Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 47: Climb the wall


Feng Yi didn’t know what the child was crying about.

The child, who was about 10 years old, was a member of the troublesome group who was fearless and could run wild at any time in the community. But at this moment, he looked at him with horror, as if he was looking at a monster that suddenly appeared in the night.

Am I that scary

Feng Yi touched his face and looked at it in front of the window glass.

There is no change, and he even wears contact lenses to cover his eyes at night. Judging from his appearance alone, there is absolutely no difference between him and ordinary people.

The lights in the front yard were now on, so he could definitely be seen clearly from outside.

Looking at the child's expression, Feng Yi thought he had changed quietly.

"Are you afraid of me?" Feng Yi was puzzled.

It’s fine if infants and small animals are afraid of him, but has the vomeronasal organ of a 10-year-old child not yet degenerated and disappeared

As soon as Feng Yi spoke, the child trembled and didn't say a word. He just kept sobbing as if he was frightened.

"What are you doing here?" Feng Yi asked again.

After a while, the child said in a trembling voice: "I... I just want to borrow a ladder..."

Feng Yi followed his gaze.

There was indeed a folding ladder in the corner of the front yard. It was moved out a few days ago when Feng Yi cleaned up the backyard, and it has been placed in the front yard since then. I guess the three children saw the ladder when they came over during the day.

As soon as Feng Fengyi saw the ladder, he remembered that when he was cleaning up the ladder, he did smell some odor, which was from these children.

I guess Xue Lin never thought that the ladder he bought was not used by himself, but instead became a tool for these kids to climb over the wall - they climbed in with the help of the tree outside the backyard wall, and then climbed out again using the ladder.

"What do you want to borrow the ladder for? Whose wall are you going to climb over?" Feng Yi asked.

The child shrank his neck, said nothing, and did not look at Feng Yi.

"Okay, I won't lend it to you unless you tell me."

Feng Yi looked at the time. It was already past 11 o'clock in the evening, and the kid was still hanging around outside!

You have so much free time to do things, but it’s because you don’t have enough homework!

Feng Yi simply sat on the steps in front of the door and took out his cell phone. "You really won't tell me? Then I'll call the property management and tell them that you guys climbed over my wall again."

“I didn’t flip!”

"Then they turned it over." Feng Yi dialed the property management number. He couldn't ignore the kids who kept hanging around. If he didn't deal with these kids, he wouldn't be able to sleep well at night.

Seeing Feng Yi was really going to make a call, the kid got anxious, "They didn't turn it over today! They went..."

Feng Yi raised his eyebrows: "Where to look?"

The child was silent again.

Feng Yi glanced at him, stood up and walked out of the yard. Under the child's suspicious gaze, he took a deep breath and captured enough odor molecules in the air.

There were not many residents in the community walking around in this area. Feng Yi could smell the elderly, children, and pets who walked here during the day, and could even vaguely analyze their movement tracks.

As for at night, the smell is even clearer. People walking in the community will not go here because it is close to the river and there are many mosquitoes at night. If you are unlucky, you may even encounter a snake.

The clearest smell information came from the three little brats. They also sprayed mosquito repellent.

These smell information gathered together, like time flowing backwards, and then appeared in Feng Yi's mind in another form.

Just when the child was wondering, he saw Feng Yi walking in one direction.

And that's officially...

The child shivered for no apparent reason.

"That's awesome! Now instead of climbing over the owner's house, they're climbing over the community wall?" Feng Yi said.

He "saw" the three children run to the wall closest to the river and stay there for a while, probably discussing how to climb out. The last one left behind acted as a human ladder, and the other two stepped on him to climb over the wall.

They cooperated so well, it was obvious that they were experienced and had done this more than once. Even if he didn't do it here, he had done it somewhere else.

The one who was left behind was the child who had been wandering in Feng Yi's front yard for half an hour.

After Feng Yi said this, the child's eyes turned from suspicion to fear when he looked at Feng Yi.

Feng Yi ignored the child's gaze as if he was looking at a monster, and looked at the community wall again. It was equipped with sensing equipment and alarm controllers. How did these kids climb out without making any noise

Feng Yi did not hesitate this time and directly called the property management to tell them what happened here. At the same time, he also knew that the gate was under maintenance recently, but it was usually during the day. However, there was a problem at the control center, and the maintenance technicians would not come until the evening. It would take an hour to repair, so even if someone got out during this hour, the controller would not alarm.

The property management originally thought that this was not a big deal and did not tell the owners. They did not expect that these three kids would take advantage of the opportunity!

Why not do something else with such enthusiasm? Why come and climb over the wall in the middle of the night

I haven’t seen them be so active even when marking key points for exams!!!

After finishing the call with the property management, Feng Yi looked at the child not far away.

Probably knowing that he couldn't escape, the child gave up explaining himself and squatted on the ground with his head down.

Feng Yi was just about to say something sarcastic when a gust of evening breeze blew in from the direction of the river bank, and he paused for words.

