Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 76: It thinks you are trash


After Lu Yue left, Feng Yi took out the goods he had stockpiled at the supermarket and made himself some food.

It’s nice to go to the celebration venue and have a free meal, and then you can eat all day long and try food from all over the world.

However, Qianli Group’s annual celebration is just a small matter for Feng Yi.

After returning from the scientific expedition, Feng Yi had been eating and sleeping a lot for the past few days. Although he felt recovered, he could also sense that some changes had occurred in his body again.

He could only sense that some changes had occurred, but he had no clear sense of what changes had taken place.

I don’t know whether it’s good or bad.

Feng Yi took out his cell phone and consulted a doctor online.

Thinking about the last time I was diagnosed with schizophrenia online, I changed the platform this time.


He is in his twenties, and everything else is normal, but why is he addicted to food and sleep

I got a quick reply:

Hello, during pregnancy, you may experience cravings and sleepiness...

Feng Yi: “…”


However, after seeing the question he had just entered, Feng Yi realized that he was not rigorous enough, so he re-entered the question.

Male, in his twenties, otherwise normal, why is his addiction to food and sleepiness


Insufficient blood supply to the brain, deficiency of qi and blood...

Feng Yi looked at this reply with a heavy heart.

Lack of blood supply to the brain...

Will it affect IQ

This problem is too serious!

He didn't dare to ask for more details online. When he was unsure and felt the situation was serious, he had to contact the old butler who was on call at all times!

After finishing his meal, Feng Yi first made sure his body had enough energy, and then he immediately called the housekeeper.

The butler did as usual and did not make Feng Yi wait any longer before calling him, and he answered the phone quickly.

Feng Yi briefly talked about the scientific expedition, emphasizing the long period of hunger and the changes he felt in his body.

Before joining the scientific expedition team, Feng Yi had never thought that he would be so hungry. In his expectation, he would set off with the team after having a big meal. There would be supply points along the way. He could just eat some compressed biscuits and secretly eat some wild fruits in the mountains, and he would be able to make it.

Reality gave him a cruel slap in the face!

I have never felt hungry for such a long time in my life!

It was as if every organ and every cell in the body was urging him to get something to replenish energy, otherwise they would all go on strike!

Now he is worried that he is in the process of evolution. Will such long-term hunger cause any bad changes to his body

After hearing this, the butler asked him, "Are there any changes in appearance? For example, pupils?"

"No change. I look no different, except that I don't get tanned as easily." Feng Yi replied.

The butler was obviously relieved.

Feng Yi: “…”

The housekeeper said: "He is not out of control, not fainted, conscious and able to move. It should be nothing serious."

Feng Yi also knew that he was conscious and able to move. He could climb trees so smoothly, as if he had a natural advantage that made climbing easier than before. There was definitely no problem with his movement, but...

“It’s just that sometimes it feels like the brain can’t keep up.”

Butler: “…Maybe he’s tired.”

Feng Yi: “I think so too.”

The butler was silent for a moment, then said, "But based on what you said, I can make a guess. Your body will definitely change due to long-term hunger. You should be able to feel that you are in the process of evolution, and any event will affect your evolution.

"That's why I didn't interfere with you too much. Your evolution is changing according to your survival needs. However, during this period, you have been hungry for a long time and your body may spontaneously make corresponding changes."

"For example?" Feng Yi asked.

"For example, venom. Your body will think that you are in a weak position, and in order to increase survival competitiveness and hunting success rate, the venom may be stronger." The butler replied.

Feng Yi understood what the butler said. To put it bluntly:

My body thinks I'm useless, weak and prone to starvation, so it may have enhanced my toxicity to increase my hunting success rate.

In addition to the venom, night vision may also be enhanced to a certain extent. Feng Yi just needs to verify it himself.

The housekeeper said: "This is just my guess. You still have to figure it out yourself. Moreover, if this effect is caused by long-term hunger, then their changes should still be ongoing and not stable. You should pay attention to this.

"Also, because you have been in the mountains and forests for nearly two months, your body may have adapted to the living environment there. Now you are back in the city, but your body needs time to adjust, and during this period there may be some... what's the word, oh! Stress response!"

"Stress reaction?" Feng Yi was puzzled.

“It means that you are easily stimulated and enter a stress state, your body’s vitality increases, and your biochemical system undergoes drastic changes in a very short period of time.

"Your stress response is definitely different from that of ordinary people. It may not be so obvious, and you may not even feel it if you don't pay attention. So you still have to pay attention to it during this period and respond in time when you find any situation. If there are any abnormal changes that you feel you can't handle, contact me in time." said the butler.


After hearing what the butler said, Feng Yi also realized that the scientific expedition in the past two months had had a greater impact on him than he thought.

It seems that we should act with caution in our daily lives.

He didn't know what would happen when his body was in a state of stress, and neither did the housekeeper, so Feng Yi could only keep an eye on it. The only thing that was certain was that this state of stress was not serious, and generally speaking, it could be handled.

Besides, there aren't that many external stimuli that can put him in a state of stress.

The housekeeper added, "You don't have to stay at home all the time. Evolution will make corresponding changes based on your living environment. If you don't want to stay at home all the time in the future, you can go out for a walk, feel and adapt to the changes, and then control them."


Feng Yi himself also agreed with what the butler said, otherwise he would not have participated in the scientific examination and starved for more than a month in the deep mountains and forests.

It is to prevent evolution from going in the direction of becoming a fat otaku!

