Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 51: beast


Not long after Feng Yi arrived at the property management office, he saw Cao Xing's two children, accompanied by their parents, lying on the fence next to the temporary pool and watching the fish.

The parents of the two children were paying attention to their children while talking to a woman in her 40s.

Seeing Feng Yi, the parents of the two children quickly brought their children over to thank Feng Yi for saving Cao Xing and the other two last night.

It was too dark last night to see clearly, and they were worried about their children, so they didn't pay attention to other things and were in a hurry to get home. After returning home and making sure that the two children were in good condition, they asked the property management for Feng Yi's contact information.

However, the property management refused to give it to them, saying that Feng Yi himself had to agree to it, otherwise they would not tell the owner's contact information to others at will.

Although they did not get Feng Yi’s contact information, the photos posted in the owners’ group included Feng Yi himself, so the parents of the two children also knew what Feng Yi looked like.

It's highly recognizable. I recognized it just now when I looked up.

The parents of the two children were grateful to Feng Yi for saving their lives. When they saw the size of the fish and considered what Cao Xing and the other child had said, they knew that if it weren't for Feng Yi, Cao Xing would have probably been dragged into the water!

After asking Feng Yi's house number, the two children's parents planned to take some time to formally pay their respects to him. The life-saving grace cannot be just lip service!

"How are they? Were they too scared yesterday?" Feng Yi asked about the mental condition of Cao Xing and the other two.

The two parents smiled with relief and relief, "Not bad, they can come and see the fish, and they are very excited. They were bragging to their friends just now."

The two parents told Feng Yi that there was a psychologist in the community who had seen the two children. Cao Xing's fear of life and death was not as great as they thought, and the situation was relatively optimistic. He actually did not have much fear when it came to fish.

"Oh, I don't know if it's because they watch too much TV. They just treat such a big fish as a small monster. Even though they were almost dragged into the water, they were not really scared after they recovered. They are more afraid of you and treat you as a big monster. Hahaha!" Cao Xing's father laughed.

If this big catfish is a little monster, then Feng Yi, who can drag the big catfish ashore, wouldn’t be even more powerful

The adults thought they had guessed the children's logic and just treated it as a joke.

Under the strong request of their parents, Cao Xing and the other two changed their arrogance when they boasted to their friends just now, and moved over little by little, thanking them tremblingly, not daring to look Feng Yi directly in the eye.

The gratitude is real.

The fear is real too.

At this time, someone came over from the property management office, glanced around, and then his eyes fell on Feng Yi.

"Mr. Feng! Someone is coming over there!"

The person responsible for species identification has arrived.

Feng Yi was cheered up.

150,000 is here!

There were three people who came with the property management staff. One of them was older, in his fifties or sixties, and was responsible for identifying the species this time.

The other two, one of them was in his 40s with a stern face. He was Captain Yuan whom we met in the Xiao Qinglong incident last time!

Following Captain Yuan was a young man with the Joint Security Bureau badge on his chest. Judging from his age, he probably joined the organization not long ago.

Feng Yi became nervous when he saw Yuan Qie. It was not easy for him to deceive this experienced captain of the Joint Security Bureau with his words!

Isn't this person busy with the Yueshan Nature Reserve? Has he finished the investigation

Then how should I edit it when I’m asked later

The young man following Yuan Qi recognized Feng Yi. He had read the files on the Xiao Qinglong incident, which contained Feng Yi's investigation report and photos, without the mask and sunglasses.

Why is it this guy again

A bit reckless!

Last time he pinched a two-meter-long green dragon with one hand, and this time he directly dragged a three-meter-long catfish ashore!

This is really not something that ordinary people can do!

When the young team member was looking at Feng Yi, Yuan Qi walked over, glanced at the fish, then looked at Feng Yi, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Feng Yi always felt that his smile was a bit meaningful. After hearing what the housekeeper said about this person, Feng Yi was worried that the slap in the face that this person had received back then would come back to haunt him.

The housekeeper said that this person was too busy to pay attention to him, but why did he come here in person just for a fish

Feng Yi was still thinking about how to make up a story about dragging fish when he heard Yuan Qi say, "For the invasive species of European catfish, the prize is 150,000 yuan, plus 15 points."

When Feng Yi heard the word "points", he was delighted.

After the sixth database was established, in order to encourage people to protect the local ecological environment, this "points" were created, and corresponding amounts of points were rewarded based on their contributions.

This point is directly bound to the sixth database and is recognized globally.

There are many benefits, such as tax benefits, personal credit, visa processing, etc. This can be seen as another proof of personal social value. If the points are high, you can go directly through the green channel in some cases.

When some wealthy people make charitable donations for ecological purposes, they will also receive certain points, but it is definitely not a simple proportional conversion.

15 points are much more important than 150,000.

