Coiling Dragon

Chapter 95: Dragon Crystal Change


Even Delink Cowart, who had reached the peak of the Sanctuary, had no other way to save his life when his body was destroyed.

If the body is destroyed, there is no doubt of death.

If the body can be easily repaired, that is the strength of God.

The vitality of the body disappeared, and the black bear with purple stripes in the sanctuary also felt that his soul was attracted by the underworld, and he believed that his soul would enter the underworld in a few seconds: "Sartius!!!" At the last moment of the mainland, he frantically grabbed the head of the Thornback Iron Armored Dragon with his two bear paws.

One eye of the thorn-backed ironclad dragon was blinded, the scales on its neck and head were scratched, and blood was constantly flowing out.

It's just that the thorn-backed iron armored dragon did not resist at all, because the thorn-backed iron armored dragon also reached the last moment of its life and shot out that important row of thorns, and the vitality in the thorn-backed iron armored dragon's body was slowly dissipating.

"I can not be reconciled!!!"

A roar sounded.

"Boom!" The huge body up to 12 meters fell to the ground with a bang and smashed to the ground, while the soul of the black bear with purple stripes in the Sanctuary was irresistibly attracted and swallowed by the underworld, and disappeared forever in the material level of the Yulan Continent. in the face.

Linley and Beibei stared blankly at this scene.

"Both losers?" Linley looked at the purple-striped black bear on the ground, and the thorn-backed iron armored dragon still biting the purple-striped black bear's arm. It kept flowing, and his eyes were silently closed.


The thorn-backed iron armored dragon opened its uninjured one eye, and some of those dark golden pupils were just emotionless and cold, staring at Linley who was in the passage.

"Ah." Linley's heart twitched violently when he was stared at by this eye.

Both the thorn-backed iron armored dragon and the sanctuary purple-patterned black bear had already noticed Linley, but they were too lazy to pay attention.


The thorn-backed iron armored dragon did not want his body to be defiled by this human after his death. The dragon clan is very proud, and the thorn-backed iron armored dragon is the most proud and conceited group of the dragon clan. Even if it dies, it will not make the opponent feel better. Not to let his corpse be ruined by a human being.

"Not good." Linley turned his head without hesitation and rushed towards the inside of the passage.

"I'm about to die, and I want to kill people." Linley was full of anger.

The thorn-backed iron armored dragon stared at Linley with one dark golden eye, and then let out the most passionate roar in his life. mercilessly waved towards lei.

Feeling the strong wind behind him, Linley couldn't help but want to get down. He knew that when the dragon's claws came down, even the ninth-level monster would be caught to death, let alone him, the jade armor on his body could not stop the claws of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon at all.

"call out!"

A harsh whistling sounded, and Beibei's weak body slammed into the sharp claws of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon fiercely.

"Babe!" Linley, who was connected to Beibei's soul, sensed Beibei's movements almost at the same time, and his heart suddenly trembled.


With a crisp impact, Bei Bei's body was violently swept away by the claws of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon, and the thin body reflected back at a faster speed, directly crashing into the wall dozens of meters away, sinking deeply into the stone. among the walls.

And on the stone wall there was still a smear of blood.

"Beibei's blood." At this moment, Linley was in unspoken pain, thousands of times more painful than Alice's betrayal.

There are also scenes of Beibei with him in his mind.

I still remember the first time they met, Beibei looked at Linley fearfully behind the stone of the ruined ancestral house.

I also remember the cute appearance of Bei Bei wrinkling her nose when she was proud.

I also remember that Bei Bei hid in the inner pocket of his clothes, sleeping peacefully and cutely.

From the age of eight to this year.

The one who has been with me the longest is Bei Bei. Although some of them like to brag and some like to be greedy, they do occupy a very important position in my heart.

"Drink!" The thorn-backed iron armored dragon already felt that its soul was attracted by the underworld, and immediately opened its mouth and bit Linley's head.

"Ah!" Linley let out a low roar, those eyes were completely bloodshot, when the thorn-backed iron armored dragon bit his mouth, Linley's speed reached an unprecedented speed, and he suddenly opened his mouth to face the thorns. The neck of the Ironclad Dragon bit it.

"Puchi—" Linley's shoulder muscles were severely bitten.

And Linley's mouth also bit the wound of the thornback iron armored dragon.

"Die, die, die together!!!"

Scenes and scenes of Beibei kept popping up in his mind. Linley's tears flowed out uncontrollably, while his teeth were chewing frantically, biting at the strong neck muscles of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon. swallow—

"Grumbling woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

The thorn-backed iron armored dragon's eyes dimmed, its soul could no longer control the body, and the soul flew out of the body and was forcibly captured by the underworld. The entire huge body collapsed weakly.

"Die, die!"

Lin Lei, who had entered a state of madness, was frantically swallowing the dragon's blood and biting at those neck muscles frantically.


The dragon's blood flowed onto Linley's body, and Linley only felt that the skin of his entire body was in pain as if it had been drenched in boiling water. However, this was secondary. The dragon's blood that he drank in his stomach made Linley convulse and tremble.

Pain, severe pain!

The dragon's blood was poured on his body. Linley could still bear the pain, but when the dragon's blood entered his abdomen, the organs in his body were much more delicate than the muscles on his body. This kind of pain is simply as if there are countless knives constantly piercing through the body.

Pain, but Linley forgot about the pain at this moment.

