Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 133: I know


Xiaojia drives and Xiaoding assists.

Wei Hongxi sent Feng Yi a location and asked him to drive directly there. Someone would be waiting for him there so that Feng Yi wouldn't waste time.

There are a lot of people at the resort now, and two small paths have been closed. The entire lake where the accident occurred has been blocked off to prevent unauthorized personnel from approaching.

In the resort, those who were not sleeping or were woken up in the middle of the night and were quite curious and courageous either watched other people’s live broadcasts on their phones or ran to watch nearby.

Outside the cordon stood many tourists, who were curious but also afraid of the python.

"It's said to be a giant python!"

“I heard it’s as thick as a pig!”

"That's exaggerated. It's not that thick, but it's definitely a big one!"

"It's so scary! My parents and others were reluctant to come out when they saw the police car. Just now when I went downstairs, I saw someone running to check out of the hotel."

"It's not necessary to check out. The lake is not close to us. We can just go over there. In fact, it may not be as rumored. Maybe it's just a small snake, or a python. People nowadays believe everything they hear. If it continues for a while, it will be even more exaggerated!"

Several tourists from other places were discussing this, and a local said, "Not necessarily. Maybe there really is a big snake. See that car in front? It's from the Joint Security Bureau! Although there's no obvious logo on the car, the license plate number shows that it belongs to the Joint Security Bureau. Look at the car coming over there, it's from the Forestry Bureau. People from the Forestry Bureau and the Joint Security Bureau are coming here in the middle of the night. How can this be a small matter?!"

Others didn't know about this. "Which bureau is the one behind the Forestry Bureau?"

"There are no obvious markings on the car, but judging from the license plate number..."

"What did you see?"

“He’s a local tycoon.”

"Uh... I can see that, too."

"It is very likely that they are family members of the people involved."

"Oh~ I see!"

There are plenty of wealthy people, but looking at the people from the "bureau" present, you can't just get involved in this kind of situation just because you have money. Therefore, the onlookers tend to think that the car following behind the Forestry Bureau is either here to help or the family members of the people involved.

When Feng Yi arrived at Xijiao Resort, the people from the Forestry Bureau had just arrived. Feng Yi asked Xiao Jia to follow the car from the Forestry Bureau into the resort.

After checking the documents and Wei Hongxi had already given instructions, the vehicle went directly into the blockade area and drove all the way to the accident site.

The person in charge of the resort was waiting here. When he heard Wei Hongxi say that the emergency expert had arrived, he trotted over to greet him.

The first people I saw were people from the Forestry Bureau.

The forestry bureau personnel who got off the car looked serious and said, "We already know the general situation. Are there any injuries?"

The resort manager quickly replied, "No one was hurt! Those young people were just a little frightened. We have already asked someone to see them, and some minor scratches have been treated with medicine."

"Who asked them! Python! Is the snake injured?"

"… should not."

The person in charge of the resort wiped the sweat from his forehead, but the people from the Forestry Bureau didn't waste any time here. They asked for the detailed location and went there in person.

In fact, the forestry bureau staff learned that the four young men were safe and sound, so they asked about the snake first after arriving here. They were worried that the people in the resort would "deal with" the snake privately, and they might not even be able to see the snake skin. So they rushed here as soon as they received the news, and asked about the snake's condition after arriving.

The resort manager turned his attention back and asked Wei Hongxi: "Where is the expert?"

Wei Hongxi was seen walking towards the car behind the Forestry Bureau's car.

Feng Yi got out of the car, and behind him, Xiao Ding followed closely carrying a black toolbox.

Seeing Wei Hongxi, Feng Yi quickly scanned the surroundings and asked, "Are you the only one from the Joint Security Bureau?"

"The others will be here later."

Wei Hongxi didn't say much. Recently, some people were assigned to follow up on major cases. Today's matter had to be investigated first. For the time being, he and another investigator would follow up.

"I have already sent you the general information. Have you read it?" Wei Hongxi asked.

"I've finished reading it." Feng Yi distinguished the odor molecules in the air. It was too complicated and there were too many interfering elements. "Let's go to the scene first."

Wei Hongxi glanced at him, turned around and took Feng Yi to the wooden plank road, and on the way he gave Feng Yi some useless information. The ecological monitoring department has limited cameras, and so far they have not recorded any abnormal information, but this does not mean that the python does not exist. Therefore, we still have to confirm whether there is really such a snake.

