Coiling Dragon

Chapter 94: ruthless


"This is the dragon's blood of the ninth-level peak beast. It's really a waste." Lin Lei couldn't help thinking secretly when he looked at the large pool of dragon's blood splashed on the stone floor. The living dragon's blood can definitely arouse the blood of the dragon blood warriors in the body, while the probability of living dragon blood of the ninth-level dragon family is lower.

And this thorn-backed iron armored dragon, after all, is the pinnacle of the ninth level, and it is only one step away from entering the dragon clan of the sanctuary. Moreover, the thorn-backed iron armored dragon is also a very terrifying category among dragons. As long as it is a dragon of the same level, the thornback iron armored dragon is the strongest.

"This thorn-backed iron armored dragon is the pinnacle of the ninth level, and some of the strongest dragons in the ninth level. Its dragon blood should not be much worse than the dragon blood of the sanctuary. Unfortunately, I can't get it." Dare to step into that cave, otherwise the two warring terrifying beasts will probably smash him into meat sauce with a wave of his hand.

"Boss, is this thorn-backed iron armored dragon going to die? It seems like it can't compare to that big stupid bear." Beibei said to Linley's soul through voice transmission.

Linley didn't say anything, but stared at the cave, watching the decisive battle between the two monsters.

"Haha~~" The sanctuary purple-patterned black bear let out an excited laugh, and at the same time, the big furry black bear's paw clenched into a fist. Towards the thorn-backed Iron Armored Dragon below.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

"Boom!" The furry big fist smashed into the deep pit, and even caused the entire cave to vibrate, and the gravel fell.

"En?" The red-eyed light of the sanctuary purple-patterned black bear lit up.

At the beginning, the thorn-backed iron armored dragon, which was photographed into the inside of the stone ground by a bear's paw, was like an earthworm, and it rushed into the ground like lightning. As the thorn-backed iron armored dragon swayed underground, the stony ground also bulged up everywhere.

The black bear with purple stripes in the Sanctuary failed, but only hit the tip of the tail of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon. It let the thorn-backed iron armored dragon run directly into the ground.

"Haha, Sadius, are you going to hide in the ground and never come out?" The black bear with purple stripes in the Sanctuary looked at the ground and said with a loud laugh.

The black bear with purple stripes in the sanctuary is very clear that even if he reaches the sanctuary, he is not as good as the thorn-backed iron armored dragon. With its streamlined body and razor-sharp claws, the Thornybacked Iron Armored Dragon has a much stronger ability to burrow into the ground than him. If the thornback iron armored dragon really wants to hide in the ground forever, then he really has no choice.

However, the sanctuary purple-patterned black bear believed that the thorn-backed iron armored dragon would not be scared to hide and dare not come out to fight.

Because, Sadius is a thornback ironclad dragon.

"It is said that your thorn-backed iron armored dragon family is extremely conceited and does not allow yourself to be insulted in the slightest. Even if you are sure to die, you will still fight to the death with your head held high. But now it seems that it is not right, you Sadius, that is Very timid." The sanctuary purple-patterned black bear said loudly, and now he can only use words to provoke each other.

Linley, who was hiding by the wall of the passage, was also quietly watching the development of time.

"The dragons are generally very proud and conceited. The very special 'Thorn-backed Iron Armored Dragon' is the most conceited among the dragons." Delinkovalt's voice sounded in Linley's mind.

"Grandpa Delin, why didn't you come out?" Linley laughed to himself as soon as he asked this.

He was also really dizzy. Grandpa Delin's aura is easier to be discovered by the sanctuary powerhouse, and the sanctuary purple-patterned black bear is considered a sanctuary powerhouse after all.

"I can't come out. Now you are just a little ant in their eyes. Although they have found you, they don't bother to pay attention to you. But once I come out and they find my breath, it will be bad." Walter is still hidden in the Ring of Coiling Dragon.

Linley nodded slightly, while his eyes were fixed on the cave.

