Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 90: Be stimulated


Feng Yi stood outside the ward, leaning against the wall and thinking about what happened today.

He thought he was just going to do a skin appraisal, but he didn't expect that he would send the client to the hospital!

Mr. Zou was so calm when he was appraising the erhu. Feng Yi was even happy that the work could be finished early so that he could get the money and leave. This job was quite easy today.

I didn’t expect that the skin he took out later was also fake!

What I didn’t expect was that the python skin was much more important to Mr. Zou than the erhu!

Mr. Zou had just said that he had seen a lot of storms and waves, and Feng Yi felt at the time that there was no need to use euphemisms when facing such a big shot. Unexpectedly, the big shot fainted from the shock!

This is really…

There are risks in doing this kind of work!

It seems that he still needs to be careful in the future. No matter how the customer brags, he can't be too direct. He still needs to make a transition. If there is really a problem, he will probably have to find him. Taking anger out on others is a common practice.

Fortunately, Mr. Zou’s assistant and others were downstairs at the time. They were more familiar with Mr. Zou’s physical condition, and after giving him first aid and taking medicine, they sent him to the hospital.

He is actually fine now, but he was just injured and hasn't fully recovered yet, so he is a little weak, and today's incident was quite a shock.

Weakness + irritation

I fainted all of a sudden.

Now that the patient has woken up, he has been transferred to another ward. He called the assistant and a few other people in to talk, and asked Feng Yi to wait outside for a while.

So Feng Yi did not leave.

He should be the one to be contacted regarding the python skin.

Feng Yi played with his phone outside for a while before he was called in.

Mr. Zou was lying on the hospital bed and looked emotionally stable, but by analyzing the emotion-related odor information emanating from his body, we could tell that he was still furious.

You are so patient!

Seeing Feng Yi coming in, Zou Fan smiled, as calm and relaxed as he always did when he was at home.

Feng Yi: “…”


I'll just pretend I know nothing.

"I'm really sorry, my previous injury hasn't healed yet and I'm weak." Zou Fan said.

Feng Yi looked understanding and said, "I'm glad you're okay."

"Then let's continue what we didn't finish talking about before."

Zou Fan paused, took a breath, and then slowly said, "Since you can tell that it is fake leather, then you must have identified what kind of leather it is?"

"The seventh generation of Medusa." Feng Yi said.

"Seven generations..."

Zou Fan closed his eyes and remained silent.

Nothing could be seen on his face, but Feng Yi could sense the smell of his violently fluctuating emotions emanating from him.

At this time, the smell information is quite complex, not only anger, but also other emotions.

After a while, Zou Fan said to Feng Yi, "Thank you for telling me this. I will ask my assistant to transfer 300,000 to you later. You did two appraisals today, so you should receive two payments. As for the remaining 100,000, it is an extra gift. Thank you for your hard work today. I also hope that what happened today will not be spread to others."

Feng Yi nodded and said, "Don't worry about that. I always respect the privacy of my customers."

The reason why he did not refuse the money was not because he was greedy for it, but because he felt more at ease after accepting it.

Seeing that Zou Fan was looking tired, Feng Yi said goodbye and left.

Shortly after leaving the ward, Feng Yi received a transfer message on his mobile phone, in which 300,000 yuan was deposited into his account.

This guy is still very efficient.

His work here was over, and he didn't want to stay in the hospital any longer. The smell in the hospital was too complicated, too depressing, and too pungent.

Feng Yi always felt nervous here, afraid that someone would pull him over for inspection.

The condition he is in now cannot withstand examination, not even a single cell of his can withstand examination!

Zou Fan's ward is on a high floor, and there are not many people on this floor, so there is no crowding waiting for the elevator.

Feng Yi came to the elevator and waited.

After a while, the elevator arrived and came down from the upper floor.

Just when the elevator door opened, Feng Yi looked inside.

An old man was sitting in a wheelchair inside, and around him stood a dozen men, women, young and old.

Feng Yi had already taken a step forward, but then he retracted his foot.

The old lady inside saw that he didn't move and waved: "Come in quickly, there is a big empty seat!"

Feng Yi forced a smile and said, "No, I just remembered something. I'll go down later."

Then he stepped aside to allow the mother and daughter who were walking towards him to go in.

Feng Yi thought that there were already so many people here, and there would be even more people on the lower floor, so it might not be crowded, but it would probably be impossible for anyone to get in further down.

But then I thought about it again, the hospital here is usually crowded, especially this one.

So, let's take the stairs.

The higher-ups don’t care, since his physical fitness is enhanced now.

Feng Yi was not in a hurry and walked down slowly. He received a call from Lu Yue on the way.

"Feng Yi, I heard that Mr. Zou is in the hospital again?" Lu Yue said.


"I have a relative who works in the hospital over there. He just told me that he saw Mr. Zou being sent to the hospital. Is he okay?"


"Did he know that the erhu was fake and was upset? Didn't I tell you to be more tactful when expressing yourself during the appraisal?" Lu Yue said.

It’s really hard to answer Feng Yi’s question.

He couldn't possibly tell Lu Yue that no matter whether the skins were real or fake, or how Mr. Zou was stimulated, those were all client privacy, and Feng Yi still had some professional ethics.

Besides, I just received an extra 100,000 yuan in hush money, so I can’t disclose it.

Seeing that Feng Yi was unwilling to say more, Lu Yue stopped asking why Zou Fan was admitted to the hospital.