The power of this thorn-backed iron armored dragon at the peak of the ninth level can be imagined before its death. Ironclad dragons are famous for their sharp claws. Even the ninth-level monster will be caught and split open. And what about babe

Linley still remembered the blood on the wall.

Will Babe's skinny body survive once its fur is torn apart? The most important thing was that Linley felt that Beibei's vitality had weakened and he could barely feel it.

"Ah~~" was so unwilling in his heart that Linley frantically bit the dragon's flesh and drank the dragon's blood, letting the dragon's blood boil in his body, and letting the pain in his entire body tremble, but Linley's nerves were shaking. Don't care at all.

"Lin Lei, stop, stop." Delink Cowart yelled, "Use blue heart grass, hurry up, use blue heart grass. In this way, your body will collapse."

But it was useless. Linley was still swallowing the dragon's blood. Suddenly, a cold crystal slid down Linley's throat and entered his abdomen. Immediately, the pain began to intensify, and Linley trembled uncontrollably.


Linley just wanted to make himself hurt, so that the feeling of pain could slightly disperse the sadness in his heart.

"Linley." Dering Cowart didn't know what to do anymore.

"Old, boss." A faint voice sounded in Linley's mind.

Linley's whole body shuddered, and he suddenly stopped, no longer biting the dragon's flesh or swallowing the dragon's blood.


The entire passage fell silent. Linley stared blankly at Beibei, who had been smashed into the depths of the wall. He felt that Beibei's vitality had actually begun to increase. Linley saw Beibei's figure slowly disappearing from the wall. Climbing out of the deep tunnel, Linley couldn't help feeling a burst of joy, but then, a terrifying pain hit Linley's nerves.

"Quick, eat blue heart grass." Dering Cowart roared.

It was only at this moment that Linley came to his senses. He suddenly tore open the package, grabbed the blueheart grass and swallowed it in his stomach. There were definitely as many as ten blueheart grasses in the handful. Linley only felt a cool feeling permeating his body. The burning, stinging sensation diminished sharply.

However, Linley felt that the pain in one part of his stomach was still very strong, especially after the burning and stinging sensation in other parts was weakened, the pain in this part became more and more obvious.

Without hesitation, Linley grabbed another handful of blue heart grass and shoved it directly into his mouth, then quickly swallowed it.

Immediately, he sat down with his knees crossed, and Linley's mind automatically appeared in the "Dragon's Blood Secret Book" about using dragon blood to stimulate the blood of dragon blood warriors, which stimulated the dragon's blood in his body. The bloodline of the 'Dragon Blood Warrior' finally began to appear.


The probability of success of the ninth-level living dragon's blood is lower than that of the sacred dragon's blood. But the thorn-backed iron armored dragon has reached the peak of the ninth level after all, and it is the strongest dragon among the ninth level. The small size also means that the function of dragon blood in his body is also better.

"Chichi~~" The dragon blood in Linley's body was also directly refined one by one, and finally turned into a dragon's blood fighting qi.

But when it was refined to the place where the pain was still in the stomach, even swallowing the blue heart grass would be ineffective in this painful place. Linley didn't know that, in fact, when he was swallowing, the dragon in the head of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon was ineffective. Jing also flowed out with the blood and finally entered Linley's belly.

Logically, when something like Longjing enters the stomach, it is ten thousand times more terrifying than dragon blood. Even if the effect of the blue heart grass weakens Longjing, the pain is definitely enough to make one's blood boil to death.

However, the bloodline of the Dragon Blood Warrior is not an ordinary bloodline.

The bloodline of the Dragon Blood Warrior originated from the first Dragon Blood Warrior 'Baruch'. When Baruch was successful in his practice, he could kill even the Hydra Emperor who had reached the peak of the Sanctuary. The peerless force is powerful and terrifying.

It is the tyrannical dragon clan. When they know that the Baruch family has captured the sacred dragon clan to let blood, and let the family's children practice the "Dragon Blood Secret Code", they do not want to really confront the Baruch family head-on.

This is the horror of the bloodline of the Dragon Blood Warrior!

As for the records in the books handed down by the Baruch family, it is said that no one relies on the living dragon blood to cultivate into a dragon blood warrior. That is just concealed because of the relationship between the dragon family. In fact, the Baruch family has created a lot of dragon blood warriors because of this method. .

The peculiar blood of the dragon blood warrior is much more precious than the noble dragon blood of the dragon family!

Just a little bit lurking in the body is enough for a human being to become an existence that competes with the sanctuary dragon race. From this, it is conceivable that the bloodline of the dragon blood warrior is powerful!

But now the bloodline of the Dragonblood Warrior is flowing, and when the bloodline of the Dragonblood Warrior touches the 'Dragon Crystal' of the thorn-backed iron armored dragon, a special change has taken place! Longjing is the essence of energy in the body of a dragon, the energy essence of the ninth-level peak thorn-backed iron armored dragon, and the bloodline of the dragon blood warrior in Linley's body is too weak after all...


Intense pain spread from all over Linley's body. Linley raised his head and roared in pain. Black scales appeared strangely on the surface of Linley's skin. Those sharp black scales even pierced Linley's clothes.

Linley's thighs and arms also had black scales slowly popping out. This inhuman pain caused Linley's painful blue veins to protrude, and his expression was hideous and terrifying.

An even more severe pain sounded, and a sharp thorn slowly emerged from Linley's forehead...