Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 90: method


Lumian combined the physics knowledge he had learned and thought about it:

“Why not just call it the law of conservation?”

"That's another law, but you don't need to understand the details for now." The lady nodded approvingly. "In fact, in essence, it is the same as the law of immortality, but it has some more prerequisites and specific explanations."

I see... Lumian thought for a moment and said carefully:

"According to the Law of Immortality, if I want to obtain Beyonder characteristics, in addition to hunting corresponding monsters, can I also target other Beyonders?"

Since extraordinary characteristics are indestructible, corresponding extraordinary characteristics will definitely emerge after the death of an extraordinary person.

The lady expressed some emotion:

“You’re very perceptive.

"Therefore, this law is not suitable for most extraordinary people to know. It will cause them to kill each other and make the extraordinary people no longer have any trust in each other."

"Without this law, humans would kill each other." Lumian didn't care. "In the real world, aren't there enough suspicion, bullying, and murder?"

The lady responded with interest:

"But at least there is still a certain warmth and radiance of humanity."

Lumian thought for a while:

"From another perspective, this law should become a consensus among the Beyonders. Only in this way can the weak ones take precautions in advance and avoid becoming prey to the few who know it."

The lady nodded slightly:

“There is some truth to that.

"In fact, there have been several battles between Beyonders, and the relevant personnel are likely to be able to guess some of the answers."

She then said:

"The second law is called the Law of Extraordinary Characteristics Aggregation."

"Aggregation..." Lumian was unable to understand.

He couldn't deduce it from what he had said before.

The lady's expression became a little more serious:

“As the existence that created this world, even if the original Creator split into different paths of Beyonder characteristics, it does not mean that He has completely withdrawn from the stage. His spirit is scattered in different Beyonder characteristics and will never be erased unless this world completely perishes.

“Although these spirits are closer to brands, they all have the instinct to reunite and revive the original one.

"That is to say, after you become a Beyonder, you will be more likely to meet other Beyonders than before. You will be more likely to meet Beyonders from the same or adjacent paths than Beyonders from other paths. This is the convergence of fate. The higher the sequence, the more obvious this situation will be."

Lumian had many questions to ask about these words, but he couldn't ask them all at once, so he had to start with the most important ones:

"Combined with the Beyonder characteristic, the Law of Immortality, can we draw a conclusion that aggregation brings about killing?"

The lady once again showed an expression of approval:

“You’re really sharp about this kind of thing.

"It's fine when the sequence is low, but when you reach the demigod stage, especially the angel stage, you have to find a way to weaken or avoid the impact of aggregation."

"Demigod, angel?" Although Lumian already knew that one could become a true god at the end of each sequence, he was still a little surprised and excited to hear these two terms.

The lady casually explained:

"Demigod is the abbreviation of half-god and half-human, including Beyonders from Sequence 4 to Sequence 1.

"Among them, Sequence 4 and Sequence 3 are called Saints, Sequence 2 and Sequence 1 are called Angels, and there are other names for those above them, but it's best if you don't know them now."

Saints... Angels... Lumian instantly thought of the patron saints and angels of different regions.

Do they really exist

The remains of a saint are the bodies of saints, with extraordinary characteristics remaining

Lumian suddenly felt a little frightened and asked:

"Every Beyonder characteristic has the spiritual imprint of the original Creator. The higher the sequence, the more relics are left

"Won't the person who takes the potion also be affected in other ways?"

The lady nodded and smiled:

“Why else do you think this is called a road full of danger and madness

“This is also one of the main reasons why taking potions may lead to loss of control.

"Well, losing control means losing control of the extraordinary power and one's own mind, and transforming into a terrifying monster."

“Is there any other reason?” Lumian asked.

The lady said, “Hmm.”

"One is the spiritual legacy of the previous owners of the corresponding Beyonder characteristics. The strength mainly depends on their own status. Well, the obsession and madness before death will also bring a certain bonus. The second is taking potions in the wrong order or method, which will cause great conflicts in the body. The third is that some beings will use the taking of potions to exert influence. For example, every time the 'Peeper' takes a potion, he will passively accept the knowledge infusion of the 'Hidden Sage'."

Was the voice I heard after drinking the Hunter potion similar? Lumian thought for a moment and told his story truthfully, then said:

"Whose influence is this from?"

The next second, he saw the expression of the lady opposite him become a little strange.

She said solemnly:

"Some beings, simply knowing their existence, can cause you to be contaminated and lose control.

"Unfortunately, the owner of that voice is such a being. You are not yet qualified to know His name."

So terrifying? A true God of Sequence 0? But most people in Intis and I know about "Eternal Blazing Sun" and "God of Steam and Machinery", and we didn't have any problems... Is there a difference between true God and evil God? No, she just mentioned "Hidden Sage", which is also a Sequence 0... Is there a possibility that she doesn't know who it is, and uses such vague words to cover up her ignorance? Many thoughts flashed through Lumian's mind.

