City of Sin

Chapter 103: backing


My fragility is only revealed in front of Han Yu, even if I want to go with him desperately now, but the remaining rationality in my mind tells me that I can't.

When people are sick, they will always appear weaker, I comfort myself in this way in my heart.

At this time, Han Yu saw that I was awake, and asked me with concern if I felt uncomfortable, why I didn’t know I had a fever, why I didn’t love myself so much...

When I heard what he said, I knew he loved me, even more than I imagined. If I had been a little selfish then, and I didn't care about Zhou Miao, sister Weiwei, or the dead Xiaohua, I might have Take it easy.

But I know I can't do it, they have stood up and helped me when I needed it most, I can't be so heartless.

There is such an awkward life between people.

I still had water hanging on my hands, but at that moment I just wanted to hug him desperately. He had lost a lot of weight, and I could feel every bone in his body, and I felt extremely uncomfortable.

Han Yu's body obviously froze for a moment, and then I heard him sigh helplessly, "Douya, I really can't do anything with you, Douya, I love you."

I love you.

These three words are too heavy, so heavy that I'm afraid I can't bear it at all.

I said I love him too, Han Yu suddenly smiled, then bowed his head and kissed my lips tenderly, so tender and tender, as if he was treating a treasure.

I know that Han Yu loves me, but I really don't know if he will continue to love me when he knows the path I'm going to take.

Love is inherently fragile. I never expected him to persevere until the end, or I was afraid that he would persevere until the end, because this road is too bitter. Suffer after me.

But now, I just want to sink down desperately and have a good time with him, even if we will go our separate ways tomorrow, even if we will become strangers in the end.

Thinking of this, I pulled out the needle, and blood beads came out from the back of my hand. I didn't feel any pain at all. On the contrary, they stimulated every nerve in me. Han Yu's face changed with fright, he said Bean sprouts, are you crazy, you will have accidents like this.

But in the end he was interrupted by my kiss, and I saw the fire in his eyes.

At that moment, I thought of a word: the flames burn the city.

Han Yu struggled for a while, but in the end he couldn't resist my temptation. He easily surrendered, saying that I was a goblin.

That day, we worked crazily in the ward of the hospital until my last ounce of strength was exhausted, until he was so tired that he lay on my body and didn't even have the strength to move.

I could feel the beating heart in his chest, I stretched out my hand and slowly hooked his neck, and said love to him over and over again in his ear, he smiled like a child, he said bean sprouts, I will never If you let me down, I will never let anyone hurt you again.

I believe in him, I just don't believe in myself.

Maybe it was because I was really tired. I fell asleep for a long time, and when I woke up again, Wei Yun was in my ward. I instinctively looked at him vigilantly. One wrong step in front of you may be irreversible.

With a cigarette dangling from his mouth, Wei Yun didn't think it was a bit funny to see my guarded face, and asked me, "Are you so afraid of me?"

In fact, I know that in front of Wei Yun, I am like an ant that he can crush to death at any time. Neither Song Yaqi nor Wang Yaxin has a strong background, but in front of Wei Yun, it seems that it is not worth mentioning at all. like.

Only then did I understand that there are mountains beyond the mountains and heaven beyond the sky.

I didn't dare to offend Wei Yun, at least I didn't dare to offend him now, so I shook my head and denied it: "No, I just woke up and my mind is not clear."

Wei Yun didn't ask whether my words were true or not, and then he put out the cigarette in his hand, with a careless expression on his face, but what he said made me feel chills on my back.

"You're a little unconscious, you even dare to touch the son of Master Shan, good guy, this is the first time I've seen that young master Han who kills people without batting an eyelid, who cares about a woman so much, Bean Sprout, you're really lucky Ah." When Wei Yun spoke, his expression was calm.

I have grown up to this age, except for fighting with Sister Weiwei a few times, beating and wounding Tan Xinsheng, and dealing with Sister Qing in prison, I have never seen a real big scene of fighting and killing. , But when I heard Wei Yun say these words, it is not difficult for me to imagine that kind of scene.

I guessed Han Yu's identity to some extent. When I first met him, he was being chased and killed. Later, he disappeared from time to time. In fact, I also had guesses in my heart, but no matter whose son he was, he Love me, and I love him, and that's enough.

But at that time, I was still too immature, and I didn’t even know that in that world, no one would ever talk to you about fairness, and you had the right to speak only if you survived by all means.

I don't know what Wei Yun meant when he suddenly told me this at this time, he is too advanced, sometimes I feel more tired talking to him than fighting.

"But I'm quite curious, what kind of scene would it be if the two of you met in the red light district." I have to say, Wei Yun's mouth is really cheap.

I was also not happy, so I didn't give Wei Yun any good looks, I squinted my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Wei Yun didn't have any special reaction. He sat there for a while, then answered the phone and left. Zhou Miao came in less than a minute after he left. I was in the hospital these few days, and she was taking care of me. .

Zhou Miao asked me if I was feeling better, and if I felt any discomfort, I said no, the fever had almost subsided, I thought it was time to leave the hospital, if I lay down like this again, I would be disabled.

Zhou Miao went to help me go through the discharge procedures. Just as the two of us came out of the hospital, a red car stopped by the side of the road. Sister Feng got out of the car in a luxurious dress and said with a red face that she was here to pick me up. discharged.

After returning from the dinner that day, I also inquired about Sister Feng with Wei Yun. After Sister Feng came out, she worked as a backer with a rich businessman in the county. This rich businessman was the old man I met that day, and his name was Qi Zhenjiang.

Qi Zhenjiang is also a well-known figure in the county. He started from scratch a few years ago, and later moved to real estate. He made a lot of money and is worth billions of dollars. Qi Zhenjiang married several wives, but none of them gave birth to a son, only one daughter It's called Qi Min, and she's helping Qi Zhenjiang.