Coiling Dragon

Chapter 37: Concentration of genius


Ernst Academy, the No. 1 Magic Academy in the entire Yulan Continent.

Ernst College is located in the mountains and forests more than 20 miles south of the Holy City 'Fenlai City'. Ernst College was funded and built by the Holy See of Light. Such a large academy is almost comparable to a city.

Outside Ernst College, there is no one inhabited, it is an empty mountain area.

Service places such as restaurants, clothing stores, and bars are all opened in the college. It can be said that the students of Ernst College live completely in the college.

"It's really impressive." Linley couldn't help sighing while standing at the entrance of Ernst College.

The main entrance of Ernst College is 50 meters wide. Above the courtyard gate is a huge half-moon-shaped building. There are various mysterious magic runes on the half-moon-shaped building. Just looking at its complexity, you can know Ernst The magic circle on the gate of the academy is a large magic.

At this moment, the entrance of the academy was still quite lively. There was a row of office staff, and there was a young man holding an admission letter and an identity certificate, and started to apply for admission. Linley also immediately went to apply for the admission letter and identity certificate.

"School officially started on February 9th, and today is February 8th. According to the notice, you must arrive before February 9th. The boy in front of me also came to apply for admission today. Sturt College is relatively close." Linley thought to himself.

The boy in front of Lin Lei could only be regarded as a child to be precise. He was more than half a head shorter than Lin Lei, and there was an old man accompanying the child.

"Hello, I'm Reynolds from the O'Brien Empire." The boy who went to school in front of Linley suddenly turned around and greeted Linley warmly.

When he heard that the Renault in front of him was from the O'Brien Empire, Linley was shocked: "The O'Brien Empire?"

The O'Brien Empire, one of the four major empires, must know that the four major empires are located in the east of the Warcraft Mountains, while Ernst College is in the west of the Warcraft Mountains. To get to Ernst College, you must take a detour from the northernmost or southernmost edge of the Demonic Beast Mountains. After all, except for the ninth-level powerhouse or the sanctuary powerhouse, no one dared to traverse the Warcraft Mountains.

The Demonic Beast Mountains stretch for thousands of miles.

And coming all the way from the O'Brien Empire, the distance alone is estimated to be nearly 20,000 miles. If it is in the eastern part of the O'Brien Empire, the distance will be even farther.

The journey of 20,000 miles is estimated to take a full year.

"I'm Linley, from the Kingdom of Finlay." Linley politely said to the boy named 'Reno'.

Renault blinked with big eyes and sighed: "Kingdom of Finlay? Then you are comfortable. It took me a year to get to the Kingdom of Finlay from home. Your time must be very short."

"yes, it took me half a day to get here from home," lei replied honestly.

"Uh..." Renault's expression was wonderful.

One traveled for a year, but the other only took half a day.

"Students, hurry up." The tester over there urged.

One of the admission procedures is to test the strength of the students again. After all, Ernst College is also worried that someone will snatch the admission letter and impersonate it.

"Come on." Renault immediately went to test.

But seeing the test results, Linley was surprised.

This boy named 'Reno', the element affinity, is the first class, as for the spiritual power, it is...

"Reynolds, eight years old, thirty-two times the mental strength of his peers, super."

Linley couldn't help but stare when he heard the numbers reported by the test personnel, but the expressions of the test personnel on the field were flat and not at all surprised.

"Lin Lei, what's the matter? You're surprised?" Renault said indifferently, "This is Ernst College. The entire Yulan Continent recruits only 100 students each year. Which one is not a genius? My level is only considered to be average among the students. Bar."

"However, Ernst College, when recruiting, is biased towards the Holy Alliance. Ernst College only recruits fifty students from the Holy League, while the four major empires and the Dark Alliance together only have fifty students. It's really unfair." Renault sighed aside.

lei listened and smiled.

Ernst College was established by the Holy See of Light, and of course it favored the Holy Alliance.

"It's my turn." Linley also ran to check.

Renault's little nose wrinkled: "This guy is Linley, a member of the Holy Alliance. When he was recruited by Ernst College, he took advantage of me a lot. I don't think his talent is as good as mine." Renault was very confident.

When the inspectors reported Linley's data, Renault was shocked.

"Superior mental power, super affinity for elements? Returning to the land and the wind?" Renault was completely speechless.

It is very rare for a single element to have super affinity, but Linley turned out to be a dual element, and both elements have super affinities. This is genius, and better than his Renault. After all... Dual-type magicians are very powerful.

"renuo, don't be in a daze, let's go." lei said with a smile.

"Oh." Although Renault was only one year younger than Linley, he looked like he was two or three years younger.

Linley and Renault received Ernst College's 'student card' and the dormitory key. In Ernst College, no matter the poor or the poor, they must live in the dormitory uniformly. Both tuition and accommodation fees are completely free.


"Hey, do you want to pay tuition?" Linley couldn't help being surprised when he saw an old man beside Renault helping to pay the fees.

Hillman, who was beside Linley, smiled and said, "Linley, Ernst College is free of tuition and accommodation fees. This is for the Holy Allies, and everyone else has to pay expensive fees."

Reno also nodded.

The old man next to Renault smiled kindly at Linley: "Yes, it is not only the Ernst Academy, but also the 'O'Brien Academy', the No. 1 Warrior Academy in the mainland. It is free for students from this country, and for other students. People in the area have to pay expensive fees.”

Linley is not stupid either, just think about it.

"Linley, my young master has the same dormitory key as yours. You two should be in the same dormitory. I hope you can help each other in the future," the old man said friendly.

Renault said dissatisfiedly: "Okay, Grandpa Lum, you can go back now, I have already arrived at Ernst Academy anyway."

"Uncle Hillman, you can go back too, I will take care of myself." Linley said to Hillman with a smile, Hillman nodded reassuringly: "Linley, then I will go back and work hard." Mann said vigorously.

Linley smiled and nodded.

"Lin Lei, let's go." Renault grabbed Lin Lei's hand affectionately and rushed towards the academy.

"Uncle Hillman, goodbye."

Hillman and the old man watched the two children enter the academy and left after a long time.

After saying goodbye to Uncle Hillman, Linley and Renault entered the Ernst Academy. The Ernst Academy was lined with green trees, lakes, stone bridges, and old academy buildings... an ancient atmosphere came to me. Just the big tree that is enough for seven or eight people to surround, can imagine the age of this big tree.

"It's really different. It's not as ostentatious as some newly built academies. That's what it's called heritage." Renault's big eyes looked around curiously, and sighed in his mouth.

In the Ernst Institute, there are still various signs today, which write the paths to various places. Obviously it is for the new students.

"Linley, let's go, let's go to the dormitory." Linley grabbed Reno and rushed towards the dormitory.

Dormitory Number - 1987.

Linley and Renault went through the admission procedures immediately. Usually, there are four students living in a dormitory. When Linley and Renault came to the accommodation area, they couldn't help but be amazed. At a glance, there are thousands of single-door courtyards.

In addition to these thousands of single-family homes, there are also very rare two-story small apartments.

"1987, 1987..." Linley and Renault looked at the numbers and kept running towards the south.

The numbering of the accommodation areas is very regular. Starting from 0001, there are 100 single-family houses in each row. When Linley ran to the 20th row, he saw 1901. Then they ran to the east again. Renault, who was running, kept gasping for breath, and the two came to the single-door courtyard numbered 1987.