Feng Yi looked at the river not far away.

Although the wall blocked his view and he couldn't really see what was happening over there, Feng Yi could still imagine what the river looked like. He had stood in the attic last night and watched the night view of the river.

The weather tonight was the same as yesterday, with few clouds and moonlight. The river surface was undulating in the evening breeze, and the reflected moonlight was flickering. Apart from the usual noisy croaking of frogs and chirping of insects, there seemed to be nothing unusual.

Feng Yi increased his breathing frequency several times, analyzing the strange earthy smell in the air.

It was the first time he smelled such an earthy smell, but he instinctively felt a hint of threat from it.

The direction this unknown threat was heading was the same direction the two children left.

"Just stay here and wait!"

Feng Yi left a message, rushed to the wall, almost stuck to the wall and jumped to the other side in the blink of an eye.

The child squatting there looked confused and had no idea why Feng Yi suddenly flipped out.

By the way, how did this guy climb over the wall just now? Once you learn how to do it, you won’t need to rely on others…

He thought carefully about how Feng Yi had climbed over the wall just now. It was too fast and he couldn't see clearly... How did he do it

After struggling for a while, he still didn't understand, so he simply stopped thinking about it. As for what Feng Yi said, "stay here obediently", that was impossible. Although he didn't know why he was afraid of Feng Yi and was scared at the first sight, it didn't mean that he would listen to Feng Yi!

If he hadn't lost the game of rock-paper-scissors, would he have been left here as a human ladder

He remembered that there was a folding ladder in Feng Yi's house, but he was afraid of Feng Yi. Otherwise, he wouldn't have wandered outside for half an hour without taking any action.

After Cao Xing showed them Feng Yi during the day, he said he was no longer afraid, but he was inexplicably so scared of Feng Yi that he couldn't speak, and wanted to cry as soon as he opened his mouth. But it was too embarrassing to say this, so he couldn't let others know.

Now that Feng Yi has left, his stubborn courage has returned!

It was impossible for him to stay here obediently. Not only would he not stay here obediently, he would also...

He stood up and ran to Feng Yi's front yard, grunting as he carried out the folding ladder, intending to follow him over.

But he didn't have that chance. Not long after he moved the ladder out, before he reached the wall, he was caught by people from the property management.

Three people from the property management office arrived first. One of them stopped the child, and the other two looked around.

"Where's the person who called just now?"

The child who was stopped resigned himself to his fate and put down the ladder. "He flipped over! I don't know what happened just now, he suddenly rushed over, whoosh, and flipped over to the other side."

The three people from the property looked at each other.

“Even if many things can’t be installed in our community due to its location, is the perimeter fence so easy to climb over?”

Not only these three naughty kids are planning on doing this, but the property owner can also easily get around it

“The perimeter fence of our community is indeed a bit old and needs to be upgraded!”

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Have you contacted their parents? Let the parents of this child take him back, and the parents of the other two should go out with us to look for him. It's still very dangerous on the riverside at night!"

On the other side, Cao Xing and his companions, who had crawled out of the community, had arrived at their destination. They were searching in the bushes with a flashlight in one hand and a wooden stick in the other.

One of Cao Xing's followers overheard the property management's inspection of the fence and sensors and told him about it.

Knowing that the sensing equipment here would be out of service, Cao Xing temporarily contacted two friends and sneaked out to secretly pick up wild bird eggs by the river.

A few days ago, he heard someone say that there were wild bird eggs in the grass somewhere on the river bank, so he kept this matter in mind. However, it was inconvenient to move during the day as there were always people walking, jogging or walking their dogs outside, and it was difficult to sneak out of the community at night, so he only set his sights on a house like Feng Yi's. He didn't expect to be caught by Feng Yi.

Originally, they had not planned to sneak out tonight, but they were unwilling to miss the opportunity after receiving "information" at the last minute. They were also curious about wild bird eggs, so after being warned by their parents during the day, they still sneaked out at night.

The action was hasty and the equipment was not perfect, so as soon as we got close to the river bank, we were annoyed by all kinds of mosquitoes.

"Brother Xing, why don't we go back?"

"What? Are you scared?"

"No... who's afraid! But there are too many mosquitoes here. Just now, a flying insect jumped on my head and I slapped it away. But my scalp is a little itchy now."

"Wait a little longer, let's go back after picking up a few bird eggs. I remember this one."

They grew up by the river and were familiar with this section of the riverbank. Although the adults had told them many times not to go near the river, they could not resist their curiosity and secretly went into the water several times. Last year, they were caught for sneaking into the river to swim and their butts were almost beaten to pieces.

However, there is also a saying, "Once the wound heals, the pain is forgotten." Especially for naughty children of this age, it is not an exaggeration to say that they will tear down the roof if they are not punished for three days. They are more active than those children of seven or eight years old. When they are not restrained, they grow up completely wildly. You never know what stupid things they will do.