The sanctuary purple-patterned black bear was constantly sneering, and the thorn-backed iron armored dragon seemed to have disappeared without the slightest movement.

"Did he laugh?" Lin Lei, who was watching the battle, noticed a smug smile on the face of the black bear with purple stripes in the Sanctuary. When Lin Lei didn't even think about it—

Very abruptly, the dragon tail wrapped in dense dragon scales, like a drill cone, spun through the ground at high speed, pierced the air and made a frightening "woooo~~~" sound, and went directly to the sanctuary. The black bear stabbed in the abdomen.

The speed is so fast that it is too late for people to react.


The black bear with purple stripes in the Sanctuary seemed like an unpredictable prophet. When the dragon's tail pierced the surface, its huge body retreated, and at the same time, the pair of big furry bear paws directly grabbed the fast-spinning dragon's tail.


The black bear with purple stripes in the Sanctuary laughed wildly. At the same time, he grabbed the dragon's tail with both hands, and suddenly pulled the entire thorn-backed iron armored dragon out of the ground, and then swung the thorn-backed iron armored dragon up and slammed it towards the stony ground. Hit hard.


Just like wielding a whip to hit the ground, the sanctuary purple-patterned black bear slammed the ground with a thorn-backed iron armored dragon.

"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!"…

The sanctuary purple-patterned black bear frantically swung the body of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon, slamming the ground fiercely and continuously. The whole person danced into a phantom, and the thorn-backed iron armored dragon slammed into the stone ground hundreds of times at least in almost one breath.

Linley's scalp was numb from the intense sound of the crash.

"It's not dead yet?" Linley also became nervous.

"Haha, Sadius, let you go crazy, let you blind me in one eye, haha..." The black bear with purple stripes in the Sanctuary laughed wildly, and the two arms that were nearly two meters thick kept waving their spines on their backs. The body of the iron armored dragon kept hitting the ground.

The ground shattered continuously, and deep trenches two or three meters deep and ten meters long appeared one after another.

The stones above the cave were also shaken down one by one, and then those rubble had no effect on the sanctuary purple-patterned black bear.

"Don't let the passage collapse." The gravel above Linley's head fell, which made Linley scold the black bear with purple stripes in the sanctuary. Linley had to silently recite the magic incantation of 'Earth Guardian Armor', jade stone. Armor is on the body, and the safety of life is guaranteed.

"Roar~~" "Roar~~"

An angry roar sounded from the mouth of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon. With the terrifying defense power of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon, it is reasonable to say that the stone did not hurt it at all, but this kind of speed was swung and then slammed down. That's different!

Just like a stone, it doesn't have much attack power. But once the speed of this stone reaches a terrifying level, it can even shoot through the steel plate.

Speed is also an attack!

The bear race beasts are naturally powerful, and the power of the purple-patterned black bear that has reached the sanctuary is even more terrifying. Swinging the thorn-backed iron armored dragon with the amazing 'arm strength' of the sanctuary purple-patterned black bear can also achieve a shocking speed. At this speed, the thorn-backed iron armored dragon collided with the stony ground ruthlessly.

This kind of impact will be very terrifying.

The spine-backed iron armored dragon twisted like a snake, dissipating the impact to its entire body.

"Dragon blood, it's all bloodstains." Linley looked at the ground. The thorn-backed iron armored dragon was smashed to the ground frantically, and the ground was also splattered with blood.

For the thorn-backed ironclad dragon, the physical injury is secondary, and the most terrible thing is - dizziness!

With this extremely fast waving, the head of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon also began to feel dizzy. If it continues like this, even if the thorn-backed iron armored dragon can resist its body, its brain cannot.

"Sartius, you idiot, do you think you are hiding underground and attacking me, I can't react? Haha, have you forgotten that the power of the sanctuary can make the power of the soul leave the body, everything you are underground The movements are under my observation, you still want to sneak attack, haha…”

The sanctuary purple-patterned black bear was extremely proud at this moment.

