Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 116: No evidence is better than evidence


Of the 1,251 dried python gallbladders, the testing room has tested more than 270, and nearly 1,000 are still to be tested.

Manager Tao asked an employee to take notes and prepared to let Feng Yi identify the authenticity of the remaining nearly 1,000 python gallbladders.

The cell phone suddenly rang.

When Manager Tao saw it, his eyebrows raised and a look of surprise flashed across his face.

"Captain Yuan?"

"You should have completed the identification, right?" asked Captain Yuan on the other end of the phone.

"Not yet, just getting ready to start."

"It hasn't started yet? What have you been doing for the past half hour? Chatting?" Captain Yuan's voice was not loud, but every word revealed his dissatisfaction.

Supervisor Tao looked around and walked into an instrument room next door.

The partitions in the instrument room are all made of transparent glass, but they are soundproof. Supervisor Tao went in to answer the phone, and people outside could see that Supervisor Tao looked a little serious and frowned.

After closing the door of the instrument room, no sound from inside could be heard from outside. Supervisor Tao continued, "Of course not! You can't blame me for this. Captain Yuan, you didn't tell me that the guy didn't have a certificate! At that time, there were several lab technicians transferred from government departments to help in the testing room. I have to give them an explanation. Otherwise, I, as the supervisor, will be held accountable!"

“… Yeah, that guy doesn’t have a certificate.” Captain Yuan just remembered that Feng Yi didn’t have an appraisal qualification certificate. It was indeed a bit embarrassing not to have a certificate at this time.

Manager Tao added, "But that guy is really good at identification! He can tell the difference just by looking and smelling it! Where did you find such a talented person?"

"If he wasn't capable, I wouldn't have looked for him. Well, we're in a hurry here and need identification results, so you let him identify those dried snake gallbladders first." Captain Yuan said.

"Even if he is completely correct in verifying the authenticity, the result is invalid. Without the data, I can't write a report and I can't report it."

"I only need his identification results. It doesn't matter if yours is invalid. He does his work and you do yours. After he finishes his identification, you continue to do yours. I am in a hurry to investigate the case."

Director Tao certainly knew what Captain Yuan and his team were investigating. Not only python skins but also other products were sold on the market. The case was serious, so a special investigation team was formed by the Joint Security Bureau and several administrative departments to conduct the investigation.

Captain Yuan was in charge of this case. This time, we conducted operations in multiple locations simultaneously and seized a lot of things. The one we seized in Yangcheng was the gallbladder and liver of a python.

Laboratory testing takes too long, and Captain Yuan hopes it can be faster, to avoid the time when they find the place where the test is going to be before the person has fled.

"Do you trust his identification ability so much?" asked Manager Tao.

"Some talents are truly unmatched by others. Okay, no more nonsense, just act quickly over there, everyone here is waiting."

After Manager Tao finished his call and walked out, Feng Yi's phone also rang.

"Captain Yuan is looking for you." Supervisor Tao said.

Feng Yi took out his cell phone and saw that it was indeed Captain Yuan.

Walk aside and answer the call.

Captain Yuan: "This time I invited you to assist in the investigation. The labor remuneration will be paid by us. The identification fee for 1,251 snake gallbladders is 500,000 yuan."

Feng Yi:!!!

Give back the money

He was actually prepared not to get a penny, just to gain favor with certain departments, to make his certification process smoother, and to expand his network. He actually gave money

Captain Yuan: "It's not as good as your business cooperation, but I will apply for some more points for you."

Compared to the cooperation between Feng Yi and Lu Yue's company, 500,000 is not much, but the significance of this cooperation with the Joint Guarantee Bureau is different. They can give 500,000, which is considered to be sufficient funds. It is estimated that they have given special approval because of the urgency of the time. And they also give points!

Feng Yi wants to enrich his medical laboratory. Some high-end instruments have high points restrictions, and accumulating more points will be beneficial in the future.

"Okay!" Feng Yi agreed immediately.

Although Captain Yuan did not say how many points would be given, Feng Yi guessed, judging from the content of the call, Captain Yuan was currently investigating a case and was under a tight time limit, otherwise it would not be the turn of Feng Yi, an unlicensed "expert", to show up.

How many points will be awarded depends on how much help Feng Yi can provide. If he helps a lot, then Captain Yuan can apply for more points, but if he can't help much, even if Captain Yuan is willing to help him apply for more points, it will not be approved.

Feng Yi didn't know if he could help, he could only say that he would try his best, to help the United Security Bureau, to help himself, and of course to help those snakes who died in vain.

