Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 105: Hatching (above)


Knowing that everyone was going to the temple fair and there was not even a ghost in the Qinshan Gorge, Feng Yi felt much more relieved.

However, this incident is too important for him, so he has to be cautious.

So Feng Yi asked local vendors or residents in several places, and after getting the same reply, he also had a plan in mind.

He also rented a bicycle and rode around the outskirts of Jicheng.

The urban area of Jicheng is not very large, and there are indeed many foreign tourists during the holidays. At that time, everyone's attention will definitely be focused on several temple fair areas.

After planning the route, Feng Yi returned to the hotel early to rest and recuperate.

The next day, when Feng Yi went out to look for food, he could see the strong festive atmosphere of the entire Ji City. In order to retain tourists and to attract more tourists, the relevant local departments really put a lot of thought into this festival.

Feng Yi could hear people with foreign accents as he walked along, gathering in groups of three or five to discuss where to go for fun and where to go for a stroll in the evening.

Most local residents and tourists are satisfied with the Mid-Autumn Festival activities, but what they are dissatisfied about is that they cannot enjoy the moon here. Jicheng has no way to deal with this.

The weather was not very good during the Mid-Autumn Festival. There were thick clouds in the sky, no direct sunlight during the day, and the moon could not be seen at night because of the clouds. So some people who originally planned to take pictures of the moon at night were destined to be disappointed.

However, for most people, there are too many times when they cannot see the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival. It doesn’t matter if there is one more time. It’s fun. Those who like to play can go out with their families, and those who don’t like to walk around can watch live broadcasts, videos, evening parties, and the full moon in the clear night sky of other provinces and cities at home.

Feng Yi had no mood to wander around, nor did he have the mood to stay indoors and surf the Internet.

Most of the time he seemed to be in a daze, preparing himself mentally.

He was still very nervous. He didn't know what he would encounter or what the outcome would be. He had no reference examples and no one to tell him what to do.

All based on instinct.

If instinct fails at a critical moment, there is no telling what the outcome will be.

After eating and drinking and sleeping for an afternoon, Feng Yi woke up, looked at the gradually darkening sky outside the window, and began to pack up.

He talked to the owner of a nearby second-hand bicycle shop and rented some bicycles for the night. In addition to buying and selling second-hand bicycles, this bicycle shop also rents bicycles to the public, mainly to tourists from other places.

There are too many restrictions on shared bikes in some places, and they cannot be ridden there. There are also time requirements, which gives second-hand bike shop owners an opportunity. They will not install positioning on the bikes, but you have to pay a deposit and make reservations in advance. During major holidays like this, many people rent bikes. If you don't make reservations in advance, the bike you like may be rented by someone else.

When paying the deposit to reserve the car during the day, Feng Yi did not show any ID, nor did he use electronic payment, but directly used cash.

This is the advantage of this kind of store, there won’t be too many records.

The nights in Jicheng weren't actually very cold at this time of year. Feng Yi could even survive the nights on the plateau, so the temperature here was nothing to him. I don't know if it was because he was too nervous, but Feng Yi even felt hot and sweaty.

Although the cycling equipment has been sent back, there is no need to prepare it so much tonight.

Putting on a windproof jacket and carrying a bag, Feng Yi walked out of the hotel and prepared to go to the bicycle shop to pick up the bicycle.

However, after walking out of the hotel, Feng Yi turned around and returned to the room.

I changed into casual clothes, took off my windproof jacket and wore only a light zip-up hoodie, threw my bag and cell phone directly into the room.

This scene reminded Feng Yi of when he was in school and before an exam, the invigilator would say, "Please hand in your cell phones and bags."

Feng Yi smiled.

There is indeed a sense of nervousness as if I were heading to the examination hall. It is an important examination above the college entrance examination. It is an examination that determines the direction of my life.

As for why I do this...

When he was leaving the hotel just now, he suddenly had a feeling, or maybe it was a message conveyed to him by instinct, that he always felt that all these things he was carrying were a burden.

So Feng Yi changed into light clothes and only put some cash in his pocket. He didn't bring anything else, especially no electronic devices.

Feng Yi walked out of the hotel without renting a bicycle.

It was completely dark.

At this time, people who had finished dinner came out one after another and flocked to the various activity venues.

Feng Yi pulled the zipper to the top, covered part of it with his chin, put on a hood, and quickly blended into the crowd.

When he reached the fork in the street, Feng Yi turned onto the road leading to the suburbs and jogged out of the city.

The city lights gradually faded away, and Feng Yi's speed gradually increased.

