Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 26: The ravings of a madman


Anthony Reid looked at Lumian and said calmly, "What do you want?"

Anthony, who has chubby cheeks. Red showed an understanding expression and pointed to the chair in the middle of the room: "I want to find two people."

"Name, appearance, features." Anthony Reid glanced at Lumian's left waist.

"One is Guillaume Bene, who used to be the parish priest of the Church of the Eternal Sun, and the other is Puaris de Roquefort. More than a month ago, she came to Trier with her husband Beaust, her housekeeper Louis Lund, and her maid Cassie.

"I don't have any photos of them, I can only tell you, Guillaume. Bene has short black hair, blue eyes, a serious personality, strong desires, and his most distinctive feature is his hooked nose. Puaris has long brown hair, bright brown eyes, pale and sparse eyebrows, and a clean but seductive temperament..."

Anthony Reid listened quietly, stood up, walked to the wooden table by the window, opened the drawer, and took out a stack of white paper and a sharpened pencil.

He started sketching quickly and soon finished two portraits.

"Take a look and see if they look alike." Anthony Reid handed the two sketches to Lumian.

Lumian took it and looked at it, and found that both the parish priest and Madame Puaris were lifelike and vivid, and except for the lack of color, there was not much difference from the photo.

“Very much.

"You have restored it to this extent based on my simple description?" He thought Anthony Reed would draw several drafts for him to choose from, and then further revise and refine them.

Anthony Reid smiled rarely and said, "I restored the photo from the official wanted poster.

“The authorities are also looking for them.”

No wonder... Lumian suddenly realized.

The parish priest, Guillaume Bene, and Madame Puaris were both believers of the evil god who had received the "Gift". After Lai En and others reported it, they would definitely attract corresponding attention!

Thinking of this, his uneasiness instantly increased.

"I must be wanted too... Has Anthony Reid seen my portrait? Did he recognize me?" Lumian's heart was hanging in the air. He pretended to be calm and asked the information dealer in front of him: "I'm not surprised about this. I want to know how much their reward is?"

"Guillaume Bene will give you 20,000 fergins, and 500 fergins for each clue you provide. The same goes for Puaris."

Anthony Reid's tone was very steady.

Lumian smiled and said, "If you can find useful information, you can get double the reward."

What he meant was that he could get one copy from the official source and another copy from himself.

Anthony nodded and said, “I accept your commission, 500 Felkins, 100 in advance.

"This is my rule. You can refuse it and go find another information dealer or bounty hunter."

"no problem."

He was about to take out the money when a gunshot was suddenly heard outside the window.

Anthony Reid trembled all over, as if he had encountered a natural enemy, and shrank his body and quickly crawled under the wooden table.

Lumian was a little stunned. Was this reaction too exaggerated? Wasn't this a normal state of chaos on the streets

There are gunshots, fights and large-scale conflicts from time to time. People who live here should have gotten used to it. The only thing they need to do is stay away from the windows to avoid being hit by bullets.

Soon, the noisy sound began to subside.

Anthony Reid paused for a few seconds and crawled out from under the wooden table.

"I'm sorry, but I suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder during the war a few years ago and had to retire and return to Trier."

Why do you live in a chaotic street where gunshots are heard frequently? Lumian did not ask further questions. He had no interest in Anthony Reed's psychological problems.

He took out a fifty-fifth-dollar bill and ran his fingers lightly over the bust of Levanx and the silhouetted commercial street and the merchants coming and going.

Feeling the remaining texture, Lumian handed the gray-blue banknotes, along with two gold Louis and two 5-fil gold coins with a sunbird engraved on them, to Anthony Reed.

His wallet suddenly felt one third lighter, and he couldn't help but feel that he was spending money like water.

After looking at the honest market picture on the back of the banknote, Anthony Reed bent his fingers, flicked the surface, and checked the authenticity in the sunlight.

After confirming that everything was correct, he collected the money and asked Lumian, "Do you want to come to me at a fixed time to see if there is any information, or do you want to give me the address and I will drop the corresponding information into your room if I find any?"

"I live in Room 207." Lumian knew that he could not hide the fact that he was staying at the Golden Rooster Hotel from Anthony Reed, so he directly reported the room number.

