Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 50: Countermeasures


Looking at the restored "letter for help", Lumian fell into silence for a long time.

Although this does not necessarily represent the content of the letter, after all, as long as you don't pay too much attention to grammar, those words can be used to make other sentences, such as "The people around us need help as soon as possible, we are becoming more and more strange", but it still made him feel an indescribable heaviness, as if something was pressing on his heart.

In the past, he might have thought that the sender was playing a prank, but now in Cordu Village, there are more and more abnormal things happening, and this is only the part he has discovered.

"We can't pretend we didn't see anything, and we can't pretend nothing happened...

"My sister said that a sane person should know how to avoid danger and not stand under a wall when he finds it is about to collapse..."

Lumian came to his senses and made a quick decision:

We must leave Koldu Village as soon as possible, together with my sister!

As for the anomalies here, there are naturally official people to deal with them, and the villagers here will definitely be protected by them. Lumian himself has neither the obligation to shoulder this responsibility nor the corresponding ability.

“In addition, we have to speed up the exploration of the Dream Ruins and strive to obtain extraordinary powers in a short period of time to deal with possible accidents that may occur during the process of leaving here…” Lumian’s mind became clearer and his heart was filled with urgency.

What he feared most was that the abnormality would break out before he and his sister had time to leave Cordu Village. In that case, he had to at least make sure not to drag his sister down, and the corresponding prerequisite was that he needed to become much stronger than he was now.

Thinking of this, Lumian put his little blue book back to its place, took the paper with the words and sentences written on it, and walked down the stairs quickly.

He went around to the stove and threw the paper into the fire.

After leaving the door, Lumian went straight to the old tavern.

The door of the tavern was closed. The owner and bartender, Maurice Bene, must have gone to attend Naroka's funeral.

However, as a part-time hotel, it is impossible to lock all the doors during the day and prevent guests from entering and exiting.

Lumian walked around to the side road and pushed open the back door of the tavern.

When he reached the stairs, he glanced into the hall and saw no one.

Lumian went up to the second floor and stopped outside the mysterious woman's room.

Seeing that there was no "Resting, Do Not Disturb" sign hanging on the door handle, Lumian took a breath and exhaled slowly, then bent his fingers and gently knocked on the wooden door.

Boom, boom, boom…

He knocked three times in succession, but no sound came from inside.

Knock, knock, knock... Lumian knocked harder, but still no one responded.

He slapped it a few more times, and the room was silent.

“Not here?” Lumian frowned. “She went to watch Naroka’s funeral?”

He didn't waste any more time, went downstairs, left the pub, and headed straight for the cemetery next to the church.

On the way, he passed by Naroka's house.

At this time, the crowd outside the door who were bidding farewell to the body had all dispersed and went to the cemetery to wait.

Lumian looked from a distance and saw the parish priest's brother, Ponce Bene, coming out of the house.

"This..." He was surprised and subconsciously moved towards the building next to him and hid behind the cover.

When a funeral is being held, aren't you not allowed to enter the house, lest you affect the horoscopes and take away the good luck

Ponce Bene stopped at the door of Naroka's house and whispered a few words with the old lady's youngest son, a middle-aged man named Arno Andre.

After Pons Bené left, Arno locked the gate and headed towards the cemetery.

“Naroka’s death is indeed a bit strange…” Lumian frowned and muttered to himself.

He now felt that Naroka's death might not have been caused by the owl, but was more likely related to the secret weirdness of the parish priest and his gang.

The owl might have just been following its mission to come to Cordu Village to take away the souls of the dead, and then stopped on the way to observe Lumian for a while.

Of course, Lumian has an even more terrifying guess:

The parish priest and his gang might have some connection with the owl!

Their weirdness and the things they do in secret may have originated from the legacy of the original wizard.

“Before leaving Cordu Village, you can find an opportunity to tell Ryan, Leah and the others about my speculations. I hope they can find out the truth as soon as possible and solve the problem quickly.” Lumian retracted his gaze, muttered thoughtfully in his heart, and walked towards the church of “Eternal Sun”.

Throughout the funeral, Lumian seemed silent and serious, but he was actually constantly observing every villager, hoping to find anything unusual in their expressions.

Sadly, he gained nothing.

However, he also had some illusions:

Some people in the village may be wearing some kind of masks...

And the mysterious lady who gave him the tarot cards did not appear at the cemetery.

