Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 43: Follow up


When Lumian opened his eyes, his spirit had been restored and his body no longer ached.

He suddenly sat up, walked to the table, and quickly drew open the curtains.

At this time, it was still dark, the red moon was setting in the sky, the stars were twinkling, and on the elm tree not far away, the huge owl with lively eyes appeared again, looking down at Lumian.

Lumian showed no surprise or anger, but smiled brilliantly.

"You're here again." He greeted enthusiastically, but his body movements, tone of voice, and facial expressions would make the target suddenly have the urge to beat him up.

The owl looked at him for a few seconds, spread its wings, and flew into the depths of darkness.

Almost at the same time, Aurore left her bedroom, turned the handle, and entered Lumian's room.

"How is it?" Lumian asked quickly.

Aurore nodded.

"'Blank Paper' has caught up."

Her light blue eyes had long since grown dark, and in them were trees that kept retreating and growing larger.

She then took out a mercury-coated mirror, placed it on Lumian's desk, and then used pale white powder to cast a spell to reflect what she saw on the mirror.

Lumian successfully spotted the owl, which was circling at a relatively low altitude over the village of Cordu at night, circling back and forth as if trying to shake off any possible tracking. However, "White Paper" was a spiritual creature and was quite fast, so it was not affected at all and always kept a certain distance.

After a minute or two the owl circled around to the village square.

Without any hesitation, it flew directly into the cemetery next to the church.

"Why are we here again?" Lumian couldn't help but sigh.

The last time the siblings spied on Michel Garrigu, the "lizard" that came out of the vice-priest's mouth also ended up in the cemetery, going in and out of different graves!

“It can’t be that cemeteries are often used as gathering places and hiding places for villains in stories, and it’s the same in reality, right?” Lumian turned his head to glance at his sister.

Aurore sneered:

“Do you know what inspiration comes from reality?”

“That’s right…” Lumian agreed with the professional writer’s explanation of his creation.

At this time, the owl flew over an ordinary grave.

Like most tombs in Intis, a large pit was dug in the ground, the coffin was placed in it, then filled with soil, and finally covered with one or two stone slabs, and a tombstone was erected at the back.

Part of the above content is Lumian's imagination and speculation, but at least from the appearance, he can't see anything unusual about the tomb.

The owl lowered its altitude and landed on the two stone slabs that sealed the tomb.

With the help of the "white paper" vision, Aurore and Lumian found some suspicious traces:

The corresponding tombstone was blank, with nothing on it; the surface of the stone slab, which should have been dirty and overgrown with weeds, was spotlessly clean, as if someone came to clean it regularly.

"There's something wrong with this grave." Auror commented.

As soon as she finished speaking, the two stone slabs sealing the tomb suddenly fell down.

No, not dropping, more like opening the concept.

They opened inward like a pair of doors, revealing a dark space and stone stairs leading deeper.

“Wow.” Lumian exclaimed in surprise, “It’s spacious enough!”

This was completely different from the ordinary tomb he had imagined. It was more like a mausoleum with a large burial space.

"There's actually such a place in Cordu..." Auror originally thought that she had lived here for nearly six years and was very familiar with every tree and blade of grass in Cordu Village. However, she recently found that this place was becoming more and more unfamiliar and weird.

While the brother and sister were talking, the owl flew down the stairs into the depths of the "mausoleum".

The corresponding underground space is not exaggerated. As soon as "Bai Zi" finished following the stairs, he saw a tomb chamber.

The tomb was about the size of Lumian's kitchen, with a black coffin placed in the middle.

The coffin was not closed, the lid was leaning against the side, resting on the ground.

The owl flapped its wings and flew over, landing on the edge of the coffin and standing there.

“The dead wizard?” Lumian’s spirit tensed up.

Aurore said "hmm", asked the "white paper" to move closer in that direction, and looked into the coffin from afar.

Almost at the same time, Lumian discovered a figure standing vaguely in the corner of the tomb.

He was just about to remind his sister to look who that was, but the "white paper" had already turned its "eyes" to the open coffin.

With a bang, the mercury mirror in front of the two people exploded and shattered, and Auror also let out a low scream of unbearable pain.

Lumian quickly turned his head and looked at his sister, only to see that she had closed her eyes tightly and was shedding drop after drop of blood-stained tears. The muscles on her cheeks were twitching uncontrollably, as if they were about to crack.

Without waiting for the semi-illiterate in occultism to respond, Aurore took out a short stick of incense from her secret bag and fumbled with a match to light it.

A faint fragrance spreads, distant and light, making people's body and mind become peaceful.

The abnormality on Auror's face gradually subsided. Finally, she let out a long breath and wiped away her tears and blood with the handkerchief she carried with her.

"Is everything alright?" Lumian asked with concern.

Aurore closed her eyes tightly and did not open them:

"It's not a serious problem. I'll get some more sleep and my eyes should be back to normal. Thank goodness 'white paper' is so fragile. Sometimes, weakness is also an advantage!"