After leaving room 305, his expression gradually became serious, and he said to himself, "I have to be extra careful in the next few days to prevent Anthony Reed from betraying me...

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"Should I find an opportunity to show my strength in front of him and make him believe that I will take revenge?"

Lumian walked towards the stairs while thinking.

Suddenly, he heard someone laughing and crying and shouting: "I'm dying, I'm dying!"

Lumian looked in the direction of the sound and saw a man squatting at the door of Room 310.

The man was wearing a dirty linen shirt and yellow trousers, and his black hair was shoulder-length and dishevelled.

At this moment, he was pressing his head with both hands, looking at the ground, and kept muttering to himself: "I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

The sound was sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes fearful, sometimes crazy.

The madman who occasionally gets lucid that Charlie was talking about

Lumian looked at him for a few seconds, then moved closer and asked curiously, "Why do you feel like you're going to die and have a terminal illness?" The man didn't even raise his head and continued to yell, "I'm dying, I'm dying!"

Lumian smiled, stepped over him, and walked into Room 310 with the wooden door open.

The layout of this room was the same as that of Room 207 where he lived, and it was fairly clean, except for the occasional appearance of those bedbugs that he couldn't get rid of.

"I know." Lumian replied with a smile, "But aren't you going to die soon? I see you don't have any children or relatives. You might as well use your inheritance to help us poor neighbors."

He noticed that the madman was about twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, and his black beard had not been shaved for a long time. It was so dense and covered that his blue eyes seemed to be hidden in the depths of the jungle.

The madman was stunned for a few seconds, grabbed his hair, and shouted in extreme pain: "They are all dead, they are all dead!

"I saw the ghost of Montsouris. They are all dead. I am dying too!"

The ghost of Montsouris? Lumian finally heard something different from the madman.

He had just deliberately provoked and provoked the other party just to see if he could get a different reaction.

The good feedback made him suddenly feel that the potion was showing signs of being digested.

One of the rules for playing a “provocateur” is that provocation is only a means, not an end

Lumian looked at the madman thoughtfully and asked, "Why can the ghost of Montsouris make them die and make you almost die?"

The madman lowered his head and muttered to himself, "Anyone who sees the ghost of Montsouris will die, and his family will die too. They will all die within a year!"

Is it a madman's hallucination, or is this thing real? If so, is it a curse

Lumian asked tentatively, "Where did you encounter the ghost of Montsouris?"

"Underground, underground! Right in the underground of the market area!" The madman squatted down again, with his back against the wall, hugged his body with his hands, and trembled.

The underground world corresponding to the market area? Why not report it to the two churches and ask them to send people to clean up the unclean things? Lumian muttered silently.

Seeing that the madman had returned to his "I'm dying, I'm dying" state, he gave up asking any more questions, walked out of room 310 and went down the stairs.

Tomorrow is Sunday. Lumian decided to go to the Mason Cafe in the botanical garden at noon to get a general idea of the area, and then go to the catacombs in the afternoon to see if Aosta has received a "reply" from the convener of the party.

There were many obstacles made of stones, wood, branches and various garbage in the alleys around the chaotic street. Even on the main road, you could occasionally encounter one, but a path in the middle had been opened up that could accommodate two carriages.

They are called barricades and can be seen in many districts. Many of them have traces of smoke and fire, and some even have blackened blood remaining on them. They are a unique landscape in Trier, and are located at the opposite end of the scale from the arcade pedestrian street.

Lumian stepped through the lowest part of a barricade, walked out of the dark alley and onto the street.

He then walked towards the public coach stop, intending to take this means of transportation to the botanical garden.

On the way, Lumian saw many homeless people lying in the corners, basking in the sun and catching lice. Each of them was dirty, thin and listless.

This reminded him of his previous wandering life.

Unlike the Kingdom of Loen, which forbids homeless people from sleeping on the streets or in parks, the Republic of Intis does not have any regulations for homeless people. They are only prohibited from entering places with fees or private venues. They often use this to mock Loen for its lack of humanistic care.

As his thoughts were floating, Lumian suddenly narrowed his eyes while walking.

He felt like someone was following him.