Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 129: action


Regardless of whether the butler is saying one thing and doing another, Feng Yi hopes that he can learn to move as soon as possible.

As evolution continued, specialized cells formed by cell differentiation formed this special form. When it became a new form, the combination of muscles and bones became more compact, and the support and balance power also increased rapidly.

With this further change, Feng Yi was gradually able to control himself and stand up steadily when he turned into a new form, instead of just lying on the ground and tumbling weakly like a dehydrated fish.

When he first stood up with the support of his tail, his upper body was unstable and swayed from side to side, but later Feng Yi found the trick.

Before he fully adapted to mastering the new form, every time he stood on the ground, he would do a tactical backward lean when he stood up, with his upper body and long tail forming a horizontal U shape.

Then, maintaining balance, he slowly raised his upper body, and the whole person looked like an inverted "?".

However, as it continued to evolve and develop, the muscles of the tail became stronger, the support became more stable, and the upper body became more upright and standard.

After a week, Feng Yi could easily maintain balance on the ground and move slowly.

During this period of time, Feng Yi has also figured out some little tricks of movement. At the same time, through instinct, Feng Yi knows the way of movement that suits him.

In nature, large and heavy pythons and anacondas move in a nearly straight line. Their muscle movements are transmitted in waves from the head to the tail, and they push their bodies forward through the contraction and relaxation of muscles and the grip of their scales.

This mode of movement is relatively slow, but it is very energy-efficient.

Feng Yi is of course different from snakes in nature, but he has a tail similar to that of a snake, and it looks bulky. It is naturally inconvenient for him to move like those small snakes by twisting his body and winding forward. It would require more energy to move in that way, and it might not be fast.

If he really wanted to move forward quickly, he could just run as hard as he could with his two legs.

When the tail is big, it is more energy-saving to move forward in a way similar to that of a python or anaconda.

But Feng Yi is not a giant snake. From the perspective of appearance alone, the biggest difference is that his upper body is still in human form, so he needs to find a moving technique that suits him.

You need to learn how to properly and accurately control the contraction and relaxation of your muscles, as well as open your scales to grip the ground.

When you can't walk, no scale is innocent!

Got to tame the scales!

So when Feng Yi practiced using his new form of movement, he would always hear the sound of the carpet scratching on the second floor.

The crackling sound, which sounds like a giant reptile moving on the ground, has its own horror effects. It constantly impacts the eardrums and nerves, and can scare people so much that the hairs all over their bodies stand up. It would not be out of place in a horror movie!

Fortunately, Feng Yi was the only one on the second floor.

When he heard the creepy crawling sound, he didn't feel scared at all. Instead, he felt a sense of accomplishment.

I can finally crawl!

Think about how you felt a week ago, and then look at yourself now.

This is such a huge progress!

Feng Yi moved from the bedroom to the study, and then to the cloakroom.


The sound of scales scraping against the carpet regularly is so wonderful!

At this time, the comfort of the house decoration can be seen.

Area rugs are scratch-resistant carpets that fit close to the ground.

Feng Yi also understood why most of this floor was covered with carpets.

Because the tiles are slippery!

No matter whether it is tiled or smooth floor, it is not suitable for crawling because the scales cannot grip the ground.

It can be seen that his aunt spent a lot of time and effort in decorating this house. To outsiders, these carpets may not conform to mainstream preferences in terms of laying area or material style, but they are most suitable for special people like them.

Of course you should make your life as comfortable as possible where you live!

The housekeeper said that his aunt learned how to crawl very quickly. His aunt might be a genius. He doesn't compare himself with geniuses, but only with himself. As long as he works hard and makes progress, that's enough.

After learning how to move on flat ground, Feng Yi called the butler to the second floor and "walked" steadily in front of the butler using this new form.

Although the butler tried his best to maintain his calm elegance, his eyes, which seemed to be shining like electricity, and his face, which was flushed due to his emotional changes, showed how excited the old man was at the moment.

After a long time, the housekeeper calmed down and looked at Feng Yi with a happy and loving look, "You may need to start smoothing your skin."

Feng Yi was surprised: "So fast?"

I just learned how to crawl and you want me to go for skin resurfacing

The housekeeper smiled and explained, "The younger and healthier you are, the faster your metabolism will be. According to your current condition, your first molting will come soon."

“I see.”

If so, then some work needs to be arranged.

During this period, although Feng Yi spent a lot of time upstairs every day practicing movements and adapting to the new form, he did not stay at home from morning to night.

During this period, he also took two jobs, from the Customs and the Joint Guarantee Bureau to investigate the smuggling of snake skins and snake gallbladders. He also rejected two of them, because those two jobs might require him to stay overnight. Feng Yi's current condition was not suitable for night operations, so he directly rejected them.

There are a few other people who contacted him, but the cooperation has not been finalized. They are still testing the waters and waiting to see. Among them is the person introduced by the Bai family.

Feng Yi was not in a hurry, so he let them wait and see. Anyway, he didn't plan to go out for the next while.

The butler said that molting would come soon, and Feng Yi also had an inexplicable premonition that corresponded to what the butler said.

Before molting, he may remain in this inconvenient form for more time.

But let’s put work aside for now, things at home need to be resolved as soon as possible.

There are four employees downstairs.

They were selected by my aunt, and the housekeeper also said that they were trustworthy and knew certain secrets to a greater or lesser extent.

Feng Yi also knew that he needed more people of his own, but some secrets could not be kept hidden from these people forever, and this new form would definitely let them know.

So Feng Yi spent two days thinking about the pros and cons and making plans, and then asked the housekeeper to notify A, B, C, D and others to wait downstairs so that they could see the boss in another form.

On this day, Feng Yi wore a custom-made, slightly long sword-collared dress, and his hair was carefully groomed by the butler. With his sharp vertical pupils, he looked elegant and cold, yet fierce and powerful.

Looking in the mirror, Feng Yi was very satisfied with his current look.

Adjusting his expression, Feng Yi came to the stairs, looked at the steps going down, and turned to the elevator next to him.

In his new form, he had only learned how to move on the ground, and had not yet learned how to go down the stairs. He was worried that he would roll down the stairs, which would be too embarrassing.

The elevator was also custom-made by his great aunt. It was not as fragile as ordinary elevators. Feng Yi had also secretly tried it several times and it was fully capable of supporting his current shape and was very strong!

Downstairs, the atmosphere was strangely solemn.

A, B, C, and D stood there waiting quietly, staring at the changes displayed on the elevator's CNC panel.

As the elevator door opened, the...



come out.

The four of them held their breath.

The entire first floor fell silent.