"That's the situation, but at this time, the light is bad and the search is difficult."

Although a wetland recreation area is being built at the site of the incident, many areas of the lake are still undeveloped and the infrastructure is not so complete.

Wei Hongxi looked at the time and was inclined to deploy before dawn and take action after dawn. It was easy to make mistakes now, and it was inconvenient to move. Moreover, if there was really a big python here, the staff who were close to it would be in danger.

A snake of that size, even if it is relatively docile, will not bite back if it is hit. It is night time now and people have limited vision. If you accidentally step on it and it bites you, you are done for. If someone behaves inappropriately and angers it, it will attack you, which is even more troublesome.

The head of the resort, who had been quietly following nearby, spoke up at this time, "We hope to resolve this before dawn. This... wind expert? Can you do it?"

Feng Yi glanced at him and said, "Just prepare the reward."

Wei Hongxi opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when he saw that Feng Yi didn't seem to be reluctant at all, he held it back.

Although Feng Yi was young and had only been certified for a short time, when the resort wanted him to recommend an expert, when Wei Hongxi heard the word "efficient", the first person he thought of was Feng Yi. The identification of the snake gallbladder was so shocking that he still didn't understand how Feng Yi identified those things.

In addition to Feng Yi, he also recommended several others, but the resort chose the most efficient Feng Yi.

And after understanding the general situation, Feng Yi really dared to accept it!

It would be great if Feng Yi could handle it this time, and everyone would be happy. But if he couldn't handle it but rushed to take on the task, then we would have to re-evaluate Feng Yi's overall ability. In addition to professional skills, character is also very important.

As they were talking, the four of them came to the wooden plank road where Mo Xiaoguang and his team had discovered the snake.

There were people guarding the area, but they were all some distance away from the lake for safety reasons. At this moment, the four of them were the closest to the lake, and Wei Hongxi remained highly alert.

The forestry personnel who were familiar with the situation heard the noise and followed over, looking at Feng Yi several times. He knew that this expert was recommended by the Joint Insurance Bureau investigators and hired by several owners of the resort. Although he was different from what he thought, he did not speak rashly, but stood quietly by and observed.

On the wooden boardwalk, the fishing nets pulled up by the security personnel were still there.

"Gloves." Feng Yi said.

Xiao Ding took out a pair of gloves from the toolbox and handed them to Feng Yi.

Putting on gloves, Feng Yi squatted down, picked up the fishing net and brought it close to smell it.

"It's a python."

Wei Hongxi frowned and said in a deep voice: "That means Mo Xiaoguang and the others were not mistaken. There is indeed a giant python here!"

The forestry worker standing next to him was about to say something when Feng Yi continued:

"Burmese python, adult, female, large in size. Most likely raised by humans."

Although Feng Yi was certain that this python was raised by humans and then thrown here, he couldn't say it so absolutely.

However, Wei Hongxi heard it and his expression eased a little. He did not doubt Feng Yi's identification result. When Feng Yi was identifying snake gallbladders at the Yangcheng Branch, he could tell a family's identification skills by just smelling it, which was still very convincing.

"It's raised."

Captive pythons are not as aggressive as wild pythons. But you still have to be careful about their size. In nature, female pythons are mostly thicker, while males are "thinner".

We will investigate the source later. The most important thing now is to find the python first.

However, when the person in charge of the resort heard Feng Yi's statement, his face tightened. He took out his mobile phone and quickly sent messages to several bosses, informing them of the expert's preliminary identification results.

Seeing the bosses' reply, the person in charge hurriedly asked Feng Yi: "So, how long will it take you, Expert Feng, to catch it?"

When we invited them with a large sum of money, we had already agreed that it would be "capture + identification". For the resort, catching is the top priority. Solve the problem at hand first, then investigate other issues.

Feng Yi stood up, took off his gloves and handed them to Xiao Ding, and sniffed the air for information, "It's not nearby."

"Maybe it was scared away by the noise here." Wei Hongxi said.

After the incident, the resort sent quite a bit of people to investigate.

But the lake in front of us is very large, making it more difficult to find it.

There was no trace of the python, the vision was unclear, the searching area and difficulty were very large, and taking all these factors into consideration, Wei Hongxi did not think that Feng Yi could catch the python before dawn.

The person in charge of the resort was anxious and was about to put pressure on them.