When the last street lamp disappeared behind us, there was little human presence. Even during the peak tourist season, there were not many tourists here during the day, let alone at night.

There was no light and the clouds completely blocked out the moon.

Feng Yi does not need lighting, his vision is unimpeded at night, and his narrowed pupils clearly capture the image of the road ahead.

There are multiple entrances to Qinshan Canyon, and Feng Yi chose the one with the least people.

There are high stone walls on both sides of the road. The exposed rocks are not covered with much vegetation, which makes them look monotonous and cold.

In the distance, there are houses leaning against the wall, temples and Taoist temples. Maybe because it is remote and not very famous, not many people usually go there. This may be one of the few lights here.

On the concave cliff, dozens of meters high Buddha reliefs quietly watch everything.

The murals, which have existed for thousands of years, have been eroded by wind and rain, and some have been weathered and damaged, but one can still vaguely catch a glimpse of their former glory.

There are no dense forests or colorful flowers here. As far as the eye can see, there are mostly rocks.

Going further ahead, there is really no light at all.

I don’t know if it’s because the location is too secluded and there isn’t much human traffic, but the ground on some sections of the road is cracked.

The thick clouds in the sky blocked the moonlight, accurately avoiding the cracks and stones on the ground.

As if there was a force pulling him, Feng Yi felt that the energy particles lurking in his body began to stir as a result of the pulling of this force.

Instinct is urging me.

Feng Yi's speed continued to increase.

Follow the winding canyon path and head deep into the canyon.

After running for an unknown amount of time, Feng Yi stopped beside a pool that was not particularly large but was much larger than the swimming pool in a swimming pool.

Looking at the pool quietly, Feng Yi took a deep breath and jumped into the water.

He was not restricted too much, and the lower water temperature did not burden him. On the contrary, he felt comfortable and flexible.

Under the guidance of the compass, Feng Yi seemed to have turned into a swimming fish and found the cave passage under the pool.

“There really is an underwater passage!”

Feng Yi was surprised.

The underwater cave is like a complex network. In the completely dark underwater cave environment, all the senses are like high-speed running machines. Working together, Feng Yi has already generated a network map in his mind.

Feng Yi sneaks in the water.

The compass is guiding him.

The intricate underwater caves are like a strange maze, seemingly intended to trap anyone who enters.

The silent underwater caves are home to many skeletons. These may be adventurers trying to explore the secrets, or they may be intruders with other purposes.

Cave diving explorers have said that the underwater world is the most mysterious, exciting and fascinating place on the planet, but it is also a dark, closed and extremely dangerous place.

But these troubles did not occur to Feng Yi, as his built-in compass could always guide him to the correct path.

Go forward.

The sound of water being torn apart breaks the silence of the underwater world.

Feng Yi was like a sharp arrow, moving quickly underwater.

The narrowed pupil gradually brightened, emitting a golden light, which then ignited the radiating fibers on the iris.

After an unknown amount of time of diving underwater, Feng Yi bypassed the complex underwater network and moved forward along a cave passage until he emerged from the water.

After taking a breath, Feng Yi looked around.

It's all rocks.

In the completely dark cave, there are many hidden vents everywhere, where you can breathe fresh air.

It is unknown how many years this place has existed, but Feng Yi vaguely felt that this cave was not formed naturally.

“This is it!”

Feng Yi took a deep breath, followed his instinct, and sank into the water again in an upright and relaxed posture.

There is no need to deliberately control it, the body naturally floats under the water.

At this moment, my tense mood miraculously calmed down.

There was no anxiety, no sense of danger. It was just like eating when hungry and drinking when thirsty.

A low-profile utility vehicle was parked at the entrance to the canyon.

Inside the car, in the back seat.

Every strand of the old man's hair was combed neatly, and the angle of his collar was folded with rigor.

In front of his seat, there are several electronic screens, on which weather and celestial information reported by various media are displayed in different languages.

Changes that are invisible to the naked eye occur around the moon every moment. Most of the time, the moon is exposed to the high-energy particle stream ejected by the sun, which is the "solar wind".

But during the full moon phase, the moon enters the protection of the Earth's magnetosphere.

The old man checked an old notebook and wrote down in another newer notebook with a serious expression:

The full moon has come out

No interplanetary shock waves were found, the solar wind was stable, and no significant deflection occurred

The magnetosphere is not deflected

The full moon is protected by the Earth's magnetosphere, and the magnetosphere environment is stable

Summary: Mild conditions outside incubation

"The right time and the right place, what good luck." The old man whispered.