You are dreaming if you want to buy 15 points with 150,000 yuan.

For Feng Yi, 15 points are naturally more important!

Feng Yi was just happy about his 15 points, when Yuan Qie said, "Your points for catching the little blue dragon have been issued, 30 points."

Feng Yi:!!!

So much for catching a snake? ! !

As if he knew what Feng Yi was thinking, Yuan Qie continued, "Normally, catching a snake wouldn't give you so many points, but this time it's of great significance, and the snake wasn't hurt, so it also served as a publicity purpose. There's no bonus, so apply for more points."

Feng Yi understood that Captain Yuan must have made great efforts to get so many points.

I am just being petty!

After Yuan Qi finished talking to Feng Yi, he went to look at the fish, observed it carefully from a closer distance, and said to the young team member next to him, "It has grown to this size, it is very likely the batch that was released at the beginning. We will take samples and sequence them for comparison later."

The people watching nearby asked curiously: "What do they eat when they are so big?"

Yuan Qie said calmly, "They eat everything. Pigeons drinking water, pets, and even younger children."


The crowd was excited.

Before, when someone lost a pet, everyone speculated and spread rumors, but they might not have taken them seriously. Now it has been confirmed that there are indeed such big fish in the river. Those who have children and pets at home have become more vigilant and never go near the river!

The young member of the Joint Security Bureau was recording some information and asking about what happened last night.

The people around who were watching the fun had discussed the incident a hundred and eighty times, and all of them talked about the cause and process of the incident.

Crowd: "... Cao Xing and his friends went over the wall to look for wild bird eggs..."

The veins on the young team member's forehead taut.

Citizens: “… We didn’t find any wild bird eggs, but we found a wild turtle and rushed to catch it…”

The young players' muscles were tense again.

Yuan Qi smiled and said calmly, "Call their parents over."

So the onlookers enthusiastically contacted the parents of the two children and told them that they were about to receive a love education from the Joint Guarantee Bureau.

After asking about the situation here, the young team member went to ask Feng Yi, wanting to find out some details in order to compile a detailed report.

"Why did you go into the river after saving people?" This was something the young team members could not understand.

It was so dark at night. Since you had already saved people and didn't know what was in the river, how could you have the courage to rush into the river

Feng Yi certainly couldn't say that he was acting like an animal at that time.

"I rushed too fast and didn't brake in time, so I fell into the water."

The young team member nodded, this statement is indeed possible, and then asked curiously: "How did you catch it in the water?"

Feng Yi: "As soon as it opens its mouth, I will grab it and drag it to the shore."

"That's it?"

"Yeah, that's it. This fish doesn't have strong attack power."

Member of the Joint Security Bureau:

Feng Yi: "I was so excited at the time that I can't remember the specific details."

The UNBSA member asked again, "It didn't struggle violently?"

Feng Yi recalled that the fish struggled, but not violently.

So he said with certainty: "No."

"… "

The young team member stared at Feng Yi's eyes carefully, but still couldn't detect any sign of lying in his eyes.

Yuan Qie had just finished talking to the species identification expert. He came over and heard their conversation, so he said to the young team member, "Don't ask him. It's not worth asking. Go ask the residents in this community if anyone has lost a pet by the river, and what month and season it was."

No one paid any attention to Feng Yi after that.

An hour later, these people left with the big fish and told Feng Yi that the prize money would be deposited into his bank account within 24 hours.

There is a heated debate among the community owners.

Can you really live longer if you live in a place like this

Or will you be scared to death

Feng Yi was not interested in such topics. After returning home, he contacted the butler. The "beastiality" he experienced last night had a huge impact on him. He wanted to ask the butler if he knew any way to suppress this beastiality.

When the old butler heard this, he actually didn't think it was a big deal, nor did he agree that it was "beastiality".

But since Feng Yi was so concerned, he said, "You can try doing some relaxing exercises, or listening to some music that makes you happy and relaxed."

Feng Yi thought about it. Yes, just like some people with bad tempers want to become calm, don't they have to cultivate their character

But how to cultivate one’s character

What kind of exercise can relieve irritability and suppress anger

In fact, it doesn’t necessarily have to be some kind of exercise. Didn’t the ancients also play the piano to cultivate their character

Feng Yi learned piano specially for the role in the web drama. Although he didn't have the talent and couldn't play well, his posture during the filming was more pleasing to the eye than that of a complete amateur.

What else do you do besides playing the piano

Listen to music

Feng Yi doesn't like listening to soothing songs very much. He usually listens to rock and pop music.

So, what else is there to listen to besides rock pop and those soothing songs

What are you listening to

After thinking about it, Feng Yi finally thought of another type of music that he could try, even if it didn't work.

Taking out his phone, Feng Yi typed in the search box—

Snake Charmer Flute