Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 17: Teething!


After realizing that he was going to "change", Feng Yi no longer had the mood to pay attention to anything else.

On the Internet, the Yueshan Xiaoqinglong incident continues to ferment.

The official website of the World United Defence Organization posted the progress of the investigation into the incident and continued to follow up. The public information included Feng Yi's picture of pinching the snake and a video of Xiao Qinglong after treatment.

In the video, the coiled little green dragon can't be seen at first glance, and only the tip of its upright white tail is seen swaying. It seems that the treatment is going well.

The Yueshan Xiaoqinglong incident has attracted the attention of people from all over the world. More scientific researchers have joined the Xiaoqinglong research project to study the evolutionary code of this Xiaoqinglong and to find ways to repair the distortion of the ecological chain.

Non-scientific researchers also use Yueshan as a place to visit, or stay for a while with family and friends. The fact that the little blue dragon, which was thought to be extinct in the wild, can grow to such a large size shows that the environment in Yueshan is really good!

For the next period of time, foreign faces could be seen everywhere in the Yueshan Scenic Area, and all the farmhouses and hotels of all sizes around the scenic area were full.

On news, social and short video platforms, photos and videos of Feng Yi, a fisherman, pinching a snake, spread more and more widely, and clicks and comments were flying everywhere.

Since Feng Yi did not want to reveal his identity, his name was replaced by the letter F in the investigation report submitted by the United Security Bureau. In the investigation progress posted on the official website of the World United Security Organization, he was addressed as "Mr. F".

People on the Internet are much more bold, such as Mr. F, which sounds awkward.

Thus, the name "Yueshan Snake-Pinching Brother" spread.

Later, someone said that the word "拔" was ambiguous and could be omitted. As time went by, it became "钺山蛇哥".

Later, as it was said so often, it became known as "Snake Brother".

"Luckily, we met Brother Snake. If anyone else had seen this little green dragon, they would have panicked and bashed it with their fishing rods. We don't know if the little green dragon would have survived."

Feng Yi's reaction to these is: Don't listen! Don't watch! Don't know!

Qian Feiyang also felt it was a pity. If Feng Yi hadn’t worn sunglasses and a mask, he would have become famous abroad!

Seeing that Feng Yi really had no intention of becoming an internet celebrity or a star, Qian Feiyang and Wu Ji stopped talking about it. They just expressed their feelings privately about what a great opportunity it was to become famous!

Feng Yi didn't care about that. He spent two days in fear.

During these two days, he bought popular science books and periodicals online and looked up various information about snakes. He gained a lot of strange and useless knowledge.

On the morning of the third day, when Feng Yi got up, he felt like his head was about to explode and his vision was a little blurry.

"Finally, is it starting?"

After wiping his face and tapping his forehead lightly, Feng Yi walked to the bathroom, washed his face with cold water, and looked in the mirror.

His expression was dull and his face was pale, but other than that there was no difference.

I blinked hard to make my vision clearer, picked up the toothbrush, squeezed toothpaste, and brushed my teeth...


It was as if all my teeth were suddenly suffering from deep caries and pulpitis. The intense pain seemed to explode in my head in an instant, and my thinking stopped for a moment.

Feng Yi clenched the toothbrush tightly and held his breath for a long time before he calmed down.

I was still a little groggy when I got up, but the pain woke me up completely!

Throwing away the toothbrush and cup, Feng Yi walked to the mirror and opened his mouth to look at his teeth.

The canine teeth, which were originally slightly pointed but not prominent, doubled in length overnight! And they became even more pointed!

When the mouth is closed, the two overlong teeth turn slightly inward.

Feng Yi tried it and found that he could control the two teeth to flip back and put them away, or he could control them to pop out. The price was that the pain of pulpitis was x20!

After enduring the pain and trying twice, Feng Yi gave up.

The first pain that must be endured on the road to evolution - toothache√

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Feng Yi took out his cell phone and called the old butler.

The old butler is the same as before, as if he is always by the phone and can always answer the call at the first time.

"I've grown teeth! Hiss—"

When Feng Yi spoke, his two fangs moved uncontrollably, and he couldn't help but hiss in pain.

"It hurts so much! Hiss—"

The old butler on the other end of the phone laughed softly, in a good mood, "It's normal. It's like this at the beginning. It hurts a lot, but you get used to it."

Feng Yi: “…”

Is this human language?!

You get used to the pain after a while. A mouth full of pulpitis plus two reinforced ones is not something that most people can bear!

"How long will it take for my toothache to heal? Will taking painkillers help?" Feng Yi asked.

"The painkillers don't work. How long the pain lasts depends on you. What kind of teeth do you have?"

Feng Yi said: "Two big long fangs, that's where the tiger teeth used to be, they've mutated!"

Butler: "Wow, it actually has fangs."

Feng Yi was startled, "Then, then, then, is it poisonous?"

The old housekeeper said calmly: "It depends on whether your venom glands have grown. If they have grown, they will naturally be poisonous."

"If I bite myself, or accidentally leak poison from my teeth, will I be poisoned by my own poison?"

The old butler thought for a moment and said, "In theory, during the high-level evolution process, antibodies will evolve to fight against their own venom."

Feng Yi: "… 'In theory'?"

The old housekeeper said: "I haven't seen it either, so if you want to know, just bite yourself and see. I'll watch you. If there's an emergency, send to the doctor immediately."

"Then I might as well try it right in front of the hospital! If I take a bite and find out I'm poisoned, I'll rush to the hospital for help!" Feng Yi laughed at himself.

"Good idea." The old butler sighed.

Feng Yi: “…”

"Are those two of your teeth groove teeth or tube teeth?" asked the housekeeper.

Feng Yi:

After searching on my phone for a while, I figured it out.

Grooved teeth are teeth with grooves on the outside. They are divided into front grooved teeth and back grooved teeth.

Most front-fanged snakes are highly venomous, such as the famous cobra family.

As for the tubular teeth, they are larger and longer than the groove teeth, and are hollow, like a syringe, but they can be hidden.

Feng Yi looked carefully at himself in the mirror, moved his two long teeth, and tried to retract the two teeth while enduring the pain of pulpitis x20.

"It's the tube. Hiss—"

The old housekeeper's voice sank slightly: "Oh~"

Feng Yi: “…”

Don’t make that “oh” sound so subtly!

The old housekeeper said with some regret: "Although the tube teeth are not small and cute, it is more convenient for you and can be folded up. When you fold it into your mouth, you don't need to wear a mask."

"You still have to wear a mask." Feng Yi asked again, "Then, does my fangs have any symbolic meaning?"

"No." The old housekeeper said, "How it grows is determined by genes, how it is used is determined by you."

Feng Yi breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, I am such a kind person..."

The old butler seemed to want to say something, but stopped.

Feng Yi opened the memo: "In my current situation, what should I pay attention to when eating and drinking before the toothache disappears?"

The old housekeeper thought for a moment, "Eat liquid food for the first few days, chew less with your teeth, pay attention to oral care, and keep your teeth clean. Toothpaste... you can use children's."