Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 96: Mid-Autumn Festival


"Where are you going?"

Feng Yi put his arm around the middle-aged man’s shoulder.

The middle-aged man who was originally preparing to leave with his head down was startled, as if he didn't know what Feng Yi was talking about, and then he raised his foot and prepared to run away.

The man in the windbreaker lifted him up by the back of his collar and threw him towards the sturdy man who had been knocked to the ground by him.

The 1.8-meter-tall sturdy man was rubbing his chest and struggling to get up from the ground, but a man fell down in front of him and knocked him down again.

Some people were talking around, speculating on what had happened here, and some were taking photos with their phones.

Feng Yi pressed down the brim of his hat and called the police. Of course, he couldn't let the wallet thief off so easily, and the cooperation between the two men was obviously experienced.

Soon the police arrived.

Feng Yi also found some plainclothes police officers appeared in the crowd and then left.

During this period, plainclothes officers have been waiting near the ATMs of various banks.

Feng Yi knew the reason after thinking about it.

In the past, there have been many emergencies and disasters during abnormal climate periods. Electronic payment has crashed, and there have been times when there is no network or the network is poor, making shopping very difficult, and even if you want to grab something, you can’t.

During the abnormal weather period, cash transactions increased. In response, all major banks increased the withdrawal limit of ATMs, but it was set by the bank. For larger withdrawals, if the ATM cannot withdraw the money, you can go to the counter.

Even if the abnormal climate period has passed, people who experienced that period have developed certain habits.

Every time there is a "strange sign in the sky", no matter whether it is the weather or birds flying in the sky, there are always people who are sensitive.

This time too, the Little Swan incident has attracted people's attention. Some people wonder if the climate has changed again. If the climate changes for the better, of course everyone hopes for it, but in case there are abnormalities again, it is better to keep some more cash on hand for peace of mind.

Therefore, recently there have been rare queues for cash withdrawals at banks and ATMs. Under normal circumstances, you would hardly see anyone queuing up here. After all, cashless payment is too convenient, while carrying cash always means worrying about it being stolen.

Some people also say that this is a stress response. When I see related news, I will think about it, and when I think about it, I have to withdraw some money to feel at ease, otherwise I can't sleep at night.

The banks are aware of this situation and are always prepared so that there is never a shortage of cash available.

As more people withdraw money, there are naturally more people stealing or robbing money. The police have also recently stepped up their anti-pickpocketing efforts, with team members patrolling both openly and secretly.

Those pickpocket gangs were also cautious. They would select a few people and then follow them for a distance before taking action.

There were so many people withdrawing money that Feng Yi was really not noticeable.

If there is anything that is conspicuous, it is that in the eyes of some people, it is obvious that a lot of money was taken out of Feng Yi's bag, and there was only one person there, so he looked like a college graduate who was not on guard and was easy to take advantage of.

Most of the other people who withdrew money were accompanied by someone. Some people were more cautious and secretive even when withdrawing money alone, unlike Feng Yi who was so casual and looked like a fool at first glance.

When Feng Yi went to take a statement, a police officer suggested that next time he withdraws money, if the amount is large, he should try not to withdraw it alone, as it is easy to be targeted. Although Feng Yi caught both of them this time, sometimes their gangs may not only have two people, but more.

Feng Yi did not make any excuses for this and just agreed.

The two men who were knocked to the ground by Feng Yi both had criminal records and were veterans.

Normally they would approach from behind to snatch the bag. Perhaps because they saw Feng Yi was young and not short, they were worried that it would be difficult to snatch the bag directly, so they let their accomplices bump into him first.

Unexpectedly, the 1.80-meter-tall strong man flew backwards three meters as soon as he started to fight.

The two were stunned at that time.

When the police checked the surveillance footage, they thought that this gang had updated their modus operandi and were planning to commit fraud, but this fraud was too exaggerated.

As for the reality...

Feng Yi did it on purpose.

Before the two men came close, Feng Yi felt the malice coming from them.

If it was before his body hadn't been fully strengthened, he might have to wait until the two people got closer before he could feel it, but now he could feel it clearly even at a distance of 10 meters.

Feng Yi’s ability to distinguish smells has now greatly improved.

After the overall strengthening of the body, the brain is also upgraded.

When Lu Yue and his company were identifying the leather materials in their warehouse, if it were now, there would be no need to take several breaks!

Today's brain can analyze and process data more efficiently and accurately!

So, when he noticed the other party bumping into him, Feng Yi didn't dodge, but went forward and bumped back lightly...

Then I had a preliminary understanding of my current physical condition.

After Feng Yi finished taking the statement, he did not drive home immediately, but went directly to the community in the city to the apartment where he used to live.

Due to the appearance of many migrating swans in Yuexiu Community, there are too many restrictions after the control is upgraded, and those swans are too noisy. Feng Yi's house is very close to the river, but at the same time, the sound from the river is also very clear.

The group of swans seemed particularly excited and lively for some reason. The research team and related organizations were certainly happy to see these spirited wild waterfowl, but the people living there were not so happy.

