Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 67: I come


Feng Yi is very familiar with his so-called exclusive skills. It is impossible for him to teach others. He himself cannot explain why and he has always caught snakes based on instinct.

Therefore, no matter what Cheng Si said, Feng Yi would never agree to teach him.

There is no need to teach.

But Cheng Si didn't believe what Feng Yi said! He was so good at catching snakes, how could he not teach others

Although Steve is also an expert at catching snakes, over the past month, Cheng Si has realized that Feng Yi's snake-catching skills are no worse than Steve's, and his technique is more shocking, which will create more topics if it is exposed.

"Don't ever learn from me! Don't ever ever learn from me! Otherwise you'll regret it!"

Feng Yi pulled his hand out with force.

But Cheng Si didn’t understand.

Why can’t I learn

He definitely doesn’t believe what Feng Yi said!

Who can believe this!

However, Feng Yi was determined and Cheng Si had no choice but to pay more attention to observing how Feng Yi caught snakes and how he found snakes in his daily life.

As for Feng Yi going out for a stroll from time to time, Cheng Si did not follow him. Feng Yi was unwilling to teach him in the first place, so wouldn't it be even more annoying for him to follow him

He still has this kind of vision.

After the Burmese python incident, the team continued along the planned route. As long as Feng Yi was willing, he would still be the first in the team to discover a snake.

However, Feng Yi is becoming more and more lazy and rarely goes out for a stroll.

"Are you not used to it? Our scientific expedition may take two months, and only one month has passed. For someone like you who is joining the team for the first time, it is indeed a big challenge," said Professor Zhou.

"I am a little uncomfortable, I just need to take it easy." Feng Yi replied.

"If you feel unwell, be sure to speak up. Safety first!"

Professor Zhou said this for the nth time. He was worried that Feng Yi might have a broken bone or internal injury, or that he might have been poisoned. In addition to poisonous snakes, there are many poisonous insects and plants in the mountains. Feng Yi was still a young man after all, and he did not have enough experience in field work. Even if he was good at catching snakes, he might not be able to take care of other things.

"He really isn't injured or poisoned anywhere. If he were injured or poisoned, you should be able to tell with your experience."

"But we are not omniscient!"

"Don't worry, I'm just not used to this kind of long-term outdoor work. Give me a few more days and I might be able to recover. If I really can't bear it, they will definitely contact the rescue team to take me back." Feng Yi said.

I can’t tell Professor Zhou and the others that I’m hungry!

Even if I can go out and find some wild fruits occasionally, I'm still hungry!

Feng Yi is craving for meat!

You can’t eat wild game raw secretly!

No, you have to restrain yourself!

This door cannot be opened. Once it is opened, his animal nature will be even more difficult to suppress.

I usually eat a lot of things like compressed biscuits, but it’s actually okay as long as I reduce my activities.

And every time you reach a supply point, you can eat more. If you reduce unnecessary activities, you will have no problem making it through another month.

If the wild fruits are nearby, he is willing to go out for a stroll, but if they are far away, he is unwilling to move his legs.

Sixth week in the mountains.

Feng Yi smelled a hint of the fragrance of wild fruits and also the scent of snakes.

When the team takes a break.

"I'm going for a walk." Feng Yi stood up.

Professor Zhou was already used to Feng Yi wandering around from time to time, and he might not always find a snake, so he didn't hold much hope that Feng Yi would go out for a stroll.

Feng Yi took a few steps and turned to look at Cheng Si.

"Do you want to catch a snake? I saw a squinty-eyed one. This one should be easier to catch."

Cheng Si was so excited that he almost cried.

Brother Snake is finally willing to teach me a trick!

Unexpectedly, Feng Yi said to Steve, "There is a small snake over there. It shouldn't be very poisonous. Steve, can you teach him how to catch the snake later?"

Steve had no objection and excitedly went in the direction Feng Yi pointed.

"Squinty eyes? What snake... Oh! I saw it! So cute!"

Cheng Si, who almost went blind from staring but still couldn’t find the snake: “…”

The view is full of large areas of bushes and various ferns.

However, as the three of them got closer, Cheng Si finally discovered the strange creature among the branches.

"Green thin snake!" Cheng Si was very excited.

He knew a little about this snake, especially its squinty eyes, which left a deep impression on him. In addition to the eyes, there was also its small face, which seemed so sharp that it could kill someone.

Feng Yi stood behind and watched Steve instruct Cheng Si on how to catch a snake.

Feng Yi also saw the pointed face of the green and thin snake.

Fortunately, my face doesn't look like this, Feng Yi thought.

Although Feng Yi always says that he has a cone-shaped face, it is not that exaggerated. It is just a slightly pointed face. However, some people who have plastic surgery would make their face look like a green and thin snake, which is a real cone-shaped face.

The green-thin snake also has a very distinctive appearance, with a slender body, a large head, a pointed snout, and horizontal pupils that make it look like squinting eyes. However, it is said that this snake has very good eyesight.

Teacher Lei came over and took several close-up photos. "From this angle, just looking at the front of the head, it looks a bit like a frog."

After measuring the data and collecting samples, Cheng Si asked Teacher Lei to help take several photos before reluctantly putting the thin green snake back into the tree.

