Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 132: Main business


Feng Yi sat on the second-floor terrace with a stone in his hand.

He picked up this stone at random from the path of grinding skin. He found that the grinding stone was different from others, so he picked one and observed it carefully.

"It looks ordinary, but it can actually withstand the force of my palm!"

Where did the old aunt get the stone

Feng Yi even went to ask the butler, but the butler didn't know either.

After looking at it for a long time without finding anything, Feng Yi put the stone aside and searched for information about the stone on his computer. But he didn't find what he wanted.

Night falls.

Feng Yi did not experience the drowsiness caused by semi-forced sleep tonight. After completing his first molting, he indeed had much stronger control over this change.

Change whenever you want!

However, Feng Yi could also feel that the energy stored in his body could not last too long because his tail consumed too much energy.

Humanoid mimicry is still more energy-efficient.

Western suburbs of Yangcheng.

The resort, jointly developed by multiple groups, is also very lively at night.

This resort is very large, and it can be seen that the operators are very ambitious.

There are two small artificial lakes and a transformed natural lake within the resort.

Two small artificial lakes have been put into use, and the relevant areas of the natural lake are still in the renovation period. The lake is too large, and the resort is only adjacent to a part of it, and only this part is being renovated and utilized.

As it has not yet been officially put into use, there are few people around the natural lake. The large wetland ecological leisure area is still under maintenance, and usually only the security personnel on duty at the guard post are walking around.

But that night, a light was lit up somewhere near the lake.

A large SUV and a small private car were parked by the lake.

Four young people, three men and one woman, stepped onto the wooden plank road.

They come here for night fishing.

"It's here. I heard that this place will be open in the future. This position is the most sought-after." A young man in a T-shirt and sweatpants led the way with tools in hand.

He lived nearby when he was a child. Later, a resort was to be developed here, so his family took the demolition compensation and moved away. However, after the resort began to operate, he came back to find a job and worked part-time as a tour guide, providing some entertainment guidance and playing with others.

This time someone contacted him and asked him to take a few young novices to experience night fishing, and he also provided the night fishing equipment and bait.

It can be seen that these three newbies are not short of money, they are picky and fussy, but he has no complaints, these guys give too much! Don't just call me brother, you can even call me dad!

After laying out the tools, he looked at the young man who was holding a cell phone and doing something nearby, "Brother Guang, do you want to take a break first or start now?"

The trendy young man next to him heard this and looked away from his phone screen, glancing at the tools on the ground. "Let's get started now! Don't touch the tools yet, I'll take some pictures!"

Mo Xiaoguang touched his shiny dreadlocks, and he was very satisfied with this trendy hairstyle. After taking the photos, he called his friends and cousin, who he brought with him today to experience night fishing. Last week, someone posted a few updates about night fishing in the circle of friends, which looked super cool!

With his outspoken personality, of course he has to let everyone know if there's anything new!

So, he picked out a few photos he had just taken and posted them on his Moments to show off.

After the show, he looked at the messages from his friends with satisfaction. Just as he was about to put his phone in his pocket, a voice call came in.

Mo Xiaoguang saw the name, Bai Lu, and answered the call with a smile.

"You're going there today?" Bai Lu was so envious that he wished he could fly over right now.

"I'm bringing people over to play. Do you want to come? I'm going to fish here all night. The temperature has been good recently and it's not cold at night."

Mo Xiaoguang said this, but he thought in his heart: Fishing for a whole night is impossible. After catching a few fish and taking enough photos, the goal has been achieved, so I will go back to the hotel in the resort and sleep!

"can not go."

Bai Lu was also depressed. Seeing his friends going night fishing over there, he was itching to try it out. However, his father and brother had prepared a new dish for him to try out and had made several versions. He couldn't finish the dish in a short time.

Of course, our own business is more important, and everything else comes second.

"Is it open over there now?" Bai Lu asked.

"No, I asked someone to give me a heads up and came to experience it first. Otherwise, we may not get such a good seat when the time comes." Mo Xiaoguang was proud.

After finishing the call, Mo Xiaoguang looked at the person next to him.

"Are you sure there are fish here? I've already said it, don't let it go when there's nothing to catch."

