Coiling Dragon

Chapter 807: New name (finale) (below)


Linley's body immediately surged with the power of the four main gods.

"Linley, refining a fire-type lower-ranking godhead will increase the power of will. You, who don't have the supreme artifact, can't resist my move at all." Destiny Master 'Auf' is suspended around his body again. Four sword shadows of various colors were raised and started to spin.

Linley closed his eyes, his facial muscles twitched slightly.

"This, the power of these four main gods..."

In the past, the special fusion of the four divine powers made Linley realize... Once the four main gods' powers were fused, they would definitely be very special. But this extraordinary degree completely surpassed Linley's imagination.

"Chichi~~" After the powers of the four main gods were completely fused, they instantly turned into a strange gray force. This 'grey force' crazily penetrated every part of Linley's body, muscles, bones, skin, meridians, and internal organs... Even the mind, soul, etc.

Linley's muscles were shaking and his whole body was twitching.

"Chichi~~" The smallest parts of the structure, such as muscles, tendons, and bones, were undergoing earth-shaking changes. Almost every second, Linley's body would strengthen thousands of times, constantly jumping and strengthening. In front of the 'grey power' formed by the fusion of the powers of the four main gods, Linley's body only knew how to continuously improve and strengthen...

"Be careful, Linley." Beirut's voice sounded in Linley's mind.

Linley opened his eyes.

"Hey!" The divine sword of destiny, radiating four colors of light, actually came to Linley.


Lin Lei's clothes were torn apart, and on Lin Lei's chest, the divine sword of destiny left a blood-colored trace.

"What!" Destiny Master 'Ove' waited for the eyes.

"how is this possible?"

All the main gods who saw this scene were completely dumbfounded.

Auf's unprecedented unique trick 'Beyond Samsara', in front of Linley, turned out to be just... Scratching some of Linley's skin

"Chichi." The scratched blood was instantly repaired, and at the same time, Linley's body continued to improve and strengthen. The most basic internal units, such as bones and muscles, were constantly shattered and re-condensed, and improved again and again. It's so terrifying, and this kind of improvement doesn't stop at all.

A large amount of gray power was consumed by Linley's body.

"I researched for countless years and created this strongest sword, why, why can't he even penetrate his muscles? Impossible, impossible!!!" Auf couldn't help roaring, he was holding the 'Supreme Sword of Destiny'. Attacking Linley again, the four-color sword shadow reappeared.

Terrible sword.

"Pfft." The Supreme Divine Sword fell on Linley again, but this didn't even break the skin.

Auf stared blankly at Linley in front of him.

"Om~~~" Linley's body shook violently, and the energy of the air wave actually threw Auf away, and Linley, who was in the center of the air wave, closed his eyes and stood silently, like an invincible Mars.

"Unbelievable, incredible."

After Linley felt the opponent's sword, he was completely immersed in his own changes.

Linley had long expected the transformation of his body that was turned upside down. but lei never thought of it... the main godhead actually melted away!

Yes, it's like melting ice cubes.

Incomparably hard, for countless years, the main godhead that has not broken a single one has begun to melt at this moment!

Under the containment of the 'grey power', the four main godheads that Linley refined began to dissolve, revealing the four sword shadow souls in the main godhead. Down, it also transformed, as if breaking out of a cocoon into a butterfly.


The five suspended sword-shaped souls actually merged together, like a fluid, and finally turned into a sword-shaped soul. The color of the sword-shaped soul began to change, first cyan, then khaki, and then green. , then red again, and finally turned into a completely transparent, almost invisible, transparent sword-shaped soul.

"Peng." Without the avatar's soul and the main godhead, Linley's four main god avatars completely dissipated.

At this moment, there is only the only body left, and the only transparent sword-shaped soul.

In this metamorphosis process, a lot of gray energy is consumed.

"It's unbelievable." Although the souls were united, even without the main godhead, Linley still clearly sensed the existence of the ocean of the four major elements, and he could easily invoke the power of the four main gods. Not only that, Lin Lei even felt the existence of various origin planes, such as the 'Ocean of Light Elements', 'Ocean of Dark Elements'...

