Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 92: Door-to-door


Just because Lumian was angry didn't mean he would lose his cool. He simply disguised himself, entered the congressman's office, found the "spitting" guy, and burned him to death on the spot.

This is not actually an outrageous plan, but in the absence of sufficient intelligence, taking the risk could easily turn into suicide.

First of all, he didn't know how many evil god believers there were in the congressman's office, and how strong they were;

Secondly, he did not know how many protectors the Eighth Bureau or the two major churches had provided for Hugh Artois, and what abilities they possessed;

Thirdly, he had not yet grasped the specific location and basic information of the target. Even if he successfully infiltrated the congressman's office, he might not be able to find the other party.

In the end, before he could figure out how to blend in, he successfully evacuated.

Of course, Lumian did not deny that the chaos caused by the explosion at the Goodville Chemical Plant was very beneficial for his infiltration.

His temporary plan was to be a patient "hunter", waiting for the target to appear, quietly following him, preliminarily confirming his situation, and then looking for an opportunity to strike.

Judging from his position in Yuge and Artois's campaign team, his sequence level would not be too high and he certainly does not possess divinity. Even if he is in the middle sequence, it would be at most sequence 7.

If Lumian made a wrong judgment and the target reached Sequence 6 or even Sequence 5, he would not be too afraid. He believed that Mr. K would definitely be very interested in hunting down the evil god's followers!

Huh... Lumian exhaled slowly and continued to look at the brightly lit ochre-colored four-story building, collecting useful information for subsequent actions.

As time went by, scavengers in their fifties came with linen sacks on their backs and began to search the garbage heap on the side of the house.

This suddenly made Lumian sigh, and the fire in his heart burned even more fiercely.

In Trier, people can't just pick up rubbish if they want to. Every scavenger has an employer. They are divided into full-time and temporary categories. They have fixed scavenging areas and cannot cross the boundaries, otherwise various conflicts will break out and they will be beaten up. Therefore, Ruhl and Michel prayed that Hug Artois would hold a dinner every day instead of waiting on the streets where the dinner was held every day. Those places did not belong to them and were occupied by other scavengers.

The difference between full-time and temporary scavengers is that full-time scavengers receive a monthly salary from their employers, and all the garbage they pick up belongs to their employers. Of course, if they really pick up valuable items or things that can be consumed, the scavengers will often decide whether to hand them over or keep them for themselves depending on the circumstances. Temporary scavengers are like the couple Ruhl and Michel. They do not have a fixed salary, but they rummage through garbage in the early morning and evening and send everything they get to designated garbage disposal sites, which are often run by their employers.

It is precisely because of this that the homeless people on the streets can only look for food and clothes in the garbage dump, and in most cases they cannot exchange scavenging for money.

[This app has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book-chasing tool, and is used by old bookworms

The familiar faces are located: Hugh Artois, the congressman for the market district, is in the room with the largest balcony at the edge of the top floor;

The red-haired lady was on the same floor as him, next to him;

The man in his thirties who wore gold-rimmed glasses and always held a manuscript in his hand was on the other side of the second floor, and the unhealthy young man was at the opposite end of the corridor. He seemed to like to be lazy, and would go to the balcony every half an hour to smoke and look at the scenery. He showed a lack of concern and enthusiasm for the aftermath of the Goodwell Chemical Plant explosion.

The tall, strong, middle-aged man was in the middle office on the third floor;

The delicate and elegant young woman wearing glasses, a white shirt and a dark blue jacket was on the fourth floor, just below Hugues Artois. They were on the same side as the man with gold-rimmed glasses, far away from the unhealthy young man, and seemed not to like being near him. The rooms on the side seemed to be collective offices, each with several employees.

This means that the probability that they have a certain status or extraordinary abilities is negligibly low.

Other evil god believers also disliked the guy who always coughed and liked to spit, so they kept a distance from him when choosing an office? They also believed that the congressman's office was well protected, and that the guy had extraordinary abilities, so it was unlikely to be attacked? Yes, if they really wanted to attack the congressman's office, the target would definitely be Hugues Artois, not someone under his command. Only in this way would it be worth taking the risk... Lumian thought carefully for a while, and suddenly felt that this might be an opportunity.

The question now was how he could get into the congressman's office without attracting attention.

