Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 112: fish culture


The word "dermabrasion" contains too much information, and Feng Yi was stunned for a moment.

Looking at this stone-paved path, Feng Yi can already imagine some scenes in his mind.

"Well, let's go look somewhere else."

Many people would build open-air bars and leisure areas next to their houses, and there are some here too. However, in Feng Yi's opinion, some parts of the courtyard of this house are more like decorations for outsiders to see, and are not very practical for the owner.

In comparison, Feng Yi still prefers the layout of the courtyard with a natural and wild atmosphere.

After a rough look, Feng Yi went to the basement floor again.

Generally speaking, the first basement floor is a leisure and entertainment area, where there is a fitness room, a video room, a chess and card game room, and a small swimming pool. The garage is also on this floor.

The underground floors are all more than 5 meters high. The decoration and layout of the first underground floor are within the normal range and can be seen by outsiders. Even if guests come, they can stay comfortably here.

However, the situation is different on the second underground floor. As soon as the elevator reaches the second underground floor, you can feel a cool breeze blowing towards you, and the air humidity is also a little higher.

Obviously, this is also a relatively private place. In terms of decoration and design, some details are the same as those on the second floor, which are the kind that normal people cannot understand.

The walls are made of stones, and the floor is not very flat for most people, so it hurts your feet if you walk on it barefoot.

The decoration style is natural and primitive with cool colors, which gives people a gloomy feeling and an indescribable pressure. If you don’t know, you might think it is the cave of a modern monster.

There is also a large pool paved with stones. Like the stone path outside the house, the stones here are not very smooth and the pool is relatively deep. For most people, this is not a very comfortable pool and even looks a bit dangerous.

But in Feng Yi's eyes, this pool looks extremely pleasing to the eye!

Design is not about whether it is right or not, but whether it is suitable.

Life is not for decoration. The place where you live should be practical.

A fusion of civilization and barbarism made Feng Yi feel instinctively happy and comfortable.

After seeing the host's place, Feng Yi also went to see the accommodation for the employees and housekeepers. Their living place was relatively normal, with normal floor heights and various designs.

Feng Yi slept well that night. Although he moved to a new place, his sleep was not affected at all. He even slept more soundly.

Feng Yi suspected that the mattress was the reason. Not only was it big enough, but it was also just the right amount of hardness and softness.

After waking up, the first thing Feng Yi did was to check the wall.

Maybe the edge of the bed was too far from the wall, or maybe the protective layer of the wall was too strong, so Feng Yi did not see any damage to the wall.

There were no marks of whipping on the carpet, and there was nothing strange on the heels.

He slept well until dawn without any disturbance or damage to the house. Feng Yi was finally relieved. Sure enough, the new residence was more durable and he no longer had to worry about accidentally getting hurt in his dreams at night.

But speaking of dreaming at night, every time I wake up, I can’t seem to remember what I dreamed about. It feels like the same dream, but I just can’t tell what it is. It always feels like a hint.

Could it be... a tail

Through the blurry images captured by the broken camera and what he learned from the housekeeper, Feng Yi knew that the change in himself at night must be the tail coming out.

He himself didn't know what his tail looked like, how it appeared, and whether he had a bad temper. Otherwise, why would he hit the wall at night

However, the housekeeper said that it is now in the growth stage and the changes will definitely become more and more obvious. Perhaps it won’t be long before he can see the tail that sneaks out at night and whips the wall.

Putting on his bathrobe, Feng Yi walked out to the large terrace.

The plants have begun a new day of competition for sunlight and are particularly energetic.

A blue-eared kingfisher flew over, rested for a while, and then left.

They didn't stare at his bedroom like the little swans on Yueshan Mountain.

Could it be that he did not undergo those changes last night, no energy was dissipated, no active factors were generated? That is why he did not attract birds

Or maybe it's because of the bedroom layout that no active factors flow out

Anyway, this is a good thing for Feng Yi.

Standing on the terrace and looking into the distance, you can see the surface of Cuihu Lake.

The word "Cui" in Cuihu was once considered unsophisticated, and some people wanted to change it to "Cui" which means a gathering of heroes, but it was rejected by more people.

Most of those who voted against it were locals, because they know that the "Cui" in Cuihu stands for kingfisher. There used to be many kingfishers living here, including the common kingfisher, blue-eared kingfisher, etc., all of which are local resident birds.

