Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 125: Fish walking


Feng Yi knew that his identification method was different from others, and people who saw this identification method for the first time had similar reactions.

You can not believe it for the time being, but once you believe it, don’t deny it.

Such a large laboratory on the second underground floor still needs additional equipment!

Feng Yi's dream of a medical laboratory is still ongoing.

When I touched the jade snake bone chain just now, I was working without being distracted by anything else. Now that I have finished my work, I look at the snake bone chain in the transparent box, following each section of the snake bone, and a vague picture of the snake is formed in my mind. It is incomplete, but I can get a general idea.

The brain is really powerful in analysis and identification!

The tailbone of the snake bone chain was not complete, and the bones that were not suitable for making a chain were not strung on it. However, Feng Yi still focused on the bones at the tail of the snake.

Bai Youwei came back to his senses, took out his phone and shook it, then pointed at the jades that had finally been arranged on the table, and signaled to Feng Yi, "Can I take a photo?"

Feng Yi stood up and made room for him. "Go ahead."

Bai Youwei didn't care about his image anymore. He half-knelt down and adjusted his posture. He held the phone in one hand and used the other hand to block the light when necessary, so that the reflection of the jade would not be so strong and he could capture the icon on the jade clearly.

Bai Jing drank the water in the teacup in two gulps. Normally, he was a man who paid attention to the details of any tea he drank, but at this moment, he didn't care about that. He put down the cup, took out his cell phone and took pictures of the jade stones that were finally arranged with Bai Youwei.

The two carefully recorded the jade that Feng Yi had arranged with their mobile phones, making sure that the markings on the jade were clear and the order was recorded completely. These were equivalent to an important password for decryption, and each of the two Bais took several videos and high-definition photos.

After the filming, the two hurried away to verify whether the final "passwords" were correct.

Bai Youwei first remitted a portion of the remuneration to Feng Yi, "According to the agreement, the balance will be transferred to your account immediately after we confirm it."

As he spoke, Bai Youwei carefully strung the jade stones together in order and wore them close to his body.

The transparent box that originally contained the snake bone chain was also put back into the safe and carried by Bai Jing.

Feng Yi saw them out.

Seeing people coming out, Bai Lu, who had been paying attention to this side, hurried over and wanted to ask his father and brother if something important had happened. But as soon as he opened his mouth, he was blocked by his father: "Let's talk about it when we get home."

Bai Lu looked at his father and brother, then looked at the courtyard, then turned to Feng Yi and asked, "Brother Yi, are you selling the koi in your pond?"

"You want it?" Feng Yi asked.

"… Um."

"Not for sale. If you want to fish it out directly, do it yourself. There are basins and nets over there."

"Bain... basin?" Bai Lu stuttered.

Did your Feng Shui Koi come in a pot

"Take whatever you like." Feng Yi said indifferently.

He had just made a lot of money from Xiaobai's father, so he could just take all the koi fish and then go to other flower and bird markets to get a batch more to make up for the loss.

Bai Lu stood there as if stupid.

Lu Yue was trying not to laugh. He had said that these koi were not so mysterious, but Bai Lu just didn't believe it! Koi that cost ten yuan a piece were so small, what could you tell? How could it be a bargain

Bai Lu felt that his faith was shaken, and after weighing the pros and cons, he decided not to go over to catch the fish.

"Brother Yi, can I keep it for now? I have something to do today and I have to go back. Can I come and get it next time?" Bai Lu asked.


"Hey! Thank you, Brother Yi!"

Bai Lu thanked him and left with his father and eldest brother. Those two busy men must have something important to tell you when they took the time to come here! Are they going to go bankrupt? Didn't they say that business was good recently

Bai Lu left worriedly, and Lu Yue didn't stay here long either. He had several social events and needed to expand his network. He had stayed here long enough. He chatted with Feng Yi for a while and then said goodbye. It was enough that the purpose of this trip had been achieved.

Before leaving, Lu Yue looked at the koi pond again.

"Do you like this too? If you like it, take some back." Feng Yi said.

"No. I came to Yangcheng by plane and I have to fly back in two days. It would be inconvenient to take it with me even if I pick it up." Lu Yue waved his hand.

He had no interest in these small koi that were not good enough to show off. If he really liked them, he would just pick a store and buy a few, or have someone bring him a few high-quality ones. Why would he bother catching these small fish that cost ten yuan a piece here

After the visitors left, Feng Yi walked to the koi pond and squatted to look at the fish in the pond.

Looking at the tail of the koi as it swam, Feng Yi's mind was still replaying the snake bones he had just seen.

When the tail comes out, the bones must have changed.

I don’t know what it will become like. The medical laboratory is empty and has no equipment, so I can’t take pictures.

