Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 13: There's a snake!


"No matter what you catch, it's good enough to catch it. How dare you expect to catch several?" Qian Feiyang said in a disapproving tone.

After a few words of insult to each other, the three men calmed down and went fishing.

Young people like them in their twenties, even when they go on vacation, just look at the scenery, take photos, discover some interesting things, and then show them off on WeChat Moments and social platforms. Few are willing to go fishing. So some people classify fishing as a "game for middle-aged and elderly people."

Wu Ji has been taking fishing since he was a child. He has this hobby. But he never catches anything. He keeps trying.

Feng Yi doesn't have this hobby, nor does he have the time. He used to work part-time and in a studio, and occasionally went fishing with them once or twice to relax, just as a vacation after a busy work schedule. The purpose was not fishing, but just to rest.

It’s the same this time, so Feng Yi is still calm.

Wu Ji was different. He came with the purpose of avenging his previous humiliation.

However, half an hour passed.

There was no movement at all.

The people who were fishing near them packed up their things and went to fish somewhere else because they had no catch. Anyway, the fishing area is so large, maybe changing places can change your luck.

Qian Feiyang couldn't wait any longer, so he took out his cell phone to search for a place with few people and nice scenery nearby so that he could take some pictures later.

Feng Yi was in a daze. He was still thinking about what the old housekeeper said. What exactly are the small changes? Are they noticeable

Wu Ji waited and waited, and even read the fishing secret book his father wrote for him. The timing, fishing position, bait and nesting materials were all correct. He tried many different postures and fishing methods, but the fish just wouldn't take the bait!

There were noises of booing coming from a distance.

Wu Ji looked over.

They were a group of old men fishing, laughing very loudly, and their pride could be heard from such a long distance away.

"Hold on! Hold on!"


"It's being copied online! Copy it, copy it! Don't let it run away!"

"Old but still strong, just like in the past!"

“Ahahahahaha thank you for the praise!”

Compared to the bustle over there, their side was much quieter. It was like arriving at a fake fishing area.

Wu Ji looked at his friend.

With one eyelid half closed, he sat there motionless for a long time, like an old monk in meditation and contemplation of Zen.

One of them was scrolling through his phone, no idea what he was looking at, and he was grinning foolishly.

Unable to hold back any longer, Wu Ji came over and said to Feng Yi and Qian Feiyang, "Look at those old men over there, they have already started fishing. We haven't seen any fish here for a long time. It must be because the feng shui here is not good today. All the fish here have been caught. How about we try another location?"

"You go try over there, I'm here." Feng Yi said.

He did feel a bit lost just now, as if he was in a trance. His perception had been disturbed recently and was not working. It was quiet here, suitable for thinking about problems.

Qian Feiyang yawned, "No, I'm still not used to this kind of boring activity. I'll check my phone for a while, it's more fun."

Wu Ji choked and ran to see how others were catching fish one after another, then came back to try again!

After a while, the only two fishermen left near them got up and went to a more lively area.

When they left, the two men were still mumbling: "Before, we complained that the fish we caught were too small, but now we can't even catch small fish!"

"What if there's no fish no matter what you do?"

"It's not a question of skill or not, there are just no fish! I suspect those old guys over there used some tricks to attract all the fish!"

After the two men walked away, only the three of them were left guarding the area.

Feng Yi suggested to Wu Ji: "You should also go fishing in another place."

Wu Ji was unwilling to give up: "No! I have to catch one here! I just sent a voice message to Uncle Liu, and he said he caught a big one right here! Hey, that old guy even laughed at me and told me not to waste my time!"

After waiting for a while, Wu Ji's patience ran out. He was filled with anger and had no place to put his brute force. He had to do something.

I was checking the nearby news on my phone and saw that someone had taken a photo of a wild rabbit while traveling.

Wu Ji pouted, "'Bunny', is it shameless for a grown man to act cute?"

Wu Ji found a small flower in full bloom, took photos from three different angles, and sent them to his girlfriend who was on a business trip in another province: [shy] I’m giving you a small flower~

After that, he felt that a single flower was too shabby and not decent enough. Wu Ji stood up and looked around. There was a bunch of flowers in full bloom not far to Feng Yi's right, so he walked over.

"It's worthy of being a farmhouse in an ecological scenic area. The grass is so lush. They said it's trimmed regularly, but judging by its height, it has been a long time since it was trimmed, right?"

As he spoke, Wu Ji pushed aside the weeds and began to study how to take the photos in a more artistic way.

This research led him to a surprising discovery.

The brown and green stripes were not noticeable in the dense grass, but every cell in Wu Ji's body seemed to have turned on its radar, sending out signals of fear!

In the quiet and deserted area, a broken rooster crowed suddenly:

“There’s a snake!!!”

Wu Ji was so frightened that his soul almost left his body. His brain told him to run, but his legs didn't obey him at all. He stood there like an idiot until he was pulled away by a strong force.

When I recovered and took a breath, I looked again, and saw Feng Yi standing there with the snake in one hand.

Wu Ji's face turned pale, and he opened and closed his mouth several times, but no sound came out, and his teeth were chattering.

Qian Feiyang, who was looking at the scenic spot in the distance and thinking about where to find materials to take a set of nature photos, was startled by Wu Ji's crowing and threw his fishing rod into the water without even bothering to retrieve it. When he saw the situation here clearly, he rolled over and crawled.

Qian Feiyang came over but didn't dare to get close. He gestured to Feng Yi and said, "Do you want to use both hands?"

He looked at the snake's triangular head and was very worried about Feng Yi's hand.

If you get bitten, your hand will be crippled, right

Although I don’t know much about snakes, I can tell it’s a venomous snake just by looking at the shape of its head!!

Such a big snake, its body length must be over two meters. He couldn't hold it even if he used both hands!

Feng Yi pinched the snake with one hand, and although it was temporarily stable, he was still frightened just watching it, fearing that the snake would break free and bite someone the next moment.

"Be careful not to get strangled by it!" Qian Feiyang looked at the snake's tail, thinking about how to help.

Also noticed that the tip of the snake's tail was white.

Beside him, Wu Ji finally managed to pull himself back from the shock. His teeth were chattering, and he didn't dare to look at the snake's big head that was like a branding iron. "Hold on! Hold on! I'll look for a wooden fork or something..."

"Yes, we also need to call the police! I'll call the police right away!" Wu Ji's shaking hands almost caused him to drop the phone.

Feng Yi's face was frozen. He himself didn't know how he caught the snake at that moment. It seemed like a conditioned reflex, or maybe an instinct.

Of course he was worried that he couldn't hold it with one hand, but after that moment he didn't know how to grab it with the other hand -

So, when I didn't know what to do, I could only maintain the status quo, using one hand to maintain the same strength and posture, pinching the snake, without moving.

With his other hand he gestured to Wu Ji and Qian Feiyang, telling them to stay away as the snake looked very dangerous.

Other people in the fishing area had heard the noise and were coming over here.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Yi glanced at Wu Ji, who was already talking incoherently while shaking his phone to call the police, and turned to Qian Feiyang and said, "Hurry and bring my bag over!"

Qian Feiyang didn't care about anything else. He ran over quickly and picked up the big backpack that Feng Yi had put on the ground. He ran so fast that he almost fell down.

"Did you bring the tools? Snake hooks, gloves and so on?" Qian Feiyang said as he unzipped his backpack and started looking for tools.

Feng Yi: "Quick! Hand me my sunglasses!"

Qian Feiyang:

What are you handing over