Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 49: Invasive species


Cao Xing and his two children started a wow-wah duet.

Feng Yi didn't know what to do, but hearing how loudly they were crying, at least they looked fine.

Having no experience in dealing with such situations, Feng Yi simply ignored it, took his cell phone out of his pocket, shook off the water, and found that it was still usable, so he called the property management.

At this time, Yuexiu Community Property Management Office.

There are still 5 people left here. They all came here temporarily. It was not their turn to be on duty today, but they heard that a child climbed over the wall while the control room was under maintenance, so they rushed here.

All five people were standing by the phone in case any owner had problems and couldn't find anyone, or in case the team that was out looking for someone needed help.

The oldest of the five men was about forty years old, with a burly build and spoke in a rough voice.

This man’s surname is Wang. He is an old man in the property management office. Everyone calls him Lao Wang or Brother Wang.

At this time, Brother Wang was slamming the table angrily, "I've said it before, Cao Xing and the others need to be watched closely! They need to be disciplined! The windows should be replaced, and see if they can still sneak out of the second-floor room in the middle of the night! Is that how they use the life rope

"And the parents of those kids are only concerned with making money. If they don't discipline them and something happens, they will regret it! Don't blame our property management company for that later."

Brother Wang was getting angrier and angrier as he spoke, "As for Cao Xing and the others, when I scolded them last time, those old men and women turned around and blamed me for being too fierce and speaking too harshly!

"That bunch of brats, after all, are still doing the same old tricks, crying, making a fuss, and acting like a spoiled brat!"

A younger employee nearby had a distressed look on his face: "What can we do if the old man and old lady just fall for this? And they even said it would be better to have more fun!"

Brother Wang let out a sigh of frustration, "My own parents don't care, do you really think I am willing to care? It's not my child, how can I be willing to care about him? It's for the sake of our community!

"When the house was first sold, it was advertised as a luxurious health-preserving house, but now it has developed into a haunted house in a remote wilderness. No one wants this to happen! But is it really that lively

"Our property management company can't take the blame for this! If the property management fee is too high, they won't agree. If it's too low, they'll complain that this is not good and that needs to be replaced! They don't even think about how to maintain and upgrade without money!

"How many wealthy people come here to stay healthy? Even if they buy a house, they just use it as a quiet place to stay. Who is willing to live here for a long time? Before the Xiaoqinglong incident, how many houses were lit at night? In my opinion, this place was not chosen correctly!"

There are many luxury residential communities near Yueshan, but their Yuexiu is the most remote. Later, due to various restrictions, it fell out of the "luxury" arena.

The property management staff thought this place was going to become a ghost town, but who knew that a little green dragon appeared in Yueshan Mountain, and people started coming back one after another. Recently, more and more people have come to them to handle the change of homeowners. Some people replace equipment, repair furniture and appliances, and partially redecorate. They get commissions for each order they introduce.

So, everyone in the property management department became excited!

The owners who live here either do so to keep pets, or buy them for the elderly or for recuperation. Maybe those who buy houses don't necessarily live in them, but just think that this place is good to store first. However, the population is flowing and the real estate transactions are active again, which is a good thing. The house prices have risen!

However, due to the geographical location, there are indeed some uncontrollable factors that affect the residents' living happiness, which can't be helped. If we really want to vigorously eliminate those influencing factors, we have to spend a lot of money. But their property management is very poor, and in order to retain residents over the years, they have reduced a lot of property fees.

"In our community, apart from the old men and women who can tolerate Cao Xing and his arrogance, all other young residents are full of resentment. But these young people just don't say it in front of the old people! Our property management is stuck in the middle, and we are not welcome from both sides!"

Brother Wang shook his head and sighed, "I've seen through it all. To be able to indulge Cao Xing and his gang like this, no owner is innocent! Bah! I won't serve you anymore! From now on, no owner will think of getting any good words from me, Old Wang!!"

As he was speaking, the phone beside him rang.

Brother Wang's face was serious. "Hello, this is Xiao Wang from Yuexiu Property..."

Others in the management office: “…”

You talk so arrogantly, why don’t you fight back

Brother Wang had no sense of his character failing. He listened to the phone carefully, and his expression became more serious the more he listened. "Yes, I have already looked for it. I should find it soon... I'm glad it's okay... What a big fish... Three..."

Brother Wang almost choked on his own saliva, "Three meters?! Can you describe what it looks like? I'll check here to see if it's a protected species!"

Over there, Feng Yi was talking on the phone while stepping on a fish. The fish was slippery all over, but he stepped on it steadily.

He was worried that the fish would scare the two children. Seeing that they were still crying, it was obvious that they were frightened by the fish.

However, when Feng Yi heard the property staff say the word "animal protection", he remembered that some animals should not be harmed unless necessary.

"Protecting animals? It doesn't seem like it."

Feng Yi said this, but still moved his feet, wiped the footprints on the fish, touched the fish's head, and straightened the two slightly deformed whiskers.

When asked about the fish's appearance, Feng Yi described it and said, "... I think this fish looks like a catfish. It shouldn't be a protected animal. Just these two long whiskers... Wait!"

Feng Yi saw something was wrong and turned the fish over to see it more clearly. "Six whiskers! I didn't see it clearly just now, there are two pairs of shorter ones!"

When the property management office heard this, they were shocked by the six beards and how big they were...

"It could be a European catfish, not a native species. I guess someone dumped it into the river. It's an invasive species... Hey! I just checked the latest bounty list. If it's really a European catfish, there's a reward for catching one! Is the one you caught really three meters long?"

When Feng Yi heard that it might be an invasive species, he stepped back on the fish and measured its body with his eyes. "It's definitely over three meters long!"

Brother Wang from the property management office said excitedly, "If it really is a catfish over three meters tall, the prize money will be 150,000!"

Upon hearing that the prize was 150,000, Feng Yi moved his foot down from the fish, wiped off the footprints, and touched the fish's head again.

Be careful not to step on it and deform it, as it will affect species identification!

Brother Wang and a few others at the property management office were also happy at this time. Although they didn't get a share of the bonus, this was still very exciting. If they had the chance to come across one, or even a few, that would be awesome!

After Wang Ge's flattery, he wanted to learn some experience, "Excuse me, how did you drag a three-meter-long fish ashore?"

Feng Yi: “…”

Looking at the three-meter-long fish in front of him with dull eyes, Feng Yi finally reacted.

The average person, probably, possibly, perhaps, cannot drag a three-meter-long fish ashore so easily, right

Thinking of this, Feng Yi's tone changed, "It took me a lot of effort to drag it up! My arm is almost dislocated, and my muscles may be strained!"