Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 71: Fire Extinguishing


Before she finished her words, Janna suddenly came to her senses, rushed to the stairs in her rose-colored long skirt with ribs, and walked down.

Seeing this, Lumian signaled Louis and Sakota to maintain order in the Breeze Ballroom, and he chased after them.

Jana's face was filled with anxiety and fear, and she looked almost collapsed.

She did not try to hide the fact that she was a Beyonder at all. She used all her strength to cross the Market Avenue as if she was flying, and entered the street leading to the southern part of the market area.

It was dark now, the gas street lamps were not yet on, and the pedestrians on the road were all panicked by the huge explosion just now. The scene was a bit chaotic, otherwise someone would have discovered that a woman could run so fast.

Lumian was faster than her and soon caught up with her. He patted her shoulder and said in a hurried tone: "Go to the shadows!"

Janet, whose mind was full of rushing to the Goodwell Chemical Plant as quickly as possible, ran for some distance before she realized what Lumian meant. She changed direction slightly and entered the dim area on the street where the street lights were not yet on, blending in.

"Assassin" has the ability of "Shadow Hide".

Janna was so excited that she could hardly control herself. She was also running at full speed, so she couldn't maintain the effect of this ability very well. Sometimes her figure would stand out, and sometimes she would disappear there. However, compared to before, she basically would not attract the attention of passers-by.

Lumian sniffed the lingering scent of her perfume and strode swiftly along the edge of the shadows, ignoring the suspicious looks from passers-by on the road.

He pushed the speed of the "Hunter" to the extreme, it was so fast that it was astonishing.

This would certainly raise some suspicion, but he didn't care.

The two extraordinary people with enhanced physiques ran at full speed and arrived at Saint-Germain Street near the city wall of Trier in less than ten minutes.

There are factories everywhere here, and the sky is shrouded in gray, black and yellow fog, blocking the little remaining sunset glow.

Janna came out of the shadows and saw the huge burning metal tank, the flames of the Goodville Chemical Plant, and the firefighters who were desperately trying to put out the fire and rescue people.

Some of these people wore strange full-coverage masks with pointed bird beaks, some had things like mechanical octopuses on their faces, and some wore black helmets that seemed to have many layers. What they had in common was that they all had something similar to a steam backpack on their backs, but with significant differences. A thick rubber hose extended from there and was connected to the "mask".

Without thinking twice, Janna rushed into the Goodwell Chemical Plant where there was still residual explosion.

Lumian was almost losing his sense of smell due to the pungent smell in the air. He grabbed Janna's shoulders and said in a deep voice: "Do you know which factory your mother is in?"

Jana was stunned for a moment: "I don't know."

"Do you have equipment to protect against chemical contamination?" Lumian asked a different question.

"No." Janna shook her head blankly.

"Are you going in to commit suicide?" Lumian cursed. "Maybe your mother has been rescued. Let's go to the place where the injured are placed. Do you want to go in and cause trouble for the rescuers?"

Janna was confused and wanted to go to the chemical plant to find her mother, but she had to admit that what Lumian said made sense.

After being pulled by Lumian, she followed for a few steps without any hesitation, then came back to life and ran towards the Whistle Church not far from Saint-Germain Street.

That is the cathedral of the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery in the Honourable Market district.

Janna just saw that the rescued injured were being carried over there.

In just a few dozen seconds, she and Lumian arrived at the square outside the Whistle Church.

The place was already filled with workers from the Goodville Chemical Plant, groaning in pain, but a large number of them had fallen into a coma, and some had even stopped breathing.

Doctors and nurses in white coats walked among the people, busily providing simple first aid and sending those who they thought still had hope to two-story carriages with different coats of arms or holy emblems printed on the surface parked at the edge of the square, which took them to several large hospitals in the Nore district.

Janna's body trembled involuntarily, and her eyes swept over the corpses and the injured, afraid to see a scene that she didn't want to face.

Lumian simply took her arm and took her across the square, looking for Elodie who might be here.

The gas street lamps around the square have been lit, providing them with the most basic lighting.

A few minutes later, relying on the sharp eyesight of the "Hunter", Lumian found the injured person who was suspected to be Elodie.

After receiving his reminder, Janna ran over, squatted down and looked at the face of the unconscious person.

Most of the golden wig on the injured person's head had been burned off, revealing his flaxen real hair which was also partially burnt.

Her eyes, painted with eye shadow, were tightly closed, her face was covered with traces of smoke, her body had large patches of burns, and her lips were a strange blue-green color. It was Janna's mother, Elodie, a cleaner at the Golden Rooster Hotel.

"Mom! Mom!" Jenna lost her strength in an instant and collapsed beside Elodie.

When she found that her mother was already unconscious and her body was twitching from time to time, she stood up suddenly and said to herself: "I'm going to find a doctor. We have to take her to the hospital!"