Considering his own strength, he gave up this topic and asked about another term of interest:

“What are adjacent pathways?”

The lady's expression returned to normal:

"Normally, once you choose a path and take the corresponding potion, you can only move forward step by step on that path. Otherwise, you will lose control, or at least become semi-lost. But there are always exceptions. For each path, there are one or more adjacent paths that you can jump to at a specific sequence, such as Sequence 4, which is the level that separates humans from demigods.

"The adjacent pathway to 'Hunter' is 'Assassin'."

"Assassin"... sounds more advanced than "Hunter"... Lumian asked with concern:

"Which is the adjacent path to 'Mystery Voyeur'

"If I jump to an adjacent path, will I no longer be affected by the Hidden Sage?"

"It's the 'Generalist' pathway. The current Sequence 0 is 'God of Steam and Machinery.'" The lady replied calmly, "After jumping there, you will still be affected by the 'Hidden Sage', but the degree will be much less. After all, the corresponding Beyonder characteristics still exist, unless you find a way to get rid of them."

"How do we get rid of it?" Lumian didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"The simplest way is to have a child. There is a high probability that the corresponding Beyonder characteristics will be transferred to him through mystical inheritance." The lady only briefly mentioned two sentences, "You can also use the special abilities of certain channels, but there are certain risks and it requires a considerable price to pay."

Lumian nodded and asked another question:

"Does it have to be in a specific sequence?"

Reaching Sequence 4 and becoming a demigod sounds like a slim hope.

The lady glanced at him:

"Theoretically, it is possible to switch to a lower sequence, but the risk of losing control will be much greater. Unless there is no other way, try not to try."

She paused and said:

“Now that the two laws have been explained, here is the method.

"This is one of the most important pieces of knowledge in the mysterious world."

The most important thing? Lumian instinctively straightened his back, extremely focused.

The lady continued:

"It's called 'acting'.

"It is a method to help you digest the potion. After digesting the potion, the risk of losing control when taking the next sequence of potions will be much lower."

No wonder I can’t drink a Sequence 9 potion today and a Sequence 8 potion tomorrow... I have to use the “acting method” to digest the previous one... Lumian suddenly realized.

He did not interrupt her and listened carefully to her explanation:

“Remember, it’s about digestion, not control.

"What is 'acting method'? It is to act like an actor according to the name of the sequence, thereby reconciling the difference between oneself and the residual mental imprint of the Beyonder characteristic, gaining corresponding recognition, bypassing the original barrier, and integrating the Beyonder characteristic with oneself."

"So, I have to play the role of a 'hunter' and go hunting in the mountains every day?" Lumian entered the lecture state.

The lady shook her head:

"This is the most superficial role-playing. We not only have to understand the surface meaning of the sequence name, but also explore its deeper meaning, such as the city is also a jungle, and everyone is both prey and hunter."

I know this... Lumian has long understood the deeper meaning of "Hunter".

This is mainly due to his past wandering life.

"Then how can I be sure that I have digested the potion and can be promoted to the next sequence?" He couldn't help but ask.

The lady smiled:

"You'll be able to feel it yourself when the potion is truly digested."

Well... Lumian did not continue the topic and asked doubtfully:

“Who came up with the names for the different sequences?”

Why can you digest the potion by acting like them

The lady's expression became serious:

“The earliest sequence division came from the remnants of the original creator after his split. It was a stone tablet filled with mystical knowledge.

“Because it involves the secret of becoming a god, it is called the Profane Tablet.

"In ancient times, that is, at the end of the Second Era and throughout the Third Era, a powerful god appeared who was close to the original Creator. He was called the Ancient Sun God. After his death, the second blasphemous slate was born from his remains. All current sequence names and potion formulas come from it."

The history of the Second and Third Ages that I learned was not like this... Lumian muttered to himself.

The lady continued:

"When Emperor Roselle was alive, he made a deck of blasphemous cards based on the second blasphemous slate, based on the Major Arcana cards of the Tarot. There are a total of twenty-two cards, and each card contains a path to God."

“Emperor Roselle is also a Beyonder?” Lumian was shocked.

As an ordinary Intis man, it was hard for him not to have a certain admiration for Emperor Roselle.

"What else?" The lady laughed.

Lumian asked:

"Is he powerful?"

"Closer to the gods," the lady said simply.

So amazing? Lumian was surprised and surprised, but he also felt that it was reasonable.

He thought for a moment and said:

"Then isn't the diary left by Emperor Roselle very precious?"

The lady nodded:

"Yes, but there are very few people who can decipher that kind of strange text."

Aurore seems to have collected some copies of Emperor Roselle's diary, and she seems to be able to decipher it... Is this where part of her power comes from? Lumian fell into deep thought.