Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 103: Snake luck


The route chosen by the convoy was relatively smooth along the way, and Feng Yi studied some electronic documents in the car.

This was sent to him by Huang Ye. It gave an overview of the destination and some relevant points.

Feng Yi has no experience in catching snakes on the plateau, nor does he know what habits the snakes on the plateau have at this time of year. He catches snakes based entirely on instinct and perception. Other people's experience may not work for him, but it is always good to know more.

The team took several breaks on the way, and during the breaks, Huang Ye would ask about the South Team 6. Others in the team were also very curious about the South Team 6 of the Nanchong Expedition Team. They had similar work, except that they were looking for snakes on the plateau, while the South Team 6 was looking for snakes in the forests of the Nanchong Mountains.

There are more species of snakes in the Nanchong Mountains, but only a few in the plateau areas. Only two species have been discovered above 4,000 meters above sea level, and they are difficult to find.

After a rest, they set off again. Feng Yi took over the driving job while Huang Ye wanted to call home.

It was only when he sat in the driver's seat that Feng Yi noticed the pendant on the car.

The pattern on the pendant shows Buddha meditating below and a huge cobra above the Buddha.

After Huang Ye finished the call, Feng Yi asked him, "Does this ornament on your car have any special meaning?"

Huang Ye took a look and said, "Oh, this, there is no special meaning. I just hope that I can have better luck and take a picture of the snake."

"Do you believe in Buddhism?" Feng Yi asked.

"No, there are people in my family who believe in it, but I'm not a true believer. Do you?" Huang Ye knew that some people were superstitious about this kind of pattern.

Many of his relatives believe in Buddhism, but some wear Buddha jade pendants, while others think that Buddha statues are for worship and that wearing them is blasphemous. They have argued about this more than once.

Different people have different ideas.

He bought this pendant just for psychological comfort, hoping to take pictures of snakes every time he was with the team, and he didn't think about anything else.

"I don't believe in religion." Feng Yi said, "I just think your pendant is very unique. This is the first time I see someone hanging this on a car."

"Well, it's just a psychological comfort. As you know, after the abnormal climate period, the number of snakes has decreased. Sometimes we can't find a single snake after ten days or half a month, and we often return empty-handed. Every time I go to look for snakes after asking the locals for information, I can find it if I'm lucky, but sometimes I can't find it no matter how hard I try."

Huang Ye said, "I have heard so many mythological stories, and the only creature that can stick out its tongue on the Buddha's head is a snake. Hehe, although the story says that the snake king is the guardian of the Buddha."

As he spoke, Huang Ye suddenly remembered something, "Oh, I almost forgot, I asked someone to bring me the Fuxi and Nuwa pendant!"

Feng Yi: "... Fuxi and Nuwa?"

Huang Ye smiled awkwardly, "In mythology, Fuxi and Nuwa have human heads and snake bodies. I think if I add some psychological comfort, maybe the snake will have better luck."

Feng Yi stopped talking.

Huang Ye continued to honk at the car accessories that had not been unpacked in his trunk.

Seeing that Feng Yi didn't speak for a long time, Huang Ye thought that Feng Yi was not religious and definitely had no interest in myths and legends.

"Well, actually, you can just listen to the myth and don't take it seriously. It happened tens of millions of years ago, who knows what really happened.

"We are still in the information age. What happened in the morning may have 800 versions in the afternoon. If it happened tens of millions of years ago, the differences would be even greater. Don't take it too seriously. Just listen and it will pass."

"Yeah." Feng Yi responded.

When driving in the afternoon, we encountered a herd of yaks on the road, and the convoy stopped for a while to let the yaks pass.

Feng Yi looked through the car window.

The herders followed the yak herd on horseback. There was a big black dog wandering around the edge of the herd. They looked like they were doing the herding job with ease and skill.

When walking past the convoy, the big black dog noticed something, looked at the car where Feng Yi was, took two steps away from the car, with an alert look.