However, due to the ecological environment and various other reasons, the number of local kingfishers decreased sharply, and the abnormal climate period was a devastating blow. It was not until the climate recovered, the protection law was introduced, and people took measures to protect the environment that the number of kingfishers here gradually began to recover.

For the locals, it is Green Lake only when there are kingfishers. If the kingfishers disappear one day, Green Lake will no longer be Green Lake. It doesn’t matter what name you give it, because it has lost the meaning of the name.

Feng Yi looked up and saw a beautiful blue figure flying over the community in the sky, then flying away towards the lake.

At least for now, Cuihu is still the "Cui" of kingfisher.

The urban area has expanded, and this place is no longer the suburbs of forty or fifty years ago. The smell in the air tells Feng Yi that many people live nearby. Various supporting facilities have long been mature.

Luhai Villa District was very popular back then, and the surrounding land was snatched up, so now there are more villa districts around Cuihu than just Luhai. It’s just that under the halo of Luhai Villa District, other communities don’t have much presence.

Pack up and go downstairs.

The employees seem to have adapted well to the home. Xiao Bing particularly likes the kitchen configuration here, and his happy mood can be felt even at breakfast.

Feng Yi also read the private electronic version of "Morning Post" selected by the housekeeper while having breakfast. This time, the first page he clicked on was the entertainment section.

Because the cover image of the entertainment section was a photo of him taken at the airport.

No wonder the housekeeper put it on the front page of the Morning Post.

In fact, not many people paid attention to this entertainment news. Fans and the public were of course more focused on the stars at the airport.

Some interactive platforms have hot searches bought by celebrity teams, and everyone just laughed at Feng Yi, the "passerby" who was mistakenly photographed, and forgot about it after watching it.

Feng Yi scanned the comment section.

Some people said that he was so unlucky as he was stopped by fans who came to pick him up at the airport.

Some people also praised him for his good looks that couldn't be hidden even with a mask.

Some people also speculated whether it was some 18th-tier celebrity or a newcomer who was about to debut who was hyping it up.

Seeing this, Feng Yi's emotions did not fluctuate too much. He is not in the entertainment industry now, so he doesn't care what others say. The housekeeper put this entertainment news here to let Feng Yi know that he was photographed.

I took the photo, it didn’t affect me. And I didn’t get my full face in the photo because I was wearing a mask. Anyway…

Feng Yi looked at the photo again. It was a well-taken photo that was picked by the housekeeper to be put on the headlines of the morning paper. The pair of sharp eyes revealed above the mask looked cold and fierce.

Handsome! Cool!

I'm so sorry! Such a handsome passerby puts pressure on other stars!

Feng Yi didn't show any expression on his face, but he secretly admired the photo in his heart. He was too embarrassed to click to save the picture. The tablet belonged to the housekeeper, so Feng Yi would search for the photo on his phone later.

Feng Yi also asked the others if they heard any noise at night.

Several people said that they didn't hear any noise last night.

Feng Yi guessed that either his tail did not come out last night, or the house had good sound insulation.

After finishing breakfast and cleaning up, Feng Yi went with the housekeeper to handle the relevant procedures for property transfer.

The owner changed his name, and Feng Yi finally had his own residence in Yangcheng.

Although he had lived here for 18 years, he did not own any property here. Now he is the owner of this house, thanks to my aunt!

After returning home, Feng Yi asked Xiao Bing to prepare a big meal to celebrate moving to the new house.

Feng Yi spent the next two days getting familiar with the unique features of the new house. Then he discovered that he couldn't use the stone path for grinding his skin yet, but the large stone-paved pool on the second floor underground was very comfortable for bathing, and the temperature could be adjusted.

Although it is underground, he does not feel stuffy. The indoor air conditioning system is very powerful, and the temperature and humidity are just right. Of course, this is for him. Others may feel uncomfortable if they stay in the second floor underground for a long time.

Feng Yi also made some adjustments to the indoor potted plants and some of the scenery according to his own preferences. He planned to raise some koi in the landscape pond in the courtyard outside.

There were no fish raised here before because the owner did not live here long term. I heard from the housekeeper that his aunt lived here at first, and there were fish raised in the pond in the courtyard outside. But later she moved to another place and the fish in the pond were given away.

