Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 23: New organs of evolution


The next day, when Feng Yi woke up, he felt like he had been punched in the face and hit with a brick. He was completely dazed.

The nightmare from last night lingered in his mind, but before he could recall it, his attention was completely diverted and he had no time to recall the nightmare.

Nightmares and the like, no matter how many dreams you have, are all false, but the pain on your face is real!

My nose hurts!

In other words, my whole face hurts, but my nose hurts the most!!

Feng Yi even suspected that he had fallen off the bed in the middle of the night, hit his face on the ground, broke his nose, and had a slight concussion.

Dizziness, headache, severe soreness and swelling in the nose.

My nose is severely blocked and I can only breathe through my mouth.

Feng Yi thought he had a cold and was about to look for cold medicine in the medicine box, but after taking a few steps he realized that the symptoms were not right... Has another organ evolution begun

Really, they didn't give us any time to react! They just attacked us like that!

Feng Yi rushed to the mirror, looked at his face which was so swollen that it was completely unrecognizable, opened his mouth and took a deep breath.

This time the commotion was quite big...

When it was growing fangs and venom glands, at least I could still go out wearing a mask. Now it's swollen like a pig, no matter how big the mask is, it can't cover it! Not even a mask can!

The main thing is the pain!

Every part of my face hurts! My head hurts so much that it affects my normal thinking! It feels like there are countless drills drilling in my brain.

Fortunately, I stocked up yesterday when I saw the situation was not going well, so I don’t need to go out. I’ll just stay at home and bear it!

The more fun you had playing outside yesterday, the more pain you will feel at home today!

"What is it this time?"

I raised my hand to touch my nose, which was so swollen that it had lost its shape. It felt like thousands of needles were piercing my nose all over.

Feng Yi couldn't even cry out in pain. His face was twisted and veins were bulging. It took him a while to recover.

I tried to open my eyes and look at the pig face in the mirror.

If you look closely, you can see countless thick and thin blood vessel-like things under the skin, extending from the nose to all parts of the face.

It's scary.

So it's the nose this time

What is it going to become

Feng Yi took out the tea leaves that Uncle Ya gave him with trembling hands and made a pot of tea.

Although Uncle Ya always speaks in a veiled way and is always busy with various things, he still helped him a lot in this matter.

Originally, he wanted to chew the tea leaves dry, but moving his mouth would involve many nerves in his face, and the pain was particularly obvious when he chewed hard.

While waiting for the tea to cool down, I silently said to myself:

“When God wants to give a man a great responsibility, he must first make his heart suffer and his muscles and bones work hard…”

It will be fine after working out...right

When the tea cooled down a bit, I inserted a straw and drank it in big gulps.

The one-month period that Uncle Ya mentioned has not passed yet, and this tea is still somewhat effective. The pain is not as severe as before.

I finally calmed down and took a deep breath.

The nose was still not working, as if countless nets and roots extended from it, connecting the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and brain together.

"There are a lot of things involved this time." Feng Yi thought, and became a little worried. "My head hurts so much and it also involves my brain. I wonder if it will affect my IQ."

Feng Yi searched through his memory for the information he had looked up. If it was a nose, it could be that thing.

Thinking of this, Feng Yi remembered the nightmare he had last night. This dream is still clear to this day.

I thought I would develop heat-sensing dimples and dreamed of a forked tongue, which has nothing to do with reality... No, actually it does have some connection.

Feng Yi called the old butler.

"My nose may have started to evolve, but the area affected is a bit large."

The old butler heard this and said calmly and comfortingly, "Your face is swollen? Don't worry, you will recover after this round and you will still be a handsome guy. Your nose has evolved, which should be considered... an organ similar to the vomeronasal organ."

Feng Yi thought to himself: As expected.

Vomeronasal organ.

Also called hoe nose device or Ja's an.

A very special organ.

The long forked tongue of snakes is not a sensitive taste organ. The tongue is usually whirring and sticking out to collect odor particles in the air and send them to the vomeronasal organ, which is connected to the olfactory nerve and the brain to complete the task of discrimination.

It is said that a snake's sense of smell is dozens of times stronger than that of a dog. Such a powerful sense of smell is based on this type of organ.

However, in humans, it is generally believed that the vomeronasal organ is degenerate. It exists during the fetal or infant period, but gradually degenerates and disappears with age and is no longer used.

Research on the vomeronasal organ in humans has always been controversial. No matter how you argue, this organ does not exist in adults, or its presence is very weak, and no one knows what will happen to the evolved version of the vomeronasal organ in humans.

Today, Feng Yi's degenerated vomeronasal organ has re-evolved, and it may be evolving in a new way, different from reptiles and ordinary humans. Just like the old housekeeper said, he is taking a different evolutionary path from ordinary people.

"Then will I still be able to grow a long forked tongue?" Feng Yi was a little worried.

The olfactory organs of snakes consist of the nasal cavity, the tongue and the vomeronasal organ, which form a set.

If the vomeronasal organ is growing, then does the long forked tongue also have to grow

Think about it again, in order to make it easier for snakes to stick out their tongues frequently, there is a notch on their snouts, and the lips of some snakes look more like a pouting mouth.

If it were a human...

The picture is so beautiful...

Feng Yi felt a chill.

The butler chuckled and said, "Probably not. Your evolution path is different from those beasts, and your evolution level is higher."

Feng Yi felt a little relieved.

"How long will this process last?" Feng Yi asked again.

With his face so swollen, he definitely can’t go out or see other people, otherwise people would think he was beaten and call the police.

But he couldn't just stay at home like this forever, not seeing anyone, and enduring the pain all the time. If he did that, he would become a psychopath, right

The old housekeeper smiled and said, "Not long, only about two weeks."

Feng Yi's eyes were fixed.

Two weeks! He still has to bear this pig face for two weeks!

Of course, the pig face would be fine as long as people don’t see it, but the pain of evolution still needs to be endured.

No matter how reluctant you are, you have to accept this pain.

Two weeks, I’ve made it!

"How does this newly evolved organ need to be cared for during its development and growth?" Feng Yi asked.

"It's good that you don't get hit on the nose."

"Then, if this organ of mine develops well, will my sense of smell be particularly sensitive?" Feng Yi was curious.

If he had a snake's super sense of smell, would that mean that nothing could escape his detection

The old butler smiled meaningfully, "Of course, you will see a different world."

Feng Yi felt a chill on his back: "Is there a ghost?"

Butler: “…No.”

This child doesn't seem very smart.

I don’t know if it damaged the brain during the evolution process.