"Don't worry, Brother Guang, there will definitely be fish! I saw them releasing fish last week! Lots of them!"

The man who was speaking checked the fishing gear and instructed Mo Xiaoguang and the other two on how to fish... No, it should be said that he was instructing them on how to strike the correct posture.

After Mo Xiaoguang posed, he waited for half an hour before catching a fish. He excitedly took photos and videos, but then he became impatient and continued to wait.

The guy who was playing with them could see that Mo Xiaoguang and the other two had no patience. They came here for night fishing just to experience it and show off. They spent more time taking pictures and posing than actually fishing. He was just acting as a tool by their side.

Thinking that the three of them would have a more satisfying time, the one who was playing with them suggested, "Brother Guang, if you are not used to fishing rods, you can also try fishing nets."

Mo Xiaoguang's eyes lit up, "That makes sense!"

He wasn't really interested in fishing with a fishing net, but was happy that he had a new tool to pose. A new attempt, a new photo experience.

He posed a few times with the fishing net, took a bunch of photos, and then handed it back, "You come."

The person playing with him took the fishing net, sorted it out, and cast the net.

Seeing the other party cast the net, Mo Xiaoguang walked over and said, "Give me the net, and take a few more photos for me."

The companion took the camera and said, "Brother Guang, please stand a little further away and pay attention to the net..."

Mo Xiaoguang adjusted his posture and held the net firmly.

"Hey! I think there's already a fish in this net! It must be a big fish!"

Mo Xiaoguang held the fishing net tighter, "Quick, quick, take a picture, I can hardly hold it anymore... Stop looking at me, both of you, come and help me!"

Asking two companions to come over and help pull the net, Mo Xiaoguang said excitedly: "This is not fake, it's really caught!"

As he was speaking, suddenly a huge force pulled him into the lake.

Mo Xiaoguang was relatively close to the lake and was caught off guard, so he was pulled into the water.

"Brother Guang! Brother Guang, don't panic!"

The person playing with him quickly jumped into the lake, trying to rescue Mo Xiaoguang.

The other two also helped pull.

Seeing that he was fine, Mo Xiaoguang's cousin was about to laugh at him.

A flapping sound was heard not far behind Mo Xiaoguang.

Mo Xiaoguang and the other man in the water did not look back, but she saw it.

The light was dim, but one could see the ripples of the lake, as well as a rough, cold, slippery, and patterned body that appeared as the water churned.

The night covered her silly pale face. At this moment, she felt a chill rising from the soles of her feet and screamed:


Mo Xiaoguang was climbing up the shore when he heard the scream and turned to look behind him.

As the fishing net was pulled, the lake water fluttered again. The water surface arched up in an arc and slid back into the water.

This time all four of them saw it.

Suddenly there was a large rooster crowing scene.


Mo Xiaoguang's cousin screamed and ran away. After running for a while, she found that no one else could catch up with her, so she ran back, grabbed Mo Xiaoguang and pulled him onto the plank road with the others, screaming as she pulled.

Mo Xiaoguang himself was also in a panic!

If it were an ordinary water snake, I would only be a little scared. Ordinary water snakes are not very poisonous and their bodies are only that small.

If it is a venomous snake, as long as it is not extremely poisonous, he does not have to worry about the threat to his life.

Except Python!!

Although I didn't see its entire body, the small part that was revealed just now was almost as thick as his thigh! I don't know how big its entire body is, but it's definitely a big snake!

If he gets entangled, he’s doomed!

It took a while for their legs to get entangled in the fishing net. After getting rid of the net and climbing onto the plank road, the four of them ran as fast as they could.

The security personnel on guard post also rushed over after hearing the shouting. After figuring out what was going on and settling Mo Xiaoguang and the other three, they returned to the wooden plank road and pulled up the fishing net. There was only a fish and some grass leaves in it.

Security personnel lounge.

Mo Xiaoguang was shivering, his body covered with mud, water and grass debris. One of his shoes fell off when he got ashore. He had just run away barefoot and looked very embarrassed.

After changing into a pair of slippers handed to him by the security guard, Mo Xiaoguang said to the others with chattering teeth: "Just now... we could have gotten in the car first."