It is estimated that the snake skins that had previously flowed into the market were also related to the case that Captain Yuan was currently handling.

"I will contact Director Tao to turn on the camera in the testing room over there. We need to see the on-site appraisal footage so that we can have a more intuitive understanding."

"no problem!"

It's not a lie, so Feng Yi is not afraid.

After Manager Tao received another phone call, he asked his employees to lay out more than 1,000 dried snake gallbladders.

Including the more than 270 they have already identified.

Supervisor Tao looked serious, even a little stern, and had the oppressive feeling of a supervisor.

People who are familiar with Manager Tao know that this is how he behaves when he is doing serious work, which is completely different from his usual easy-going self.

Supervisor Tao said to Feng Yi: "We will maintain a connection with Captain Yuan. Feng Yi, are you ready?"

Feng Yi put on his gloves and made an "OK" gesture.

Everyone else in the testing room, unless they had any urgent tasks, looked over here.

They had just witnessed Feng Yi's efficiency in identifying the golden snake. They also understood that although he did not have a certificate and did not use traditional or currently popular identification methods, his skills just now were already better than many professional appraisers!

Now, with more than 1,000 python gallbladders, can we still achieve that kind of precision and efficiency with such a large number

Manager Tao originally asked an employee to take notes, but after thinking about it, he called another employee and said, "You don't need to take notes anymore. You can just assist."

Since it has been connected and the camera in the monitoring room is on, there is no need for manual recording of anything. What's more, if Feng Yi can really make identifications efficiently, the employees may not be able to keep up with Feng Yi's speed.

Feng Yi walked to the laboratory table where 1,251 dried snake gallbladders were placed.

Most of the python gallbladders that have been identified have been cut open and have gaps due to sampling.

But this didn't bother Feng Yi at all, and the smell was stronger when it was cut.

Of course, you can still smell it even if you don’t cut it open!

Sometimes, sixty to seventy percent of a snake's value lies in its gallbladder.

The regulations are very strict now, but there is market demand, the price of snake gall is rising, and where there is profit, there are people willing to take the risk.

Although there are adulterations in these 1,000 snake gallbladders, most of them are genuine, and this may be only a part of them. To be able to kill so many pythons under such strict control, the amount involved must be in the billions, which is indeed a big case.

Captain Yuan and his team are busy.

But those are the responsibilities of the investigators, Feng Yi is only responsible for the ones at hand.

More than 1,200 snake gallbladders do require efficiency, and you have to be more careful when you get paid. At the same time, Feng Yi also values this opportunity, so of course he will work harder.

In the first round, Feng Yi took a quick look and picked out more than fifty of them. He put them into the container provided by the testing room and handed it to the experimenter next to him.

“Totally fake.”

It takes less than a minute, and most of the time is spent picking out the snake gall and putting it into the container.

To truly determine the authenticity, all it takes is a glance.

However, everyone in the testing room had just witnessed Feng Yi identifying the golden serpent, so they were mentally prepared and were not too surprised now.

In the second round, Feng Yi picked out more than 200 and handed them to the experimenter.


Adulteration means injecting something else into the snake gall.

After filtering out these, what's left on the table are all real snake gallbladders, and they are all python gallbladders!

The smell of snake gall can tell Feng Yi a lot of information. The odor molecules can form a vague image in the brain through analysis by the olfactory system, even including information such as the size, strength or weakness of these snakes when they were alive.

Feng Yi divided the remaining snake gallbladders into two batches and pointed to one of them, "Wild ones."

Then he pointed to the other side, "Raised."

An appraiser muttered to his companion: "This... can be smelled?!"

In the laboratory, to identify whether an animal is wild or captive, multiple data points need to be measured, but Feng Yi can actually identify it just by looking and smelling!

Feng Yi ignored other people's thoughts and continued his identification.

Pick out a snake gallbladder from the batch being raised and place it on the empty table next to it, then pick out another one and place it not far from the previous one.

Next, pick out three batches of snake gallbladders and place them below the two snake gallbladders.

Feng Yi pointed at the three snake gallbladders below and said, "They have the same father and mother. They have the same father and mother."

The appraiser just now looked at him with a glare: "You can even smell this?!"

The person next to him also sighed: "This person has no evidence but is better than having evidence!"

Supervisor Tao had already taken out a lab notebook and was writing something quickly on it.

Feng Yi added: "Nearly one-third of the individuals here must have been stimulated before their gallbladders were taken out."

