Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 128: It's not that I'm too stupid


Although he had already prepared himself mentally, and his instincts allowed him to adapt to those strange changes better, when the day finally came, the shock was still quite great.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have been so scared that I rolled off the bed after seeing the tail so early in the morning.

In the past, no matter if his olfactory organs mutated or he grew fangs, at least he looked like a normal person.

Once the tail comes out, it's completely a different species!

Feng Yi washed his face with cold water and calmed down.

Okay, we have to face it sooner or later.

I learned more about the tail from the butler, which was a lot of information, but there was no point in thinking too much at this stage.

The tail has not been out for long. The housekeeper said that this is because the development is still in progress. The dormant energy in the body is still accumulating and slowly adapting. It is necessary to provide sufficient energy support for cell differentiation in a short period of time.

The change in morphology requires cells to differentiate differently from normal people, and all of this needs to be completed in a very short time. If the energy conversion cannot keep up with the speed of cell differentiation, it will bring about the dizziness like hypoglycemia that Feng Yi felt in the morning, and the morphology will not be able to be maintained.

However, after knowing these reasons, Feng Yi felt more at ease and was not so panicked anymore.

Therefore, when Feng Yi opened his eyes the next morning and saw the tip of the tail dangling again, he grabbed the tip of the tail to study it after a brief panic.

What does it feel like to scratch the tip of your tail

It's like grabbing your toes.

At the same time, let’s imagine that when you wake up and open your eyes, you see your feet…

Feng Yi grabbed the tip of the tail and swung it mercilessly to the other end of the bed.

He doesn't have strong enough control over his tail right now, so he can only swing it manually.

I tried to shake it off, but it didn't work.

Weight estimation error.

So Feng Yi increased his strength the second time.

He used a little too much force, and his tail drew an arc in the air. When it fell to the side of the bed, a part of it slid along the edge of the bed to the floor, making a slight "dong" sound.

Thinking of something, Feng Yi lifted the quilt and looked at his lower body.


The scales are tightly covered.

Does this mean... this form has particularly strong defensive power

Feng Yi began to think about how attack and defense would be in this form.

Until a feeling of fatigue and dizziness came over me, and then quickly subsided.

When I looked down again, the tail was gone.

But compared to yesterday, the tail lasted a few minutes longer. This is just as the housekeeper said, it will appear longer and longer during the day.

In the following days, the tail lasted longer and longer while Feng Yi was conscious.

The first thing Feng Yi does when he wakes up every day is to swing the tip of his tail under his chin to the side.

He didn't know why he woke up in this posture every day.

This tail is restless!

At first, when Feng Yi woke up in the morning and opened his eyes and saw the tail, he would continue to lie down for a while and only get up after the tail disappeared.

However, starting from the third day, Feng Yi's control over his tail increased slightly, and he no longer had to swing the tail manually, so he began to practice moving his tail.

It swung from one side to the other, left and right.

Sometimes, if the force and angle are not controlled well, the tail end will slide from the edge of the bed to the floor, making a thumping sound. However, there is a carpet as a cushion, and the part that slides to the ground is not long, so it does not cause unbearable impact on the floor.

Feng Yi looked at the tail. Fortunately, the bed was big enough, the ceiling was high enough, and the floor and walls were solid, so it would not cause any unnecessary noise or damage to the building when the tail was swinging.

By the fifth day, the tail could last for half an hour when he woke up in the morning. Feng Yi also thought that his control over the tail had improved a lot, so he could try using the new form to move on the ground.

As the time the tail appears gets longer and longer, Feng Yi can no longer just lie on the bed and wait for it to disappear. Sooner or later he will have to use this form to move on the ground.

Whether you go straight or in an S shape, it's the same!

Logically speaking, after the tail lands on the ground, the animal can start walking again based on instinct!


Before getting out of bed: There’s no way I don’t know how to do such a simple thing!

After waking up: This tail is not obedient!

Reality is so disappointing.

Feng Yi fell off the bed and onto the ground.

Downstairs, Chef Xiao Bing was sitting at the kitchen door, waiting for Feng Yi to get up and make breakfast.

I was eating a tomato when I suddenly heard a loud bang from the ceiling above my head.

Xiao Bing continued to chew a tomato and listened carefully, but couldn't hear anything.