… …

Nearing dusk, inside a semi-underground two-story building.

"Where's the paper you wrote?" Aurore glanced at her brother who was standing in front of her and said casually, "Let me see it."

Lumian said with a serious expression:

"I have something to tell you."

Aurore's eyes swept across his face:

"Did a wild animal in the village take your test paper again?"

“No.” Lumian said solemnly, “I learned some things from those foreigners.”

Aurore suppressed her smile and nodded to continue.

Lumian started with Ryan and others tracking down a letter for help, then talked about the abnormality of the little blue book at home, his suspicion of Mrs. Pualis, and how he borrowed the little blue book from Raymond's house, and preliminarily restored the content of the letter for help.

Finally, he proposed:

"Let us leave the village as soon as possible, and go to Liège, no, Bigorre, and stay for a while."

Aurore did not answer immediately. She pondered for more than ten seconds before saying:

“This is really the best option right now.

“But there is a question. While the officials are investigating, if we suddenly and hastily leave Cordu, will it arouse their suspicion and cause them to intercept us and conduct a thorough investigation

"If I were not a Beyonder, this would not be a big deal, but I am a wild Beyonder who is not officially recognized. I will be captured and purified by the Inquisition."

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Lumian was inexperienced after all, and had overlooked this problem before, so he didn't know what to say for a moment.

After a while he said:

"Break out by force and hide in another city or another country?"

"Are you overestimating me?" Aurora laughed. "From what I've observed, those three outsiders should be pretty powerful. If there was only one, I might be able to handle it, but there are three of them. And how do you know there isn't a large army ambushing outside the village, waiting for the suspect to be startled and show up and run away?"

Lumian was speechless.

He had to admit that compared to his sister, he was still too young and immature, and his thinking was not careful enough at critical moments.

"You are still too reckless." Aurore commented, "But that's normal. How can young people not have some sharpness?"

She paused and continued:

"Tomorrow morning, go to the administrator and send a telegram to the Fiction Weekly for me, asking when the writers' salon I mentioned earlier will be held."

Aurore is a columnist for Novel Weekly and is quite popular among readers.

- In the village of Cordu, only the administrator and the parish priest each have a telegraph, which is responsible for emergency external communications. The villagers can use it on a normal basis, but they have to pay enough Fergin.

Seeing Lumian's puzzled look, Aurore smiled and explained briefly:

“Novel Weekly has been trying to invite me to Trier for some events, but I have always refused, including the recent writers’ salon.

“Since I took the initiative to ask about this matter, they will definitely warmly invite me over and even reimburse the round-trip steam train ticket.

"In this way, our departure will be a normal thing, and even if we are secretly observed, we will not be treated as suspects.

"When the time comes, I will have a way to hide it from them for a short time. As long as the two of us are truly not contaminated by the abnormal events, there is a high probability that we will be able to leave Cordu successfully."

"Okay." Lumian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After a few seconds, he asked curiously:

"Aurore, uh, sister, Extraordinary is the name for people with extraordinary powers?"

"Yes." Aurore didn't say much.

She smiled and said:

"You are willing to abandon your friends and flee from Cordu."

"What does it have to do with me whether someone lives or dies?" Lumian snorted.

The most important thing right now is to ensure my sister’s safety!

Aurore laughed:

"Come on, come on, say what you just said again, I love it.

"How many times have you said something like this before? But every time you either quietly offered help or pretended to remind them unintentionally."

“Those are just small matters,” Lumian argued.

The current abnormality will threaten my sister.

"Okay, okay." Aurore had an expression that showed she wouldn't argue with a child, "It's time to prepare dinner. It's your turn today."

Lumian hummed and walked towards the stove.

… …

It was a dark night with the red moon hidden by clouds.

Lumian finished washing up and lay down on the bed.

Obvious worry gradually appeared on his face.

Aurore's response was not bad, but Lumian was worried that something unusual would happen in the village while he was waiting for a call back from Novel Weekly.

For this reason, he was extremely eager to improve his strength, and obtaining extraordinary powers in the dream ruins was the easiest way for him to reach at present.

Unfortunately for him, he didn't find the lady the whole day and couldn't get any advice, so he could only try it himself.

For him, the situation has now reached this point, just like the arrow is on the bow, the string has been pulled, and it must be shot.

Without hesitation, Lumian calmed his mind and slowly fell asleep.