Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 120: rat!


Feng Chi had been coveting Lu Hai's house for a long time, but he didn't expect that Feng Yi could actually get one.

Feng Chi's expression changed as he thought of something, and then he came over as if to say, "I seem to have discovered a big secret."

"I got a message. I don't know what the old man saw last night. He suddenly lost his temper and smashed things around the room. He was so angry that he called a private doctor. According to reliable information, the old man mentioned 'Lu Hai'."

Glancing at Feng Yi, Feng Chi continued, "Why do you think the old man would suddenly mention Lu Hai? Did someone know that you returned to Yangcheng and lived there, and then told the old man?"

"It's possible." Feng Yi said.

Feng Chi looked puzzled, "Actually, Grandpa had the opportunity to buy a house there before, but he didn't like it there and got angry whenever it was mentioned. Do you know why?"

“I may know why, but I’m not sure.”

"Tell me!" Feng Chi became excited.

Feng Yi looked at him like this and suddenly remembered his reaction when he heard the housekeeper mention the matter of his aunt and the old man.

"Did you know that the old man has a twin sister?" Feng Yi asked.

"That's the one that no one can mention in front of the old man, aunt?"


Feng Chi nodded, "I've heard of it, but I don't have any impression of it. I've never seen it."

"It is said that my aunt and the old man... have a bad relationship. The old man had the opportunity to buy a house in Luhai but didn't make a move. It may be because my aunt already has a house there."

Feng Chi continued to nod. He agreed with Feng Yi's analysis. If the two old men had a bad relationship, it would indeed explain why the old man was in a bad mood every time he heard the word "Lu Hai".

However, Feng Chi also grasped the key point of the previous words.

"So that's the house you live in?"

"Legal inheritance."

Feng Chi took a deep breath and looked at Feng Yi with wide eyes, as if he was looking at some super lucky species.

"Why did my aunt choose you?"

Feng Yi touched his pointed chin and said, "Maybe it's because I look pleasing."

Feng Chi wanted to spit on his face. Everyone in the Feng family knew that Feng Yi was not liked by the old man, especially that face.

But Feng Yi also said just now that the old man and my aunt don’t have a good relationship. The old man doesn’t like her, but maybe my aunt likes her very much

It's not impossible.

But Feng Chi would not ask more questions. He knew that the aunt would not give the house to Feng Yi for no reason. Maybe the aunt really liked Feng Yi's appearance, but that was definitely not the main reason. There must be some kind of deal that was inconvenient to say. Of course, he didn't want to know. The more he knew, the more trouble he would feel and the more psychological burden he would have.

It is enough to know that Feng Yi took over the house from his great aunt.

"By the way, when you left the Feng family, your parents said they wouldn't give you a penny in order to please the old man. Did they really not give you anything?"


"I didn't give you tuition and living expenses?"


Feng Chi gave him a sympathetic look: "Your parents are such shits."

Family resources are family resources. No matter how you act in front of the old man, you can’t be so ruthless in private, right

My own child has just become an adult, but I don’t give him a penny for tuition and living expenses. This is too... Oh, I have adopted a little one now. I feel that the big one is useless, so I start to focus on raising the small one.

Not long after Feng Yi left the Feng family, his mother gave birth to another child, and Feng Yi also knew this.

Feng Chi wanted to comfort Feng Yi, but when he thought about his family not being much better, he suddenly felt tired.

"The old man's health is getting worse and worse. My mother told me to be more careful recently. If I behave well, I can get more money. The old man has been the emperor of the family for so many years. Now that he is old, everyone hopes that he will leave as soon as possible so that they can divide the property."

Feng Chi shook the cup in his hand and watched the water in the cup form a whirlpool.

“I’m not as determined as you to leave, and I can’t stand the hardship of being an idle rich kid, eating, drinking and having fun, regardless of whether I’m being raised like a pig or not, and living a carefree life.

"Which school to go to, which major to choose, which company to join, and which position to be assigned to... they decide, and all I have to do is execute."

Feng Chi was also calm. He didn't have any big ambitions, so he made this choice and would continue to move forward.

Putting down the cup in his hand, Feng Chi looked into the messy store and said, "When I have the chance in the future, I will buy this place."

The fixed assets in hand may be inspected, and it is easy to find out more things by checking here.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Didn't you used to be in the entertainment industry as an actor? Do you want to return to the circle now?" Feng Chi asked.

"I'm not an actor. I've only played a minor role in an online drama. Without works to support me, I can only be considered an online celebrity even if I become famous." Feng Yi said, "I'm not in the entertainment industry anymore. I've got the qualification certificate for appraisers, and I'll do this kind of work in the future."

Feng Chi looked confused, "What is the appraiser qualification certificate?"

Feng Yi pulled out the electronic version of his qualification certificate and handed it over on his phone: "Here."

The first thing Fengchi looked at was the official seal of the certification agency.

"There are administrative departments and the Joint Security Bureau!" Feng Chi looked at it and suddenly laughed, "If you do this, they can't do anything to you!"

