Coiling Dragon

Chapter 22: Spring to Autumn (Part 1)


In fact, whether it is earth magic or other magic, it has its own special effects. As the Earth sanctuary magister, Delin Cowart naturally admired his own department the most, and Linley, who was only eight years old, was also excited by what Delin Cowart said.

"Grandpa Delin, quickly test me to see if I have the talent to become an earth magician." Linley was extremely anxious at this time.

Dering Cowart laughed: "Okay, I'll test it for you right away."

"Let me tell you first, the talent of a magician is mainly divided into two aspects, so I will immediately test it into two stages." Dering Cowart was a little high-spirited at the moment, and he had been lonely on the Coiling Dragon Ring for more than 5,000 years. , at the moment there is a lovely child to teach, of course he is very happy.

"Magic talent is divided into two aspects: the affinity for the elements of heaven and earth, and the level of spiritual power." Dering Cowart began his preliminary education in magic.

"What's the use of these two aspects?" Linley asked in confusion.

Dering Cowart said in a persuasive manner, "Lin Lei, before I ask this, let me ask you, what aspects does a magician need to rely on in order to cast a spell?"

"magic spell!" lei said immediately.

Linley had seen the mysterious magician on the raptor's back cast magic, and he would first whisper the magic incantation.


"I see magicians casting magic, and they have to recite magic spells." Linley immediately retorted.

Dering Cowart touched his white beard and said proudly, "If a magician wants to cast a magic, the most important thing is the 'magic power' and 'spiritual power' in his body. If the spiritual power is strong enough, he can even do it instantly. Hair, no need to recite magic spells, magic spells, but only for auxiliary functions."

"Oh? Instant?" Linley looked at Dering Cowart in confusion. Linley felt at this moment that a vast magical world was gradually emerging in front of his eyes, but this magical world was still very vague, and Delinkovalt was gradually pulling away the mysterious veil of the magical world.

Dering Cowart smiled and nodded: "Yes, to cast a magic, you must first supply enough magic power in the body, and then use the spiritual power to control the 'magic power' to attract more elements of heaven and earth to form magic!"

"Heaven and earth elements?" Linley was surprised. "Grandpa Delin, to cast magic, do you still need to absorb the heaven and earth elements from the outside world?"

"Haha, of course, lei, do you think that a huge magic can be achieved only by the magic power in the body? Impossible. For example, a forbidden magic, the magic power in the magician of the sanctuary only occupies 1%, The remaining ninety-nine percent are energy from the elements of heaven and earth."

"Let's put it this way... The magic power in the body is actually the 'heaven and earth element' after refining. The magic power can be called a 'general', while the heaven and earth element is a soldier. The magician guides the magic power out of the body, Control more elements of heaven and earth to form an amazingly powerful magic, understand?" Dering Cowart smiled and looked at Linley.

Linley couldn't help frowning.

"Oh... I understand." Linley nodded with a smile, "The 'magic power' in a magician is like Uncle Hillman, and the elements of heaven and earth are like us waiting for a group of teenagers. Uncle Hillman can lead us to a group of people for training. . He can also lead a group of us to attack and fight!"

Dering Cowart smiled and nodded: "Yes, so the 'magic power' in the magician's body is very important. If the amount of magic power is not enough, it will not be able to emit magic."

lei also nodded.

"Compared with magic power, mental power is more important." Dering Cowart said with a smile, "You also know now that mental power is actually 'soul power', which is a kind of control ability!"

"Lin Lei, you said, a lot of magic power will attract more elements of heaven and earth! If there is no spiritual power to control such a lot of energy... Then, what will be the result?" looked at lei.

lei frowned in thought.

"Grandpa Delin." Linley said with a frown in deep thought, "I have read some tactics in books, and it says... capture the enemy first, capture the king. For example, if the bandit leader is killed, the bandit army will automatically disperse and flee. . That spiritual power is like the 'control ability' of the bandit leader's opponents. Without the spiritual power's control of a large amount of magic power, heaven and earth elements, these energies will also riot."

Delin Cowart smiled.

"haha, lei, that's really smart." Dering Cowart laughed.

"Yes, a large amount of magic power, heaven and earth elements, and then controlled by 'spiritual power', will eventually form magic! Sometimes it is necessary to cast very strong magic, and the spiritual power is too demanding. Therefore, 'magic spells' are needed. ' said Dellin Cowart, smiling.

Linley only felt the basic principle of the huge magic, and he could see it clearly at once.

Dering Cowart smiled at Linley and continued: "Of course, that's just the basic principle, the real magic world is much more complicated than you think! How to form a 'magic' by relying on magic power and elements of heaven and earth, this , is the most important!"

"What's the use of having magic power, but not being able to emit 'magic'?" Dering Cowart sighed, "The magical world is a very complicated world, and the study of magic is also very difficult and dangerous. . However, countries compete, and countless magicians have been researching new types of magic."

"Actually, all countries are studying how to form different magics through different arrangements of magic power and elements of heaven and earth! It's just that magic experiments are very dangerous, and the more destructive magic is, the more difficult it is to test. disaster."

Dering Cowart said with a light smile: "In general, in the Magic Academy, you can only learn the magic of the first to sixth level, and the seventh, eighth, ninth, and even the magic of the sanctuary are all confidential. . Unless you join a country, you can learn some magic."

Linley had read a lot of books and knew it in his heart.

"If no one teaches you? No matter how much magical power you have, no matter how high your spiritual power... you can't perform a single magic!" Dering Cowart said with a light smile, "The main mystery of every magic is how to control it. Magic power, the elements of heaven and earth, to form magic."

"After countless years of research and exploration, magic has also formed an almost perfect system." Dering Cowart touched his white beard and laughed, "Lin Lei, don't worry, you don't have to bow down to some countries or some big people in the future. Because... I can teach you seventh, eighth, ninth, and even sanctuary-level magic."

Linley took a deep breath.

He felt that he had entered a new path.

Under the leadership of Grandpa Delin, he no longer needs to take the road of warriors, but embarks on the path of a more mysterious and powerful magician.

"Come on, now I'll test your element affinity first. You sit down with your knees crossed, close your eyes, and enter a state of meditation." Dering Cowart said softly.

"Meditation state?" Linley felt his heart beat faster at this time.

What is your talent like

"Don't worry, you just need to feel it carefully. Just tell me what you feel." Delink Cowart gave Linley an encouraging smile, and Linley closed his eyes immediately, trying to calm himself down.

"Don't worry, just do as I say," said Dering Cowart softly.

Meditation is the foundation of magicians. Whether it is to absorb the elements of heaven and earth and refine it into 'magic power', or to improve spiritual power, meditation is required. The first meditation was relatively difficult and dangerous. Of course, with the help of the sanctuary mage Drin Cowart, Linley was relatively relaxed.

For the first time, after about half an hour of induction, Linley finally entered a state of meditation.

Dering Cowart looked at Linley who had entered a state of meditation, smiled lightly, and then waved his hand.


A large number of earth elements began to gather around Linley. Under normal circumstances, the density of earth elements in one place was about the same, but at this moment, Drinkwater was relying on his tyrannical mental power to make the earth elements around Linley all of a sudden. It is nearly a hundred times stronger.

"If you can't feel the elements of the earth element under these conditions, then there is no hope at all." Dering Cowart secretly said in his heart.

It is a hundred times richer, that is, ordinary people can feel it.

Lin Lei, who was now in a state of meditation, was very happy and excited. He never knew... There were so many magical things around him, countless khaki light spots floating around, densely packed and terrifying.