Feng Yi also discovered that when the butler said this, his expression changed slightly, especially when he mentioned the fish.

"What's so special about the fish my aunt raises here?" Feng Yi asked.

The housekeeper was silent for a while before saying, "Very fat."

Feng Yi: "... This can also be said to be well-raised."

As far as Feng Yi knows, the koi that are often fed by tourists in some parks are all fat and big-eared!

Oh, no, fish don't have external ears.

Fat head and big tail!

Those strips look so fat that the cat next door is crying with envy!

Feng Yi raises koi in the courtyard landscape pond here, so he is not worried about cats stealing the fish.

In the area around Cuihu Lake, each community has strict management of cats. There are many birds here, and the value of the community in this area is linked to the ecological environment here. The number of birds is also a direct reflection of the ecology. So some people say that the quality of the environment can be directly measured by the bird index.

There are special people here who are responsible for monitoring the bird index. If a stray cat is found, it will be captured and handed over to the stray cat rescue center. However, if a pet cat is found catching a bird outside, its owner will be directly found.

Nowadays, the management of cats and dogs is very strict. In the past, only pet dogs were required to apply for licenses and wear pet tags when traveling. Here, cats are also the same. Not only cats, but also many other pets need to apply for licenses.

Therefore, you can hardly see cats walking outside in this area.

Therefore, Feng Yi no longer worried about cats stealing his fish.

Feng Yi wanted to raise koi here, so the housekeeper asked, "Do you need me to help you choose?"

"No, I'll pick it myself."

Since there was nothing else to do, Feng Yi thought he would just pick some and raise them here. Feng Yi didn't care about the variety, as long as they were energetic.

Feng Yi was just thinking about what color of koi to choose to put here when he saw Xiao Yi coming over.

"There's a variety show crew that wants to rent a place here, in the North Point area."

Feng Yi knew about the area in the North Corner; the butler had told him about it.

The courtyard covers a large area. After his aunt moved out, no one else came here except the people who came regularly to take care of the courtyard.

But when his aunt moved away, the area around Cuihu Lake was already very lively, with many people and some construction sites. Some elderly people in the community no longer went out and just strolled around the community. His aunt opened the North Corner area to the public, and some elderly people in the community liked to play chess and chat there.

After Feng Yi knew about this, he did not close the door to the north corner. However, the door to the north corner of the courtyard was always closed.

Feng Yi also knew about the variety show Xiao Yi was talking about, and recent entertainment news had linked him to this variety show.

The celebrity who attracted a large number of fans at the airport that day was participating in this show.

There are too many reality shows about life now. The first season was recorded in the countryside, the second season was recorded in the downtown area, and now it is the third season, and the show is in Luhai, Yangcheng. It is said that they will go to the seaside in the fourth season. However, it is only the third season now, and the popularity is still good.

Probably because there are too many variety shows recorded in the countryside, the first season didn’t have much to show for, so it wasn’t very popular at the beginning, but the second season probably took a lot of thought, and its popularity has slightly recovered. Now the third season has invited two popular young actors, so its popularity has soared, and it has been trending on the search list one after another before filming even started.

However, Feng Yi did not expect that the villa area they chose for the third season was actually Yangcheng Luhai. From what Xiao Yi said, the program crew had already rented a villa in the community for filming, and the more famous public areas in the community were also targeted by them.

For other places in the community, the public areas need to be discussed with the community property management, and the owners need to express their opinions. It seems that the program team has already negotiated these.

The area in the north corner of the courtyard is a private residential area, so we can only find the owner himself.

It’s not a big deal, but it can’t be treated too casually. Feng Yi asked Xiao Yi to go and talk to him to see what Xiao Yi is capable of.

After Xiao Yi left to discuss the matter at the North Corner, Feng Yi continued to stay in the courtyard landscape pool, squatting and looking at the water.

How big should I raise koi? How many should I raise? What color should I choose? Or should I raise other fish instead of koi

Feng Yi thought, no matter how old the fish are or what kind of fish they are, he would definitely not raise them like his aunt did, like raising fish like pigs.

Fish have poor brains, so just pay attention to feeding them. There will definitely be no digestive disorders due to improper feeding.