Without Franka's cooperation, his blond and black hair color is a very distinctive feature.

After thinking for a while, Lumian came up with a plan.

He left the area opposite the congressman's office and returned to the safe house on White Coat Street.

Then he set up an altar and prayed to the great being, asking her to give him protection.

He believed that since the angel's embrace could help him avoid the scrutiny of the gods, it would surely also bring about sufficient anti-divination effects!

Just like before, he was once again shocked by the angel's brilliance and divine majesty, and felt an indescribable emotion as he saw layers of wings of light wrapping around him.

After completing this task, Lumian pressed his hands to the top of his head.

His black hair with golden color suddenly ignited like dry grass, and fell down in clumps with flames.

Soon, only a few hair roots were left on Lumian's head.

He put on his dark blue cap again and used his "secret glasses" to disguise his face to a certain extent. Then he left White Jacket Street and turned into the part of Market Avenue near the Honest Man's Market, and found a not-too-cheap clothing store.

Two shop assistants, a man and a woman, were a little surprised to see someone dressed like a homeless person coming in, and they didn't know whether to stop him.

Lumian explained in a panic, "I met a perverted robber who stole my clothes and pants. I had no choice but to buy a new set from a homeless person nearby."

Hearing this explanation, the female clerk almost laughed out loud.

They have seen a lot of similar things and know that people who make this excuse are often those who are having an affair with a lady and meet her husband coming back. They have to run away naked with their wallets and then find some clothes from homeless people.

If someone confidently says that his current situation is caused by an affair, then he is most likely to have really encountered a perverted robber.

Lumian finally bought a set of formal clothes that looked good but was actually quite ordinary, including a shirt, jacket, bow tie, etc. and a dark cane. In addition, he also picked out a brown wig and a fake beard of the same color.

This cost him 78 filgin in total.

After hiding his tracks and returning to the safe house on White Coat Street, Lumian first removed his previous disguise, then put on his "secret glasses" again and put on makeup according to his memory.

His goal was to look older, and soon he looked more and more like a middle-aged man in the mirror, with fake brown beard glued on around his mouth and chin.

Lumian became Bono.

Goodwill, owner of Goodwill Chemical Plant.

Although they only look 40% similar, people who know Bono and Goodville will unconsciously mistake them for each other unless they think carefully and try to distinguish them.

Lumian is going to use this identity to sneak into the congressman's office!

Before officially starting the operation, he went underground and hid the original homeless clothes in a quarry cave.

After leaving the underground Trier, Lumian walked hurriedly with his cane to the ochre-colored four-story building that housed the congressman's office.

"The discount service you have obtained has a usage number." Please be sure to click on the activity rules. After a brief observation and confirming that the images in each room had not changed much, he lowered his head, half covered his face, and approached the door of the house.

"Who are you looking for?" The armed guard in dark blue uniform stopped him.

Lumian raised his head, put down his hands, and said hurriedly, "I'll go find the councillor."

One of the guards used the light from the gas lamp on the street to see the visitor's face clearly, and subconsciously said, "Mr. Goodwell, why are you here again..."

He immediately shut his mouth, understanding that the gentleman whose factory had exploded had too many problems to solve tonight and too many troubles to seek help from.

The two guards stopped asking questions and made way for Lumian to enter.

The lobby on the first floor was bustling with people coming and going. Even though it was late at night, it was still quite lively. There were reporters, officials, representatives of charitable organizations, civilian staff who came to report the situation from the hospital, and different staff members who were responsible for receiving them.

Lumian maintained a state of not wanting to be seen, with his head lowered and his face half covered, and walked directly to the stairs. He used the same method to pass the interception of two armed guards and went up to the second floor.

He figured out the direction, walked past the two staff members who came out of the room, and came to the office of the unhealthy young man.

Lumian maintained a state of not wanting to be seen, with his head lowered and his face half covered, and walked directly to the stairs. He used the same method to pass the interception of two armed guards and went up to the second floor.

He figured out the direction, walked past the two staff members who came out of the room, and came to the office of the unhealthy young man.

A white aluminum nameplate was inlaid on the vermilion door, with a few golden words in Intis written on it: "Assistant Secretary, Tibor Jacques."

Tybalt... Lumian smiled, put on his gloves, and knocked on the door.