Feng Yi took off his coat and said, "Then just follow him."

Wei Hongxi:

He thought Feng Yi was talking about searching along the lakeshore, or taking a boat to search on the lake, but seeing Feng Yi's posture, was he preparing to jump into the lake

Wei Hongxi was shocked: "Are you kidding me?!"

"No kidding."

"It's still dark!"

"no problem."

It has to be dark!

It’s dark and others can’t see clearly!

Feng Yi would not be caught if he did anything unusual underwater, but it would be more risky to act during the day.

As for Feng Yi himself, darkness did not affect his ability to distinguish things at all. The night was just a cover!

What great timing!

No one else knows Feng Yi's thoughts.

The forestry workers standing nearby looked at Feng Yi as if he were an idiot with courage but no brains.

He also disagreed with Feng Yi's approach, "Don't be impulsive, it's too dangerous!"

Wei Hongxi also continued to persuade, "We can first check all along the lakeshore. It may not be hidden in the water."

"No need." Feng Yi said.

In an undeveloped area, the shore environment is too complex, making the search difficult and time-consuming. Feng Yi also planned to go back to sleep after catching the python.

But he also knew that Wei Hongxi meant well, so he smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm very good at catching snakes!"

He also took this opportunity to advertise and show his strength. He also has a goal of building a medical laboratory!

High rewards mean high risks. Seeing Feng Yi's determination, Wei Hongxi could not restrict Feng Yi's actions, but he still had to inform Feng Yi of the risks, so that Feng Yi would consider it carefully and not make a hasty decision because of the high reward.

“The resort has sent so many people, but I didn’t let them get too close to the water. The wetland ecological zone has too many restrictions on people, and it’s night now, so we can’t see clearly what’s under the water.

"We don't know what its temper is like, and whether its habits are as we know. After all, different individuals are not exactly the same. And as Mo Xiaoguang and his friends said, it is very large. The fact that it didn't attack us may just mean that it is not hungry and its mood is stable."

Generally speaking, adults are not within the prey range of Burmese pythons, but whether they will attack or not is another matter.

“If you provoke it, it will suddenly attack you, bite you and wrap you around, cutting off your blood circulation. You may be dead in just ten to twenty seconds. If you are unfortunate enough to have your neck locked, it will be even shorter!

“If you were entangled on land, we would still have more than ten seconds to rescue you, but the damage to your organs and bones would be unpredictable!

"I applied for firearms before coming here. There are police here, but if something happens, they may not be able to rescue us in time. This is just on land. If it's in the water..."

Wei Hongxi paused and said in a low voice: "We can't say it's completely over. To be more precise, we can only say that the survival rate is infinitely close to zero!"

Feng Yi listened carefully and replied: "I understand."

Wei Hongxi: “…”

You know nothing!

"Do you have a knife?" Wei Hongxi asked.

Feng Yi was stunned, "I didn't bring it."

Wei Hongxi looked grim and threw a dagger to Feng Yi, "Take this with you!"

Feng Yi took it and said, "Thank you."

Wei Hongxi added: "You'd better bring two."

"Boss, I have one here." Xiao Ding handed over the dagger he was carrying.

Seeing Feng Yi put on the two daggers, Wei Hongxi sighed, "You have to know that your sword-drawing speed may not be as fast as its attack speed!"

Feng Yi took off his shoes and smiled when he heard this: "I understand."

Wei Hongxi felt a breath stuck in his chest and didn't know how to vomit it out.

Next, Feng Yi refused the diving suit provided by the resort, and also refused to wear waterproof sensors, communicators, cameras, etc. on his body.

How can he catch snakes with those things?!


Feng Yi jumped into the lake.

Just when Mo Xiaoguang and his companions discovered the giant python, they started tracking it from the place of discovery, following its scent.

Thinking of something, Feng Yi said to Wei Hongxi and the others, "I will continue to swim underwater later, so don't worry if you don't see me coming out of the water."

Feng Yi carefully sensed the scent information left on the water surface, confirmed its approximate route of movement, then dived into the water and tracked it.

Wei Hongxi also asked someone to find a boat to come over. They couldn't just stand here and wait.

Seeing Xiao Ding's calm expression, Wei Hongxi couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you worried?"

Xiao Ding: “…worry!”

Worried about the posture in which the python would be dragged ashore.

I hope the boss won’t be too harsh!