Closer to My True Form Every Day

Chapter 99: If there are no conditions, create them


"Don't think it's expensive. I paid more than 70,000 yuan for this thing. The car fare, road fees, and maintenance fees all add up to more than 80,000 yuan.

"And when I bought it, I heard from the seller that this zodiac coin was quite old, almost 100 years old? I haven't studied this kind of coin, I was attracted by the design and brand of this pendant, and the expensive design and brand premium are also the reason."

"I see."

Feng Yi knew that the designer's money was expensive because of the design, and that this kind of zodiac coin was not worth much in the current market. He only had his eyes on this coin, but he could only buy the whole pendant.

"Is this for payment at the cashier?" Feng Yi asked.

"It's not for sale. If you want to trade directly with me, just transfer it to me."

After spending 200,000 yuan and getting back 80,000 yuan, Yu Qiao felt a little more balanced.

Of course, she was willing to transfer this zodiac pendant to Feng Yi, because she felt that Feng Yi was indeed a person with extraordinary identification ability and was worth making friends with. With her hobby of collecting, she might have to ask Feng Yi to identify the goods she liked when she received them.

Second, she was not that fond of this zodiac pendant. When she bought it, she valued the designer's original brand. She liked the designs of several products very much, so she bought this pendant as well. Anyway, they were all unique designs, and it would be impressive to display them.

However, Yu Qiao also noticed that Feng Yi had been staring at the zodiac coins on the pendant and was not interested in the pendant or the designer brand.

"Do you like this kind of coin?" Yu Qiao asked.

"I am indeed very interested in this kind of zodiac-themed coins." Feng Yi did not deny it.

"Then I'll keep an eye out for you when I go out to collect the goods next time to see if there are any more of these."

"Thanks. But I don't like every zodiac sign when I spend money on it. It depends on my liking."

Feng Yi was indeed interested in collecting zodiac coins, and he only collected those that were related.

Not every zodiac coin has a common origin with Feng Yi's own. Those that do not have a common origin are probably just ordinary decorations and have no meaning to be collected.

Yu Qiao nodded, "I understand. For me, even though some bags are similar in style, they just look weird because of the details. I won't buy them no matter how classic they are!"

Yu Qiao looked at Feng Yi as if he was looking at a fellow traveler.

Feng Yi: “…”

Actually, they are not the same.

But this is not easy to explain.

After leaving the store and before returning to Yuexiu Community, Feng Yi called the housekeeper in the car.

"I just received a Chinese Zodiac coin, and I think it has a similar origin to the one I wear. I have just sent you the photo, take a look and see if you can recognize it. The pattern on the coin is different from the one I wear."

The butler's tone was emotionless. "It seems that there have been such styles before. Most of them were made by the Feng family and were made by the successor. The choice of style and the shape of the casting were all decided by the successor.

"For example, if you succeed in evolving, you will also be responsible for casting zodiac animals and spending money to send blessings to the younger generations."

Feng Yi was shocked. "There is... there is such a task? How to make it? What are these money used for?"

"That's not what you need to worry about right now. Your focus should be on the next important stage! You should be able to feel that you are about to reach that critical point."

"Is that the concept similar to 'hatching' that you mentioned before?" Feng Yi asked.

"That's right. Only when you have truly passed the initial stage and evolved to the next stage can you truly be considered a successor. Therefore, before that, don't think too much."

When talking about this, the butler's tone was unusually serious.

However, Feng Yi understood what the butler meant.

You haven't even inherited the "throne" yet and you're already thinking about how to write an imperial edict. Are you trying to get to heaven

If you take too big a step, you may get pulled.

But there is still a question that has been on Feng Yi's mind for a long time:

"So, why did you choose me?"

The reason of having a pleasing appearance is too far-fetched. The more Feng Yi experienced in the evolutionary events, the more he understood that this could not be explained away by a simple saying of "having a pleasing appearance".

The butler's answer was not as perfunctory as when they first met, "Because your 'hatching' possibility is the highest."

At this point, the housekeeper couldn't help but chuckle, "So, don't underestimate yourself, you have great talent and luck. After Ms. Feng, the Feng family has selected people from both direct and collateral branches for several generations, and in the end, only you were chosen.

