Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 96: Lent begins


The lady turned her head and looked out the window of the old tavern:

"It's almost time, let me give you some common sense at the end.

"Based on the law of immortality of Beyonder characteristics, we know that when a person combines with Beyonder characteristics, he or she becomes a Beyonder, and when a creature combines with Beyonder characteristics, he or she becomes a super-ordinary creature. What about when an object combines with Beyonder characteristics?"

She didn't give Lumian a chance to answer and said directly:

“It’s called a magical item.

“Because the objects themselves do not have concepts such as will, spirit, and self-control, and due to the combined effects of other factors, after they are combined with extraordinary characteristics, in addition to showing corresponding special abilities, they will also bring strong negative effects. The major churches tend to seal them up and open them with appropriate methods when needed.

“This also led to magical items being called sealed objects.

"And the magical items that have been sealed by the major churches have their own numbers, divided into four levels: 3, 2, 1, and 0. The smaller the prefix number, the higher the danger. Among them, the number of level 1 and level 0 sealed objects is limited, and the harm is extremely great. The numbers are common to all major churches and will not be repeated."

“Level 0 Sealed Artifact…” Lumian whispered the phrase.

He was deeply impressed by the fact that Sequence 0 was equal to the True God, and he had some associations with it, so he asked:

"Is this a seal formed by the fallen gods or evil gods that were destroyed in the past?"

According to the twenty-two paths, all of which have sequence 0, corresponding to a true God, the current number of gods is obviously insufficient.

Of course, Lumian also admitted that this might be due to his lack of knowledge about the evil god's secret existence.

"Not all of them." The lady thought for a moment and said, "Most of them are angels, and only a few have the ability to kill gods."

Lumian nodded:

"I understand. I won't take things in other people's hands lightly."

The lady added:

“You can’t underestimate the negative impact of the Sealed Artifact either. You will definitely have your own Sealed Artifact in the future.

"Well, there is another type of item in the field of mysticism. They are called Extraordinary Items. They are made by Extraordinary people of the corresponding sequence using their own abilities and spirituality, or with the help of the spirit world and gods. They do not contain Extraordinary properties, but have certain extraordinary performances. However, their power will gradually dissipate over time. Among them, talismans, potions, etc. can only be used once.

“In comparison, extraordinary weapons are more stable, and many can be used for years.

"As a Hunter, you lack the ability to deal with spirits and ghosts before you reach Sequence 7. If you have the chance, consider obtaining the corresponding Sealed Artifacts or Extraordinary Objects."

Lumian listened carefully and asked inquiringly:

"Spirit world?"

He had seen the term in the magazine The Veil of Secrets, but had not received sufficient explanation.

The lady said quickly:

"From the perspective of mysticism, this world is divided into three levels: the real world, the spiritual world, and the astral world. The others are formed by attaching to one of these three, such as the underworld.

"I don't need to explain the real world. You know it very well. The spirit world is the world where spirits live. There, many concepts of reality no longer exist. You will gradually understand it. The astral world originally referred to the world of gods, but now it needs to include the entire starry sky."

Lumian was just asking casually, and after getting a preliminary answer, he immediately returned to the previous topic:

"Can 'Hunter' create extraordinary things?"

He felt that "Wizard" should be able to do it.

The lady shook her head at first, then continued:

"Hunters cannot rely on the sequence itself, but because their spirituality has been improved, they can learn ritual magic, pray to a certain god or hidden existence, and use their response to create extraordinary things such as spells and weapons.

"But I want to remind you that most of the secret beings are very dangerous. It is best not to try to pray to them, otherwise death is the best outcome. The seven gods will basically not respond to you unless you join the corresponding church and become an official Beyonder."

“In simple terms, it is completely impossible for a ‘Hunter’ to create extraordinary things?” Lumian was a little disappointed.

The lady smiled and said:

"Not really. On the one hand, you can use the blood and saliva of some extraordinary creatures to make poisonous weapons. In a sense, this is also an extraordinary thing. On the other hand, when you have solved the secret of the dream, I will tell you the name of a great being, and you can pray to Him."

Great Being? This was the first time she used the word "great" as an adjective. She had never used it before for "Eternal Blazing Sun" and "Hidden Sage"... Who could it be? Would there be no danger if we prayed to him? Lumian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was surprised and suspicious.

The more he learned, the more he realized the insufficiency of his knowledge of the occult.

Lumian hummed, and asked with the mentality that he would not lose anything by asking:

"What is the Sequence 8 corresponding to Hunter? What about Sequence 7?"

