Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 52: Junior sister


There were tinkling and humming strange melodies with a strong exotic flavor. Listening to them it was as if I saw a cobra slowly standing up from the basket and swaying from side to side.

Feng Yi didn’t know how those snakes felt. When he listened to them himself, he not only didn’t feel calm, but he felt a little annoyed.

Do snakes really like to listen to this kind of flute music

After turning off the music, Feng Yi calmed down his restless emotions and searched for information related to the snake charmer.

I just realized that snakes have very dull hearing, but they can sense vibrations around them and on the ground.

The snake charmers on TV are dancing with the snakes they have trained and kept.

As for why snakes dance...

They just see the flute and move with it. If you put your hand in front of them and move it left and right, they will also look at your hand and move it left and right. The higher you stand, the more obvious the "dance" is, and the dance is very curvaceous.

Of course, whether they bite or not is another matter.

A more aggressive one might be ready to attack the moment you put your hand in front of it.

Now due to government regulation, you can basically only see snake charmers and their snakes on TV or in documentaries.

Feng Yi was not very interested in these things. After figuring out that snakes would not really dance to music, he deleted some songs related to snake charmers.

“Do we still have to listen to Buddhist music?”

Feng Yi really has no interest in Buddhist music.

After thinking about it, he decided to contact the teacher named Wei who taught him to play the piano and ask what kind of music is suitable for self-cultivation.

In order to play a role well in the web drama, Feng Yi signed up for Teacher Wei's class. Although the teacher's professional skills were not top-notch, he was very patient in teaching students, and Feng Yi has always kept in touch with him.

I can't say that I have truly become his disciple, but when I see him I would call him Teacher Wei or "Master" in daily life.

Feng Yi sent a message to ask Teacher Wei about self-cultivation. About 10 minutes later, Teacher Wei called him directly.

"Feng Yi, how have you been recently? Why do you suddenly want to cultivate your character?"

Because they were in contact, Teacher Wei knew that Feng Yi had already resolved the studio issues long ago. However, at this age of hard work, he suddenly said that he wanted to cultivate his character. Teacher Wei was worried that Feng Yi might have been stimulated.

"No, I just feel a little restless and impulsive recently, so I want to calm down for some time." Feng Yi said.

It could be heard that Teacher Wei had something else going on, so he must have taken the time to voice-call him, so Feng Yi didn't plan to chat with him.

"Do you have any song recommendations?" Feng Yi asked.

Teacher Wei thought for a moment and said, "How about this? Our team has recently recorded some new works, but they haven't been signed to an online platform yet, so you can't listen to them online. I'll select a few albums and have them sent to you. You can choose what you want to listen to."

"Thank you, Teacher Wei! You can just send it directly. It is very fast to deliver within the city." Feng Yi said.

"It's okay. I'll pick out some more things for you to bring over. I'll see who's free..."

Half a minute later, Teacher Wei said, "Tomorrow morning, I'll ask Wanwan to send it to you, and then you can treat her to lunch. The child really misses you! She took the responsibility as soon as I mentioned it."

Feng Yi: "… I don't want to trouble you, Junior Sister. I live in a very remote place now."

The "Wanwan" or "little junior sister" they were referring to was the one who had actually become a disciple of the master, and her name was Ye Wan.

This Junior Sister Ye is a little... hard to describe.

Feng Yi suspected that after seeing her, his already not very calm mood might become even more irritable.

Teacher Wei asked Feng Yi's address and said with a smile, "Your place isn't really remote. A few young people from that place just went to Yueshan for fun recently. Besides, Wanwan misses you so much."

Feng Yi didn't want to continue to dwell on this matter and waste Teacher Wei's time, so he said, "Okay, I'll pick her up tomorrow."

"No need, just leave a detailed address and she will find it herself. She is very powerful now."

After Feng Yi sent the detailed address, he ended the call with Teacher Wei. The teacher was busy with a performance recently and didn't have much time to chat.

The news of the appearance of the European catfish in the novel section also spread completely. Some local self-media marketing accounts even posted pictures and stories, each more vivid than the other. After further processing based on the facts, it was thrilling and exciting.

After Feng Yi saw it, he realized that this is how he catches fish.

Due to the arrangement of the Joint Security Bureau, a lecture on releasing animals into the wild was held in the community in the afternoon, telling everyone not to release animals randomly, and that the four common carps should not be released randomly. The person who released the European catfish that year was also used as a negative example and criticized again and again.

We also talked about wildlife protection in public. Wild animals and their eggs are protected. Do not actively harm them unless necessary.

In addition, Xue Lin may have also gotten the news from the Internet and came here.

In the evening, in the afterglow of the setting sun, facing the river, he paid tribute to his dog, which was probably swallowed by a big fish, and then left before it was completely dark.

Xue Lin did not go looking for Feng Yi. Feng Yi sensed Xue Lin's movements by his sense of smell.

As for Feng Yi's 150,000 bonus, it arrived in his account around 8 o'clock in the evening.

After receiving the bonus, Feng Yi distributed a big red envelope to the owners' group. Everyone knew about this, so there was no need to hide it.

The next day.

The residents who were out for a walk in the morning were still talking about the European catfish. An old lady's eyes lit up when she saw something.

A person came in from the gate of the community. She looked to be about eighteen or nineteen years old, like a female student who had just entered college. She had a high ponytail and wore casual clothes. Her wheat-colored skin made her look healthy and energetic.

He doesn't look stunning, but he's pleasing to the old ladies' eyes.

It's just that the bag she was carrying was too big, and she didn't know how many things she put in it, making the nice travel bag bulge out like a tortoise shell.

The old ladies knew the residents in the community well and were very good at recognizing people. They would take the initiative to ask who they were looking for and if they needed help, and even enthusiastically pointed the way.

Feng Yi stood at the front yard door, looking at the walkway.

When he finally saw the familiar figure, Feng Yi breathed a sigh of relief. It was great that he didn't get lost!

Seeing Ye Wan carrying a large backpack, Feng Yi walked over quickly and took it.

Ye Wan was particularly excited to see Feng Yi.

"Brother! Master asked me to tell you something!"

"What did the master say?" Feng Yi asked.

"Master said that if a thousand-year-old turtle lives for ten thousand years, he will be able to cultivate into a spirit one day if he works hard!"

Feng Yi: “…”

Feng Yi looked at her quietly.

Junior Sister Ye looked back at him encouragingly, seeming to agree very much with what Teacher Wei said.

Feng Yi took out his cell phone and sent what Ye Wan had just said to Teacher Wei.

After a while, Teacher Wei sent a voice message back, with a smile but also some helplessness in his voice.

"What I told her was, 'Practice the pipa for a thousand days and the guzheng for a hundred days. If you work hard, you will eventually become proficient!' Practicing an instrument can also temper your temper. If you don't like listening to music, learning the guzheng is not bad either."

Feng Yi had an expression that said, "Just as I expected."

He already knew that Junior Sister Ye was just a fool.

I replied to Teacher Wei, thanking him for providing this big package of things that helped me calm down.

Even without opening the zipper, he could already smell what was inside. In addition to the albums and books that Teacher Wei mentioned, there were also some incense and incense-related tools.

As for Ye Wan, after she heard Feng Yi broadcast Teacher Wei's words, she nodded with a look of sudden realization, knowing that she had conveyed the wrong message again. She apologized, then admired the surrounding scenery and watched the big trees on both sides of the walkway in the community ready to move.

Feng Yi had no intention of blaming her for conveying the wrong message. All students who had studied with Teacher Wei knew that this little sister was not smart enough.