Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 18: Toothpaste, toothbrush


After finishing the conversation with the housekeeper, Feng Yi looked at the large page of key words written down on the memo and felt his head hurt even more.

According to the housekeeper, the two fangs will continue to grow, and when they stop growing, it means they have grown back and the toothache will disappear.

But until then, the pain continues and painkillers are ineffective, so I can only think of other ways or just bear it.

Feng Yi suddenly thought, teething makes such a big noise, will the cheeks swell up when the venom glands grow? Like mumps

And then endure the pain of mumps again

Feng Yi only felt a darkness before his eyes.

No wonder the butler said that the pain that comes with the process of evolution can only be borne by oneself!

If I don't bear it myself, how can I transfer it to others? !

Feng Yi rubbed his eyebrows.

Let’s not think about the venom glands for now, let’s think about how to solve the dietary problem first.

The housekeeper suggested the process of liquid food - semi-liquid food - soft food - normal diet. Feng Yi would not go against himself on this matter.

Reducing chewing can also reduce the burden on the teeth and relieve pain.

So, soymilk machines, juicers, meat grinders, etc. were put into use. The kitchen appliances that had been bought and rarely used began to operate at high loads - there were too many ingredients to process.

Fish and shrimp? Chop them up!

Spare ribs? Peel and mince the meat!

Juice vegetables and fruits and beat rice into paste.

Feng Yi laughed at himself: Other people chew their food slowly, but he slurps everything.

My body has been busy evolving recently and requires more energy. The amount of food I eat at each meal has increased again. Only enough food can provide enough nutrition and energy.

Also pay attention to the temperature when eating.

It was the first time that Feng Yi felt the hot and cold stimulation of food so clearly.

Every time I opened my mouth, whether to eat or talk, the two big fangs would move, and the pain was xN times worse than that of pulpitis. So, every time it was time to eat, time would pass very slowly.

You have to eat and talk, but these are not the most painful things.

The most painful thing is brushing my teeth! Especially those two big fangs!

Compared with the two big fangs, the pain from other teeth seems to be minor.

After brushing his teeth with great difficulty, Feng Yi decided to change his toothpaste immediately!

He originally planned to place an order for toothpaste online, but there were either not many varieties or the product descriptions were not detailed enough. Feng Yi also needed to stock up on some kitchen utensils, so he decided to go to a large supermarket to have a look.

He can't control his two fangs skillfully yet. Before the teeth grow well and he can control the extension and retraction, he still has to wear a mask when going out, otherwise it's scary.

Although the two teeth will be retracted when the mouth is closed, it is hard to explain if the two teeth pop out when talking to people. Wearing a mask is safer.

There are not many people in the supermarket during working hours on weekdays.

At this time, most people in the supermarket came to buy vegetables. The fresh food area was very busy, but the oral care area was much quieter. Only Feng Yi was standing in front of the two rows of shelves.

Feng Yi looked at an entire shelf filled with toothpaste, toothbrushes and mouthwash, sighed slightly, and then began to carefully read the descriptions on the packaging boxes of various oral cleaning products.

Perhaps Feng Yi had been standing here for too long and looked like he had trouble choosing a choice, so the shopping guide came over and asked, "Hello, can I help you choose something?"

Feng Yi, who was looking at the instructions and feeling overwhelmed, said, "Thank you. I want to buy some toothpaste first. I have a toothache lately."

The salesperson then asked, "What kind of toothache do you have? Is it caries? Wisdom teeth? Or is it an accidental injury due to other reasons?"

Feng Yi: Emmmm

How should he answer this

After feeling it carefully, Feng Yi said, "They are all similar."

Shopping guide: “…”

The look he gave Feng Yi seemed full of emotion and some pity.

"Then I'll tell you briefly, and then you can decide which one is suitable for you?"

Feng Yi nodded and thanked him.

Then, the shopping guide talked about the types of toothpaste suitable for various conditions such as gingivitis, periodontitis, and tooth lesions. Feng Yi felt the pain in his teeth again.

After finishing the introduction, the shopping guide turned around.

Feng Yi stood there with a frown on his face.

The shopping guide said: "Don't worry, the products I introduced to you are all from big brands, the quality is guaranteed, the reputation is good, and they sell very well."

"Oh! Yes, these sound good."

Feng Yi came back to his senses and picked one of each of the items the shopping guide had just introduced and put them into the shopping cart.

Seeing this, the shopping guide quickly advised: "You don't have to buy so much, there are several models that can be used universally."

Feng Yi: "I'll try which one works best. I won't waste any of them. I'll definitely use them up."

Brush your teeth two to three times a day. Even if your teeth don’t hurt anymore, you should continue brushing. Brush carefully. Otherwise, who will you turn to if you have dental problems

Dentist? Veterinarian

Can’t find it!!

Seeing Feng Yi like this, the shopping guide stopped trying to persuade him and asked, "Do you need a toothbrush? Let me introduce one to you. Different styles of toothbrushes have different functions."

"Uh, I need it."

If you want to clean your deformed teeth, what type of toothbrush should you use to avoid damaging them

You won’t know until you try it!

Buy! Must buy!

When the shopping guide heard Feng Yi say this, she smiled and said, "Hey! Then I'll introduce it to you too!"

Afterwards, the shopping guide skillfully introduced the different designs and materials of toothbrushes, as well as the differences in flexibility, cleaning strength, cleaning efficiency, cleaning ability, etc. In addition, there are other tooth cleaning and care products.

Different shapes of brush heads? Square? Diamond? Small head? Large head


Different arrangements of bristles? Flat, wavy, cross-shaped, special-shaped…

Buy it!

Different handle designs? Straight handle? Curved handle? Flexible handle

Buy, buy, buy! Buy them all!

electric toothbrush

Oh, this already exists.

Water flosser

Is it necessary to buy it

Forget it, I'll just buy it and try it first.

Feng Yi had tried so many toothbrush models in the past 20 years of his life, but he bought them all this time.

Since you can’t use drugs to relieve pain, try to choose appropriate tools to relieve pain!

Feng Yi decided to make a form when he got back, and write down his experience of using each tooth cleaning product, and then buy them accordingly in the future.

Seeing that he bought more than ten toothbrushes at once and was determined to buy, the shopping guide enthusiastically introduced teeth whitening products to him.

Feng Yi reacted indifferently to this.


Why should I whiten those two big fangs

It’s good enough to just clean it, but can it also whiten your skin

They are dreaming!

Skipping the whitening products, Feng Yi asked about the types of mouthwash: "I want a mild, non-irritating kind. Oh, by the way, do you have any recommendations for mouthwash for children? And toothpaste."

The ones I bought just now are for adults, but the old housekeeper also said that children's products are recommended in the early stage. I still have to buy some toothpastes specially for children, and then change to those for adults when the teeth are almost grown.

After the salesperson recommended several milder mouthwashes for adults, she walked to the other end of the shelf and said, "Children's ones are over here."

The salesperson asked, "How old are you?"

Feng Yi: "Twenty-four..."