She was very happy.

“Huh?” Lumian didn’t understand.

Aurore laughed at herself:

"To put it simply, I saw something I shouldn't have seen, but 'White Paper' is very fragile. It only caught a glimpse of it, or even barely caught a glimpse of it, but it was already seriously injured and retreated back into the spirit world. The impact on me was also much smaller, otherwise it wouldn't have been so easy to control just now, and it might have been very troublesome."

The world of occultism is so dangerous... Lumian truly realized what it meant to "not look at what you shouldn't look at."

He waited until his sister recovered a little before asking:

"What did 'White Paper' aim at? Why did it cause such great damage?"

"I just saw a little silver-black light." Aurore didn't dare to recall. "As for the things that can cause harm just by seeing them, there are too many. Maybe it's an item that reveals divinity, maybe it's a high-sequence mythical creature, maybe it's something with curses and malice..."

“Mythical creature form?” Lumian had never heard of this term before.

Aurore casually explained:

"The essence of the Path of God is to transform Beyonders into gods. When we reach Sequence 4, we can have our own mythical creature form, but it is not complete. People below Sequence 4 will be hurt or even lose control just by seeing this form."

Are Saints so powerful? They are like two different species from Beyonders below Sequence 4... No wonder they can be called Demigods at Sequence 4... Lumian instantly realized how ignorant he was before, thinking that Beyonders below Sequence 4 were no different in essence.

He then said:

"Aurore, when 'White Paper' approached the coffin, I seemed to see a figure in the corner of the tomb, but I don't know who it is, what it looks like, or what it is wearing."

"There's another person there?" Aurore was a little surprised.

Lumian nodded:

"So, is that the dead wizard in the coffin, or is that the one in the corner?"

"I think the one in the coffin is him." Aurore closed his eyes and said carefully, "The one in the corner is either his puppet or his subordinate, or another Beyonder who controls the wizard's body."

Lumian said, “Hmm.”

"The wizard's problem has not been completely solved. This may be the source of Cordu's gradual abnormality."

This harvest made him both happy and troubled.

I'm happy that the investigation has made great progress, but I'm worried that just seeing the wizard's body will cause harm, and there's a high chance that things will get out of control. How can we go to the tomb to make further confirmation and take follow-up actions

Aurore obviously thought of this as well:

"Don't go to the tomb for now. Let's focus on the basement of the church. We may be able to get key clues there that will help us solve the problem of the tomb."

"Okay." Lumian had decided to go find the three strangers after daybreak to discuss exploring the underground of the church.

After hearing his answer, Aurore added:

"If I am fully recovered, I will go with you to the basement of the church."

Lumian hesitated for two seconds and agreed.

At times like this, we must gather all our strength to see hope!

Aurore, still with her eyes closed, asked:

"It seems that your ritual was successful. How do you feel?"

Lumian told his sister the whole process of the ceremony and his gains, but he did not mention the specific description of that being. Finally, he said:

"I almost lost control when I received the gift, but I was fine afterwards. There were no unusual changes in my body. It might be because the sequence was low enough."

Aurore closed her eyes, smiled slightly and said:

"That dance that can summon abnormal creatures around and let one of them possess the body is very interesting.

"This reminds me of some legendary power from my hometown, 'God's Strike'!"

“Huh?” Lumian couldn’t understand.

Aurore smiled:

"It means asking a demigod-level creature to partially possess you and use their combat abilities."

“That would require a strong body, soul, and spirit, right?” Lumian speculated.

Aurore didn't continue the topic and instructed her brother:

"Help me back to my room. I need to rest."

Lumian helped his sister up and walked towards her bedroom, asking casually:

"What I find strange about that ritual is that I did not even get permission from the owner of the blue-black symbol before I extracted a little power from the seal. Could it be that He was watching me the whole time? That's impossible. How could He have so much free time?"

Aurore thought for a moment and said:

"You told me that the mysterious lady gave you a vague and inaccurate description of your honorific name, in order to avoid attracting the attention of the corresponding person.

"Is there a possibility that the owner of the blue-black symbol and the one corresponding to the black thorn have some overlapping authority? For example, you mentioned the word 'fate', and both of them may have some authority in the field of destiny. Therefore, when you recite the vague honorific name, part of it not only points to the one corresponding to the black thorn, but also to the owner of the blue-black symbol.

“Under normal circumstances, this would not have any effect due to incompleteness and inaccuracy. However, you who are inside the altar happen to have the corresponding symbols, power, and aura. Therefore, they react to a certain extent, and that being discovers your actions. And you are guided by the mysterious lady, so it is easy for you to get permission.

"This way, when you have finished reciting all the honorific names and pointed to the pollution in your body, there will be no obstacles in extracting a little power. The 'back door' has been opened.

"This is a very clever ritual design... It's obvious that they are experts in exploiting bugs."

“I see.” Lumian suddenly realized.

PS: Ask for a monthly ticket again~