Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 80: Want to fight?


Both parties are of similar age, and they look fine when viewed separately, but when put together, the contrast becomes apparent.

It is not uncommon to wear the same clothes, even from head to toe. People with a cheerful temper may just laugh it off and consider it as adding a little color to life.

If someone dresses the same as me, it means that they have the same taste. We all have the same good taste!

Or you may feel embarrassed, ashamed, and feel uncomfortable, but you will quickly divert your attention and go on with your work. There is no need to dwell on this matter and miss out on other more important things.

MMP in the heart, but polite on the surface.

It all depends on each person's attitude.

In the current situation, the opponent is not ugly, but he cannot compete with Feng Yi in terms of appearance, figure, and temperament. He is indeed inferior to Feng Yi.

Feng Yi is half a head taller than him.

After an awkward silence, Feng Yi walked around the other person and went into the bathroom.

Standing here won't solve the problem and it's blocking the road.

And Feng Yi could see that this person was not in a good mood. If he blocked the way here, it would easily lead to a bigger conflict. He came here to eat, not to fight.

After Feng Yi walked around, the man walked out of the bathroom with a gloomy face.

The guy in the flowered shirt who was waiting outside came over.

"Brother Yuan, you and that boy are wearing the same clothes! It's a complete collision, even the style of shoes is the same!"

After a brief recollection, the man in the flowered shirt added, "Even the socks are the same color! Could that guy be a brand spokesperson?"

Yan Dingyuan's forehead was bulging with veins. This idiot really has no sense at all! He really just pokes wherever it's easy to explode!

You called him your spokesperson as soon as we met. Have you ever thought about my feelings

What you just said means that they are the sellers' show and I am the buyer's show? The kind of buyer's show that is outshined? !

Of course, what made Yan Dingyuan even angrier was the person who wore the same clothes as him.

Yan Dingyuan had never suffered such humiliation since he was a child!

Yes, what happened just now was a humiliation in his eyes!

Face-to-face humiliation!

Even if this situation was not intentional, the humiliation really happened! He couldn't ignore it!

He thought that wearing the same clothes as others would never happen to him. From childhood to adulthood, he would have his school uniforms altered, so he would never wear the same clothes as others so thoroughly, and be compared to so many people passing by!

Although those passers-by didn't say anything, their eyes made Yan Dingyuan very angry!

Those onlookers, joking, and mocking eyes completely achieved the effect of silence being more powerful than words.

In Yan Dingyuan's view, it was simply a public execution!

But he couldn't lose his temper on an occasion like today.

Before he came, his father had told him to control his temper and not to cause trouble, and that he would take him to meet some business partners in the evening.

It was precisely because his father had brought this up at the last minute that he did not have enough time to prepare clothes, so Yan Dingyuan went straight to buy a set and prepared this outfit.

He usually dresses in a more flamboyant style, but today he was going to meet some people with his father, so he had to be more serious, so he bought this set of clothes that has a bit of business style and youthful vitality. The shirt, shoes and socks were also a temporary match.

I didn’t expect to wear the same clothes!

I am still the loser!

So angry!

Xie Jijie next to him, the man in the flowered shirt, was still chattering non-stop.

Yan Dingyuan didn't want to talk to the idiot next to him, and returned to a booth next to the dining area in the inner field with a gloomy face.

A few of them who were good friends had agreed to meet here, and now they are arriving one after another.

After Xie Jijie came over, he told the others, "Just now someone in the bathroom wore the same clothes as Brother Yuan! It was a complete collision!"

Yan Dingyuan became furious when he heard this, knowing that if he didn't say anything, Xie Jijie would chatter endlessly.

Knocking on the table, Yan Dingyuan asked, "Where is Lu Qinren? He hasn't arrived yet? Why didn't he show up early for his group's annual celebration?"

Some of them either have close cooperation with Qianli Group in their own companies, or they have some background and like-minded people.

Someone said, "I asked him at around 10 o'clock in the morning, and Lu Qin said he was going to look at clothes with his girlfriend, but he didn't say where he was going."

"I called him, but no one answered. I sent him a message but he didn't reply. I called him again but his phone was turned off. I thought something had happened to him, but I just ran into Lu Qin's dad. He said he had something to do and would be here later."

"I guess that Lu Qin would only be called out to take photos as a tool during the celebration photo shoot. Before that, he would have nothing to do with media interviews and interpersonal interactions."

"Do you think that person took action?"

Several people looked at the other side of the field.

Over there, Lu Yue was accepting an interview from a media outlet with a faint smile.

"I heard that the Lu family is very competitive. What do you think, Brother Yuan?"

I waited and waited, but heard no response.

"Hey? Brother Yuan?"

The others looked at Yan Dingyuan, and seeing that Yan Dingyuan was looking in one direction, they also looked in that direction.

Xie Jijie said, "Damn, it's that guy! The one wearing the same clothes as Brother Yuan!"

The others knew the reason when they looked over. It was too obvious.

It was indeed a collision of top to bottom, inside and out. And Brother Yuan lost.

But the others were much more perceptive than Xie Jijie.