As long as Linley's mind moves, he can use all kinds of powers of the main god.

"The power of will, gone?"

Linley found that after the dissolution of the main godhead and the transformation of the soul into one, the original power of will disappeared. But... lei has a special sense of control over the surrounding space. This sense of control, as if... this world is his own domain.

No willpower required, no other.

He can use the energy of heaven and earth to bind and kill all enemies.

"No, it's impossible!" At this moment, the invincible 'Auf' was like a madman, constantly attacking Linley with the supreme artifact, but the waves of air emanating from Linley's body forced him to be unable to approach.

stunned, astonished.

All the main gods who watched this battle were completely dumbfounded. What happened at this moment was beyond their imagination.

The strength that Linley showed had surpassed the boundaries of the Lord God.

"Supreme God?" The Death Lord murmured.

The Lord of Destruction next to him improved, and he also blinked: "Could it be that life can also be cultivated to become a supreme god?"

"Haha, that's great."

In Qinghuo and Beirut in the Tianji Mountains, I saw Auf, like a madman, constantly attacking, but he couldn't even touch Linley's side. Can not help ecstasy.

"Are you enough?"

A calm voice sounded, and Linley, who was surrounded by the air waves, opened his eyes and looked at Auf in front of him. At this moment, Lin Lei's whole person was like a sword. After the transformation of his soul, the monstrous sword intent seemed to be bursting out. Just seeing Lin Lei made people feel palpitations.

"Huh?" Destiny Master 'Auf' yanked the Supreme Divine Sword in his hand, but he couldn't pull it, because Linley's right hand was holding the Supreme Divine Sword.

"this supreme divine sword..." lei sighed.

Linley suddenly had a feeling, it seemed that this supreme divine sword was not that hard, and Linley exerted a little force with his right hand.


crisp sound.

The 'Supreme Artifact', which represented the supreme being, was actually torn into two pieces by Linley.

"It's also very ordinary." Linley threw it casually, and half of the high divine sword in his hand fell from the sky, falling into the ocean below, and fell into the sea with a "thump".

All the main gods watching the battle lost their voices again, and even the master of fate 'Auf' was shocked and looked at the half-toed high sword in his hand, "This, how is this..."

The voice just fell.

"Hey!" Auf's figure suddenly turned into a ray of light and quickly escaped towards the distance. At this moment, Auf still has a little thought - his hometown is in the material plane, he wants to escape into the material plane, he wants to continue his research, until one day, he surpasses Linley.

He believed that as Linley's attack power became stronger, his speed might not necessarily become stronger.


"Do you still want to run away?" Linley's figure flashed, and in an instant he crossed a distance of hundreds of millions of miles and arrived in front of Auf.

I don't know how much faster than Auf.

Auf, whose eyes were originally firm, was instantly saddened: "I lost, and I lost very thoroughly." He understood that Linley, who could easily break the supreme divine sword, would definitely be able to easily break his defensive supreme divine weapon. Destiny Master 'Auf''s eyes suddenly lit up, staring at Linley: "Linley, I hope... You use your strongest attack to kill me."

Although he was an enemy, Linley still had a little admiration for this Auf, and admired his madness.

"Okay, I will use the strongest attack to make you die."

Linley raised his index and middle fingers together, forming sword fingers.

A gray fuzzy sword shadow about one meter five long appeared. The moment this gray fuzzy sword shadow appeared, it made the surrounding space tremble, and even cracked countless cracks.

Auf stared at the sword shadow, staring.


The shadow of the sword swept across the sky, and the strongest sword that contained Linley was displayed again—the sword intent of the fusion of the laws of the four elements!


A terrible explosion sounded, an unprecedented explosion! Linley's sword seems to have caused a terrible change! I saw a terrifying 'black hole' with a radius of nearly 10,000 miles in front of Linley, from which endless rich gray energy poured into hell, spreading in all directions.

"not good!"

This gray energy diffused so fast that almost instantly, it was scattered hundreds of millions of miles, and the slightly slower eleven main gods who had avoided it were scattered. When scattered by this gray energy, these main gods instantly turn into nothingness, and even the main godhead smiles into nothingness and disappears.

Dead silence!

