Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 64: reward


Lumian did not dare to let himself relax for too long, fearing that other monsters would come. He rested for a while, then endured the pain in his neck and back, as well as some discomfort inside his body, and squatted next to the monster's corpse.

He still held the axe in his right hand, worried that the prey was not completely dead and might suddenly jump up like the skinless monster before.

Using only his left hand, he groped around the monster's body and found three 5-copek copper coins called "Rick" and an empty cloth bag.

“Is that all?” Lumian was disappointed not because he found little money, but because he didn’t find any items involving supernatural powers.

If it wasn't for the latter, why would he have nothing better to do than fight this monster to the death

If he hadn't possessed certain special qualities in the dream, he would have become the other party's food by now.

Lumian propped himself up and looked at the shotgun monster's head that had rolled to the side, praying that what he wanted was there.

At this moment, he saw a little deep red light coming out from the surface of the monster's body which was full of penetrating wounds.

They are like fireflies, flying slowly and unstoppably towards the same place.

Lumian stared with wide eyes, and joy gradually rose in his heart:

This phenomenon is definitely closely related to supernatural powers!

Not long after, a sticky dark red color appeared on the monster's chest, and no other light spots appeared around it.

Lumian carefully bent his back and reached out to grab the mass.

The object was very slippery. He dropped it twice before he managed to pick it up. He weighed it in his palm:

Very light, with a certain texture and elasticity, and a very smooth surface...

"What the hell is this?" Lumian once again realized that he was truly illiterate when it came to mysticism.

In the silent whisper, he vaguely smelled the smell of blood emanating from this strange crimson thing, and he quickly became restless, with an indescribable hostility growing in his body.

For a moment, Lumian wanted to pick up the axe and chop the monster's body a few more times to vent his inner violence.

Fortunately, Aurore had always emphasized that pursuing extraordinary powers was a very dangerous thing. He had taken precautions against this and had always been monitoring his own situation. He had not let down his guard because of joy and had discovered something wrong in advance.

"Will it affect my mental state?" Lumian threw the crimson ball into the cloth bag he found on the monster.

As soon as the two sides lost direct contact, he immediately regained the calmness after the fierce battle and the little excitement that had not yet completely subsided.

His body was still trembling a little.

"Sure enough!" Lumian whispered happily after he returned to normal.

He then tied the bag tightly and hung it on his belt loop.

After thinking for a moment, Lumian took off the bag again and stuffed it into the inner pocket of his leather jacket.

This makes it less likely to get lost and makes him feel more secure!

As the clothes were undone, a book behind Lumian lost its support and fell to the ground.

Its surface is full of pits and the whole thing is in tatters.

This is the exercise booklet that Aurore wrote for Lumian, called "Higher Education Unified Entrance Examination Simulation Training Collection". The cover itself is soft and the size is very large, so it can be used for outer protection and to fill in gaps.

Today, it blocked a shotgun attack for Lumian at a critical moment.

Of course, this is not just the work of this one book.

Lumian picked up the exercise book and walked back to the monster's body, laughing at the dead prey:

"See, knowledge really does equal power!"

After saying this, he was about to throw the exercise book at the monster's face, but when he thought about how his sister had spent a lot of effort to compile it, he couldn't bear to do so.

He put the exercise book into the belt behind his waist, bent down, dragged the monster's body to the trap, threw it in, and then kicked the monster's fallen head out.

After simply cleaning up the battlefield, Lumian endured the pain and discomfort, put on the axe, picked up the shotgun that had no bullets left, his steel fork and shovel, and retreated towards the wilderness.

As he walked, he kept an eye on his back, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

Finally, he crossed the wilderness, returned to his home, went up to the second floor and entered the bedroom.

Only then did Lumian finally relax, the pain in his body, the obvious discomfort, and the intense exhaustion all erupting at the same time.

He sat down on the edge of the bed, and took a long time to regain some strength to move. However, he did not rush to sleep and leave. Instead, he took off his clothes, put away his books, walked to the full-length mirror attached to the wardrobe, and checked his injuries.

His neck was swollen, with five bloody fingerprints among the blue and black. There were obvious bruises on his back, and it was difficult to count the minor scrapes and bruises.

“I even have some of the internal injuries that Aurore mentioned. I wonder if I can recover immediately next time I come in?” Lumian couldn’t help but think back to the previous battle and evaluated his performance. “Not good enough, but not far off.”

In fact, he could give himself a high score for the first half of the battle, because he not only made full use of the monster's weakness of not being too intelligent and successfully led it into the second trap, but also strictly followed the plan beforehand and perfectly dealt with the target for a long time, dragging it to a state where its injuries were about to erupt completely. The only shortcoming was that he lacked sufficient experience and chose to use a steel fork to stab the monster at the bottom of the deep pit, instead of finding some heavy stones and throwing them directly in.

