City of Sin

Chapter 12: Vanilla Man


I was about to answer his question when Cheng Wei hurried over with two foot-washing girls. After seeing this scene, Cheng Wei kept apologizing to the man, yelling, Mr. He, The attitude is very respectful.

I don't know who he is, but the person who even Cheng Wei has to be careful to receive must be some important person. My head hangs lower, and I am too ashamed to look at his face.

Suddenly, there was an extra piece of clothing on my shoulders. The clothes smelled faintly of vanilla, like smoke, and like shower gel.

I looked up at him in astonishment. His facial features were well-defined, and he wore a pair of thin gold-rimmed glasses. When he smiled, he was very handsome.

Yes, I use handsome to describe him, although he looks old enough to be my uncle.

Cheng Wei probably didn't expect this situation either. After a few seconds of being stunned, he took the man away. I looked at his back and then remembered that I didn't know his name yet, but I just heard Cheng Wei call him Mr. He.

I went to inquire and found out that his name is He Hao. He is the boss of a real estate company in the county. He is very rich and powerful, and he is a distinguished guest of Mr. Zhu.

I suddenly became afraid. If he treated me like everyone else just now, Mr. Zhu would definitely fire me if he got angry.

That day, after I finished my work, I was waiting at the gate of Dihao. I wanted to return the clothes to him.

But I waited at the gate until late at night, but I didn't see him come out. Sister Weiwei and Xiaohua saw that I hadn't gone back, so they came looking for me.

Sister Weiwei went to help me find out, and said that He Hao had already left, as if he had never met me.

I hugged that dress, and a lot of emotions surged in my heart. At that time, I didn't understand what kind of emotion it was.

Back in the dormitory, I suddenly remembered that before Cheng Wei left today, he asked me to go to the small hotel next to him at 12 o'clock in the evening, where he would be waiting for me.

Because of what happened to He Hao, I temporarily forgot about it. Sister Weiwei saw that I looked strange, and asked me if I had something to hide from her. I dared not say anything, but said that my stomach was not feeling well, and I went out to the bathroom.

Coming out of the dormitory, I walked towards the small hotel. Although I didn't want to go, I knew that Cheng Wei had a lot of ways to punish me. If I didn't go, he would definitely fire me.

Every time I take a step, I feel the pain in the soles of my feet, which makes me more desperate than the blisters that stick to my shoes.

The road to that small hotel was not long, but I walked for a long time. The small hotel was dilapidated and old. As soon as I walked in, I heard creaking sounds.

At the front desk of the small hotel, an obese middle-aged woman was sitting. While watching the TV, she gave me a disdainful glance, with naked contempt in her eyes: "It's full."

Her eyes seemed to be holding a knife, probably thinking that I was like those women who came out to sell, I explained a few words in a low voice, but she listened absent-mindedly and didn't pay attention at all.

Later I realized a truth, in this world, everyone only cares about money, as long as you have enough money, no one dares to look down on you.

I gave a house number, and the fat woman sized me up, her tone full of ambiguity: "I'm here to look for Viagra, I told you earlier, Viagra is already here, you go up, turn right on the third floor and the third room is there arrive."

Cheng Wei's reputation is not very good. He often took advantage of the feet-washing girl in Emgrand, and he didn't know Li Yanli well. It was said that he had an ambiguous relationship with the women upstairs.

At that time, I didn't understand why a person can say that he likes someone, but still have an ambiguous relationship with other women. Later, when I finally understood, the person I liked was no longer by my side.

Some seemingly sloppy indulgences are actually helplessness and powerlessness reflected from the depths of my heart, but I understand it a little late.

When I walked to the third floor, the voice-activated lights above my head flickered on and off, and I felt my breathing became short of breath, and my hands tightly clenched the corners of my clothes.

When I stood in front of the door of the room with No. 308, I knew that once I walked into this room, I would have no room for regret.

I don't want to go in, this is the most sincere desire in my heart, but I am afraid that Cheng Wei will really fire me, as if my life and death are in his hands, and he holds a knife in his hand that can end my life at any time.

This taste is too uncomfortable.

Just when I was struggling to run, the door of room 308 opened. Cheng Wei saw me, pulled me into the room, and threw me on the bed anxiously, with explicit words written all over his wretched face. Desire: "Baby, I knew you would come! Tonight, I promise to make you feel so comfortable!"

As Cheng Wei said, he couldn't wait to kiss me, and his big hands kept touching me back and forth. I was terrified, my whole body was tense and stiff, and I struggled, but in his view, my struggle was completely A kind of seduction for him.

Cheng Wei's hand squeezed my chest fiercely, "Baby, don't worry, there will be plenty of time later."

I felt a churning in my stomach. I begged and resisted, but Cheng Wei couldn't listen to a word. Seeing him unfasten his belt and take off all his clothes, my nerves tensed up all of a sudden. My instinct He hugged his body tightly, then raised his right foot and kicked Cheng Wei in the crotch.

Cheng Wei's face was pale with pain, and he fell on the bed with a scream, covering his crotch with both hands, screaming in pain on the bed.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, which was rapid and violent. I looked at the door in fear. I was afraid that the person knocking on the door would be the police again, so I left a record of prostitution, and I didn’t want to be arrested by the police again. go in.

I didn't dare to open the door, Cheng Wei on the bed was still screaming in pain, I didn't know what to do, at this moment, Sister Weiwei's anxious voice came from outside the door: "Little bean sprouts, open the door!"