I checked the time. It was eleven o'clock at night.

Then I looked at the time of the moon's closest approach to the Earth recorded in my notebook.


To record the important time, the old man took out an object that looked like a pocket watch, opened the cover, and there was a pointer inside.

At this time, the pointer shook slightly as he opened the cover, and then pointed to a direction.

He was able to find Feng Yi's location thanks to this pocket watch.

In the front driver's seat, a sturdy young man in black tried to hold back and said, "Uncle, let me have a cigarette."

The old man didn't look up, but just waved the hand holding the pen slightly out of the car window.

The young man in the driver's seat got out of the car quietly, closed the door, and let out a long breath in the dark night. He maintained a good facial expression in the car, but his anxiety was obvious.

He took out the cigarette box, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth without lighting it.

He looked at the path in the canyon in the darkness for a while, then put the cigarette back into his pocket, turned around and walked quickly to the rear of the car.

There was a dark figure squatting behind the car, stuffing something into his mouth.

The young man walked over and kicked:

“Still eating!”

The person squatting on the ground jumped up with a howl and said aggrievedly:

"I'm nervous! When I'm nervous, I have to eat! If I have nothing to eat, I have to chew my fingers, but my fingers are so precious, I can't chew them! Then I can only eat snacks."


"That's all I can do! I'm just nervous! You're talking like you're not nervous!"

"… "

The young man opened his mouth, took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it in his mouth. He was about to kick the other person again when he heard a noise coming from the canyon trail. He didn't bother to scold anyone and quickly moved forward to meet him.

The person stuffing snacks into his mouth also stretched his neck to look over and said incoherently: "The second and fourth are back?"

In front, two people came out of the canyon, each riding a folding electric bike, wearing night vision goggles, but with no lights on the bikes.

The car window opened and the old man sitting next to it looked out.

"came back."

The two people riding the electric bikes got off and walked over. The one in front said excitedly before he even got close:

"Uncle! The canyon is starting to get foggy! As you said, we should quickly retreat as soon as we notice the fog!"

"Yeah." The old man replied calmly, as if everything was under control.

The man continued, "The road has been explored. I'll send you the road information in the canyon mapped by the electronic detector. It's really not easy to drive. We have to drive slowly in the fog. Shall we go now?"

"No hurry." said the old man.

"I'm so anxious! I haven't slept well for several nights... Uncle, what if he fails..."

The young man standing near the driver's seat heard this and interrupted, "Can you speak? Go squat over there!"

The man who was speaking in front slapped his mouth and made two "Pooh" sounds. "Definitely a success!"

The old man was silent for a while before he said, "Failure... Then we can only wait for the next one."

These words automatically turned into:

"If he fails, you will be out of work!"

As time went by, the various festival venues in Jicheng gradually became deserted from being lively. However, under the lights, the festive atmosphere still remained.

It was almost midnight when the various venues began to clean up.

In fact, many vendors had packed up and gone home at 11 o'clock in the evening. Midnight is the final closing time. The vendors at various temporary locations and the shops at the event venue also began the final cleanup.

"How's business today?"

"Not bad! All the stock is sold out!"

"Me too, too busy! My waist is so old!"

The boss who was packing up the shop complained, but he couldn't stop smiling. With the money he made tonight, he would still have enough to eat and drink even if there was no business at all before the end of the year.

This is why they support the government in organizing such activities, and they actively maintain the popularity of such activities, and they will try their best to abide by the rules. The vendors who used to be careless are now well-maintained, which can attract more tourists.

“I was so busy that I didn’t even watch the party!”

"Who isn't? I was thinking of watching a live broadcast of moon watching from other provinces tonight. I heard that the full moon will be on the 15th this year, so we don't have to wait until the 16th. But unfortunately, the clouds are too thick here tonight, and the moon is blocked."

"Should we take down the lanterns on the pillars? They are so rigidly fixed when they are installed that they are difficult to take down. It will take quite a while to do so."

“There was no notice of demolition.”

Strings of red lanterns were hung on pillars along the street, with various festival-related paintings on them to add to the festive atmosphere. The people cleaning up the venue were discussing whether to take down the lanterns.

Suddenly a strong wind blew, carrying some moisture, making people feel chilly.

The ground had not been swept in time, and the dust was blown up, with a slight smell of mud in the moist water vapor.

"I always feel a gust of cold wind and it looks like it's going to rain." said one person.

"The weather forecast didn't say anything... I just updated it. It's going to rain soon, but it wasn't when I checked this morning!"

"We have to hurry!"

"Then the lanterns won't be dismantled?"