"Of course, you can't be arrogant. There are thousands of possibilities on the road of evolution, and each stage is a big challenge. Your first critical point challenge is coming. Are you ready to face it?"

Feng Yi became nervous again because of what the housekeeper said.

"Before, I had this weird feeling that something big was going to happen. But now I can't feel anything."

Butler: “…”

There was a sound of turning pages of a book on the phone.

Feng Yi waited quietly.

After a while, the butler said in a rare sad tone: "It's not in the notes."

Feng Yi: “…”

The housekeeper comforted him, "Don't worry too much. Try to sense it more carefully. If you can't sense it, create conditions to sense it. The more you use your sense organs, the more sensitive they will be. And don't forget your instincts."

Feng Yi: “…”

Instinct is once again on the verge of running away from home.

But we can't back down from evolution!

"Okay! I'll find some time to sense it. If there are no conditions, I'll create them."

Let’s put this heavy topic aside for now, Feng Yi has something important to consult.

"Recently, some little swans appeared near the house I bought in the suburbs. Today, two batches of them landed in my yard. Why did they focus on my backyard?"

The housekeeper thought for a moment and asked, "You sleep in the backyard?"

"Uh, yes, I slept there. The grass in the backyard is comfortable to sleep on. Does this have anything to do with where the swan fell?"

"Yes, definitely. Some of your energy will escape during the evolution process, and that energy may induce the generation of some active factors, which will have a certain impact on plants and animals. However, at this stage, the impact on plants and small animals may be greater.

"When you finish your rapid weight gain period, you dissipate a lot of energy and have a wide impact range, so the first few swans didn't land where you are. But when the impact of other places fades, the place where you often stay becomes a very clear coordinate in their eyes. The active factors there are more attractive to them."

Feng Yi realized, "So, to solve this problem, I just need to find another place to sleep and wait for all the active factors on the grass in the backyard to dissipate, that's it?"

"should be."

"How long will this take?"

"I don't know. It's not in the notes."

"… All right."

Still have to make some modifications in the backyard.

"Oh yeah, what if someone wants to take a sample in my backyard? Will that be a problem?"

Having participated in scientific expeditions, Feng Yi knew very well what actions those research teams would take when they encountered such things.

There will be sampling points in a large area of the southern region of Yueshan. Feng Yi’s backyard is now the target of many research teams, so sampling will definitely be carried out there.

The more you try to stop them, the more you'll suspect there's something wrong.

"Let them take samples and so on," said the butler.

Feng Yi was relieved. Actually, it made sense when he thought about it. His aunt had direct contact with the Joint Security Bureau in the past, and she must have seen a lot of things like sampling.

Feng Yi guessed correctly. As soon as he returned to Yuexiu Community, he was told that a research team wanted to collect samples in his backyard.

Feng Yi was confident this time, "Let's go ahead. How should I renovate my backyard? Has the community decided?"

The community leader replied: "After our discussion, we have two options. One is to build a shelter in your backyard, and the other is to open a door directly in your backyard. Of course, the choice is yours, after all, it is your yard."

Feng Yi now knew why those swans fell into his yard. In comparison, he was more inclined to the latter.

The shelter is troublesome to install and dismantle, and it will affect the growth of the grass in the backyard. But it is also convenient to open a back door directly and install an electronic lock that can be controlled remotely. When you don't want the door anymore, you can just block it.

After opening the backyard door, if another swan falls in, he can remotely control the door to open even if he is not there, so that the rescuers can go in and take the swan out.

Given how much these people valued the swans, there would probably be someone watching over them as soon as they fell, so he wouldn't have to worry about the swans destroying his grass too much.

"I choose the second one."

When Feng Yi got home, there were several people waiting there. The community leader introduced them to him: "This is Director Liu from the Yongcheng Wildlife Rescue Center. The one who is sorting out the equipment over there is Professor Pan from Yongcheng University. He is the leader of their research group. He brought his students to Yueshan South District on the first day the little swan landed here."

Feng Yi walked over and greeted Director Liu and Professor Pan.

After getting Feng Yi's permission, Professor Pan excitedly took his students to the backyard to collect samples.

Director Liu was very happy when he heard that Feng Yi chose the second method. He was inclined to this option, which was to open a door directly on the backyard wall.

