Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 45: Lazy


Gabriel took a sip of absinthe and said, "Maip. Maier."

"He is a very ambitious theater manager who wants to make the Old Pigeon House the most famous moon theater in Trier and win the Innis Legion of Honor medal for this achievement."

The Intis Legion of Honor Medal originated from the time when Emperor Roselle was still the Archon. It was established to replace the old royal system of nobility. When Roselle called himself "Caesar", it was abolished and the system of dukes, earls, barons, and knights was brought back.

Later, the Republic of Intis was established, and the Legion of Honor was re-established to be awarded to soldiers and civilians who had made outstanding contributions to the Republic. It was not limited to the military field, but also included various industries. It was currently the highest honor in the Republic of Intis, and every recipient was equivalent to a knight in the old days.

Several painters, writers, actors, journalists and sculptors have received the Legion of Intis, setting a good example for those who came after them.

When Lumian was making up stories in his dreams, he lied to the villagers of Cordu and said that Aurore was going to Trier to receive the Legion of Honor. It was not entirely unreasonable. If Aurore could become the "Forth, Vol" of Intis, become the top best-selling author in the entire northern continent, and gain certain recognition from the Intis Academy of Literature for her artistic achievements, then she would really have a chance to win the Legion of Honor.

"If a person has no dreams, what's the difference between him and a salted fish?" Lumian laughed and thought that the theater manager named Maipu, Meier sounded quite normal.

This made him think that it was not the majority of people at the Old Dove Cage Theatre who had problems, but only one or a few people who were closely related to Mr. Efe, the landlord of the "Golden Rooster Hotel", who had abnormalities.

After chatting with Gabriel for a while, Lumian led Louis and Sakota to the second floor and asked them to stay outside the door of 207.

He closed the door with his backhand, hung the gun bag under his left armpit, hid the bullet bag, and then put on a dark jacket on the outside.

Then, Lumian took Mr. K's finger out from under the pillow and put it in his right pocket.

As for the "corrupted mercury", the dagger from Hedsey, the irritating gas that could help people wake up, and the liquid of unknown use, he always carried them with him. As for the triangular thorn, he had no use for it for the time being, so he put it in the drawer of the wooden table.

After doing all this, Lumian bent down and dragged out the brown suitcase from under the bed, and put all of Aurore's witchcraft notes in it.

With the change of identity and further offense to the Sting Gang, he felt it necessary to hide these witchcraft notes in a safer and more hidden place, which was the safe house he rented on White Coat Street.

For him, these things, firstly, are clues and knowledge left behind by Auror, and secondly, they have irreplaceable commemorative value and need to be well protected.

As for daily study, he would copy down a part in advance and put it in the Golden Rooster Hotel or Breeze Ballroom. After he had mastered it and confirmed that there were no problems, he would go to the safe house to copy down a few pages.

After refusing Louis's offer to help carry the luggage, Lumian returned to the Breeze Ballroom and entered the room near the office.

He took out the witchcraft notebook he had been reading recently, spread it out on the desk, picked up the dark red absorbent pen, and began to copy on a thick stack of white paper.

As he copied, Lumian felt that it was too boring and meaningless. He couldn't help but think about ways to help himself be lazy.

Soon, he had an idea: summon the "free spirit world 173 creature" who had written the report letter before, and let it help him copy notes!

“That guy may not be very smart and is a bit stupid, but he’s obedient enough and can copy very quickly, and he can even reproduce handwriting exactly as it is… In that case, I only need to provide spiritual energy, and I can read newspapers and magazines while waiting for him to help me finish my homework, no, copy my notes…” Lumian considered for a moment, put down his pen, and prepared to start the summoning ceremony.

Why not be lazy about things you can be lazy about

When he was in Koldu Village, every day when he finished the homework and papers assigned by his sister, he would think seriously about how to be lazy.

He taught Raymond and Ava to recognize words, and to a certain extent he hoped that they would be able to help themselves with their homework when they grew up.

Unfortunately, the gap in knowledge accumulation between the two sides is too large and cannot be made up without several years of effort.

Soon, Lumian set up the altar, consecrated the ritual silver dagger, and constructed the "spiritual wall".

Sniffing the citrus and daylily scents, he looked at the yellow candlelight and said in ancient Hermetic: "I!" The next second, Lumian switched to Hermetic: I summon in my name: "The spirits wandering in the void, the friendly creatures that can communicate, the weak ones who can write with civility...

The candle flame quickly turned a dark green color and expanded to the size of a human head.

As Lumian finished reciting the rest of the spell, a transparent and shadowy figure emerged from the candlelight.

It is nearly 1.9 meters tall, has a cow's head and a human's body, and is covered in brown fur.