Nearly one-tenth of the entire sea of chaotic hell has become a dead area.

"Just now, just now..."

The masters of destruction and the masters of death, who survived by chance, all turned pale with fright.

The terrifying black hole created by Linley's sword just now, the infinite gray energy gushing out from the black hole represents 'destruction'. Anything scattered by this gray energy, whether it is an ordinary god, a powerful main god, or even lifeless 'water currents' ''Plants'' 'Mountains' etc. metallize into nothingness.

"One step closer and we're dead." The Destruction Master was still nervous at the moment.

"Just now, what was that?" The surviving main gods were completely stunned.

For countless years, even seeing how powerful Linley was just now did not frighten them to such an extent. The 'grey energy' that suddenly gushed out of that 'black hole' was terrible.

"The main gods who are approaching are dead, and not even the main godhead is left." The death master's face paled, "And Linley... He, he was also wrapped in that gray energy and turned into nothingness."

Gray energy is the area that the main gods cannot penetrate. These main gods don't know... What happened in the area of gray energy dispersion just now, but there is one thing, all the areas that are dispersed are turned into nothingness.

"lei!" beirut's face turned pale.

Qinghuo's face was also pale, and they never thought... Things would change so suddenly, Linley, whose strength jumped, actually disappeared in that terrifying gray energy and turned into nothingness.

At this moment, the gray energy has flowed back to the black hole and disappeared completely, and even the black hole has gradually shrunk until it disappears.

This terrifying energy shock has shocked everyone in hell.

"Where is this place?"

Linley looked around, and the surrounding space was filled with strange gray energy. The power of his four main gods was fused to form this energy, which finally changed his body and soul. And just now, his sword seemed to pierce the sky, and the influx of energy actually caused many gods to die.

Linley looked back and saw the transparent diaphragm.

At the end of the transparent diaphragm, there is spatial turbulence.

"I, where have I been?" Linley's eyes suddenly sharpened, staring straight ahead.

Because, a figure appeared in front of him.

This person, wearing a simple linen robe, with long hair casually draped, looked disheveled. At this moment, the middle-aged man had a very excited smile on his face: "Haha... It's been over a thousand years, and I finally got it."

"More than a thousand years?" Linley was at a loss.

"Second brother, come with me." The middle-aged man smiled and stretched out his hand, grabbing Linley's arm, and then the two of them moved forward at high speed.

What made Linley tremble was that every step this middle-aged man took, it was an endless distance, and his speed was not known how much faster than Linley.

"Why do you call me second brother?" Linley looked at him suspiciously, "Also, who are you?"

"Haha... Because, you are the first being to break through the shackles of the universe and enter the Hongmeng space for countless years." The middle-aged man smiled brightly.

"What is the universe?" Linley asked. "You said that I broke through the shackles of the universe. Do you mean that the infinite plane where I live is the universe?"

"To be precise, there are countless material planes, the seven great god planes, the four supreme planes, and many scattered planes, as well as space turbulence. The whole formed is called the 'universe'." The middle-aged man smiled. Dao, "As for these energies, they are collectively called Hongmeng Aura."

Linley took a deep breath.


The fate master 'Auf' felt that countless planes seemed to be under the control of an invisible hand, and he wanted to break the bondage. It seemed that the invisible hand was probably the mysterious middle-aged man in front of him.

"Hongmeng Spiritual Qi?" Linley also carefully looked at this terrifying gray chaotic energy.

"The front is my home." The middle-aged man pointed forward.

In the center of the endless chaotic energy, a piece of land with a radius of tens of meters is suspended. On this land, a thatched hut is built. In front of the hut, there is a thick and low osmanthus tree. Under the osmanthus tree is a stone table and Two stone benches.

"Let's sit down and talk." The middle-aged man sat down with a smile.

Linley was full of doubts, but sat down anyway.

"Look." The middle-aged man waved his hand, and a water mirror appeared in front of him. A huge ball appeared in the mirror. Around the ball, there were four much smaller balls. The young man smiled and pointed to a small ball on the right, "This is the universe you live in!"

"what?" lei was stunned.

"Like my hometown 'universe', there are other three? Is there a bigger one?" lei said in shock.