After confirming the identity of the injured person, Lumian focused his attention on observing Elodie's fortune and found that her condition was very bad. Even if she was sent to the hospital now, she might not be able to hold on for too long.

He hurriedly pulled Janna and said in a deep voice: "Help me block the view over there."

Janna looked at him in astonishment, and was infected by his calmness. She turned her body completely to the side, blocking the view from Elodie's left side.

"I have an occult healing potion. Let's try its effect first." Lumian explained in a low voice while moving around to Elodie's right side and blocking the other's sight with his back.

Mystical healing potion… Janna’s eyes lit up, and a hopeful look appeared on her face.

She watched intently as Lumian took out an iron-colored metal bottle, unscrewed the lid, and poured the liquid inside into her mother's mouth.

After more than ten seconds, Elodie seemed to regain consciousness and swallowed the healing potion in her mouth.

Seeing this, Janna relaxed a little, because she intuitively felt that her mother was in better condition than before.

She felt that time was passing extremely slowly, and she felt as if she could hardly breathe. To her, one minute seemed as long as a day.

Finally, she saw that the burns on Elodie's body began to heal at an astonishing speed, and the blue on her lips gradually faded.

Jenna raised her head in surprise and looked at Lumian opposite her.

Many words came to her mouth, but were stuck there, unable to turn into sounds.

Lumian glanced at her, nodded, and whispered, "This potion is very good at treating external injuries, and can also alleviate diseases caused by inhaling chemical gases. It can turn near-death into serious injuries, serious injuries into minor injuries, and minor injuries directly healed."

"Your mother was seriously injured just now. She is not in danger of death for the time being. However, she will need a long period of treatment, otherwise her condition will easily worsen."

When Janna heard the words "there is no danger to life for the time being", her vision blurred.

She just tried hard not to cry so as not to affect the search and treatment.

Drop after drop of tears fell from the corners of her eyes. She raised her hands, wiped them carelessly, and said incoherently: "Thank you... Thank you..."

These words were accompanied by cries from afar.

A few relatives of the deceased arrived.

Lumian was just about to use taunting means to calm Jenna down a little when a muffled thunder suddenly sounded in the air.


Lumian looked up subconsciously and saw a thick dark cloud appearing over Saint-Germain Street, where there were still flames and afterexplosions.

The dark cloud was not big and only covered a few streets.

Silvery-white lightning shuttled between the clouds, constantly emitting dull thunder, which seemed to shock everyone's heart.

Heavy rain fell, gathering on Saint-Germain Street and the Goodville Chemical Plant.

The gray, black and yellow mist was quickly penetrated and settled on the ground. All the fires there were quickly extinguished, and no more afterexplosions occurred.

The rainstorm came quickly and stopped quickly. The dark clouds quickly dispersed, and the setting sun in the sky brought a fiery light.

In the golden-red light, a huge monster flew over the Rue Saint-Germain.

It was an airship painted dark gray, with an oblong airbag and a cabin hanging from it that made a loud buzzing sound.

There were madly spinning paddle blades at the rear of the car, and many gun muzzles and bomb ports on the surface, which were now spraying translucent green liquid onto the Goodville Chemical Plant below.

The pungent smell that permeated the air began to fade.

Is this the official way of solving the disaster? The dark clouds, lightning and heavy rain just now didn't seem natural. They came from some extraordinary person or sealed object? It was like the work of gods... Lumian looked away, a little shocked.

Janna also saw what happened just now, but she didn't think too much about it. Her attention was mainly on her mother's injuries.

The burns on Elodie's body had mostly healed, with only a few scorch marks remaining in a few places. Her breathing had become steady, and her lips had lost their color, but it was no longer something that would have caused any major problems.

The therapeutic potion has taken full effect and her condition has stabilized.

Janna closed her eyes and wiped her face roughly again.

At this moment, someone not far away shouted loudly: "Chelia!"

Janna looked sideways and waved: "Julian, this way!"

A young man who was nearly 1.75 meters tall quickly ran to Elodie's side. He was wearing a gray-blue worker's uniform, his hair was flaxen, his eyes were the same blue as Janna's, and his facial features were quite regular.

He looked at Elodie and asked anxiously: "How is Mom?"

Janna pursed her lips and said, "I was injured, a little seriously, but not to the point of death."

Julian breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Janna: "Why are you dressed like this... Who is he?"

Jenna then realized that she was wearing a rose-colored dress and said quickly, "I came directly from the theater. He is my friend Charles. He helped me a lot just now."

"Thank you." Julian thanked Lumian sincerely.

Lumian nodded and said, "Go find a doctor and arrange a carriage to take him to the hospital as soon as possible, otherwise the situation may worsen."

"Okay." Julian immediately ran to the nearest doctor and nurse.

Lumian turned to Janna and said, "If you can't get a carriage in a short time, just hire one yourself."

Jana hummed, looked at her mother who was still in a coma with tenderness and worry, and whispered: "Thank goodness for you this time..."