For three hundred years, he has been thinking about revenge, and every time he sees his blinded eye reflected in the water, he has endless anger in his heart. It was in this hatred and anger that he persisted for three hundred years, and finally reached the sanctuary.


A strange sound sounded, and the body of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon flew out directly, hitting the wall hundreds of meters away, pretending to be a huge deep pit, and then falling to the ground.

And the sanctuary purple-patterned black bear was holding the dragon's tail in his hand stunned.

"You, you docked your tail?" The black bear with purple stripes in the Sanctuary was very surprised, and then smiled smugly, "Haha, you Sadius, you have also been reduced to the point where your tail is cut off to save your life, so happy, so happy. "Being able to force the thorn-backed iron armored dragon to this point, the sanctuary purple-patterned black bear is also very happy.

Linley was also a little surprised at the ruthlessness of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon towards himself. The importance of the tail to the dragon family is self-evident. To be willing to cut off the tail also requires the courage and ruthlessness of a man to break his wrist.

The butt of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon was bare, with only a circular wound nearly one meter in diameter, which was originally attached to a dragon's tail. Now this huge wound is bleeding continuously. However, the dark golden eyes of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon are still cold, staring at the black bear with purple stripes in the sanctuary.

"It's ruthless, but you will definitely die today." The black bear with purple stripes in the Sanctuary threw the dragon tail in his hand to the side, his face full of confidence.

Cut off the dragon's tail and lose too much blood.

This has greatly reduced the strength of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon. If in this case, the purple-patterned black bear in his sanctuary cannot kill the opponent, it would be a joke.

"Roar!" With a low roar, the thorn-backed iron armored dragon kicked its limbs, turning into an afterimage and crashing directly into the black bear with purple stripes in the sanctuary. The two huge furry bear claws of the Sanctuary Purple Striped Black Bear flashed black light again, and then the two huge black bear claws slapped the Thornback Iron Armored Dragon fiercely.

With the palm strength of the sanctuary purple-patterned black bear, the thorn-backed iron armored dragon can definitely be shot away.


Facing the slaps of two big black bear paws, the thorn-backed iron armored dragon opened its mouth and bit one arm of the sanctuary purple-striped black bear. Sanctuary purple pattern black bear's arm is very hard, but it can't be bitten off even if it is bitten.

"Ah!" With a painful roar, the sanctuary purple-patterned black bear never imagined that Sardeus would do this, because when Sardeus did so, he placed his head in front of the sanctuary's purple-patterned black bear, "Looking for death!" The purple-patterned black bear roared, and the other bear's paw was inserted into Zatius's eye.

Once the thick fingers that are nearly one meter long pierce the eyes of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon and pierce its head, the thorn-backed iron armored dragon will die without a doubt.

But at this moment-

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"…

The entire body of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon trembled like a sieve, and the thorns on the entire back actually flew up. Like lightning, more than a hundred thorns pierced into the body of the black bear with purple stripes in the sanctuary. .

The black bear with purple stripes in the Sanctuary was shot through its entire body, and even a sharp cone pierced its face.

"Ah, Sadius, you..." The Sanctuary Purple Striped Black Bear's eyes were full of disbelief.

The two most powerful points of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon are 'thorn back' and 'iron armor'. The iron armor represents its amazing defense, and the 'thorn back' is a series of spikes on the body. Many people don't know about the spikes. What is the use.

If defensive? That dense scale armor is enough.


How can this spine attack people, even if the attack is a passive attack.

No monster knows that this thorn-backed iron armored dragon has a unique trick to perish with the enemy, shooting the 'thorns' on the thorn back completely in an instant. At that speed, each thorn penetrates stronger than a claw.

He didn't even know that this thorn-backed iron armored dragon actually had this trick. When the two are close, at the speed of the thorns, it has no time to hide.

"Ow~~" The sanctuary purple-patterned black bear, whose body was shot through, felt that his vitality was gradually being cut off, and it only raised its head and roared unwillingly.