Only after the yak herd walked away did the big black dog relax, as if the alarm had been lifted. Its steps became light again and it trotted along the edge of the yak herd.

Feng Yi wondered if the big black dog could sense his presence

He has tried his best to restrain his breath.

Maybe it was because the big black dog had a keen sense, or maybe it was because he was close to a critical point in evolution and some aura was emitted that could not be hidden

Fortunately, it has no impact on normal life.

The convoy arrived at its destination the next day after its departure, and experienced several rain showers on the way, each lasting only about 10 minutes.

This time Feng Yi didn't ride a bicycle, so he didn't have to get wet in the rain and could stay safely in the car.

When they arrived at the target location, a convoy was about to leave.

Huang Ye looked at the group message and explained to Feng Yi that the team over there was investigating the big cat, and the captain was asking them for information now.

"Big cat?" Feng Yi asked.

"It's snow leopards, leopards, and the like."

“There is a lot of scientific research going on right now.”

"That's right. With sufficient funding, adequate equipment and the ability to recruit people, we can conduct investigations more frequently. But it's also very hard work. This time they came to replace a camera placed in the wild, which was damaged by a big cat."

After a while, the convoy set off again and headed for the resettlement site.

Feng Yi learned from Huang Ye that the leader of this investigation team had also come here once in July and photographed a red-spotted pit viper. He came here this time because he received news that someone had seen it in another place.

Sample data needs to be collected three times a year in different seasons, but this was Huang Ye's first time with the team and he missed the one in July.

Huang Ye was in a state of excitement after arriving. Before going to bed at night, he was still muttering:

"Feng Yi, do you think we can find the red-spotted pit viper this time?"


Feng Yi had already smelled the scent of snakes, and there were far more than just a few of them, and none of them were very big.

However, Feng Yi did not plan to turn them all out. He would catch the one that was closest tomorrow.

Unlike Huang Ye and the others who were excited and looking forward to it, Feng Yi only went out to look at the stars for a while at night, and then went back to sleep. He slept very well. After the compass took effect and could accurately locate, he slept soundly.

The next day, the sun was high in the sky. Feng Yi put on a hat and sunglasses and set off with the team.

"I heard from the locals that one was spotted there recently."

Huang Ye pointed to the hillside not far away and said, "I don't know if he ran away. I hope he didn't run far."

Huang Ye was not allowed to catch snakes. He did not have much experience in catching snakes. Even if he dared to do so, the team leader would not allow him to do so.

The red-spotted pit viper is not very big to begin with, and it is a pit viper, so it is poisonous. If an inexperienced person acts rashly, he or she may hurt either themselves or the snake.

Therefore, if he found a snake, Huang Ye could only call others to catch it.

Huang Ye was originally following a few familiar snake catchers in the team, but when he saw Feng Yi still standing there and not following the team over there, Huang Ye took a few steps forward and then stepped back.

"Aren't you going with us?" Huang Ye asked.

"There are many people going over there, enough." Feng Yi stood there, pretending to look around, flipping through the information and looking at the terrain. After a while, he raised his hand and pointed at a hillside not far away, "I'll go over there and take a look."

"You... think there's a snake over there?"

"Yes! Please tell the team leader for me, I'll go over there to take a look." Feng Yi walked over there.

He didn't have the contact information of other members of the team, so he asked Huang Ye to help him tell them. Since he joined the team temporarily, he had to report if he was acting alone.

Huang Yue was completely confused by Feng Yi's actions.

He didn't think Feng Yi was talking nonsense. Anyone chosen by the South Sixth Team must have outstanding abilities. However, what was the basis for his judgment

Looking at Feng Yi and then at the others, Huang Ye gritted his teeth and followed Feng Yi. Rather than trusting Feng Yi, it would be better to say that he trusted the South 6 team's vision in selecting people.

Of course, even if he didn’t find the snake, he wouldn’t think Feng Yi was incompetent.

In Huang Ye's opinion, snakes are always elusive, and it is not easy to find snakes in such a place. Sometimes it really depends on luck.