"No more tearing it down! Hurry up and pack it up and go back!"

"Well, I was thinking of finding a small stall after the show, ordering some barbecue and a bottle of beer."

The others heard this and said, "That's fine, after we clean up..."

As they were talking, another strong gust of wind blew by, making it almost impossible to open their eyes.

The moisture in the wind was heavier than before.

The strings of red lanterns on the street were pushed by the wind almost parallel to the ground.

After calming down, the temperature seemed to drop again, and the change in air humidity made breathing less comfortable.

"We should hurry back after we finish cleaning up! The wind is a bit strong!"

Others felt the same way. In this kind of weather, don't even think about eating skewers or barbecue at night stalls, as they would probably all be closed.

"Every autumn rain brings a chill. Is the temperature going to drop?"

"There's a text message! The weather monitoring system has issued a rain warning! Quickly, quickly check the windows! The power supply! Is there anything else that hasn't been packed? Quickly! Once you've packed up, evacuate immediately!!"

Entrance to the canyon.

The fog has spread here from the valley.

The vehicles were quickly engulfed by the mist, and people standing in the mist felt the coolness brought by the mist.

"It's foggy here. What should we do now? Keep waiting?" one person said.

"There's such a thick fog and such a strong wind... Huh? It's raining!" Another person wiped the water droplets off his face.

The wind blew in from the depths of the canyon, carrying with it the mist. As it passed by us, it brought with it a chill that made the hairs on your neck stand on end.

They were wearing night vision goggles and could see the changes in the canyon. The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and gravel was hitting their faces painfully. In addition, there was a tendency for rain, so the few people who were originally standing outside the car had to hide in the car.

The sound of gravel hitting the car windows made people anxious. Several people took off their night vision goggles and wanted to say something, but they were afraid of disturbing the old man, so they took out their mobile phones and started chatting in their small group of four.

There was one person sitting in the driver's seat and the front passenger seat, and two people sitting in the third row of seats.

There are two multi-functional seats in the second row, one of which is occupied by an elderly person and the other is empty.

The old man turned his attention away from his notebook and put down his pen.

I looked at the time on the electronic display screen. Every screen was set to the same time zone and showed the same time.


The moon is about to reach perigee.

The old man wanted to write something in his notebook, then he put down his pen, closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair.

The moon's gravity will increase, but for people, this effect is minimal, perhaps not even as great as a mosquito or a hair on your shoulder. Moreover, the whole body is under force, and the direction of the force is constantly changing, so you won't feel any special effects.

But for Feng Yi, it was different.

He picked up the pen and let the tip of the pen rest on the paper for a while before continuing to write:

The moon reaches perigee, and the external environment is stable

I looked at the footage from the night vision camera installed outside the car, and flipped through the real-time footage from the cameras installed in various towns near the canyon, and continued writing:

Strong winds and widespread fog

As the old man wrote this, he thought: Preliminary judgment is that the baby is developing well.

However, life can take unpredictable turns at any moment.

Even with the right time and place, even with good evolution and development, but...

Feng Yi, that kid, doesn't seem to be very smart.

What should I do if I have difficulty acclimatizing

What should I do if I don’t eat enough and run out of energy halfway through the “hatching” process

What should I do if I have a stomach upset and my condition is affected

The old man put down his pen again, closed his eyes and leaned back on the seat. He looked calm, but in fact he was very nervous.

In the city.

Under the night sky, a drizzle finally fell.

In the city shrouded in mist, the lights gradually became blurred and the wet ground reflected the swaying halo of light.

After cleaning up the venue, the people put on raincoats or shelter and hurriedly left the venue, disappearing into the hazy streets.

Another gust of strong wind blew through the streets. With the help of the wind, the drizzle was like needles, piercing various objects, making different sounds that overlapped and sounded like the whispers of some invisible giant beast.

The strong wind soon died down again, the sound of rain became softer, and the fog became thicker again.

Inside the cave.

Feng Yi is suspended in the water.

The emotions slowly settled down.

I can clearly hear my own heartbeat.

You can feel the powerful energy in your blood vessels flowing to all parts of your body.

You can see that the double helix is rotating quietly.

Thoughts seem to travel through time and space.

In the torrent, civilization rises and falls intermittently.

Everything you see is the past; everything in the past is dust.

The energy dissipating from the body's surface emits a bright light.

The minerals seemed to be pulled away from the rock wall by some force field, gathering around Feng Yi to form a shell.

It’s just that the shell is elongated at the bottom, as if it is wrapping an invisible tail.