, my cabbages!”

After leaving the woods, Lumian's expression suddenly became solemn.

The reason he didn't escape with Lai En and the others was not just the one he just mentioned; that was more of an excuse.

His main purpose was to return home immediately and reunite with Aurora.

As soon as Aurore invited Mrs. Pualis to have afternoon tea, someone sneaked into the castle, and he was an easy suspect to think of.

Lumian had to tell his sister quickly that if Mrs. Pualis came to question and kill her, she should not be stubborn, but directly betray the three strangers, accept Mrs. Pualis's imprisonment, and find valuable secrets to lure her for a while so that she would not kill anyone on the spot.

There is hope only when you are alive!

Even if you are in a loop, you cannot easily say die, lest there be any big problems after the loop is released!

And after Mrs. Pualis catches up with Leah and the others, if she wins, one of the three of Ryan will be able to trigger the cycle and "erase" the memory. If she loses, what is there to worry about

Lumian endured the pain in his calf, crossed the village road and ran back home.

He was relieved to see Aurore looking out the door, alive and well.

"Are you okay?"

"Are you okay?"

The brother and sister asked each other at the same time.

PS: Ask for monthly ticket~