"Don't give up strength training either," said the butler.

"Yeah, I know that."

In Feng Yi's view, strength is indispensable and everything else is just auxiliary.

After talking to the housekeeper, Feng Yi felt a little relieved.

It's fine if it changes, as long as it doesn't affect his daily life. There's no point in thinking too much every day.

Whether the toxicity is enhanced remains to be verified.

Feng Yi looked in the mirror.

The membrane sheath wrapped the two long tubular teeth well and hid them in the upper jaw. Even if he opened his mouth and laughed, he couldn't see the two long fangs hidden inside.

Two long fangs popped out, and Feng Yi bit his arm again.

There was no change except for a slight stinging pain, which soon disappeared.

It seems that biting yourself will not lead to any conclusions. After biting yourself too many times, your body's resistance has become very strong.

Wipe the blood off your arm. If you look closely, you will find that the bite wound on the right side is a little more red and swollen than the left side, but the redness and swelling disappear quickly.

Maybe the poison was not injected evenly when it bit me just now.

“So you still need to practice more!”

Otherwise, you never know when you might need it, and if you are not proficient in injecting the poison, your efficiency will be affected.

Thinking of the glass container that Professor Zhou and his team had prepared when the scientific expedition team was poisoning venomous snakes, Feng Yi decided to get one for himself, the kind that allows him to inject poison by biting the membrane, so that he can practice how to release it instantly.

During this scientific expedition, he saw clearly how those venomous snakes used their poison. The moment they bit, a large amount of toxin was injected!

Instead of squeezing it out little by little like he does with toothpaste.

To complete the instant release, you have to squeeze your cheeks with your hands. Without your hands, the speed will be much slower.

So, you have to practice!

Thinking of the toxicity test, Feng Yi drove out to stock up again, bought two large fish at the supermarket, and picked up the express delivery from the property management on his way back. The ten-spice beef jerky he bought had arrived a long time ago, but he hadn't picked it up yet.

In order to have a good rest, he told the property management to collect the money on his behalf.

These 10 boxes of beef jerky are the same kind he ate during scientific expeditions. He had been thinking about it when he was eating it then, but now he is not so eager to buy it.

The scientific expedition experience gave it new meaning.

Every bite reminds Feng Yi of the sad experience he had at that time.

It was as if I was back in those difficult times in the misty forest, when I was so hungry that I could only snatch fruits from the animals in the mountains.

Now look at the ten boxes of beef jerky in front of you.

Too luxurious!

After eating a bag of beef jerky, Feng Yi went to clean up the two newly bought live fish.

He told the people at the supermarket that he would slaughter the fish at home, so the supermarket employees packaged the fish fresh. When Feng Yi opened the boxes, the two fish were still alive.

A wound was cut on each one with a knife and two drops of venom were squeezed into it.

Both fish flapped their wings twice and then became silent.

“It’s still very poisonous.”

But whether the venom undergoes chemical changes is not known.

Of course, you have to eat the fish you kill with your own poison.

Can't waste it.

Only when you experience hunger do you realize the value of food.

In the next few days, Feng Yi was re-adapting to city life while also preparing for Qianli Group's annual celebration.

Having earned a lot of money from Lu Yue, Feng Yi did not treat himself badly and bought himself a set of low-key but very expensive clothes.

Even if he was only going to the venue to have a big meal, there was also business cooperation involved, so he still had to pay attention to the dress for formal occasions. It was also to let the people of the Lu family know that he valued this event.

If you dress too shabbily, that would be a slap in Lu Yue's face. People who don't know would think that Lu Yue is withholding your salary.

So Feng Yi bought one for himself.

Big brand, new style.

It is more business-like, but also has some casual formal wear for young people.

Anyway, this time we are also taking money from Qianli Group, so we can earn more by spending more.

Dressing formally will give both parties face, and the other party will be more willing to pay.

Feng Yi only bought this set, and he doesn’t wear it on a regular basis.

After consideration, Feng Yi gave up the tie, bow tie and other accessories. Too many fancy things make it inconvenient to eat. Giving face to others does not mean putting yourself in a difficult position.

The day before Qianli Group’s annual celebration, Feng Yi flew to the celebration venue dragging his suitcase.

The hotel was arranged and close to the venue. Feng Yi did not have any work-related social activities, so after arriving at the venue, he just ate and slept.

Of course, Lu Yue must also be informed that he has arrived and is not absent.

On the day of the annual celebration, Feng Yi arrived at the venue in the morning.

Qianli Group's annual celebration activities are divided into indoor and outdoor venues. The indoor venue is the focus and is held at night, while the outdoor venue during the day is mainly used for external publicity. There are several clothing exhibition areas and multiple interactive entertainment areas. It is very lively.

Feng Yi was not interested in those, so when he arrived at the place, he accurately located several buffet areas in the outdoor venue.

Feng Yi, wearing a mask, walked towards the nearest dining area.

There is no dress code for the outdoor venues during the day, so Feng Yi dressed casually, which was convenient for dining and not easy to attract attention. He would change into formal clothes for the indoor venues at night.

A small group of people who looked like college students ran past Feng Yi, talking about where to go to watch a cute girl's performance.

Someone not far away heard their discussion and hesitantly followed them towards the interactive stage.

Only Feng Yi's steps were firm.

Cute girl

What a cute girl!

That would just affect my eating efficiency!

Isn’t the food in the dining area delicious?!