"Brother Yuan, he's just a pretty boy, why take him so seriously?"

“… Not really white,” said another.

"That's also considered a gigolo."

"Is there such a person in our circle? Who knows him?"

"I've never seen that. How can this idiot look like he's never had anything good to eat!"

Although Feng Yi maintained his eating manners well, after staring at him for a while, they knew that he was here to eat!

"I just checked, he's not the spokesperson for this luxury brand. I guess he's some celebrity who was brought here to look for resources."

"She's good-looking but not popular at all. I have no impression of her. There are so many good-looking people in the entertainment industry."

"Will the little star be willing to spend so much money on this?"

"It could be borrowed, too?"

"Whether it's borrowed or not, this outfit is an eyesore."

Seeing Yan Dingyuan's expression, still holding his breath, someone said, "If you don't like it, just ask him to change his clothes."

Xie Jijie took the initiative to take the job, "It's just a small matter, leave it to me!"

"Ha! Ji Jie is very good at this trick!"

This was not the first time Xie Jijie had done such a thing. "Just watch!"

Someone said, "Would you like some wine? I'll pour it for you."

As he said that, he poured half a glass of red wine and handed it to Xie Jijie.

Xie Jijie didn't take it, but poured himself a small half cup, saying in disdain: "How can I carry so much? Don't let anyone get away without being splashed. I'll pour half a cup on myself first. That's enough! I'm an experienced person, don't worry!"

Feng Yi ate a portion of braised sea cucumber with scallions, then left the dining area and headed to the next one.

He noticed that Yan Dingyuan and his gang were staring at him, and in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he simply went straight to the next dining area to continue eating.

I'm not afraid, I just think it's unnecessary. If I have time to argue here, I'd rather eat more, that's more practical.

After changing the dining area, Feng Yi looked at the steak on the plate, still thinking about the braised sea cucumber with green onions that he had just eaten.

Don't even think about eating wild sea cucumbers. What we eat now are farmed ones. The fishery administration also strictly controls the farming of sea cucumbers. However, sea cucumbers from different farming sites are also divided into good and bad.

Feng Yi doesn't know how to judge the quality of sea cucumbers. He just eats them. If they taste good, they are good. If they don't taste good, he doesn't care whether they are good or bad.

The scallion-fried sea cucumber I just had was very delicious. I’ll go over and try some later.

Feng Yi regained his attention and started eating the steak in front of him.

After finishing the last piece of steak on the plate, he was drinking juice from his glass.

His body seemed to suddenly feel the stimulation of adverse external factors. At that moment, Feng Yi's eyes narrowed slightly.

All the sense organs become active.

Everything around seemed to have turned into particles of different colors.

There are people and things.

There is wine and food.

But the form is completely different.

Those information molecules representing emotions are captured and analyzed.

A pungent smell of alcohol, mixed with another bad emotional message, came over here.

He pushed away the wine glass filled with juice and moved his body sideways to avoid the spilled wine and the splashed vegetable juice from the plate.

Feng Yi looked at the flowered shirt in front of him. He remembered this man, having seen him outside the bathroom.

Xie Jijie glanced at Feng Yi's clothes and couldn't tell whether they were splashed or not. But even if they were, it must have been just a tiny bit, which would not be noticeable at all.

What a pity, how come this kid reacts so quickly!

Could it be that he was on guard against me? Xie Jijie thought to himself.

On his face, Xie Jijie said insincerely: "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention just now, I kicked the table, and almost fell down."

As he spoke, Xie Jijie shook off the juice that splashed on his hands in disgust, "Look, you sprayed me too, so we're even now."

Feng Yi was drinking juice just now, but something happened suddenly and some of the juice sprayed out and onto the other person's hand.

Feng Yi continued to look at him.

When Xie Jijie met Feng Yi's gaze, his voice paused.

Those eyes looked normal, but they always gave him a cold and emotionless feeling. When they looked over at him, he even felt as if he was being stared at by a snake.

Xie Jijie said stubbornly, "What are you looking at? I've already apologized! What else do you want? Do you want to fight?"

Feng Yi folded the fork in his hand from "l" to "n".

Xie Jijie: “…”

Xie Jijie took a step back.

"You are such a hot-tempered person. We are all respectable people. Respectable people should handle things in a respectable way. Don't make a fuss over trivial matters."

Xie Jijie is a typical person who becomes strong when facing a weak opponent and becomes timid when facing a strong opponent.

If Feng Yi was a soft persimmon, he would definitely pinch him and step on him a few times.

But now seeing that Feng Yi was a tough guy, Xie Jijie was scared. He came here alone, and the backup team didn't catch up, so he didn't dare to rush in alone!

Therefore, it is better to see the situation clearly and withdraw first.

After saying something harsh, Xie Jijie ran away.

Feng Yi stood there, looked at the fork in his hand, and bent it from "n" back to "l".

The moment just now was probably what the old butler said, the body spontaneously entered a state of stress.

The tip of the tongue touched the roof of the mouth.

The two fangs were originally well covered by a membrane sheath, but now, the left fang is slightly exposed.

Just now, it seemed like the poison leaked.