It's no use talking about this now.

Fortunately, I was out of danger. My heart still beats faster when I think about it now.

Touching the small dreadlocks on his head, Mo Xiaoguang said to his cousin next to him: "You just pulled my braids! You almost pulled my scalp!"

I had my dreadlocks done to keep up with the fashion, but now I feel like this fashion thing is meaningless. Whenever I think back on it, I feel fear and pain.

Cut it, cut it!

Get a cut when you get home!

Mo Xiaoguang's cousin didn't want to speak at the moment. When she heard what Mo Xiaoguang said, she rolled her eyes and continued to send messages to relatives and friends, telling them about the thrilling scene that had just happened.

For the first time in my life, I saw a python so close!

At the resort in the middle of the night, the news of the appearance of a python in the lake spread quickly.

Several groups operating the resort joined forces to suppress the online attention and dispatched more personnel to the area near the lake to search for the snake.

But it is impossible to completely suppress this matter and handle it on your own.

The person who received the news in the middle of the night and came to investigate the matter was Wei Hongxi from the Yangcheng Branch of the Joint Security Bureau.

After asking Mo Xiaoguang and others about the details, Wei Hongxi went to talk to the resort.

The owners of the resort certainly hope that this matter will be dealt with as soon as possible. What needs to be done now is to determine whether there is really a giant python in the lake, how to find it after confirming its existence, how to catch it after finding it, and how to investigate its source

This type of python is highly protected in China! It is difficult to handle and it is easy to get into trouble.

This kind of thing requires professionals, and although the bosses know some people, the Joint Guarantee Bureau is obviously more reliable in this regard.

"Money is not a problem. I hope it can be resolved as soon as possible!" a boss said to Wei Hongxi.

The resort is doing well now. Yangcheng has a warm climate and many people from the north come here for vacation. But finding such a big snake is not a small matter. It has caused panic among the people and affected business.

"We should cooperate as much as possible, but the lake is so big, we need to find a time to go there?" Another boss smoked a cigarette with a worried look on his face. "Investigator Wei, do you have any suitable experts to recommend? We will pay for them."

What they mean is that they want to handle it efficiently and don't want to go through the process and wait for arrangements. They take the initiative to pay a high salary to hire someone to come and solve the problem. Money is not a problem.

Wei Hongxi listened to the requests and suggestions of several bosses, and mentally reviewed the experts who could handle this kind of thing. He said, "There are indeed experts who meet your requirements. There is one... who can be considered an expert, and he is indeed an efficient type, but his fees are very high."

"It's him!"

Feng Yi was asleep when he received Wei Hongxi's call.

Although there was no semi-forced sleepiness at night, his biological clock had already been formed and he felt sleepy at a certain time, but Feng Yi did not force himself.

Sleep is also an essential part of evolution and development! Lack of sleep affects IQ!

Then the good sleep was interrupted by a phone call from Wei Hongxi.

When Feng Yi saw the name Wei Hongxi, he thought for a while before he remembered it.

The first time he went to the Yangcheng branch of the Joint Guarantee Bureau to help identify snake gallbladders, he met the newcomer from the Joint Guarantee Bureau at the door.

"Yangcheng West Suburb Resort?"

This place sounds familiar, as if I've just heard someone mention it.

Feng Yi rubbed his face to make himself more clear-headed.

After listening to Wei Hongxi's general description of the situation, it was not difficult to deal with the python or something. Feng Yi glanced at the time displayed on his phone.

Two o'clock in the morning!

No wonder I’m so sleepy!

At this point he was dreaming.

"At this point in time..."

Feng Yi had just said three words when he heard Wei Hongxi mention the prices offered by several owners of the resort. He then changed the subject: "There is no traffic jam at this time, so it will be very fast to get there."

After the call, Feng Yi thought of something and sent another message to Wei Hongxi:

Main Business—

A: Capture; B: Identification; C: Capture and Identification Package

One minute later, Feng Yi received a reply:


Feng Yi is getting excited, it’s a big order!

A carp hits... flicks its tail, gets up and changes clothes.

We are also working hard for the medical lab today!