"Don't worry, we'll be responsible for the construction, so you don't have to bear it yourself. It will be completed within two days!"

"Construction will make some noise, right? Aren't you afraid of disturbing those little swans?" Feng Yi asked.

"The little swans don't actually stay here all the time. They move back and forth between Yueshan South Beach upstream and the section behind Yuexiu Community. We will place some bait upstream to attract them. Generally speaking, we don't interfere or feed them, but now we have no choice. It is estimated that more little swans will arrive in the future. When there are too many, it will be difficult to deal with them. There may also be other problems. We are very worried."

Director Liu said that he was very worried, but he couldn't stop smiling.

Feng Yi glanced at the smile on Director Liu's face and said, "There are more little swans coming here, which is good for Yongcheng."

Sure enough, Director Liu's smile widened and his wrinkles deepened. "Of course it's a good thing! Biological species reflect the local ecological environment. The more little swans there are overwintering, the better the local ecological environment is now!"

Director Liu became interested when talking about this, and even criticized some media for using inappropriate words.

"A cygnet is a cygnet. They just say 'swan'. Who knows what kind of swan it is? A whooper swan? A cygnet? A mute swan? Or a black swan? It's so misleading!"

Feng Yi: “… Yeah, that’s right.”

Director Liu was in high spirits: "Xiaofeng, let me tell you, sometimes 'big' and 'small' do not refer to the adult and juvenile of the creature. For example, the giant panda and the red panda are completely different species! One is from the genus Ailuropoda of the Ursidae family; the other is from the genus Ailurus of the Ailuridae family, also known as the red panda.

"Young giant pandas are called giant panda cubs, rather than simply calling them red pandas.

"Of course, the whooper swan and the little swan are more closely related. They are both in the family Anatidae, subfamily Anseriformes, and genus Cygnus. The swans mentioned by the ancients are high-flying birds such as geese and swans."

As soon as Director Liu mentioned Honghu, Feng Yi remembered the instinct to spread his wings when he was on the verge of running away from home.

After thinking for a while, Feng Yi asked: "Director Liu, why do migratory birds migrate?"

"This is their instinct, and the ultimate goal is to survive."

"Then how do they confirm the migration route?" Feng Yi asked again.

"Well, there has always been controversy about this, and there are various theories, but I personally think that they have a kind of 'compass' that can guide them. You know the compass, right?"

Feng Yi nodded, "I know, it's like the tool that the Taoist priests use when they catch monsters in TV dramas."

Director Liu: “…”

This analogy made Director Liu stunned.

"Well, a compass is one that follows the laws of magnetic fields to indicate direction."

"Is there also such a 'compass' in the human body?" Feng Yi asked.

"I think some people have it and some don't. Just like some people have a good sense of direction and some people have poor sense of direction."

“Are there any birds with poor directions among the migrating birds?”

"Of course there are, but as they evolve through survival, some will be eliminated. And the migration routes of migratory birds with strong survival ability are not fixed. Some researchers have proved this.

"During the abnormal climate period, the changes in the wintering grounds of some migratory birds were complex. The unstable water levels in several of their main wintering grounds limited the growth of their food, so their migration routes changed. Later, when the climate returned to normal, the changes in routes became more obvious. They moved to artificial wetlands, getting closer and closer to humans.

"This is actually a smart choice. With the introduction of the strictest protection law, people will not harm them. On the contrary, if they are sick, they will be treated as soon as possible. When the weather is bad and they lack food, humans will provide them with food. So I have always believed that the birds leading the migration are very wise and know what choices can make the group live better."

Feng Yi: "So the birds leading the team have very strong 'compasses'?"

Director Liu: “…You can say that.”

Why is this young man's focus always so misaligned

However, Feng Yi didn’t feel that his focus was misdirected at all.

Feng Yi felt that he had grasped the key words!

Instincts also need a 'compass' to guide them!

Feng Yi didn’t know how powerful his “compass” was, he didn’t even know if he had it.

However, since we don’t know it for now, let’s create the conditions to find out!

How to create this condition

Feng Yi decided to go on a spontaneous trip!

So, the next day, Feng Yi stood at the door of a shop with a deep look in his eyes.

xxx bicycle store