Seeing Feng Yi looking at the snake thoughtfully, Steve asked curiously: "What's wrong? Any other ideas?"

Feng Yi asked, "Does a horizontal pupil give better vision?"

Steve: “You can’t compare it that way. Just think about it, they both have round pupils, but can human vision be the same as tiger’s

"It's possible that animals with horizontal pupils have a wider horizontal field of view. There are many animals with horizontal pupils, including herbivores, carnivores, frogs, toads, etc. Their vision is also different.

"I'm not a researcher on this, so I don't know much about it. I know that the green skinny snake's vision is pretty good among snakes! However, perhaps other snakes with round or upright pupils don't need such vision. The evolution of organisms is amazing, and we know too little about it."

After catching a thin green snake, Cheng Si remained excited for two consecutive days. He hoped that next time he would find this kind of snake that is not very poisonous and is easier to catch, so that he can practice more and post more attractive updates on social platforms.

Two days later.

The scientific expedition team discovered another snake.

But Cheng Si didn't dare to go up.

Steve stared ahead, his voice rippling: "Wow~ Xiao Zhou!"

Professor Zhou looked at him expressionlessly.

Realizing that his words just now were ambiguous, Steve coughed lightly and said, "The Chinese cobra is also called the Zhoushan cobra. We jokingly call it 'Wednesday'. It's pretty cute."

Cheng Si automatically translated "pretty cute" into "pretty scary".

When used on cobras, this translation is absolutely correct!

Steve continued to tell Feng Yi and the others who didn’t know about this information, “It is said that foreigners named it Zhoushan Cobra after discovering it in Zhoushan, but it is distributed in many places.

"I usually affectionately call it 'Wednesday' or 'Little Zhou'. Don't you think that's interesting?"

other people:…

Professor Zhou continued to remain expressionless.

Steve: "OK, it's cute in different ways. No matter what it is in your eyes, in my eyes it's just a little cutie! And its little temper is even cuter!"

However, Steve has seen many snakes of this kind. Every year, the zoo invites him to give lectures and he also guides the staff there to help snakes shed their skins, etc., including this kind of cobra.

Because he had seen it many times and he was not the only one in the team who knew how to catch snakes, Steve did not take the first step.

Look at Cheng Si.

Cheng Si shook his head.

Steve looked at Feng Yi again: "You come or me?"

"I'll do it." Feng Yi said.

Feng Yi wanted to verify something.

"Your hand is okay?" Steve asked.


"Then you go ahead." Steve sat on a rock nearby and watched Feng Yi catch the snake.

Feng Yi put down his backpack and walked towards Cobra.

"Hey hey hey!" Steve called out quickly.

Feng Yi looked back at him, puzzled.

Steve choked. "You're being reckless again, aren't you? Where are your sunglasses? Put them on!"

Feng Yi went back and rummaged through his bag, took out his sunglasses and put them on.

Although Feng Yi didn't know much about the types of snakes, he listened to Steve talk about many of his experiences and stories about various snakes along the way, including this cobra.

Not every cobra can spray venom, but the "Wednesday" that Steve mentioned can.

After putting on his sunglasses, Feng Yi walked towards the cobra.

Steve yelled, "Can you do this?"

Professor Zhou and his colleagues were also filled with worry.

Although this guy is really good at catching snakes, he always makes people nervous. We can't say that he is unreliable. He is very reliable in catching and finding snakes. It's just that the process makes people's emotions fluctuate too much, and most people can't stand this kind of excitement.

Cheng Si didn't feel too worried. He still had a lot of confidence in Feng Yi. He was very excited at the moment and hoped to learn a few more tricks from Feng Yi.

At this time, almost half of the cobra's body stood up, and the skin folds on its neck expanded outward, a very typical cobra appearance.

When Feng Yi walked over, it kept staring at him, and its head turned as Feng Yi walked.

Cheng Si stood next to Steve and whispered, "It's about 1.7 to 1.8 meters tall. It looks a bit fierce. Is it going to attack?"

Steve said, "It's starting to get nervous, but luckily it's not panicking and won't bite randomly."

Cheng Si: "Hey, is Feng Yi too close? Is this distance okay?"

Steve: “Fortunately, this distance is not a big problem for professionals.”

“So it’s OK to be this close.”

"It depends on what kind of snake it is. If it was KC, it would be courting death at this distance."

Feng Yi had already arrived in front of the cobra, squatted down, and waited for a while, as if thinking about something, and then placed his palms in front of the cobra.

Cheng Si stopped talking and didn't dare to blink, for fear of missing the crucial moment.

Why does Feng Yi do this

Analyze in your mind as you watch.

Then he saw Feng Yi standing still with his feet, his elbows bent, his palms facing forward, and his body moving to the left.

The cobra also swayed to the left.

Feng Yi moved his body to the right again.

The cobra swung to the right.

Feng Yi pushed his palm forward.

The cobra's front half, which had been standing high, leaned back.

Feng Yi closed his palm.

The cobra changes from lying backward to standing upright.

Then, another round.

Left, right, lean back, stand up, spin ~ do it again ~

Steve and others: “…”

I feel like my blood pressure is about to explode!

Cheng Si…

Cheng Si stared at that place with dull eyes.

what happened

Why did these two start dancing