City of Sin

Chapter 116: Right on the door


After breakfast, Wei Yun drove me to the hospital. There was no cumbersome queuing for registration. Wei Yun took me directly to the office of a vice president.

The deputy dean is a bald old man, and the few remaining hairs on his head are all white. When he saw Wei Yun and me, he said in a flattering tone, "Mr. Wei, what wind brought you here?" If you need anything, just give me a call."

Wei Yun impatiently took out a cigarette and lit it. I saw a no-smoking sign posted on the wall, and frowned at him. He seemed to understand what I meant, and then snuffed out the cigarette butt.

"Your best nurse, call me and give her some medicine." Wei Yun played with the cigarette impatiently, without even looking at the vice president.

The deputy dean seemed to understand something at once, and the way he looked at me became wrong. Then he made a phone call, and soon, a young nurse came in.

The deputy dean and the little nurse winked for a while, they did it too blatantly, it was obvious at a glance that the deputy dean was flirting with the little nurse, the little nurse responded intentionally or unintentionally, and then gave me a hostile look, Called me to the next ward to apply medicine.

After I took off my clothes, the little nurse saw the injury on my shoulder, and slowly there was a trace of contempt on her face, and said deliberately: "Tsk, you are so lucky, Mr. Wei has so many women, let alone this injury , I didn’t see Boss Wei show up even when I came to have an abortion.”

I actually don’t know much about Wei Yun’s affairs. In other words, I don’t want to know anything other than things that are beneficial to me. We are just using each other. There is no need to make it so complicated. What, I'm just afraid that I will disrupt their plans.

After changing the medicine, the little nurse and I went back to the vice president's office. Wei Yun didn't know what he said to the vice president. When we left, the vice president seemed very happy, and the door hadn't even closed yet. , I couldn't wait to hug the little nurse and kiss and chew.

I'm not interested in Wei Yun's deals, so I didn't bother to ask. When I came out of the hospital, a champagne-colored BMW happened to pass by us, and I didn't pay attention at the time.

In this city, some people live in high-rise buildings and some people live in deep trenches. There are certain things that are destined, and we cannot change them.

The BMW car stopped suddenly, the windows were rolled down, and a woman greeted Wei Yun. As soon as I saw this woman's face, I immediately remembered that she was the woman who held Han Yu's hand last night .

That woman seemed to recognize me too, she gave me a look of disdain, rolled up the window and left. In fact, I know that a person of Han Yu's background is the most suitable for such a famous daughter, but I When I think of her intimate contact with Han Yu, I feel sick and want to vomit.

After getting in the car, Wei Yun asked me, "Do you know who she is?"

I don't know why Wei Yun asked me so suddenly, is he testing me? Or just plain chat

I couldn't figure out what Wei Yun meant, so I answered him honestly, "I don't know."

Wei Yun suddenly smiled, "Shen Yao, you've always heard of it, right?"

I know Shen Yao, Ning Cheng Shoushan also has countless assets under his name, he has been undergoing heart bypass surgery abroad not long ago, and I heard that the operation was quite successful, but Shen Yao is cautious in doing things, and has to wait until there is no rejection The reaction is to return home.

As soon as Wei Yun mentioned Shen Yao, I looked back at the hospital building that was gradually going away in the rearview mirror, "So, she is Shen Yao's only daughter, Shen Sihan."

When Wei Yun saw me say that, the smile on his face widened, "You are really smart, you can guess it if I mention a few words, then guess what is his relationship with the Han family?"

When Wei Yun mentioned the Han family suddenly, I was still a little caught off guard. I pretended to be thinking, tried my best to calm down my mood, and finally said that I couldn't guess.

Wei Yun suddenly said, "Is it true that you can't guess, or do you not want to guess?"

I actually don't want to guess. On that occasion last night, Shen Sihan was able to appear holding Han Yu's hand. Han Shan was also there at the time, but all of this was so natural, so the relationship between Shen Sihan and Han Yu is definitely not the same. It will be a relationship of ordinary friends.

It's about Han Yu, I don't want to touch it.

"Boss Wei overestimated me, I can't guess." Wei Yun was so aggressive, and I was a little angry.

Wei Yun's expression turned ugly after being teased by me. After pulling the car to the side and stopped, he said coldly, "Get out of the car."

I didn't say a word, and got off Wei Yun's car directly. The black Bentley disappeared quickly. I don't know why, but I suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

I stood there for a while, seeing that the time was still early, I planned to walk slowly to the red light district, walking aimlessly on the street, and before I knew it, I came to the alley where I met Han Yu.

I still remember the scene that night, every detail, I remember very clearly, sometimes I think, if I wasn’t the one who saved him that night, would the two of us have always been just people from two parallel worlds, Even if they will meet one day, it will be in that kind of intrigue and deceit.

It was really a wonderful thing to meet.

I stood in the alley for a while and was about to leave when a few punks with colorfully dyed hair came towards me smiling.

As soon as I saw these little gangsters, I panicked. The horror memory of that night came back to my mind. I forced myself to calm down and shouted, "What do you want to do? I will shout when I come again." people!"

A gangster with dyed yellow hair at the head looked at me wretchedly, and threatened viciously, "Bah! You shout, no one will come to save you even if you shout out your throat today! Tsk, I didn't see it, This figure is really good, it's a pity to be beaten up, brothers, let's try something new first."

Huang Mao said, and the brothers around him also laughed. At this time, I didn't even have the strength to cry. Listening to Huang Mao's meaning, it was definitely not accidental that they appeared here, so I tried to keep calm, He tentatively asked, "You, aren't you just trying to make money? You can set a price for how much you want, and I'll ask someone to bring it to you right away."

I thought in my heart, as long as they are willing to ask for money, even if they can't reach an agreement, they can at least buy me some time. I quietly turned on the phone and dialed a number. I don't know who I chose, but no matter what Whoever it is, as long as they know that I am dangerous now is enough.

Huang Mao smiled even more obscenely, "We must want money, but this color..."