Clash Of The Sword Titans

Chapter 104: The Royal Court of the Four Seas, a Thousand Years of War


"Is this the scene you and King Yan want to show me?"

Lu Li looked at the frozen world in front of him, and the stubbornness in his bones was exposed again, and he said sarcastically: "What is this? A threat? Or are you trying to impress me with a passionate and clichéd story, so that you can impress me?" Are you willing to work for her with peace of mind?"

Hearing Lu Li's tit-for-tat words, Gu Haoran didn't feel dissatisfied, and looked solemnly at the battlefield that had been frozen for countless years, and said softly: "What do you think this scene means to us? "

Before Lu Li could answer, Gu Haoran continued: "On this frozen soil, there are many people's compatriots and elders. Close friends, relatives, lovers... including the names you saw on that stone tablet, thousands of them. Years ago, this land has been spilled with countless blood.”

"What does this have to do with me?"

Lu Li's cheeks bulged slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Looking at my age, you should know that no one who sacrifices on this land will have anything to do with me."

"Of course, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Gu Haoran nodded and suddenly stepped into the frozen sea.

Rather than a sea, it is now just a land mass made of ice, so vast that it seems to have no end.

Seeing this, Lu Li hesitated for a moment and then followed.

"What happened on this battlefield was the last battle in Daxue State." Gu Haoran, who was leading the way, said slowly, as if he was telling a story: "After that battle, most of the world Seeing that the god-level warriors were killed in battle, the remaining people were seriously injured and almost became disabled. This battle affected the entire Zhenwu Realm, leaving the Zhenwu Realm injured and broken. After a full thousand years of cultivation, the Qi of the earth is now what it is today. After the change, there was a slight improvement."

"Do you know what this place is called?"

Gu Haoran turned his head and looked at Lu Li.

Lu Li naturally could only shake his head.

With the level he had been exposed to before, it was impossible to understand such an earth-shattering battle.

Being able to make half of the world's gods die in battle is enough to show that the enemy is really powerful.

Thinking of the names recorded on that stone tablet, among them were the Righteous Path, the Demonic Sect, and the neutral casual cultivators who never cared about worldly affairs.

This means that the enemy they face has become so powerful that they have to abandon all prejudices and have to join forces.

Seeing Lu Li's expression, Gu Haoran knew that he had guessed some of the truth, and said calmly: "This place is called the end of the world by those who know it, and it is also called the border of the realm."

He pointed to the back of the ice sculpture of the waves, "Across this boundary, you will find the Royal Court of the Four Seas."

"The Royal Court of the Four Seas... Are you saying that these powerful men all died fighting against the Royal Court of the Four Seas?"

Lu Li raised his head.

This was the second time he heard the name Sihaiwangting.

The first time, I learned about it from Ge Xinyue.

However, Ge Xinyue obviously did not know as much detail as Gu Haoran. Regarding the Royal Court of the Four Seas, it was just a topic that was briefly touched upon when explaining the existence of the upper realm.

But in Gu Haoran's words, the Sihai Royal Court suddenly changed and became the enemy that had fought against the strong men of the Zhenwu Domain a thousand years ago.

"It seems that you have heard of this name." Gu Haoran was not surprised by Lu Li's reaction, "The Royal Court of the Four Seas is actually the origin of all monsters, spiritual beasts, and ferocious beasts in the world. The king among them can Drive the monsters in the sea and command the spiritual beasts and ferocious beasts on land.”

Gu Haoran looked at the one-horned 'people' and said calmly: "Since the first warrior who left the Zhenwu Domain brought back the news from the Sihai Royal Court, the Sihai Royal Court also discovered the existence of the Zhenwu Domain. Seriously When the warriors from the Martial Realm tried to contact them, they discovered that this group of mysterious beings from the outer realm did not have a friendly attitude toward the True Martial Realm."

"For many years, due to some unexplored reasons, the Royal Court of the Four Seas has repeatedly tried to invade the Zhenwu Territory. In the end, after sacrificing the lives of countless divine warriors, we created this land and used the boundary to stop the Four Seas. The most ferocious attack of the Royal Court."