Feng Yi was not interested in those little swans, but they did disturb his sleep. He originally planned to move to the swimming pool, but living in the swimming pool was not very comfortable, so Feng Yi decided to alternate between living in the swimming pool and a house in the city.

If the lease of the swimming pool expires and the group of migratory birds in Yuexiu Community has not left, or one group leaves and another group arrives, he may temporarily live in a house in the urban area.

Now he knows how to rely on his instincts to predict possible changes in his body so that he won't be caught off guard.

When there are no major changes, he can just live in a house in the city. Once his instinct tells him that there will be big changes, he will leave and find a suitable place.

There are too many people watching on Yue Xiu's side, so Feng Yi has to find another place to avoid being exposed.

When he withdrew the money just now, he checked his deposit balance. He could buy another house, but it was not necessary.

So Feng Yi thought that if there was a suitable house, he could just rent it. It would only take a few days to get through the turbulent period of evolution and mutation, so there was no need to find a place and spend money to buy a house.

He also has to save money to build a laboratory and a swimming pool!

Feng Yi parked his car in the community and went to look outside Wu Ji's shop. There were a lot of people, the shop was quite busy, and there were several couriers waiting.

Feng Yi didn't go in for the time being and went home to clean up first.

Last time, this place was severely damaged by evolution. The whole house looked like it had been soaked in water, and a lot of furniture was broken.

The house was renovated and a new set of furniture was bought.

The house has not been occupied for a long time and is rather dirty.

But there was no smell of rat.

There were some lingering smells of rats upstairs and downstairs, but there were no cockroaches or rats in his house. It might be that the house was renovated and no one lived in it, and there was no food for these creatures to survive. With so many choices upstairs and downstairs, they would definitely not choose his place.

It would be much easier without the mice, otherwise Feng Yi would have to spend time cleaning and disinfecting.

The furnishings in the house were simple, so it was not difficult to clean up. Feng Yi spent two hours cleaning the house, and then drove to the supermarket to buy some basic daily necessities.

After sleeping for a while, Feng Yi went downstairs to Wu Ji's shop.

It was almost dusk and there were not so many people in Wu Ji's shop.

Seeing Feng Yi, Wu Ji was stunned at first, then walked over with a big laugh, "Why are you here today? You didn't even tell me in advance."

"I came to the city to do some work. I came here during the day, but I didn't go into your store because your business was so good. I just had to go upstairs to clean up. I haven't been here for a while and there's a layer of dust inside the house."

"So are you going back to your little villa tonight?" Wu Ji asked.

"No return."

"Ha! Great! Invite Qian Feiyang and let's have dinner together. It's been a while since we've gotten together!"


Wu Ji sent a message to Qian Feiyang, asking, "You should be able to see the swans clearly from your little villa, why did you bother to come here? Yesterday I discussed with Qian Feiyang when to go to your place to see the big white swans. But I heard that the control in Yuexiu Community is very strict, and outsiders have to register. It's too troublesome, so I didn't contact you."

"They are little swans. Mighty swans rarely fly here. Just let me know whenever you want to go see the swans. You can see them from the balcony, but I don't think the little swans are anything special."

"I'm just curious. I've never seen a wild swan."

Feng Yi thought of what he saw today and said, "Business in your store is pretty good."

"That's right! Whether a store is good or not still depends on the quality of its products. No matter how poetic the name is, who will buy it if it tastes bad? Oh! By the way, speaking of this, I just remembered. Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, don't buy mooncakes, I prepared a box for you."

"Mid-Autumn Festival?"

If Wu Ji hadn't mentioned the Mid-Autumn Festival, Feng Yi would have forgotten about it.

He didn't have any family to reunite with, and before graduation, most of the students around him treated the Mid-Autumn Festival as a non-event. They would just call home and eat mooncakes, and that was it.

Feng Yi basically spends his time working part-time.

Last year's Mid-Autumn Festival, Feng Yi spent it with people from the studio, and it was quite lively. This year it was quieter, his partners became his enemies, and things and people have changed.

I had dinner with Wu Ji and Qian Feiyang in the evening, and it was already very late when I got home.

Feng Yi stood on the balcony and looked at the crescent moon in the sky.

The urban area is noisier than the suburbs. Even late at night, you can hear the sound of vehicles passing by on the road next to the community.

There were quarrels, children crying, dogs barking, etc. in the community. There were no mountain owls, nor so many insects chirping at night. The smell of wild ecology was far away.

Feng Yi looked at the moon in the sky quietly, thinking of the Mid-Autumn Festival that Wu Ji mentioned today.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival when the moon is full, Feng Yi does not feel any sense of festive ceremony, nor does he have so much sentimental sadness.

He thought—

Mid-Autumn Festival is the night of the full moon.

In myths and legends, werewolves will howl and transform on the night of the full moon.

Will he reveal himself with a hiss during the full moon night of Mid-Autumn Festival

Probably not.

The butler said that he is a high-level creature!

Moreover, instinct is not explicitly stated.