Before he went out today, he worshipped Buddha, Fuxi and Nuwa, hoping that he would have good luck today.

The team leader knew that Feng Yi did not follow them, but to them, Feng Yi was just a passerby. They just helped to give him a ride and did not require him to follow the team all the time, so the team leader did not care about him.

After receiving the message from Huang Ye that he and Feng Yi were going uphill on the other side, the person in charge also agreed.

It's better to go to the other side. Splitting up the troops will increase the chance of finding it. The people on this hillside are enough to search.

Huang Ye followed Feng Yi, taking pictures of the surrounding scenery as he walked.

"Today's weather is pretty good, and the temperature is pretty good at this time of year. I hope the red-spotted pit vipers here are in the mood to come out and bask in the sun, otherwise they'll hide and no one will be able to find them... Feng Yi, why did you stop?"

Huang Ye didn't pay attention and almost bumped into someone in front of him.

Feng Yi raised his hand and pointed towards a place, "Over there."


"Is that the red-spotted pit viper you mentioned?"

"Where is it?"

Huang Ye stared in the direction Feng Yi pointed. It was a little far away, so he didn't find it at first glance.

He then adjusted the camera, zoomed in and used the lens to look for it clearly.

Huang Ye's breathing stagnated, then became rapid, and he felt that his blood flow accelerated!

I came to the plateau at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters with great effort just for this! I was even mentally prepared to return empty-handed!

"My luck with snakes today is so good! I didn't expect to find it right away!"

Huang Ye didn't dare to get close. He adjusted the camera and took a few pictures with a professional camera.

Then I took a photo with my phone and sent it to the team chat group to show off:

A good start! Receive one first!

As expected of being chosen by South 6 Team, Feng Yi is so lucky!

Huang Ye was thinking this and moved his eyes away from the phone screen and looked over again. Just a short while after sending the message, Feng Yi had already rushed over there.

"Hey! Don't get excited!"

Huang Ye was still worried that Feng Yi might be too heavy-handed, so he hurried after him and was about to remind Feng Yi to be careful and not get bitten. However, before he could say anything, Feng Yi had already caught the snake.

Seeing that the snake was fine and Feng Yi was not injured, Huang Ye became excited again and started taking pictures with his camera.

He had to hurry up and take pictures, otherwise he would miss such a good opportunity when the team leader came over.

Huang Ye's voice was trembling as he lowered his head. "I finally saw it! The venomous snake that lives at the highest altitude in the country! It's so beautiful! Its little nostrils are so cute! Look at those two nests!"

Feng Yi: "…That's the cheek pit."

"I don't know how toxic this moth-eating snake is."

Feng Yi took a look and said, "Not very good."

Before the other members of the team found the snake, the person in charge rushed over after seeing Huang Ye's message.

Feng Yi handed the red-spotted pit viper to them and did not participate in other data sampling work.

After wiping my hands, I sat on the rocks on the hillside to bask in the sun.

He could sense that in the nearby area, on the meadows, hillsides and some inconspicuous corners, some snakes came out to bask in the sun, while others were still hiding in their holes.

Let's not disturb them. The others on the other side should be able to catch one more, and two will be enough to collect data.

Feng Yi caught the snake to thank the convoy for giving him a ride. He also came to see with his own eyes these snakes that live at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters.

They adapt well to such a harsh environment.

Feng Yi changed his location and lay on the hillside, not minding the rocks hurting him.

The pupils behind the sunglasses shrank, and his eyes passed through the bright sky, seeing the stars hidden behind the light.

After activating the "compass" system, he could also see the stars during the day, but not as clearly as at night. However, it was enough to determine the direction.

He felt that if he lived here, he could adapt well, the land was vast and sparsely populated, and no one would notice anything unusual. It was just that the air was thin, the air pressure was low, and there was little oxygen. The plateau had its own ecological rhythm.

This egg of his still has to find a suitable place to hatch!