"And our master, the old immortal with only one surname left, froze the battlefield on the entire border of the realm, killed hundreds of millions of creatures from all over the world, and completed the biggest victory since the war began."

When Lu Li heard this, he looked at the warriors who were also frozen, "Have you sacrificed many comrades because of this?"

Gu Haoran nodded silently.

Lu Li licked his lips, his smile a little stiff, "It's indeed an old story."

"Sometimes, reality is more absurd than stories." Gu Haoran led Lu Li to a light blue wall that looked like a crystal wall.

This wall separates the entire battlefield, making it impossible to see the truth behind it.

Lu Li could feel the indescribable power from above.

That was a feeling of oppression that far exceeded that of Grandmaster Mingyou.

Thinking again of what Gu Haoran said, the only person who has the power to freeze this sea is the God-Seeing Warrior who is called a Celestial being.

"So? You brought me here not only to tell me that there are a group of despairingly powerful enemies outside the Zhenwu Domain, right?"

Forcibly looking away from the crystal wall, Lu Li finally asked Gu Haoran about his purpose.

After wasting so much energy, he was brought here from the Imperial Capital of the Holy Kingdom, where he witnessed some dust-covered history with his own eyes, and heard some secrets that ordinary warriors would never hear. Lu Li had a vague feeling that Gu Haoran's purpose was definitely not that simple.

In fact, even Mu Hongxiu may not know his true thoughts.

"Junior brother, has anyone told you that if a person is too smart, his life will be short-lived?"

Gu Haoran suddenly glanced at Lu Li with a half-smile.

Lu Li curled his lips and ignored his threat.

Gu Haoran laughed loudly and patted Lu Li on the shoulder, "Of course, of course. The purpose of bringing you here is not just to tell you a story. Well... In other words, those words before were just mine. For some selfish reasons, I hope you will remember these people who died to protect Zhenwu Realm. If one day, this frozen sea revives again... "

At this point, Gu Haoran felt that it was too early to say anything. After he came to his senses, he laughed at himself and said, "I hope that day won't come to me."

Lu Li showed a thoughtful expression, but pretended not to hear these words.

No matter what Gu Haoran originally wanted to say, it was not something he could agree to now.

Unless one day he also enters the realm of Grandmaster Mingyou, will he be qualified to ask about such terrible historical secrets.

Gu Haoran also dropped the topic very calmly, as if nothing happened just now and said: "Your senior brother, I have finished my words. Now it's time for you to listen to what that crazy woman Mu Hongxiu said."

After saying that, when Lu Li saw Gu Haoran reaching out to touch his shoulder again, he immediately said in alarm: "Again?"

Gu Haoran smiled kindly, "Take a deep breath, little junior brother."

Lu Li learned his lesson and immediately wanted to take a deep breath, but Gu Haoran had already patted his shoulder, and with a bang, the two of them simply disappeared in front of the crystal wall.

The ripples set off when the space was shattered echoed on the frozen sea, and a sad 'wuwu' sound echoed on this battlefield that existed thousands of years ago.

Lu Li, who had been tricked again, opened his eyes and saw the cold wind and snow hitting his face. His mouth, which was already slightly open, immediately ate a lot of cold snowflakes.

This is obviously still within the scope of Daxue State.

However, Lu Li found himself standing on a wide city wall.

There were many people wrapped in rags walking around silently, paying no attention to the two people who suddenly appeared next to them.

"Senior brother..."

Lu Li gritted his teeth, and while looking around, he said to Gu Haoran in an extremely angry voice: "If you do this again, I would rather leave by myself."

Gu Haoran responded with a smile, as if he was enjoying this.

"What is this place?"

After the restless breath deep in his heart subsided, Lu Li looked at the strange people around him and asked.

"That's not important. Anyway, during the next period of time, you have to stay here and practice hard. When you can control the true energy in your body, your senior brother will come to pick you up."

Gu Haoran did not explain, but gave Lu Li an encouraging look, and said with a strange smile: "If you can't do it, then you can stay here forever - this is what that crazy woman wanted me to tell you."