In the second half of the battle, the joy of being close to victory, the lack of combat experience, and the contempt for the monster's intelligence caused him to be fooled by the monster and nearly be killed.

Such a performance would definitely fail, but fortunately, his previous success pushed the monster to its limit and prevented it from killing him quickly, giving him the opportunity to complete his meditation and summon the "special".

Frankly speaking, before this, Lumian had never expected that the "special" thing would have such a big effect, causing the monster to fall into an irresistible fear, and even unable to break free when being attacked.

He was originally worried that the near-death state brought on by summoning "Special" would allow the enemy to easily kill him.

“It’s really special, and very powerful…” Lumian suddenly had an idea while sighing.

The reason why the monsters in the ruins did not enter his house and turned it into a "safe zone" was because there were even more terrifying things in the house, such as the owner of the mysterious voice he heard when he summoned "Special"!

Hiss, thinking of this, Lumian couldn't help but take a breath.

His subconscious reaction was to quickly search every corner of the house to find the horrible thing, but he quickly dismissed the idea.

If you can't even beat a shotgun monster, you'd better not provoke a terrifying creature that scares the shotgun monster into the point where it dares not resist!

Since everything is peaceful at home, don't lift the veil and try to maintain the current "safe house" status.

Every day that can pass is a day well spent.

As for future dangers, we will face them later.

“No, not later, but after I become a Beyonder and become powerful enough.” Lumian cast his gaze towards the cloth bag in his left hand.

-Even though he was checking his injuries in front of the mirror with his upper body naked, he didn't want to let the source of extraordinary power that he had obtained with great difficulty slip out of his control.

"How do I use this thing?" Lumian opened the bag and looked at the crimson ball.

It lay quietly at the bottom of the cloth bag. Its shape was not very fixed, but it was obviously lifeless.

Lacking any knowledge of the mysticism, Lumian didn't know whether to eat it directly, hold a ritual to merge the crimson with himself, or offer it as a sacrifice to some hidden being.

The latter two methods were only thought up after he read the magazine "The Veil of Secrets". Before, he could only think of one word:


Lumian didn't rush to make a decision and planned to consult the mysterious woman in the old tavern first.

He felt that the other party should be able to teach him how to use the crimson ball to gain extraordinary power.

Although he didn't know why the other party was willing to do this, he just had this intuition.

If all else fails, he can still ask his sister for help.

Lumian put on his clothes slowly and stuffed the crimson ball and all the money he had obtained into his inside pocket.

After doing all this, he lay down on the bed.

An intense feeling of fatigue overwhelmed the pain in his neck and back and the discomfort in his body, and he quickly fell asleep.

… …

When Lumian woke up, the sunlight outside had already passed through the curtains and illuminated the entire room.

He sat up slowly, feeling sore all over, as if he had been beaten severely in a dream.

He was indeed beaten up pretty hard... The injuries in the dream really reflected in reality, but they were obviously weakened... Lumian tried to do some movements, and apart from the soreness of his muscles, he didn't feel any other effects.

This made him feel relieved.

Then he picked every pocket of his body.

“No… No!” Lumian failed to produce the crimson ball.

This made his expression solemn and his brows furrowed, and he didn't know what to do.

As an object involving supernatural powers, the crimson ball did not follow him into reality, which was a little different from what the mysterious woman in the old tavern said!

Lumián calmed himself down, quickly changed his clothes, and left the room.

The bathroom door was open, and Aurore was facing the mirror, brushing her teeth carefully.

"Morning." Lumian greeted.

"It's too late, it's you who's too late..." Aurore said vaguely.

Gulp, gulp, puff! As her golden ponytail swung, she spat out the mouthwash in her mouth.

Then, she turned her head and looked at Lumian:

"What bad things did you do when you sneaked out last night?"

"How dare I go out when the owl is outside?" Lumian said calmly.

"That's right." Aurore didn't continue the topic and said, "Remember to take the 5 Felkins to send a telegram to the administrator later."

Lumian nodded.

This was the key to his and Aurore's escape from Cordu Village, and he dared not forget it for a moment.

After breakfast, Lumian headed straight to the village square, where the administrator's office was located in a two-story building.

When he arrived, Administrator Beost was still at home, but the other staff had already started their day's work.

After paying the fee and sending the telegram, Lumian turned around and went to the old tavern.

Although the mysterious woman was probably not awake at this moment, he was willing to wait.

He had waited a long time in the pursuit of extraordinary powers and didn't mind waiting a little longer.