The lady replied nonchalantly:

"Sequence 8 in the Hunter pathway is called Provocateur, and Sequence 7 is called Arsonist.

"Okay, that's all for today."

She immediately stood up and walked towards the second floor entrance.

After a few steps, she stopped, turned around and said:

“I forgot to remind you.

"Remember, you're just acting."

Just acting... Lumian chewed on this sentence and asked thoughtfully:

“What if you take the role you play seriously?”

"You will become less and less like yourself, until one day..." The lady smiled and closed her mouth.

She turned around, walked to the stairs, and disappeared there.

You didn’t finish your words… Lumian muttered silently.

He could feel that if he didn't remember that he was just acting, the consequences would most likely be serious.

Lumian didn't rush to leave the old tavern. He sat quietly in the corner and recalled all the common sense that the lady had just told him several times in order to avoid forgetting anything.

The more he pondered, the more he realized the importance of the two laws and one method:

"They are like the main frame of the building of mysticism, and everything else depends on them...

"I don't know if Aurore understands...

"After we leave Cordu, I'll discuss this issue with her...

"Well, I don't know if the lady would allow me to tell Aurore directly..."

… …

After leaving the old tavern, Lumian looked back and muttered silently:

"Why haven't those three strangers taken action yet? Today is Lent..."

He went to the village square while thinking about this.

When he finished asking if there was a call back, he saw Ava, Raymond and others coming here.

Ava changed into a pure white dress, and wore a round headdress made of branches and flowers on her head. A similar giant necklace hung around her neck. Her back, arms, waist, and legs were decorated with brown branches and green leaves, which made her look like a fairy in the forest.

This is the protagonist of Lent, the "Spring Spirit".

Raymond and other young people surrounded Ava, each carrying a basket made of branches filled with grass, soil, stones, leaves and other things.

"Lumian, the blessing parade is about to begin!" Ava's aqua blue eyes turned and saw Lumian.

Her face was full of joy.

Raymond and others were also very happy:

"Quick, let's go get the offering together!"

Since Novel Weekly had not replied to the telegram yet, Lumian had nothing to do for the time being, so he simply joined the blessing parade.

These young people sang loudly, surrounded Ava, and walked out of the square.

Only a dozen meters away, they stopped in front of the first building.

Lumian walked to the door and banged on it:

"'Spring Fairy' is coming!"

The door creaked open and Naalaiza appeared in front of everyone.

She is another female head of the village named "Na". She is in her forties, with black hair tied up and smiling blue eyes.

Seeing the door open, Ava took two steps forward, spread her hands, and began to sing:

"I am the spirit of spring

"Her face is friendly and pretty


"Sing it up, dance it up

“Only in this way can we obtain a good harvest…”

After singing a verse, Ava took a piece of soil from Raymond's basket and handed it to Naalaiza.

"Thank you, 'Spring Fairy'." Naalaiza took it with a smile and handed the piece of cloth in her hand to Ava:

"Good harvest! Good harvest!" Lumian and other young people responded in unison.

This is a blessing ceremony: the "Spring Elves" bless the villagers for a good harvest this year by singing and giving them natural things such as soil, grass, and stones. The villagers need to give back, that is, make certain contributions, otherwise the blessing will turn into a curse.

While waiting for Raymond beside her to accept the cloth, Ava sang another passionate verse.

They then said goodbye to Naalaiza and walked towards the next house.

—Part of the offerings received during the blessing parade will be thrown into the river during the waterside ceremony, and the rest will be placed in the final ceremony. After Lent is over, the girl who serves as the incarnation of the "Spring Spirit" has the right to choose some and take them away.

That’s a pretty significant gain.

And if the village of Koldu really has a good harvest this year, Ava, the incarnation of the "Spring Fairy", will be widely believed to be loved by the fairies and blessed by spring. Whoever marries her will be guaranteed many years of good harvest.

That way, she really has a chance of marrying someone from a good family.

The blessing parade sang as it walked, all the way to Lumian's house.

The person who opened the door was naturally Aurore. She had also changed into more formal clothes - a light-colored stand-up collar long dress with ruffles and her golden hair tied up.

Ava came over and sang the same song again:

"I am the spirit of spring..."

Aurore listened with a smile, took a leaf, and took out a small ceramic jar and handed it to Ava:

"Thanks, 'Spring Fairy'."

Animal fat from a big can? Lumian took a look and thought his sister was being too generous.

Apart from a small vegetable patch behind the house, my family doesn't have any land at all, so I don't have to worry about whether the harvest is good or not.