If the legs become a tail, when in the water, does it swim sideways or vertically? Does the tail swing left and right or up and down

How much will you weigh by then

Float or sink

Feng Yi put his hand into the water.

Some fish came over, thinking they were being fed. Some fish sensed the movement and moved away in fear. Some fish continued to swim aimlessly as if nothing had happened.

Feng Yi looked at the fish in the water, his pupils suddenly narrowed, his gaze seemed to become cold. The usually restrained aura emanated from his body.

Cold, dangerous, and predatory scent, as if a ruthless monster was lying in ambush, waiting for its chance to strike.

Inside the house, in the kitchen.

Xiao Bing, who was chopping pork ribs with a kitchen knife, suddenly felt a gust of cold wind sweeping across his back, giving him a creepy shiver.

He turned the blade in his hand and took a defensive stance.

After arranging the food and waiting for a while, he felt something was wrong and looked towards the restaurant.

The butler was wiping a few cups. He caught a glimpse of Xiao Bing peeking there and said calmly, "Don't panic. He's just teasing the fish."


Xiao Bing responded and went back to the kitchen to continue cooking.

Feeling the constant new message notifications on his phone, Xiao Bing opened it and saw that it was a private chat group among the four of them. The other three in the group were discussing what happened to the sudden chill just now.

Since the boss didn't send out any signal for help or give any other instructions, the chill soon disappeared, and they continued with what they were doing. They didn't come over immediately, but still wanted to find out what was going on.

When this happened just now, Xiaojia was washing the car, Xiaoyi was watching the market, and Xiaoding was operating the vacuum cleaner to clean the house. Only Xiaobing was closest to the housekeeper and Fengyi.

Xiao Bing replied in their group: "The housekeeper said that the boss was just playing with the fish in the koi pond just now. There is no need to panic. Everyone go away."

After hearing the reason, the four of them stopped chatting and continued with their respective tasks.

The boss is just slacking off, there's really no need to panic.

But he can make such a big fuss by just slacking off, he deserves to be the boss!

By the koi pond.

Feng Yi can feel the dormant energy in his body, hidden in the blood vessels, flowing with the blood; hidden in the cells throughout the body, performing their functions as the cells perform mimicry.

However, at night, these hidden dormant energies will wake up.

The body will quietly change with the help of this energy. The leg bones will become coccyx, the muscles will change shape, and scales will cover the hair and pores... The lower part of the body will change completely!

What does the energy look like when it wakes up

He didn't need to wake up all the energy in his body, just his hands. He wanted to practice controlling the energy.

If we can become more proficient in this control, we will be better able to respond when changes occur.

When the energy wakes up...

Feng Yi looked at the water.

The hand stretched into the water emitted a bright light, but it was under Feng Yi's intentional control, so the energy awakened was not much and the light emitted was not bright. Now it was daytime and the sunlight was strong, so it was even less conspicuous.

But in Feng Yi's vision that was different from that of an ordinary person, he could see that there seemed to be some white mist around his hand that was put into the water. This was very similar to the white mist captured by the night vision camera.

And these white mists should be what the housekeeper said, the active factors generated by energy dissipation.

In the pond, all the koi that had originally escaped swam over with their tails flapping frantically as if they had smelled delicious food, pecking at Feng Yi's hand that had reached into the water.

Seeing this, Feng Yi suppressed the activity of the energy. Some of the awakened energy fell asleep again, leaving only a small part in a slightly active state.

This time the fish were not as crazy as before, but still more excited than usual, pecking at Feng Yi's hands one by one.

Feng Yi tried to control the energy dissipation. As long as the dissipation was reduced, the active factors generated would also be reduced. He hoped that when the energy in his body was active, it would not dissipate, so that he would not have to worry about being noticed by the surrounding creatures and causing abnormal conditions, such as swans hitting cars, snake eagles losing their minds, and so on.

With Feng Yi's control, the energy dissipation of his hand decreased, the attraction to the school of fish weakened, and the outer layer of the school of fish gradually dispersed.

Perhaps the subtle changes have a limited impact range, making it difficult for others to detect, and Feng Yi himself may not feel it obviously, but the fish in the water are extremely sensitive to this change in energy.

What Feng Yi wants is more precise control!

So, with Feng Yi's repeated attempts—

The koi in the pond rushed over and dispersed.

It surged in again and then dispersed.

Xiao Ding, who was fiddling with the cleaning machine, glanced over there during his free time. He couldn't see anything else clearly, but he saw Feng Yi squatting by the pool, stretching out a hand and paddling in the water. The koi in the pool swam over following Feng Yi's hand, spread out, swam over again, and spread out again.

"Is this, walking the fish?"

Xiao Ding took out his phone and sent a message to Xiao Bing:

Will the fish suffer indigestion if the boss walks with them like this