City of Sin

Chapter 14: demonstration


After a sleepless night, when I woke up the next morning, I saw cigarette butts piled up on the balcony outside.

Sister Weiwei went out early in the morning. I didn't know what she was going to do, but I just picked up the broom silently and cleaned up the cigarette butts on the ground.

After a while, Xiaohua called me to go to work. I have been in Emgrand for a while, but I have been doing chores all the time. I am eager to wash the feet of customers like Sister Weiwei and Xiaohua, so that I can earn a commission , I want to earn more money to repay Sister Weiwei and Xiaohua, and I want to earn more money so that I can live a decent life.

At that time, I was still very innocent, thinking that as long as I worked hard, I would definitely be recognized by others and live like a person.

Everything seemed to be normal this day, Cheng Wei didn't come to trouble me, and when I saw him, I hid from a distance, and didn't even dare to look at him.

However, when I went to clean the toilet on the 4th floor, Li Yanli stopped me.

Li Yanli still wore very little clothes today, wearing black tight stockings on her lower body, and a black low-collar dress on her upper body. The neckline was pulled down very low, revealing her towering white breasts, and she carried a scent of fragrance when she walked.

Li Yanli looked at me domineeringly, and said eccentrically, "Yo, it looks like Viagra did a lot for you last night."

Since this morning, people have been pointing at me behind my back. Although I don't know what they are talking about, but what happened last night was spread out, and they spread it very badly. They didn't look right at me.

I know that Li Yanli has always liked Cheng Wei, but now being blocked by Li Yanli, I don't know how to explain to her, so I just hang my head and don't speak. At that time, I was weak to the bottom of my bones. Even after experiencing so many hardships, I still didn’t learn to be brave and strong. I only knew how to be a man with my tail between my legs and let others step on my head and bully me.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Li Yanli became even more angry. She kicked me hard and hit me in the lower abdomen. She was wearing high-heeled shoes, and the high-heeled shoes were very sharp. I was kicked back several steps by her until I stopped by leaning against the wall, my stomach hurts so much that I broke out in a cold sweat.

At that moment, my heart was filled with anger. It's okay for Li Yanli to make things difficult for me, but I didn't do anything wrong. Why did she beat me? If I were as powerful as Sister Weiwei, Li Yanli would definitely not dare to hit me.

"Sister Yanli, why did you kick me? I didn't do anything wrong..."

I mustered up the courage to explain that even if I was going to be beaten by her, I didn't want to be scolded by people poking my back like this, but my explanation was useless. There was burning pain, and a few clear finger marks were left on his face.

I was completely dumbfounded and didn't know what was going on.

Li Yanli sneered, then took out her mobile phone, and found a photo in the mobile phone. In the photo, Li Yanli and Cheng Wei were sleeping on the same bed. Cheng Wei was asleep, and Li Yanli was kissing his forehead.

I just took a quick glance, and Li Yanli cursed arrogantly: "Did you see that? Bitch, Viagra belongs to me, do you think he would really like you? And Zheng Wei, don't rely on Viagra to like you." She will be in trouble, let me tell you, stay away from him, otherwise you will not end well!"

At that time, I didn't know why Li Yanli was so pushy, but later I found out that she had an older brother named Li Hailong, who was a well-known gangster in this area. Usually in Emgrand, even the goblins who lived upstairs would not dare to show face in front of her. Once, there was a newcomer who didn't understand the rules and quarreled with Li Yanli for a few words. As a result, half of his leg was beaten by someone led by Li Hailong, and he never appeared in Emgrand again.

Li Yanli dared to be so arrogant, her nostrils were turned upside down, most of it was because of her brother who was a gangster.

I dare not offend Li Yanli. Although I feel wronged, I don't want to cause trouble. I just want to work honestly in Emgrand and do things with all my heart. I hope that one day Mr. Zhu will see my efforts and make me a regular.

At that time, I was cowardly and humble to the dust, thinking that if I behaved honestly and dutifully, I would definitely be rewarded, but where there are people, there will be disputes, and there will be rivers and lakes. If it weren’t for Sister Weiwei, I might have been hungry for a long time Dead or frozen to death on the street, when Sister Weiwei taught me to be brave and strong, my life has already changed beyond recognition.

But I never regret embarking on this path.

After Li Yanli arrogantly declared her sovereignty over Cheng Wei, I just cowardly held my stomach that hurt from being kicked by her, and broke out in cold sweat.

When Li Yanli left, I stood against the wall for a long time before I recovered. At this time, I hated myself for being weak, and my heart was screaming angrily. Bully me over my head

I must become stronger and become like Sister Weiwei, and they will never dare to bully me again.

Thinking of this, I feel full of strength. No matter how difficult the road ahead is, I will definitely go on.

One day, after I finished my work, I went to take out the garbage. When I pushed the garbage truck out, I happened to see a black car parked at the gate of Emgrand.

Against the background of gold and jade green, I saw He Hao wearing light gray casual clothes, getting out of the car leisurely, with a gentle smile on his face, and his eyes were so gentle that they were about to drip water.

Ten thousand years at a glance.

I was pushing the garbage truck, and I was watching him intently from a place where he couldn't see it.