Coiling Dragon

Chapter 59: Warcraft Mountains (below)


The mountains in the Mountains of Warcraft are continuous, and the various plants have grown for many years, which makes it very troublesome to travel in the Mountains of Warcraft.

"To advance in the mountain range of beasts, don't remove the thorns on the road and move forward. I would rather make more detours." Delink Cowart explained a lot of experience to Linley.

Linley listened carefully while continuing to move forward.

"Remember, it is the most taboo to constantly make noises in the Demonic Beast Mountains, as this will cause you to be discovered by many demonic beasts. Even if you make any noise, leave the place quickly." Dering Cowart continued, "Remember , Even if you are injured, try to cover up the blood on your body, and the smell of blood will attract monsters. The nose of monsters is much more sensitive than ours."

Linley looked up at the sky.

The canopy of countless big trees almost covered the entire sky. Seeing this scene, Linley couldn't help but think of some common sense in Ernst College's library about living in deep mountains and old forests. In a place where even the sun is hard to see, You must learn to distinguish between east, west and northwest.

Linley nimbly crossed the thorns and vines on the road like a monkey, but he just took two steps.

"Hey~~" Linley couldn't help but gasp when he saw the scene not far away.

The bodies of three men and two women are more than ten meters in front of them. The bodies of the five people have not rotted much, but the traces of the bodies of the five people being bitten and swallowed are very obvious. The bodies of the five people are incomplete, and there is a male thigh. Most of it was eaten, and a large hole in the stomach was also eaten, and the broken large and small intestines also flowed all over the place. Half of the head of a woman was eaten, one eyeball was still there, and some caterpillars were crawling on the pale skull.

Linley's face turned pale, and he held his breath.

"They should have died two or three days ago." Delink Cowart appeared beside Lin Lei and looked at the five corpses with a calm expression, "Lin Lei, look carefully, these five corpses have chests on their chests. There is an inconspicuous bloodstain on the clothes in the heart area, if I observe it well, these five people should have been killed by humans, and they were killed by the same person."

Linley was startled.

"Grandpa Delin, you said he was killed by someone?" Linley looked at Delin Cowart in surprise.

Dering Cowart smiled indifferently: "Lin Lei, this is your first time in the Demonic Beast Mountains. If you have been in the Demonic Beast Mountains for a long time, you will know that in the Demonic Beast Mountains, in addition to dealing with the attacks of the Beasts, you must also guard against the attacks of other humans. "

"Humans attack, why are they attacking?" Linley felt a little anger in his heart.

In the Warcraft Mountains, the endless beasts have already prevailed. Unexpectedly, the human beings in the Warcraft Mountains are not only not united, but will kill each other.

"This is normal. What do humans do when they enter the Demonic Beast Mountains? Most of them are for the purpose of obtaining a magic crystal nucleus. Only by killing a demonic beast can you get a magic crystal nucleus. If you kill a person, it may be in the package of this person. Several, or even more magic crystal nuclei." Dering Cowart stroked the white beard.

Linley understood in his heart.


It's all because of greed. Some people in the Warcraft Mountains want to get more magic crystal cores more easily. Killing other people in the Warcraft Mountains is indeed a quick way.

"Lin Lei, you have to be careful. According to my observations, the killers who killed these five people are very powerful. Look at the costumes of the five people. Four of them are soldiers and one is a magician. These five people were all stabbed in the heart. Wearing it to death, its method is so neat and tidy, it is chilling. I just don't know the strength of these five people, so it is difficult to infer the true strength of the murderer." Dering Cowart said with a frown, "But these five people dare to come to the Warcraft Mountains, It will never be weak. From this, it can be judged that the strength of the murderer will not be weaker than you at least."

Linley took two steps forward to take a closer look, and nodded in agreement.

Murder is too neat.

"It's still on the outskirts of the Warcraft Mountains, so hurry up and move forward." Dering Cowart said with a smile.

Linley nodded, and continued to set off. As he advanced toward the depths of the Monster Beast Mountains, the remains of monsters and humans could often be seen along the way. Many rusted weapons could also be found, and Lin Lei also encountered a few. A low-strength monster.

It was getting dark, and Linley and Little Shadowmouse each ate a wild boar trotter and were ready to rest. Linley sat on the ground while Little Shadowmouse curled up beside Linley.

"In the mountains of beasts, you can't make a fire at night." Dering Cowart exhorted again.

"Understood, Grandpa Delin." Linley still knew most of the common sense of living in the Warcraft Mountains. Warcraft were not ordinary beasts, and they were not afraid of ordinary flames.

Sitting on the ground, the peaceful Linley slowly closed his eyes. At the same time, he began to feel the flow of the earth elements in the earth, as well as the flow of the surrounding wind elements. The feeling was like returning to his parents' arms.

The earth element and the air element have a super affinity, which also makes Linley feel more clearly.

"The pulse of the earth, the rhythm of the wind." Linley had a peaceful smile on his face, and he began to fall asleep. Under such circumstances, Linley was very confident. If there was any vibration on the ground close to him, or if there was a wind movement caused by an extremely fast approach, Linley would notice and wake up.

This is the ability of earth and wind magicians.

The night was getting darker, and the little shadow mouse 'Babe' curled up beside Linley also made a very slight snoring sound, and the night wind was relieved. It's just hot and humid during the day.

In the middle of the night, it was pitch black.

"Instigation~~~" the slight sound of limbs rubbing against the weeds sounded.

Two strong wind wolves with bright blue hair are quietly walking in the mountains and forests one after the other. The green eyes of these two wind wolves are watching the surroundings vigilantly, but their strong and powerful limbs are silent. walk on the road.

Those pale fangs faintly reflected a cold light in the dark night.