It's not that rabbit... That's right, there should be many spiritual creatures that match the description of my summoning spell, and who responds to the summoning each time is completely random...

Lumian pointed at the witchcraft notebook with a hint of disappointment but also a certain amount of expectation and said, "Please copy it for me."

The transparent minotaur nodded slightly: "Okay."

It immediately sat down, picked up the dark red absorbent pen, and began to copy Aurore's witchcraft notes.

Not bad, much smarter than that stupid rabbit... Lumian thought with great pleasure.

He was about to sit down in the easy chair and read the newspapers and magazines when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Isn't that minotaur too slow? It's been several seconds and he hasn't copied even one word!

No, it only has two letters!

"Can you hurry up?" Lumian asked tentatively.

“This is my fastest speed,” the Minotaur answered truthfully.

Lumian was speechless. This is even worse than that stupid rabbit!

That guy is a mystic typewriter after all, he can copy a page in less than a minute!

Lumian subconsciously wanted to end the ceremony, send the "Mnotauren" away, and then summon new spiritual creatures, but considering that the subsequent ones would most likely be weird as well, he gave up in exhaustion.

When the summoning ceremony naturally came to an end, the "Minotaur" copied half a page.

Lumian rubbed his temple and decided to take action himself.

After copying three pages in one breath, he heard someone knocking on the door.

"What's the matter?" Lumian closed his notebook, put down his pen, stood up and walked to the door.

It's Louis outside.

He, who looked like a tough guy, lowered his voice and said, "Boss, the giant Simon is here."

"What is he doing here?" Lumian remembered that the giant Simon was the leader of the Savoy Party who managed several dance halls and bars on Nightingale Street. He was suspected to be a Beyonder of the "Warrior" path, and most likely had a sequence.

Louis shook his head: "I don't know." Lumian asked, "What did he discuss with Brinell last time? It seems that it was not a pleasant thing?"

Louis elaborated: "The giant Simon has always disliked the Baron because the Baron is in charge of the Breeze Ballroom."

He subconsciously used the title of Baron.

Seeing that Lumian didn’t mind, Lou Louis continued, “The Breeze Dance Hall makes more money than all of his dance halls and bars, and he even opened a casino in the bar!

"The last time he came to see the Baron, he hoped that the Baron would not allow some of the prettier dancers to come here, and instead move them to Nightingale Street. The Baron said that the dancers were all assigned by 'Red Boots'. You should discuss this with 'Red Boots'. I have no objection.

"The price for a session on Nightingale Street is very low, and the beautiful dancers don't like to go there."

Lumian remembered that Charlie had said that only half a filgin was charged on Nightingale Street, but at the Breeze Ballroom, the dancers could negotiate the price down to 10 filgins if they met generous customers, and normally 3 to 5 filgins would be charged.

This is the case when the overall income in the market area is not high. In the Wall Street of the Red Princess District, a girl with good looks can earn more than ten filgins.

Are you jealous that I took over the Breeze Ballroom? Lumian asked with a little confusion: I don't quite understand why the prostitutes in the Breeze Ballroom can make so much profit? "Yis smiled and said, "Most of our wine comes from 'rat' Christo. It's very cheap without tax."

"And we don't have to pay rent." Christo, the rat in charge of the smuggling business, Lumian probably understood the reason.

He walked out of the room, across the corridor, and into the cafe. Giant Simon was still wearing a tight black suit, with his light yellow hair close to his head.

At this time, he put the wide-brimmed round hat on his head on the table, stood by the window, and smoked a cigarette.

The many gangster thugs who followed him were scattered around, confronting Sakota and the others at the Breeze Ballroom from a distance.

Seeing Lumian coming over, Giant Simon put out the cigarette in his hand and said with a heroic smile: "Charles, you have been recognized by the boss and the Breeze Ballroom has been handed over to you. Why don't you treat us brothers to a drink

Simon said as he walked towards Lumian.

His height of over 1.9 meters made Lumian, who was 1.8 meters tall, look quite short.

Lumian looked up at the giant Tian Simon's large nose and bumpy face, and said with a smile: "I have social phobia, I am embarrassed to look for you.

"Wow, you're really tall, worthy of being called a 'Giant', taller than 'Iron Hammer' Att." The hidden meaning behind his two sentences is that everyone should live their own lives. If you don't mess with me, I won't mess with you. Otherwise, if I can kill 'Iron Hammer' Att of Sequence 8 of the 'Warrior' path, I can also kill you.

Giant Simon didn't understand the first sentence, but he could still appreciate the provocative meaning of the second sentence.

This made his face darken and at the same time he dispelled his contempt for the "Lion" Charles.

This is not a pure thug, smiles and courtesy will not play a big role!

Simon the Giant pointed to the table where Baron Brinell often sat and said, "I have something to talk to you about."