"The central universe is the 'main universe', and the four universes surrounding the 'main universe' are the 'sub-universe', the sub-universe is only one-tenth the volume of the 'main universe'." The middle-aged man smiled and said. , "This universe exists in Hongmeng space! As for me... It's called 'Hongmeng'."

"Hongmeng?" Linley looked at the middle-aged man.

"Speaking of which..." Hongmeng sighed, "Lin Lei, let me tell you like this, a long, long time ago, this Hongmeng space gave birth to me. I am the only life in Hongmeng space."

Linley nodded slightly.

"After a long, long time, I got bored. At a certain moment, I had a flash of inspiration, and I started to build the universe! First, I built the 'main universe', but I felt that the simple 'main universe' was not stable enough, so I built four smaller ones. Many 'auxiliary universes', forming a stable system."

lei nodded.

"The energy I expended to create the universe is these Hongmeng auras." Hongmeng smiled and pointed to those gray chaotic energies.

"In the universe, I have created all kinds of beings, all kinds of races, in order to make these lives develop in a balanced way, I will also formulate many rules and so on." Hongmeng smiled, "If your hometown, the four of the affiliated universe. The great gods are actually transformed from the four rules that I control, they only know how to execute orders and have no life feelings."

Linley's heart trembled.

It turned out that the four supreme gods are just the illusion of the 'Hongmeng' control rules at will.

"The main universe is large and stable. I let its Hongmeng transform into the energy of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and five elements. The energy of the five elements is the foundation of the main universe, and then the two forces of yin and yang, and thunder and lightning are the power of punishment." Hongmeng smiled. Dao, "As for the four subordinate universes, they are small in size and do not need to be transformed into the five elements. I will control the 'Hongmeng Chaos' and transform it into the four basic energies of earth, fire, water and wind. Then two kinds of energies of light and darkness were born, and the energy of thunder and lightning was born. , for the power of judgment.”

"Hongmeng, turned into fire, water and wind?" Linley was startled.

lei somewhat understood.

In the main universe, it is based on the power of metal, wood, water, fire, earth and five elements to construct the universe.

And in the four subordinate universes, it is based on earth, fire, water, wind, and four kinds of energies to construct the universe.

"Although I created the main universe and four subsidiary universes, it is very difficult for the beings inside the universe to break into the outside world." Hongmeng sighed.

"difficult?" lei asked suspiciously.

"Yes, the main universe is boundless, and there are many, many beings that are more powerful than your subordinate universe, the 'Lord God'! Among them, there are 'God Kings' and even 'Heavenly Venerate'. They understand the laws of space and time. They go to the affiliated universe, and they are enough to break the shackles of the affiliated universe."

Linley was startled.

There are so many powerhouses in the main universe.

"However, the stability of the subsidiary universe is not as stable as the 'main universe', so I will not let the beings who understand the 'law of space' and the "law of time" exist in the subsidiary universe. Therefore, in the subsidiary universe, the two aspects of space and time cannot be Cultivation, at most through the use of innate magical powers." Hongmeng said with a smile.

Linley nodded slightly.

"However, your current strength, Linley, has even surpassed the 'Tianzun', the strongest in the main universe." Hongmeng laughed.

"Oh?" Linley was a little surprised.

"Because, you have the body of Hongmeng!" Hongmeng laughed, "This body is divided into the strongest 'Xuanhuang Immortal Body' and the slightly lower 'Hongmeng body'. Do you know that the 'power of Hongmeng' is The most original energy, that is, the main universe 'Heavenly Venerate' entering it, must be dissolved into the original Hongmeng energy."

"The body of Hongmeng, because it was transformed by the power of Hongmeng. Of course, the energy of Hongmeng will not hurt him." Hongmeng introduced.

"How did the Xuanhuang Immortal Body come from?" Linley asked.

"In the future, after you build the universe like me, after the success of opening up the world, the mysterious yellow energy will naturally be born. When you condense in your body, your body will improve again and become the strongest 'Xuanhuang Indestructible Body'." Hongmeng said with a smile. .

"I, create the universe?" Linley was startled.

"Yes, just like me." Hongmeng smiled.