They chatted for a while about what had happened over the years, and then they both yawned almost at the same time.

There was a silence in the air.

"Let's not eat yet, let's go catch up on some sleep!"

Feng Yi also felt sleepy, not the kind of sleepiness you get at night, but he just felt that his physical condition was not as good as usual and his emotions tended to become negative.

The two of them added each other as friends using their secondary communication accounts and exchanged a few secret codes. Feng Chi then went upstairs to sleep, and after a good night's sleep he would go to other places to continue acting.

Feng Yi left.

The sun has come out, and the old and narrow streets are crowded with people at this time, setting up stalls and opening shops, and going to work or school, all coming and going in a hurry.

Feng Yi did not go back immediately. He said something to Xiao Jia and walked along the street.

When I watched a city documentary, I learned that many years ago, this place was still a prosperous area. However, with the development, the new center of the city was established, and the expansion direction was towards the other side. This side became a suburb, as if it was forgotten. However, times are constantly changing, and in the near future, this place will be demolished and new buildings will be built.

However, demolishing the old and building the new is a matter for the future. At this moment, the small street has not changed much compared to what Feng Yi remembered.

Even if he met someone he had met before, Feng Yi was wearing a mask, and six years had passed, so the other party didn't recognize him.

As the street became more crowded, Feng Yi walked to the other side. There was a small river over there. After 6 years, he came to the river again.

Because of regular management, the river water looks relatively clean and the greenery on the river bank looks better than it did six years ago.

The trees are taller and more lush than before, and benches have been added under the trees.

Feng Yi found a bench that was not under a tree, put his hands in his pockets, leaned against the chair and looked at the river.

On the other side of the stream are low but neatly arranged houses and privately contracted plantations where people are already busy.

The weather was fine, and the warm air currents brought with them all kinds of smells, some pleasant and some unpleasant.

"Hey, kid, this chair is ours! Get out of the way!"

Not far behind Feng Yi, there was a group of five people. The one who was talking was drunk, had a face full of flesh, and looked ferocious. It was obvious from his eyes and his attitude that he was not a good person.

No matter what expressions the five people who surrounded him had, they all had bad intentions.

A surge of anger suddenly rose in Feng Yi's heart.

He suspected that the animal in his body was beginning to emerge again.

The pupils of both eyes shrank into narrow elongated shapes, then opened again.

Feng Yi could feel the changes in his eyes, which might be due to his emotions, but he just let them go. He had been restrained for too long, so he let his eyes move freely.

Ignoring the shouting of the people behind him, Feng Yi's pupils turned round again. He stood up from the bench and turned to look at the people approaching.

It was as if an invisible pressure was dissipating.

There was a breeze blowing from the river, bringing with it some moisture and some coolness. The wind was not strong, but it made people feel a chill.

One of them shook himself and pulled the zipper of his collar up a little further.

They were also confused. Didn't experts say that Yangcheng had a mild winter this year? Winter hasn't even arrived yet, so why is it suddenly a bit cold

But these are not important, they just want to teach the person who took their place a lesson.

Everyone living in this area knows that they have occupied this bench. The boy in front of him is obviously a foreigner. He may be here to visit relatives or friends, or he may just be passing by.

They were not interested in knowing these. They only knew that if someone took their seat, they had to teach them a lesson, otherwise where would they save face? There were people watching not far away!

Feng Yi took his hands out of his pockets. He was in a bad mood today and might need to vent a little.

As soon as he took a step, Feng Yi realized that something was approaching quietly.

There was no sense of danger, I just raised my hand instinctively.


The dark brown figure swooped down with the murderous aura of a beast hunting, and its sharp claws clasped Feng Yi's arm.

After standing firmly, his long legs stomped on Feng Yi's arm twice.

Although he didn't have arm guards on his hands, Feng Yi didn't feel any pain because of the change in his physique.

At this time, a few steps away, the five people who had surrounded them quickly retreated several steps, showing great fear. After being surprised, their eyes flickered, as if they were thinking about something.

The leader raised his hand and pointed at Feng Yi. His red eyes no longer had the ferocity they had just now. Every bloodshot vein in his eyes seemed to be expressing anger. The flesh on his face twitched, and his hands were shaking a little due to his excessive excitement.

A roar went up from the riverbank—

"How despicable! How immoral! You actually used a nationally protected wild animal!"

He didn't know what species the bird was, but he knew that it looked like an eagle and was at least a national level two bird!

If you want to fight, just fight. What if you injure the second grade student

Despicable person! Bah!

Feng Yi looked at the bird on his arm.

From its appearance, it is obviously a bird of prey of the eagle family.

Looking more closely at its beak and color, he actually recognized this bird of prey. He had seen it when scanning and identifying species at the zoo. The zoo staff explained that this bird was picked up by someone else and sent to the zoo for treatment, and would be released back into the wild once it recovered.

National second-class protected animal - snake eagle.

Feng Yi: “…”
