City of Sin

Chapter 96: Protect


He Hao's calls kept coming in, and I didn't answer until the 17th call.

"Where are you? Why didn't you answer my phone?" Facing He Hao's angry questioning, I just sneered.

I used to be like this too, hoping that he would call me countless times at night, even if he just said a few irrelevant words, I would feel happy, but what was waiting for me was just endless night.

"What's the matter with Mr. He?" My tone was very cold.

"Come back, I'll give you money and status, I'll give you whatever you want, don't go out with other men!"

I couldn't help but sneer, "Why does Mr. He think that I'll be interested in your money? Besides, Mr. Wu is much more generous than you, so why should I lose the big because of the small?"

"Bean Sprout, do you really think that old man will like you? What can he give you? Do you still expect him to satisfy you?"

This is the man I once loved!

I didn't want to tell He Haoduo any more, so I hung up the phone directly. He Hao's cell phone kept calling, but I didn't bother to answer it, so I just turned off the phone in the end.

After a night of no dreams, Han Yu came early the next morning, carrying a bag with breakfast in his hand. I saw him standing at the door, carrying breakfast, and my heart softened. He pulled the door in, as if he was going to say something, before I could say anything, I raised my head and kissed his lips.

He was still the same as a year ago, he was so shocked that his whole body was stiff, the bag in his hand fell to the ground, and then he suddenly hugged me tightly, his voice trembling: "Bean sprouts, don't go."

Han Yu thought I was the same as that one year ago again, and only then did I realize how much of a shadow the incident a year ago had left on him, and my heart ached.

After calming down Han Yu's emotions, I assured him again and again that I would not go anywhere in the future, so Han Yu relaxed. After breakfast, he took me to a place.

The spring rain was still falling. I was sitting in the co-pilot and looked sideways at Han Yu. He was a little embarrassed by me, but he didn't stop me. I just looked at him like this, as if all the troubles could be forgotten.

The place Han Yu took me to was a sublet flower shop. The flower shop is not big, but the things are all ready-made. There are still some flowers that have not been disposed of in the shop, and there is a fresh fragrance.

After I came out, I didn’t plan to go to school, and Han Yu didn’t want me to go back to Emgrand to go to work. He wanted me to have a new start, so he listed this flower shop and gave it to me as a fresh start. Gift.

I stood at the door of the flower shop and looked at Han Yu. If it was before, I would be very happy to have such a good flower shop. This is something I never dreamed of before. In the past, I only wanted to work hard Be a foot-washing girl and have a full meal.

But now, I am no longer the bean sprouts I used to be. I will take back everything I lost. I will become a master. I will stand taller than all of them. Only then can I protect what I want to protect. people.

The tragedy that happened to Xiaohua, I never want it to happen to the people around me again.

After I said my rejection, Han Yu looked at me with pain on his face, he asked me why, I really want to start all over again, but this is not what I want, a flower shop can no longer hold my goal.

I hugged Han Yu, his thin body was trembling, I said that I don't want to live the life I used to, I want to be strong, I want to protect the people I care about, so I can't stay here.

Han Yu hugged me with his backhand, his voice was hoarse, he said that he would protect me and never let me get hurt again, such an oath was very sweet, but I felt sad when I heard it.

In this world, what I least believe in is a man's oath. Even if this person is Han Yu, there are always too many insincere words in this world. Sister Feng taught me this sentence, even though Han Yu can give everything for me , but the world is difficult and dangerous, I can't be his weakness forever.

"Han Yu, it's not that I don't believe in you, but that this world is too dangerous, and you can't always be by my side to protect me, so I need to become stronger, do you understand?" When I said this, I saw Han Yu's beautiful eyes were full of grief.

I know he wants to protect me, but after so much, I can't go back.

After sending me back that day, I saw Han Yu standing downstairs and smoking a cigarette for a long time before leaving. I was also sad, but I chose this road, and I will not regret it.

After a long time, when I recalled this incident, I actually hoped that from then on, he would stop looking for me, stop being so nice to me, and the two of us would gradually drift apart, even if it meant becoming strangers , I only want him to live.

After it was dark, before I had time to cook, He Hao came. When I opened the door, I was taken aback for a moment. As soon as He Hao entered the door, he pushed me down on the sofa. His mouth that smelled of Asakusa was fierce. He bit my mouth so hard that the skin of my mouth was bitten open, and blood flowed out.

When he kissed me, his hands touched my body, and when he was the most distraught, I looked at him expressionlessly, and my words were also cold, "He Boss, please respect yourself, otherwise, I will call the police immediately."

He Hao froze all over suddenly, his face was full of shock and anger, and then pinched my chin, his face was distorted with anger, he sneered and said: "Okay! Very good! I haven't seen you for a few days, you It's really a skill! I'll take a look today, I put you to sleep here, do you dare to call the police!"

As He Hao said, he tore off the belt angrily, and then rushed forward with anger and tore off the clothes on my body. I didn't have any resistance, just looked at him coldly, his face became more and more gloomy, and finally he gritted his teeth Staring at me, "Damn it! You're ruthless!"

After He Hao finished speaking, he fastened his belt and left.

In fact, I know very well that what a man like He Hao cares about most is face. In front of him, which woman doesn't take the initiative to throw herself into his arms, eager to climb into his bed, so the more indifferent I am, the less he will treat me The time I spent with him was not in vain. At least, I had a clear idea of his temper and knew where to strike. It was the most ruthless to him.

Being disturbed by He Hao, I didn't feel like eating at night, so I just lay on the sofa and read a book for a while. After a while, I received a text message from Han Yu. He apologized to me and said that he didn't consider my situation. He will definitely protect me, no matter what I become, he will always love me the most.

I looked at the phone, feeling as if a heavy rain had suddenly fallen in my heart, and my heart was full of dampness.