"The life inside the universe lives and dies. I don't see it in my eyes. I can create countless lives at any time. The only way I can break through the shackles of the universe and still live by myself. You are worthy of my Hongmeng brother." Hongmeng smiled. He waved his hand, and a leaf immediately fell from the laurel tree next to him.

The leaves shone brightly.

"I have condensed the method of creating the universe into this leaf, and you can understand everything by exploring the power of your soul." Hongmeng handed the leaf to Linley.

Linley looked at Hongmeng and still accepted it.

"This… "

Endless knowledge flooded into Lin Lei's mind in an instant. In an instant, Lin Lei's understanding of this 'Hongmeng space' had reached a very deep level, and even how to use the 'Hongmeng energy' to transform it into the five elements, or into the ground Fire, water, wind, and lei were all clear.

"It turns out that it was so coincidental and difficult for me to break through the universe." Linley understood completely.

"Yes!" Hongmeng nodded and smiled, "You contain exactly four clones of 'Earth, Fire, Water and Wind'. If you have one more, you won't be able to lose one. After that, you successfully mutated your soul! This gives you a chance, but... The source energy of the four elements is the power of the four main gods, and you must be able to control the fusion of the power of the four main gods, so you must refine the four main godheads.”

Linley smiled wryly and nodded.

He understands...

There are four avatars of 'Earth, Fire, Water and Wind', and the soul mutation is successful, and it is necessary to become the main god of the four elements, so that the power of the four main gods can be merged into the 'power of Hongmeng'. This is very difficult, no matter which one is, it is extremely high.

"Breaking out from the main universe is no less difficult than you." Hongmeng smiled lightly, "That's why, over a thousand years, you are the only one who came out."

"Brother Hongmeng, you said that there are more than 1,000 Yanji, how long does Yanji represent?" Linley could tell that Yanji represented time, but how long could it be

"One Yanji, six trillion years!" Hongmeng said with a smile.

Linley took a deep breath.

More than a thousand years, that is eight or nine billion billion years. In his home universe, there is a plane war every one trillion years. It seems that this plane war has been fought eight or nine million times.

"It's really strange!" Linley exclaimed, "Brother Hongmeng, your four subsidiary universes have different civilizations. My home universe is the 'magic civilization', and the other three subsidiary universes are the creatures of the 'mechanical civilization'. Civilization ''immortal and demon civilization'. And the main universe is all-encompassing. It's amazing."

Linley was completely shocked at this moment.

He just now knows...

In addition to the elemental laws, there are many other cultivation methods, which are completely different.

Such as mechanical aspects, such as the biological itself, as well as the cultivation of immortals and demons.

"Haha, you will also create a universe in the future. If you have time, you can go to my universe and take a good look." Hongmeng smiled, "Oh, before that, you have to look at one thing."


Linley was a little puzzled.

Hongmeng waved his hand, and suddenly a golden bulletin flew from hundreds of millions of miles away, and finally stopped not far in front of Linley. This golden bulletin contained a special coercion, which made Linley feel palpitations. This golden text is about six meters long and half a meter wide.

"Hey, there are words behind it?" Linley noticed at a glance.

Behind the golden list, there was a vague handwriting that was vaguely about the same size as the golden list. But when he saw the word, he inexplicably understood the meaning of the word - Meng!

"This is the Hongmeng Gold List!" Hongmeng laughed, "It is also the birth of the Hongmeng Space. Look at the first row of this Hongmeng Gold List."

lei saw it.

There is only one word on the first line of the Hongmeng Gold List - 'Hong'. To be precise, there is only one word in the upper left corner of the entire Hongmeng Gold List.

"As long as you are listed on the Hongmeng Golden List, you will be the 'Hongmeng Master'. Once you become the master of Hongmeng, you can use the energy of any universe and calculate the fate of almost all life!" Hongmeng laughed, "To be listed on the Hongmeng Gold List, At the very least, we have to break through the cosmos and come to Hongmeng space."

"Lin Lei, you control a trace of your soul power to go up." Hongmeng said.

Linley nodded, a trace of soul power stretched over.