These past few days, there has always been a loud noise of objects falling down upstairs, but it’s not a big deal and the housekeeper said there’s no need to pay any attention to it.

But the movement today was not the free fall of an ordinary object. It was definitely the unusual movement of a heavy object that hit the ground!

So Xiao Bing called the butler softly and gave him a questioning look.

The housekeeper was flipping through the news on the tablet. When he heard Xiao Bing's shout, he sighed, "Don't worry about it. You'll get used to it after hearing it a few times."


Feng Yi was lying in a room that was more than five meters high.

Lie down for a while, flick your tail and struggle a few times, turn over, and continue lying down.

Like a clumsy salted fish.

I never expected that after changing my form, the first thing I learned was to lie down like a lazy fish.

Anyway, he is the only one living on this floor, so he doesn’t have to worry about being seen by others. And he won’t feel embarrassed if no one sees him!

Fortunately, the house is big enough and the employees all live downstairs and rarely go upstairs.

After the tail disappeared, Feng Yi stood up again, his feet firmly on the ground. The powerless struggle just now became solid again.

The fatigue also disappeared and the whole body became relaxed.

With a long sigh, Feng Yi changed his clothes and went downstairs.

It seemed that he had consumed a lot of energy after all the fuss just now, so Feng Yi asked Xiao Bing to make more breakfast and increase the quantity.

Then he went to ask the housekeeper and told him about the trouble he encountered this morning.

"It's just... I can't control myself, it's hard to exert strength, and I can't stand up."

The butler listened carefully, thought for a moment, and smiled calmly as usual, comforting him, "Don't worry. Evolution is a gradual process, and it can't be controlled overnight. You have to give it more time."

Feng Yi frowned and thought carefully, then nodded in agreement, "That's right."

From not being able to see at the beginning, to being able to see with open eyes, and now being able to maintain it for more than half an hour in the morning, the tail has indeed made considerable progress.

In a short period of time, the cells of the entire lower body differentiate into another form, and the muscles and bones also change accordingly. Although there seems to be no problem with the appearance, the reorganization of muscles and bones may not be complete, so the person cannot stand up.

This is just like when the olfactory system and the two fangs first mutated, they needed a period of continued growth, development and adaptation.

Thinking of this, Feng Yi felt relieved.

It's not that he is too stupid or his instincts are weak, it's just that he is not developed enough.

Due to insufficient development, they cannot control their center of gravity and balance, and cannot control the angle of force and new forms of movement techniques!

normal phenomenon.

After figuring it out, Feng Yi asked again: "Has my aunt also encountered this situation?"

The butler paused and replied, "Individuals are different."

Feng Yi: “…”

I'm sorry for letting you see the disparity in the world.

The housekeeper smiled again and consoled him, "Don't worry, take your time."

Feng Yi was not in a hurry, he was just a little shocked.

According to the information revealed by the housekeeper, after the tail comes out, he has to adapt to the new form, and then he will shed his skin soon. After molting, the tail will be stronger, and it will be easier to maintain and switch the form. Then he won't have to worry about the uncontrollable deformation at night, and he can go out and enjoy the nightlife!

However, before shedding its skin, it must first learn to walk on its tail!

It is difficult to stand on flat ground, let alone to grind the skin on the stone path. The stone path outside the house is used to assist in shedding.

After that, every morning when the tail appeared, Feng Yi would practice controlling it. He could clearly feel that his control was increasing rapidly, and it was easier for him to find the center of gravity and adjust his balance. For other problems, he could find solutions by falling a few more times.

The only trouble is that the noise from falling is a bit loud.

But it’s no big deal.

The housekeeper said that this house was custom-made by his great aunt, and the floor is very solid. As long as it is not deliberately hit, it can still withstand falls.

Xiao Bing also found a pattern. When there was constant noise upstairs, he would not rush to prepare meals. When the noise stopped, it meant that the boss was coming downstairs, and he would start preparing breakfast, the extra breakfast. The housekeeper said that the boss had consumed a lot of energy recently and needed to replenish it.

As for the butler.

If there is no one in the house, then he must be on the stone path outside.

I say I am not in a hurry, but I brush the stones every day! Once in the morning and once in the evening!