Coiling Dragon

Chapter 7: Panlong Ring (below)


The black ring just rolled down close to the threshold.

When Linley took three or four steps and approached the threshold, he stopped abruptly, because Linley could clearly feel that the soles of his feet had stepped on something similar to a relatively large stone.

"When I checked just now, there was no stone near the threshold. It should be a broken piece of wood from the broken wooden frame." Linley thought of the collapsed broken wooden frame, and a burst of resentment rose in his heart, and he stepped on it with the soles of his feet. Step on the 'chips' under your feet.

According to Linley's conjecture, if it was a rotten piece of wood, it should be broken into pieces with one step, but—

"Oh, it's so hard? What's under your feet?" Linley felt that the things under his feet were not as hard as usual, and immediately raised his feet to take a closer look.

I saw something like a ring lying quietly on the ground, covered with a layer of dust, which was very inconspicuous.

"Ah, it's a ring?" Linley's eyes were very thief, and he picked up the black ring on the ground with joy, and then wiped the black ring with his dirty sleeve several times. See clearly, this is similar to the true face of the black ring item.

The whole body is dark, the material seems to be wood, and it seems to be stone.

This black ring, the whole body is a kind of wood-like material, and a very fuzzy twisted thing is carved on the ring of the ring—

"earthworms?" lei looked suspiciously at the engraving on the ring.

At first glance, Linley thought that the 'twisted strip' was an earthworm.

Linley smiled and said to himself, "This engraving level is really bad, anyone who can find someone with a level of engraving is probably better than him. Alas, it's a pity, this black ring doesn't even have any precious 'diamonds', let alone. Speaking of more precious magic spar."

Generally, there are diamonds or magic spar on the ring.

Unfortunately, this black ring is only a dark wood-like material, and even the shadows of diamonds and magic spar cannot be seen. Obviously worthless.

I don't know why, but when Linley saw the black ring, he felt that he fell in love with it. It is estimated that this is the only trophy that he has spent so much effort hunting for treasures in the ancient house.

"Well, this ring is thicker than my finger, so I can't wear it on my hand... Find a thread to swipe it up and use it as a chest pendant." Linley's eyes lit up.

Lin Lei, who was only eight years old now, had much smaller hands than adults, so he couldn't wear this black ring.

"As for this black ring, what's the name of it? Earthworm ring? No, it's too ugly." Linley pondered for a moment, his eyes lit up, "Hehe, that twisted thing can also be regarded as a 'dragon'. On the ring, it's called... Coiling Dragon, Coiling Dragon Ring!" Although Linley thought that the twisted thing was more like an earthworm, he still named it 'Coiling Dragon Ring'.

"The Coiling Dragon Ring!" Linley held up the dark and simple Coiling Dragon Ring and smiled brightly.

Because of the financial difficulties of the family, this was Lin Lei's first chest pendant since he was a child. Especially, this chest pendant was found by Lin Lei himself. Lin Lei couldn't help but like it even more.

"Oh, no, it's almost time for training in the evening."

Lin Lei suddenly woke up, his heart was very anxious, and he looked at himself again, it was full of dust and dirt, like a beggar, "Oops." Lin Lei didn't think about it, and immediately ran out of the old house at a rapid speed, and then went directly to the bath. Room ran.


Linley directly flushed the water on his body. Linley's whole body had a healthy wheat color, and his body already had very beautiful muscle lines. This was the result of Linley's exercise. Under the water, the dust on his body was quickly washed away. Rinse off.

Rinse as fast as you can, then quickly change into a training outfit.

"Silk thread, silk thread—" Lin Lei eagerly searched for the thread used to wear the 'Coiling Dragon Ring'. Suddenly, Lin Lei saw a worn linen coat, his eyes lit up, and he pulled out a thin thread directly from the numb coat.

Linen, although common, is strong and durable. This hemp wire is also very sturdy.

He quickly put on the Panlong ring, and then put it directly on his chest.

"I'm going to be late, it's the first time I'm late." Linley hurriedly ran out of the house. As he ran, he shoved the 'coiling dragon chest pendant' directly into his clothes, feeling the coldness of the coiled dragon chest pendant in his chest. Linley was also in a happy mood.

Arrived late once, but exchanged for the Panlong ring.

Linley felt very happy instead.

Linley sprang out of the gate of the Baruch family's mansion at once, and then ran directly to the open space in the east of Wushan Town. On the streets of Wushan Town, many civilians who had been working for a day had already returned, seeing Linley running quickly. All guessed the reason.

"Master Linley, don't worry, don't fall."

"Lord Hillman is very strict, and Young Master Linley is afraid that he will be punished."

The friendliness of the Baruch family towards the commoners also made them very fond of Linley.

"Uncle Hillman, how are you going to punish me?" Linley was still thinking when he was running at high speed. At this time, Linley didn't even bother to talk to the uncles and aunts next to him. In just a moment, Linley ran to the open space east of Wushan Town.

At this time, the three teams were all concentrated. Hillman was talking. Hearing Linley's footsteps, Hillman's cold and stern gaze couldn't help but shoot over.

Linde ran to the side of the team, then stood still, waiting anxiously for Hillman to speak.

"Today's training mission, double the penalty, and return to the team." Hillman said lightly.

"Yes!" Linley raised his chest and answered the command aloud.

The teenagers next to him couldn't help but click their tongues secretly, and the fine was doubled just a little later. It seemed that Linley didn't have time to go back to dinner today.

Just as Linley was running towards his position in the team, suddenly—

"Boom!" There was a faint vibration of the whole earth, and the vibration was very rhythmic, as if a behemoth was walking step by step causing the earth to shake.

"East, it came from the east." Linley decided his direction at once.

Not only Linley, but also Hillman, Luo Rui, Roger, and others all looked towards the east with serious expressions on their faces. The ground shaking became clearer and clearer. All the youngsters felt that the rhythm of the shaking was definitely a colossus. Go ahead here.

The footsteps that shook the ground, every time it vibrated, it was as if it hit Linley's heart.

What the heck is this behemoth

Linley's eyes widened, staring at the east.