The Hongmeng Golden List instantly absorbed this trace of soul power, and immediately in the first line, after the word 'Hong', a word 'Lin' appeared.

In an instant, a lot of information appeared in Linley's mind, and he also learned a lot of supernatural abilities.

"It turns out that the masters of Hongmeng are also graded." Linley laughed, "I am the same as my eldest brother, a first-level master of Hongmeng."

"That's nature, the Hongmeng space is infinite, but for stability, the size of the main universe I created, the Hongmeng Golden List is limited to a maximum of four. Naturally, there are only four first-level Hongmeng controllers, and the fifth one born in the future, The ranks will descend in order, and they will all be restrained by us."

Linley nodded, becoming the supreme master of Hongmeng, he already understood everything.

"From today, I have a new name - Lin Meng." Linley sighed.

"Yes, the universe you will create in the future is also called the Linmeng universe." Hongmeng smiled.

Lin Lei's face flashed a bleak look: "Unfortunately, my grandfather Delin..." As the master of Hongmeng, Lin Lei knew that it was impossible for him to recover. Of course, Linley could also create a life in the future, creating one that was the same as Grandpa Delin, and even had the same memory.

However, it can only be regarded as a replica, not the real Grandpa Delin.

"Grandpa Delin..." Linley silently remembered Grandpa Delin in his heart.

When he became the master of Hongmeng and knew a lot of knowledge and information, Linley's mood had changed and he became more calm than before.

"Ah, big brother, it seems that I have to go back." Linley couldn't help laughing.

"Yeah, your family is starting to get anxious." Hongmeng smiled, "By the way, your hometown universe... From now on, you can help me manage it. You are now the master of Hongmeng, and your magical powers are not much lower than mine. ."

"I have no experience, what should I do if I destroy it?" Linley said with a teasing smile.

"Then you can help me build another one." Hongmeng smiled casually.

Being the master of Hongmeng, and knowing how to create the universe, Linley's many supernatural abilities are no weaker than Hongmeng. It's just that the 'universe' hasn't been built yet, and Linley's abilities are slightly lacking.

"Then I'll go back first." Linley immediately turned around and stepped out, and he was already far away.

After a while, Linley came to his hometown and entered the plane of hell.

Above the chaotic ocean, Lin Lei, dressed in a sky-blue robe, stood with a light smile: "So many main gods have died, I have to make up for this godhead first." As soon as he stretched out his hand, Linley's hand began to condense into the main godheads out of thin air. One after another, the godheads radiated brilliance, and then Linley looked in the direction of the Tianji Mountains.

Step by step, Linley had already disappeared in place.

When Linley left his home universe, Linley's relatives were anxious.

One by one in the mansion, the silence in Linley's mansion made one's heart tremble.

"Boss, boss..." Beibei burst into tears, "I, I can't feel the soul breath of the boss, I can't feel it!"

Delia stood there with her eyes closed, her whole body trembling slightly.

Beirut and Qinghuo looked at each other and could only smile bitterly.

"Father!" Widdy, Tyler, and Sasha were all in great pain.

"The third child." Yale, George, and Reynolds were also together, whether they were crying or laughing.

Originally, everyone still had some thoughts, but when Beibei said that he could not detect Linley's soul breath, everyone was really desperate.

"Why is this happening..." Linley's mother 'Linna' was already crying, "It's all, it's all my fault, it's all my fault." Hogg next to him supported Linna, also sighing secretly, his face pale.

At a time when everyone is sad.


"Well?" Bei Bei's eyes suddenly lit up.

Linley's soul aura, which he had not been aware of at first, was now felt by him. In fact, Linley left this universe before, how could Beibei feel that Linley existed? And now, back to this universe. Babe felt it.

Delia was still immersed in the memories of the past, extremely sad, but within the blurred vision, a familiar figure suddenly appeared, and a figure appeared out of thin air.

Delia even dried her eyes and looked carefully.

"Boss!" Bebe's cheering voice was the first to sound.

Everyone else opened their eyes wide, looking at the person who appeared out of thin air, wearing a sky blue robe, and that familiar face!

"The third child!!!" Yale, Reynolds, and George rushed over almost at the same time.



"elder brother!"

(End of the book!)

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