Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 33: Humanoid radar?



Like a bat? It makes a sound and uses sonic radar to avoid obstacles

"Are you sure you can catch it with your eyes closed?" Gu Jun asked again.

"If your office is tidy, there will be no problem." Feng Yi replied.

Gu Jun thought about the situation in his office and took out his tablet and pen. After all, he had a good foundation in painting, so he drew the general layout of the office with just a few strokes. He spent most of his time in his office every day, so he was very familiar with it.

While drawing, Gu Jun explained to Feng Yi.

“… It’s arranged like this inside. I’ll pick up some scattered things first.”

"That's no problem." Feng Yi said.

"Okay, but we still have to sign an agreement, and the compensation for damage must be made clear first." Gu Jun didn't know why Feng Yi had the confidence to catch him blindly, but he wouldn't just watch Feng Yi go in without any risk. He had to let Feng Yi know that bulls can't be boasted blindly, and if there is damage, the amount of compensation will be even higher.

Feng Yi had no objection to signing the agreement, but Feng Yi gave Gu Jun two choices:

Open your eyes and grab, ten thousand.

Catch him blindfolded, 15,000.

Gu Jun chose the second one without hesitation.

To be able to buy a house of more than 300 square meters in a high-end community in a good location, the price difference of 5,000 yuan is really nothing to Gu Jun. It is worth it just to buy peace of mind.

Lu Yue also wanted to go into the office to take a look. He was too curious, and the purpose of this trip was to observe Feng Yi's ability. Being able to tell the difference between real and fake snake skin at a glance, it is not impossible that he has other extraordinary abilities. He had to confirm it first before deciding what attitude to take when discussing business with Feng Yi.

"Sign a confidentiality agreement." Gu Jun said. Although they were acquaintances and had done business together more than once, they still had to sign what needed to be signed.

"Okay!" Lu Yue said.

This time, the complicated confidentiality agreement of more than 20 pages would not be needed, so Gu Jun asked someone to prepare a simplified version.

"Wait a minute, I'll go clean up." Gu Jun said, and went back to the office to tidy up.

The scattered drawings had been sorted out before Feng Yi and the others came. What Lu Yue said about Gu Jun's idea of moving temporarily was true. He had a project to rush, but was disturbed here, so he originally planned to pack up all the materials and drawings related to the project and move them out.

The models are covered with cloth, which is simple and saves the effort of carrying them, especially the large models, which are troublesome to carry and worry about being damaged by bumps during transportation.

"Okay." Gu Jun walked out of the office and looked at Feng Yi.

Feng Yi put the long-handled clamp aside and put on gloves. "Use yours for the blindfold."

Gu Jun nodded. Of course, he had to use what he provided, otherwise he would not feel at ease. For example, the props used by magicians may look fine, but props are just props, and fake ones are fake ones.

The eye mask is a design by Gu Jun, which was sent to him by the merchant. The eye mask is a circle larger than the sunglasses, like a mask, and has two monster eyes with vertical pupils.

After making sure that it was light-proof and completely invisible with the mask on, Gu Jun handed the blindfold to Feng Yi and checked it again after Feng Yi put it on.

After confirming that there was no cheating, Gu Jun was slightly satisfied, "Do you need me to take you there?"

"No need." Feng Yi accurately picked up the long-handled clamp placed beside him, "Let's go."

Lu Yue held up two fingers in front of Feng Yi and waved them: "What number is this?"

Feng Yi smiled and said nothing. He followed Gu Jun to the office door holding a long-handled clamp.

With the door half open, Gu Jun still kept his eyes on Feng Yi to prevent Feng Yi from peeking at his drawings.

Feng Yi ignored him and let him look at him.

After analyzing the scent molecules in the air, he said, "Two."

Lu Yue raised his eyebrows and looked at Gu Jun.

Gu Jun was also very surprised. Is this confirmed before we even go in


"There are indeed two." Gu Jun said, "After the mouse entered my office, I checked the doors and windows. The inlet and outlet of the indoor air exchange system have filters, so they can't get in, but the mouse inside is difficult to drive out. There were originally three mice, and one was caught in a mousetrap."

Lu Yue laughed when he heard it: "You must have put food in there again. It's only been a short time since the cockroach incident. You need to change your habits. If you take away all the edibles, it will starve to death after a while."

"If that happens, I'll be exhausted first." Gu Jun ignored him and checked Feng Yi's eye mask again, "Go in."

Feng Yi walked in and said, "Who will take the mousetrap bag?"

"I'll do it." Gu Jun took out two mousetrap bags that he had prepared long ago.

At a distance, Gu Jun found a suitable angle so that he could observe whether Feng Yi was cheating. It was easy to find an angle in his own territory.

The moment Feng Yi walked into the door, Lu Yue clicked "Start" on the timing page that had already been opened on his mobile phone.

Feng Yi was walking inside. Although his steps were not fast, it was obvious that he had a clear goal.

Gu Jun's office is large, but there are indeed a lot of things piled up. Feng Yi walked through a narrow corridor, with documents and various sundries on both sides, and a coat rack as tall as a person with small ornaments hanging next to it.

When Feng Yi walked over, he touched a shelf next to him. The shelf shook and a small ornament on it fell off.

Feng Yi reached out to catch it and put it back where it originally was.

Gu Jun, who had been staring at him, almost popped his eyes out of his sockets. He held his breath, stretched his neck to see if Feng Yi had taken off his blindfold, and saw Feng Yi suddenly lean forward to the front of the clothes rack.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak—”

A mouse was trapped.

Feng Yi looked in the direction of Gu Jun, "Bag."

"Ah? Oh! Here it comes!!"

Gu Jun walked over quickly without noticing the trash can that was kicked over at his feet.

"You caught this already?"

Looking at the mouse put into the rabies bag, Gu Jun wanted to say something, but he saw Feng Yi walk to the other side of the office, open the door of a side cabinet, and a brown ball rushed out from it.



"… coming!"

Gu Jun reacted quickly this time, but his face was dazed and he seemed to doubt his worldview, exuding an aura of "What's wrong with this world?"

Lu Yue, who was following beside him, seemed to be thinking about something.

Could this really be... a humanoid radar

Can you reach it through the cabinet

He didn't see the mouse on the hanger clearly, he only saw Feng Yi leaning over there. But for the second one, he was concentrating and staring at the long-handled clamp in Feng Yi's hand.

Just now, he stared at the whole process from the moment Feng Yi opened the cabinet to the moment he caught the mouse, without blinking. He saw everything clearly except the movement of Feng Yi taking out the mouse.

But this feeling... is like a mouse running into a trap.

Of course, he knew that wasn't the case.

Speed, anticipation, and timing are all essential.

Lu Yue was still analyzing the scene he had just seen. As he analyzed, he began to calculate the profit of this efficient mouse catching method.

Feng Yi had already walked out of the office, took off his gloves, and put the long-handled clamps back into the box.

"We caught both of them, but I suggest you check the items placed on the surface carefully, such as cloths, books, and especially teacups, and disinfect them."

These words were spoken to Gu Jun, but Gu Jun, who came out with the kangaroo bag, was still in a daze, doubting his life. However, Lu Yue came back to his senses and looked at the timer on his mobile phone.

59 seconds.