City of Sin

Chapter 79: Heartbroken


That day Xiaohua asked me over and over again why, why Tan Xinsheng treated her like that, many words stuck in my throat, but I couldn't utter a single word.

I comforted Xiaohua with the words I used to comfort myself. At the end, even I felt numb, and Xiaohua's mood finally stabilized. In the end, I had to ask her what she planned about this child.

As soon as the child was mentioned, Xiaohua kept crying. She wanted this child very much. This was the first child in her life and the first child she conceived with the person she liked, but the reality was always so cruel. Without Tan Xinsheng's protection, how could she support this child by herself

Xiaohua said that she was not reconciled, and she wanted to ask Tan Xinsheng for an explanation. It was their child, so how could he say no to it

When we were young, we were all too naive and naive. We always thought that the world was black and white, and the love we thought was just a cheap show in the eyes of others.

Why do people have feelings, and feelings are so entangled, in this unresolved entanglement, each of us can't help ourselves.

It didn't take long before Han Yu came. Because of Xiao Hua's incident, I didn't have the time to learn martial arts from him. After finally coaxing Xiao Hua to sleep, Han Yu and I came out of the room.

Sister Weiwei is not here, so I am the only one who will stand up for Xiaohua in this matter. I promised Sister Weiwei that I will take good care of Xiaohua. It's the same as asking for an explanation at the beginning.

Han Yu was worried that I would go alone and insisted on going with me, so I had no choice but to agree, and he drove me to find Tan Xinsheng himself.

Tan Xinsheng's home is an independent villa. When we went there, we happened to meet Tan Xinsheng coming back from the outside. When Tan Xinsheng saw me, he froze for a moment, then seemed to think of something, and pretended not to see anything. Stride to his house.

At this time, another woman came down from the car. This woman was dressed in luxurious clothes and was very dignified and decent. She was Tan Xinsheng's wife and the daughter of a rich boss in the county. How could Tan Xinsheng have today? , are all patrons of her wife's natal family, so he dare not offend his wife, let alone the child in Xiaohua's womb.

In the final analysis, for people like them, it was just a taste of the scene. After this scene is over, there will be another one, and those women in the sinking scene are discarded by them like a rag.

I rushed up to stop Tan Xinsheng, he stared at me angrily, yelled at me and told me to get out of the way, I asked him why he treated Xiao Hua like that, he was their child, how could he just say no.

At that time, we were still too young to learn to schem the city government, thinking that such a rampage full of justice would always win justice for ourselves in the end, but we just pushed ourselves into the boundless abyss with our own hands.

Tan Xinsheng yelled at me and even called the security guards to chase me away. It was Han Yu who came forward and Tan Xinsheng let me go. The woman didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, her expression was indifferent like a puppet without emotion , I thought that she, like me and Xiaohua, was a woman manipulated by fate, but I found out later that I was so wrong.

When I got back to the apartment, Xiao Hua had already woken up, the lights were not turned on in the room, she was huddled in the corner of the bed in a trance, and when she saw me, she hugged me and cried silently.

I dare not tell her, I went to find Tan Xinsheng, let alone tell her that Tan Xinsheng would not want this child, I held Xiaohua in my arms, and I said, "If you want this child, we will give birth to her Come down, let's work hard to make money, and we can always support her, okay?"

Xiaohua cried even more fiercely, she hugged me tightly, as if grasping the last straw.

In the next few days, Xiaohua stayed with me all the time. In the next few days, her mood improved a lot, but I could always see her secretly wiping tears behind my back. I knew she hadn't given up yet, she I still have hope and obsession with Tan Xinsheng, just like I did with He Hao back then.

Soon, Zhou Miao and Wei Xuemei also found out about Xiao Hua, they didn't come to see Xiao Hua, worried that Xiao Hua would be sad when they mentioned these things, so they bought some baby clothes and toys and asked me to bring them to Xiao Hua. heartfelt.

When Xiaohua saw those baby clothes and toys, a rare smile appeared on her face. I understood that this child was really important to her. At that time, the only thing we hoped for was that the child would be born safely. .

However, I never dreamed that all of us did not wait for the birth of the child, and all this seemed to be the beginning of a nightmare.

That day I went to school as usual, when I went out, my eyelids kept twitching, I subconsciously turned to look at Xiaohua, she stood at the door and waved to me, even against the light, I could still see the light on her face. smile.

If I knew that something like that would happen that day, I would never leave Xiaohua for half a step. Even if I die, I will stay by her side and accompany her through the most difficult time in her life.

Many times later, when I recalled the events of that day, I couldn't explain what kind of feeling it was. Xiaohua became an indelible pain for all of us in our lifetime.

Not long after I left that day, Xiaohua received a call from Tan Xinsheng, saying that she wanted to talk to her about the child. Xiaohua thought that she had finally waited for the prodigal son to return, so she cried with joy, and couldn't wait to go to the place where Tan Xinsheng asked her to meet. .

That was the villa where she lived with Tan Xinsheng before, where they once shared their vows, but she didn't know that what awaited her was a complete nightmare.

There is no Tan Xinsheng in the villa, only a few strong men, and these strong men are all like wolves and tigers. They keep extorting and torturing Xiao Hua, just like they are treating a chicken.

Most of the good dreams are not firm, and the colorful clouds are easy to scatter and the glass is broken.

What kind of tyranny was that? I can't imagine, and I dare not imagine. I only know that when I arrived, I only saw Xiaohua lying on the ground like a piece of rag. His eyes were wide open, lifeless like a dead dog.

There was a lot of blood on the ground, and there were still many bloodstains on her lower body that hadn't dried up. The whole room was filled with a thick smell, that heartbreaking, heartbreaking smell.

The moment I saw Xiaohua, my whole body was like dust. I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t say a word. I could only hug Xiaohua, holding her tightly, for fear of falling One second, and she's gone from my life.