A researcher who was transferred from the Institute of Medical Sciences in the testing room couldn't help but ask, "You mean, like the oil gall?"

Thinking that others might not understand this term, the researcher explained, "In the past, some people would use motor oil, diesel, etc. to stimulate live snakes and then extract bile, because the bile would increase after stimulation, but the quality was very poor. However, now it seems that there are other ways to stimulate, and the quality may be better than oil bile, but it is definitely not as good as the original bile."

He explained it completely from the perspective of a medicinal material researcher, and people in the Joint Guarantee Bureau might not like to hear such words as "oil gall" or "original gall".

However, this researcher from the Academy of Medical Sciences who was interested in medicinal materials did not notice the cold face of the employee of the Joint Guarantee Bureau, and stared at Feng Yi with burning eyes.

Feng Yi paused and said, "I don't know about that. I can only smell that they were stimulated or even poisoned before taking their gallbladders."

The researcher clapped his hands, "It must be this type!"

The researcher was about to say something when Supervisor Tao stopped him and signaled Feng Yi to continue the identification.

Feng Yi quickly sorted out the related ones among the batch he raised, but he only sorted out the fathers and sons. He couldn't tell for sure what the other ones were. Even if he could tell for sure, he wouldn't dare to put them out, because that would be too much. So he mostly just put the related ones together.

However, even so, it can be seen from these that these snake gallbladders are from the same farm or different farms. Even if it cannot be completely accurate, it provides important clues.

Among the wild batch, Feng Yi picked out the Burmese pythons. Feng Yi couldn't tell the species of the rest because he had only come into contact with a limited number of pythons, so he just sorted them by species.

"It's up to you to identify the species."

Species can indeed be identified, but this requires a series of measurements and analysis, and then comparison with a database. The production methods of some snake gallbladders may even interfere with their analysis.

Captain Yuan's voice came through the loudspeaker, "You can't tell because you haven't come into contact with those pythons?"


"If there is a sample, can you make a corresponding judgment based on the smell of the sample?"


"Director Tao, take him to the sample room."

In a conference room in a city in a border area, more than a dozen case handlers were sitting around a conference table.

On the projection screen in front of the conference table was the real-time image of the inspection room of the Yangcheng Branch of the Joint Security Bureau.

Captain Yuan stood aside, thinking about something, while others were also writing furiously.

When these people were called over by Captain Yuan, they were puzzled by Captain Yuan's choice. How could Feng Yi, a young man who didn't even have an appraisal qualification certificate, be better than Manager Tao and their professional team

But now, seeing the results of Feng Yi's identification, there are not many doubts left in my heart. The remaining doubts are waiting for Director Tao and his team to use laboratory technology to identify the results.

five minutes later.

Feng Yi, who came from the sample room, matched the captive and wild ones to species.

All the identification work was completed. Captain Yuan was also anxious to investigate the case. He told Feng Yi that he would ask him for help if he had any subsequent questions, and then hurriedly went offline.

As for the remuneration, since Captain Yuan has already agreed to pay, Feng Yi will not urge him now. Unlike business cooperation, this has to go through the process.

The task was completed. Feng Yi took off his gloves and prepared to leave. At this time, everyone in the testing room gathered around him.

"Feng Yi, right? I'm from the Institute of Medical Sciences..."

"Do you have a business card? Contact information is also OK, my phone number..."

"Come and add me as a friend! We may collaborate in the future..."

Anyone who does this kind of identification work and has seen the efficiency of Feng Yi's identification method will not remain calm.

How rare it is to find a genius who specializes in identification! Of course they are enthusiastic!

Feng Yi left the Yangcheng Branch of the Joint Security Bureau only after adding a bunch of friends. Manager Tao wanted to invite him to have tea and dinner, but Feng Yi refused. Manager Tao's tea and dinner were not that delicious.

Before leaving, Manager Tao said to Feng Yi, "The qualification certificate is not a big problem. If our team can identify the remaining snake gallbladders and the results are consistent with yours, you can go through the fast track when you take the certification exam."

The fast track to certification is just what its name implies. Others may have to take several rounds of tests and be slowly tested, but if you take the fast track, it is just a formality, which of course will be much more convenient and easier.

In fact, even without the fast track, Feng Yi is confident that he can get the certificate. On this trip, the friends he added on his mobile phone are much more valuable than the fast track!

After thanking him, Feng Yi planned to take the subway back and asked Xiao Jia to pick him up at the subway station closest to Lu Hai Villa District.

After I went to college, I never took the Yangcheng subway again. I miss it. I don't know if the stations have been renamed.