"Fortunately, nothing happened this time. Were you scared this time? If another friend of mine needs someone to identify leather, will you take the job?"

"Answer it!" Feng Yi said.

Why not take it? You still have to earn a living!

Although I was scared today, I also earned 300,000 yuan, which is enough to live on for a while. It was worth the trip!

When Lu Yue heard Feng Yi's tone, he knew that Zou Fanren was fine. He got the information he wanted, chatted for a few words, and then hung up.

Feng Yi continued walking downstairs, thinking about Mr. Zou.

Mr. Zou is quite capable since he was able to get Lu Yue to call him to test him. I just don't know what he will do after being provoked this time.

The erhu and python skin in Mr. Zou's hands are both certified. When they were certified, they must have been appraised by a specialist. It is impossible that they were imitations when they were collected.

The python skin today is an imitation of the seventh generation Medusa skin, and the seventh generation Medusa skin has not been on the market for a long time, which means that it has not been replaced soon.

There are so many talented people nowadays. As soon as the new imitation leather comes out, the aging technology follows suit!

They can customize a piece of imitation leather and find someone to make it look old. Moreover, they know Mr. Zou's python skin so well, the length is almost the same, the pattern is similar, and the aging process can keep up. This must have been planned for a long time!

It is probably a contest between big guys.

Fortunately, Feng Yi had nothing to do with this. Maybe after the python skin was found, Mr. Zou would ask Feng Yi to identify it again. But at this moment, Zou Fan definitely didn't want to see Feng Yi.

As soon as he saw Feng Yi, Mr. Zou would think of Feng Yi’s words “This skin is fake”.

Infinite loop, blood pressure soars.

So Feng Yi left as soon as possible and stayed here to avoid being an eyesore.

But he really didn't expect that Mr. Zou cared so much about the python skin.

In fact, if you analyze it carefully, you can know the reason.

After all, the erhu belonged to his grandfather and not to him personally. He was just a custodian.

What Mr. Zou really wants is a python leather erhu that belongs to him. This is an obsession. No matter how advanced the technology is, no matter how good the imitation leather is, even if the tone is better than the real leather, he will not recognize it.

Just like Feng Yi doesn’t understand why Mr. Zou, with his musical skills, is so obsessed with the real leather erhu.

Maybe this is human obsession.

After brainwashing myself over and over again, I firmly believe in the ideas that others cannot shake. It has become a kind of spiritual sustenance.

Without the python skin, half of the spirit was gone.

I just saw Mr. Zou's pale face in the ward. On the one hand, it was because of his illness, and on the other hand, he was hit hard. He was deeply hurt. It hurt me deeply.

As for what will happen next, it is estimated that there will be another bloody storm.

But it is impossible to publicize it. The topic of wild old python skin is too sensitive.

If it is really exposed, Mr. Zou and his company will face public pressure.

Feng Yi was just thinking "big guys are not omnipotent" when, at the corner of the stairs, an old man bumped into him, screamed in pain, and fell to the ground. The bag of apples in his hand also fell to the ground.

Feng Yi: “…”

The old man continued to scream in pain on the ground.

Seeing someone walking upstairs, Feng Yi thought for a moment and walked up to ask, "Are you okay?"

The old man stretched out his hand: "Hurry! Help me up! I have to go upstairs to give apples to my grandson!"

He struggled to pick up the apples on the ground.

"Hold on to the railing first, and I'll pick up the apples."

Feng Yi helped him up, then picked up the apples on the ground, put them in the bag, and handed them back to the old man.

"Thank you! Young man, you should be careful when walking up the stairs and don't bump into anyone. If you bump into other old men and women, they won't be as good-tempered as me. This is a hospital, so it's a good opportunity to blackmail them."

The old man waved at Feng Yi, holding the apple, and continued walking upstairs.

He was still muttering: "What do young people look like nowadays? Their bodies are like stone pillars..."

Feng Yi stood where he was and took out a tissue to wipe his hands.

Upstairs, an old man carrying apples was blocked by two people as soon as he came out of the corridor.

Two young men were blocking an old man. Someone nearby couldn't stand it and was about to step forward to say something when one of the young men took out an ID.

The man immediately stepped back when he saw it, looking at the old man with an extremely defensive look in his eyes, and said to the others around him, "It's the police, probably catching a thief!"

The old man was unhappy when he heard it, "Who are you calling a thief? This is slander! What did I steal? Search my pockets? Then search! If you find out what I am..."

Before he could finish his words, a plainclothes policeman pulled a bottle of medicine from his pocket.

The old man seemed to be strangled by the neck, his eyes widened: "I... this... just now... was not..."

The police officer said, "This bottle of medicine is not yours."

The old man looked pale and stared blankly at the medicine bottle in the plainclothes police officer's hand, as if he had suffered a great blow and psychological trauma.

It shouldn't be like this!

He had clearly just put this medicine bottle...

Feng Yi listened to the noise upstairs, continued walking downstairs, and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Smell it.

The smell of medicine on my hands has almost been washed off. It's not as pungent as before!

I didn't drive when I came to the hospital. I had to take a taxi to the parking lot near Mr. Zou's community and then drive home.

Feng Yi was wondering whether to take a taxi first or eat something first


Before I could make up my mind, I was stopped by someone just as I walked out of the hospital.

Looking at the ID the other party showed, Feng Yi: "..."


You shouldn't take the stairs!